1 Saturday, October 21, 9: 30 a.m.. Furniture and,'Antiques Auction Sale including piano and bench (good), beautiful china cabinet with curvec glass, oak dlning rgom suite, rocking chair, number smaIl tables, bookcase, 3 piece bedroocm suite, 2 p c. bedroorr suite, small cookstove, G frig.. Moffat electric stove. Westinghouse washer, wicker fernery, antique dishes, silver ieces, set Noni Take china setting for' 12, books, set of Dikns, antique hall stand. mantle dlock, cedar chest, trunks, wash stand, garder tools, plus many other items. Nice sale, everything in gooc condition. The property of Arthur Knight,,82 Main St. S., Uxbridge, Ont. Sale at 9:30 a.m. Lunch available. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, Ont. 416-852-3524. 42-2 Thursday, November 2, 11 a.M. Hoisteins Annual Wilsonis Breeders Special will be held at the Malmont Sales Arena, Black- stock, Ont., 6 miles east cf Port Perry. 125 head. 100 Registered and 25 Grades. Nearly ail on the listing pro gram, ail blood tested. 60 Mil king age femnales, 50 head fresh or springing. 20 big Grade spingers, 4% Service age bulîs 0Regstered open heifers anýd calIves b y popular oroven A.l.- Sires. This sale, Includes some deep full pedigreed animais with BCA's uptc225, featuring a family cf 10 head from Glen Ise Farm backed by 3 generations cf VG femnales. So whether you're looking for foundation animais or fresh cows or ýa g roup cf open helfers, this is the sale. Sale will start promptiy at il a.m. Lunch availableat'sale. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auction Ltd., Uxbridge, Ont.416-852-3524. 42-2 Saturday,'October 28th Giving up farming. Auction Sale cf livestock and implements. The property of Jake and Ken McCal, Lot 1, Con. 13 North Monaghan Twp. 4 miles south cf Fowler's Corners on Hwy. No. 7 te Sherbrooke St. ýand 1/s mile south. 40 head cf Purebred and Recorded Charolais Cattie 29 head cf Grade Charolais and H-ereford Cattie, 15 mature Purebred and Recorded Charolais cows with 12 Purebred- and Recorded calves by side Bull exposed July 10. 8 Purebred and Recorded open heifers 1 year old. Il Grade mature Charolais and Hereford cows with il caives by side. -5 Charolais and Hereford bred heifers 21/2 years old. Bull exposed April 1 ta JuIy 10. Herd bioodtested Sept. 19. Catalogues available by contacting Owners or Au ctioneer. 1969 Ford 4000 tracter with Ford 27 mancjre loâder (puiley) Minniapolis Maline tractor Model Z.- 1975 New Holland Hay Bine PTO. 1969 Ford 530 Bale--r PTO., 1969 Ford 4-14's plough 3 pt. Allied 29 tooth cultivator, M.F. manure spreader, Dion 24-38 threshing machine on rubber. Gehi 10" hammer mili PTO. 5 sections harrows, Woods electric grinder, 100' drive beit, Massey wagon on rubber with racks, John Deere wagon rubber with racks, M.F. side' rake, M.H. 13 disc. seed drill. Pride cf the Farm. Liquid manure tank 800 gai. PTO. New Idea 7' trail type power mower, Turncograin box, 24' elevator with motor, 8' and 9' overhead garage doors, 2 sets cf scales, 1967 Ford 850 tandem truck, new motor, heavy duty trailer, single axIe, full une cf modemn machinery. Term cash. No reserve. Machine sale at 1:00 p.m. Cattle sale at 3:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Sales-Mgr. and Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 42-2 Saturday, October 28th Auction Sa le 2 farm tractors, vegetable growers equipment, poultry mans and beekeepers sples, tillage, seeding, pIning,' sprayers, irrigation pump imlements, Chev. trucks, tanks, insecticides, cra tes, hardware, me a- Those frcm Kendal U.C.M who attended the Oshaw Presbyterial U.C.W. Regioni meeting in Hampton Unite 1 Church last Monday wer 1 Miss Catherine Stewart, Mri G. Cathcart, Mrs. Margarett Stevens and Mrs. R. Ellieli The theme cf this year' meeting was 'Whom shahl send? . .. Lord I go". Th, guest speaker was Rev. Dayi Spivey from Newcastle Unite Church who demonstrate( three forms cf Bible study i the merning. Many interestini reports were submitted frai the different cenvenors. Nine ladies from Kenda attended the Durham Wes District Fun Fair held in th( basement cf Newtonville Un ited Church last-Wednesda3 afternoen. The district presi dent Mrs. Bryant from Hamp. ton welcemed ladies from th( eight branches in the distrik and epened the fun fair, Feui institute branches eut cf thE eight were respensible for thE program this year, KendaE being one cf these four, Slina, Maple Greve and Blackstoc. were the others. There were skits, recitations with the dress up costumes whic] added te the pregram for fun. The program was fellowed by eight draws on articles, one from each, Institute branch. On display was a table ef handmade Christmas decora- tiens. The country store tables and bake sale was sold eut in gced time.