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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1978, p. 16

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16 The Canadian Statesman, Ilowmanville, October 25, 1978 St. P-aul's uite d Anniivers aryW October 22nd, 1978 was a tdes", based on the Scripture very significant day in the life Matthew 11, 1-6, Rev., Mr. of St. Paul's United Church, Mumford traced the develop- Bowmanville. The congrega- ment of the Christian Church tion celebrated the 144th from the time of "The Chosen anniversary of the founding of People", the Jews, who antici- their Church. pated a never-eniding relation- ship of blessing, adulation and Well attended, services in victorv and have found if ta hp. bath the morning and the an existence of reversails, de- evening showed the thanks- feat and humiliation. Neyer- giving of th e people for this theless they stili continue in long time of continued service their pursuit of what they be- and worship. lieve to be their destination The guest speaker for this and are willing to work ta occasion was the Rev. Robert bring this about in today's con- Mumford B.A., B.D., Th.M., of ditions. So it is with the church Queen's Theological College, as it adapts, to modern times whose addresses on the and situations ta meet the themes, "A Festival of Possi- heeds of the people. bilities" and "A People of In the evening address - "A Privilege"l, were most People of rivilege", based on interesting and challenging. Nehemiah 4, 1-6, Rev. Mr. Both the morning and even- Mumford further enlarged on ing services were enhanced by his theme of Christian the music of the chairs, bath, privilege and respansibility as Chancel and Sénior, the a specially "Chosen People," organist Mr. Doug Dewell, applying it ta present times and solists Mrs. Olive Hull' and world conditions. He and Mrs. Allanah Cles. Mr. stressed that ta see aurselves John Semjen, the guest vialin- as a Church is a preparation ist for the marning service, for a greater service, a added greatly ta the worship commitment ta healing situa- service with his beautiful tions. Demacracv reauires the renditions of "Adoration" and Christian presence. Through "Allegro Brilliante." the Church people are taught ,In the development of his haw ta give., theme "Festival af Possibili- Previaus ta the__evenîng For Quality, and Service Shop DYKSTRA'S The Food Store With The Difference. THIS WEEK WE HA VE LDUG UP SOME REAL SPECIALS HOME PRIDE OLD, COU NTRY 1 24 oz. CRUSTY * 311.00 CRISP HEAD LETTUCE ..- 13 9EACH RED EMPEROR GRAPES BANANAS, 19LB. 5 LB. BAG ONTARIO APPLI 1.29' CRISP .CARROTS ES 39 3LB. CHAPMANS -ICE CREAM FROZEN COD FILLETS L 991 2 LTR. 1.39 LB. .....Ai STEER BEEF THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL FULL CUT SIRLOIN STEAK 2.49 lb. SIMON DE GROOTS OUTCH STYLE LIVER SAUSAGE I.9 lb. DUTCH STYLE BAKED MEATLOAF 2.49lb. CHUBS 9~ each THIS WEEK THUR., FR1., SAT. Someone will be on hand (rom the Den mark Cheese Association TO PROMOTE OUR VARIQUS DANISH FREE CHEESESV SAMPLES ... .... .. PROMOTION SPECIAL MILD DANISH CREAM HAVARTI 2l9b. 1/2CHEESE 209lb. DANISH FONTINA 2,291v b. A Q)S FREE D Y &7 SrJet RAPARKING DELICA TESSEN OFF FOOD MARKET UN 73--77 KING ST. WEST 623-3541 SRE Pine Ridge Kinettes Hold House Tour One spacious house con tained this cosy sunlit living room. service a large number of the families of St. Paul's gathered tagether in the fellowship of pot-luck supper which gave them an apportunity ta meet, and enjay the company of their guest, the Rev. Robert Mumfard, and ta become better acquainted with each other. Use Caution if Pink Mould Found in Corn Before harvesting field corn, hog farmers shauld peel a hundred ears in a random check for pink mold. This white or pink-calamed mold, that spreads through the silk and under the husks, can produce mycatoxins harmful ta swine. "Farmers should assume that pink mold can develop in any field. However, under certain conditions, it wili produce a mycotoxin called zearalenone," warns Dr. R.E. Hunter, Depamiment of Crop Science, University of Guelph. Zearalenone acts like a female hormone, causing reproductive prablems in pigs. High humidity and warm temperatures encourage the growth of pink mold. Corn borer and bird damage expose the kernels ta rapid infection. The mold first gains its grip in the field, nat in storage. "Because the mold is harder ta detect after corn has been handlled, hag farmers should look for white or pink powdery mold on the surface of the kemnels before havesting," says Dr. Hunter. "Open 100 ears at randomn and if more than four ears have mold grawth, collect samples for laboratory analysis. Presence of the miold doesn't necessari- ly mean the toxin is there." In the meantime, the corn should be harvested without delay, and ensiled or dried quickly. If corn with more than 22 per cent moisture is stared in a crib, the pink mold can multiply and produce zearalenone toxin., A narrow, well-constructed crib, wîth a roof ta, keep oui rain will pravide adequate air mave- ment ta help prevent this problem. Corn, rejected as swine feed, should not be sald toaa neighbor or feed miii uniess the purchaser is warned of contamination. To salvage the corn, farmers can feed dluted quantities ta pouitry of cattie withaut adverse effects. The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food is spon- soring studies on contrai of pink moid. By simulating an epidemic of pink moid in test plats, researchers hope ta discover which corn hybrids and cultural practices canti- bute ta mold resistance. Storage methods in corn cribs are aiso under scrutiny. Swine farmers cancerned about maldy feed can send samples ta the Veterinary Services Laboratory, Box 3612, Guelph, Ontario N1H 6R8. There is a charge of $10 ta caver the casi of each analy- sis. The name and address of the farmer's veterinarian and the intended use of the grain corn should be stated. âme WaIk, jog, run, j Wskate, ski, swi M, U paddle. p6daI.. don't let li fe Ecatch you with your head down. SFitness is fun. WTry some. I;z3 The Great Pine Ridge Kinette Club's fifth annual house tour allowed carloads of curious people to see the inside of five gorgeous houses in the Kendal area. These ladies look with envy at an indoor swimming pool complete with sauna and bar. A Sk a CGAÂ What is home insurance and who should have it? The term "home insurance" encompasses much more than the particular words would lead one ta believe. Home insurance provides financial protection not only for ioss or daaeta your home, but aiso fo=yu personal possessions, i.e. clothing, fumniture, valuabie items, etc. It can aiso affer yau protection from a large financial ioss faliowing a dlaim for bodily injury which occurs on vour property. UA W Plrogram Appren tices Graduate at GM Senior executives ai Generai Matons of Canada, inciuding Vice President and General Manufacturing Manager, Richard C. Walter, were on hand at the recent graduation of 28 GM em- pioyees fmom the Generai Matons - U.A.W. apprentice pmogram. They are now tradesmen in machine repair, miiiwrights and