* The afternoon closed with afternoon tea, sandwiches and desserts. It is a goed way te raise money foi the district expenses and meet the ladies frem the other branches in the District. On Wednesday evening, Peggy Foster, fashien consul- tant for Chandele Fashions Limited held a Fashion Show in Kendal Church. There were six young ladies who modelled the clothing while Peggy described them and would answer any questions. Peggy's three aunts Mes- dames Fern Foster, Eleanor Foster and Rita Fester assist- ed with the lunch which was served in the S.S. room after the show. The door receipts were given te, the Sunday Scheel. 1Recent visitors with Miss Catherine Stewart were Mrs. L. Gedges and Mrs. J. Argue beth cf Peterborough. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliett on Sun., Oct. llth were Mr. and Mrs. Harland Seens from Bailiebore also Mr. and Mrs. Ross Elliott and family from London. Mr. Mel Wilson who has been a patient in Oshawa General Hospital suffering from multiple injuries after being attacked by an angry animal on his farm, was able te get home last 'Saturday. Fortunately Mr. Allan Downes and son Barry were there at the time te rescue him from further injuries. Mrs. 'Dîck Cameron cf Belleville has been visiting friends around Shilch and on Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Ewart Robinson and Mrs. Cameron visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stapleton. Tuesday evening -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beudreau and Brian, and Mr. and Mrs. Harland Elliott had supper with Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliett te, help celebrate Joyce's birth- day. Mrs. Marlatt is visiting her sister and husband Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Waring in Brant- ford for a couple cf weeks. There was a gocd atten- dance at the pet luck supper held last Saturday evening in the Sunday Scheol reom held ANNOUNCEMENT uorotny mField Mother Mod is pleased f0 announce the, addition of Dorcthy Field to their staff. Dorothy is a graduate in Home Eccnomics from Kemptville College and will be available to assist anycne in sewing, fabrics and materials at Mcther Mcd. 34B King Street West Bowmanville Telephone 623-2826 WV. va iai ýre .s. 'ta t. "'s I lid in st e ly ie, by the Couples' Club, The president, Mr. Lawrence Har- ris conducted a short business meeting fellowed by pictures of the Yukon and parts cf Alaska shown by Mrs. R. Elliott. Kenidal United church Anni- versary service was held on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Tiz- zard led the service and introduced the guest sp)eaker, the Rev. Dr. Frank Fidler cf Toronto who chose te speak on 'Reaching Maturity - Spirit-, ually'. Thge anniversary choir consisting cf members frem Newtcnville, Shilch and Ken- dal sang three anthems, accompanied by Mrs. Fern Foster at the ergan and Mrs. Helen Wood at the piano playing in unison. Rev. A. Tizzard closed the service with the benediction. The ladies cf the congregation served refreshments in the Sunday School reom fellcwing the servies.~ Next Sunday the KENDAL NE WTON VILLE -e Mr. and Mrs. L. DeSmnit, ie and Paul were visitors, h recently, with Mr. and Mrs. . Gerald Logger, at Ancaster. y Visiters with Mr. and Mrs. te Anthony Ton, ast Tuesday, . inchuded Mr. and Mss. John )f Ton, and family, cf Port Hope, and Ms. and Mrs. Tony Ton, and family, cf n Newcastle. the occasion being n Mr. Ton's bisthday. 1, Mrs. James Acke, and son, s Jim, ,'cf Hamilton, were r visitors, here, with Mr. and ýtMrs. DeSmit, and Paul, on r Monday. The Wcmen's Institute Asea Fun Fair was held hese, in the Church Hall, last Wednesday, s with an attendance cf ever one hundred. Many amusing V "ýSkits", "Monologues", etc. jwere provided by the varieus Branches with prizes for ah11, as wehl as several "Draws"', alse a Bake Table, Chistmas Table, with intesesting items fer sale, Vegetables, etc. Altogether, a very entestain- ing afternoon was enjeyed by all present, with over one hundred and fifty dollars being cleared. Ms. and Mrs. Raymond Gilmer wese visitors, Satur- day evening, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmes, on theis way home te Islington, after a week's holiday visit, with friends in Halifax, and district. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood attended the Twenty-fifth Wedding Annivessary Celebration, fer Ms. and Mss. Ken Smith, Satusday evening, held at the home cf Mr. and Ml-e. Jac Pye-Finch, Scar- borougfr, Abocut forty-tme relatives atternde~d and it was a complete surprise te the guests cf honor. Mr. 'and Mss. Trueman Hendesson retusned home, ast Monday, fsom Leth- bridge, where they yisited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henderson, and family, also their youngest son, Ronnie, whe ives with Bihl, and has a gced job. They all enjoyed a picnic and barbecue in Watertcwn Provincial Park, south cf Lethbridge, just o n the border between Alberta and British Columbia, and had good weather, all the time they were away. The Annual Masenic Banquet was held in Newcastle, Saturday evening, with our U.C.W. ladies cater- ing, and it was prcnounced quite a successful affais. About one hundred and seventy sat down te enjey the suppes, and there was plenty te eat and lots cf help te serve with several of the yeunges cnes ceming in te assist. Mrs. Irene Burley spent the weekend with Mrs. Lena Clysdale, and Mrs. Mary, Wade was a weekend guest with Mrs. Leone Lane. The Stripp-Webstes wedding was solemnized in Newton- ville United Chusch, Saturday afternoon, with Rev. Tizzard officiating. The reception and supper folewing, was held at Penryn Park Country Club, Port Hope. Miss Carol Hendersen was home from Kingston, oves the weekend and was among the guests at the abeve wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Beughen, with Rev. and Mrs. Aubsey Tizzasd, attended the Anniversary Service, Sunday merning, in St. Paul's Chusch, Bowmanville, where Rev. Robert Mumford, cf Kingston, was guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Maybee, and girls fsom Cavan, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood. Mr. and Mrs.. Glen Staple- ton, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stapleton, and family, Mrs. Lena Clysdale, Mss. Irene Burley, Mrs. Bea Jones, Mrs. Dora DeSmit, and Mrs. Margaret Elliott were among the local people attending the Anniversary Service in Kendal United Chusch, Sunday afternoon, where the speaker was Rev. Frank Fiddler, and special, music was provided by our Anni- versasy Choir. Rev. Aubrey Tizzasd con- ducted church services at Nel-Gor and South Haven Nursing Homes, Sunday afternoon, with Violet Gilmes assisting at the piano. Sunday afterneon callers with Mr. and Mss. Fred Hendersen, included Mss. Mary Wade, cf Barrie, with Mrs. Leone Lane, and Mr. Harold Bullied, cf Oakville, while supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bey Henderson, cf Campbellford. Visitors the past week with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmes included Mss. Lena Clysdale, Mrs. Bea Jones, Mr. Anthony Ton, Mrs. Kasen Trizzinc, cf Cobousg, Mr. im Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gilmer cf Islington, and Mr. Phil Gilmer. Our best wishes te the following members cf the Bisthday Gang - Mrs. Carol Laur. cf Niagara Falls, Ms.- Anthony Ton, and Mrs. Dora DeSmit. Congratulations, alse to Mr. and Mrs. Mac Irwin, cf Rosebesry Hill, on their Fifty- Sixth Wedding Annivessary last Thursday, Oct. 19th. anniversary service will be held in Newtonville Church with Rev. Robert Bartlett as guest speaker and the anni- versary choir providing the special music. There wîll be ne church service in Kendal Church. Rev. Dr. ýFidler and Mrs. Fidler were supper -gu ests with Mrs. Margaretta Stevens aIse Mr. and Mrs. J. Hellebust and family all from Toronto. Some of the callers at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Allan Downes on Sunday were her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Little cf Fraserville, also Mr. and Mrs. James Lamore and family from Peterborough. Mrs. Dan Keane and twe children from Scarborough spent a couple cf days last week with their aunt Miss Catherine Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott accempaniecl Mr. and Mrs. Harland Seens cf Bailieboro on, a day's vîsit with their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bradshaw cf st, Catharines Iast Saturday., It was particuîarly nhice te have Mr. Everton White as a guest in the congregation at Tyrone United Church on Sunday mcrning, October, 22, 1978. The occasion was te, deliver te Everton a citation and appreciatien cf his many years, of service te this community. In the church and Sunday School Everton gave many years cf wise leader- ship. On December. 31, 1977, Mr. Everton White retired from the Bethesda Cemetery board as Secretary Treasurer, completing fifty years cf devoted service. Mr. White's contribution was recognized with a suitable presentation by the Cemetery Board at that time. Best wishes cf the cemmunity which he has served se well are extended te Mr. Everten White in his retirement. Rev. Kempling let his Tyrone cengregation in on the secret cf Mr. Elgin Taylor's 84th birthday. We wculd jein his Enniskillen friends, in extending birthday good wishes. Byv the way, Tyrone choir was just superb, led by Mrs. Elinor Brent, on-Sunday. The choir maintains an excel- lent standard Sunday after Sunday, but this was especial- ly nice. Tyrone Senior Citizens Club is epening their meeting te anyone whe would be interest- ed in hearing a special guest speaker, Mr. Ray Halward, from the Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton, on Wed- nesday afterneon, November lst, at 2:00 p.m. Mr. Halward is expected te bring a lot cf plants and material with hlm te demonstrate propagation and care cf house plants, step by step, right before yeur eyes. Se don't bother te examine your birth certifi- cate, the seniors weuld like to avail this eppertunity te anyene interested, young and old at ne charge. With 211/ tables in play at the euchre party on Friday night, the rçsults are as follows: lst Donald Thompson, 2nd Orval Watson, 3rd Alice Hoskin, 4th Garnet Goyne, 5th Mrs. Mathews, 6th Ethel Goble. Ladies lew Edith Clemens, Mens low Earl Prescett. 50-50 draw Hazel Ormiston. Courtice Secondary School held its "Annual Commence- KutIn,'Kuri v . Beauty Shop Bowmanville Kut 'n' Kuri wishes to introduce you to the fantastic uine of >ýe products. All Mzý professional hair and skin products are Acid Balanced to Nature pH 4.5 to 5.5. Your hair is your "Crowning Glory." Give it the best care the ",J heri Redding" way with products.. WE ALSO HAVE SKIN CARE PRODUCTS Corne in and take a look at ou r retail Products. You'll' love the natural way "Nature's Woy." Stop at 71'King St. East or Cal 623-5019 BEAN STO CHEVYIE BEANS TO PONTIACI BEANS TO _______CHri"RYSLER! AND BEANS TO YOU if you can beat ourdeal on a new 1978 model car anywhere! Yes, we'l give you a 14 oz. can of beans if we can't beat your best deal on any comparable new 1978 model vehicle. Just bring us your approved offer to purchase on any new 1978 vehicle f rom anothe-r dealer and let us be.at the deal. If we can't, you take home the beans ... If we can, then you take home a new 1978 Ford ai an unbeatable price! For 4 days only (October 25-28) weextenci this bold offer to ail car buyers in Durham Region. Let us showyou how much we can save you. The difference wiII, be mreç than jus t A HILL 0F BEANS! OFFER EXPIRES SATURDAY, OCT. 28 5:00 P.M. 219 King Street East Bowmanville 623-4481 nient" on October 20, 1978. Robed in their colourful Academic Robes, principals and teachers lead the preces- sienal cf dignitaries and students into the auditorium te the strident strains cf "Fan- fare and Processional" (by C.E. Hurrell) played by the Courtice Secondary School Band, which was directed by Mr. S. Powell. Interestingly decerated in school coloured lettering, a mnortar-boarded Ceurtice Ceugar and artistic views cf life choices, the gymnasium was readily filled by preud family supporters and friends cf graduates. The air cf anticipation continued te prevail as Principal Mr. H. Bradley addressed the assembled students. Mr. TYRONE pelling observations gained from hisexperience during an education centred life. Con- densed inte three words, "Wisdom", "Philosophy" and "Friends", hie summed up each as follows. "Wisdom" is flot semething which can be handed from one person te another; in a-quote from Wal Whitman, "Wisdomi is cf the seul, proof cf it's ewn proof". A good philosophy cf life would be te "look for lasting values - examine your priorities",- and on "Friends", "be' loyal .te your friends".* Cencluding his talk, Mr. Býradley offered congratulations te the graduates on behaîf cf himself and platform guests. Numerous prizes and awards were made te many capable looking young men and women Who are entering jobs The Canadian Statesman, Bowma would seem te indicate that the- world's future is in good hands. Lunch and fellowship was enjoyed in the cafeteria, and the youing people eagerly departed for their, final partyf together. itness Group Cornes to Town In December The University ef Toronte and Fitness Ontarie in con- junction with the Department cf Community Services is holding a physical fitness programn at the Bewmanville Library Auditorium during the week cf December il te l5th. Set up te encourage partici- pation in physical activity, the anvil1e, October 25, 1978 il testing and counselling. You can find aur what kind of shape you're in and receive ~ individual advice on how to improve your general level cf ' fitness from a trained counsel- 1er. There wiIl be lecture sessions and slde presenta-~ tiens, and information pamphlets and brochures on fitness will be distributed. An assessment cf commumity , fitness facilities wil be pro- vided as well. Participants must be 18 years cf aÉe or older. 4 Oshawa Monument Co. Family Momorials - Morkors Ail Design and Lettoring Doné by Us on Premises -NO SALESME'N INVOLVED - Please Telephone 728-3111 1for Fuit Details StoreRIi t ReàI *, 1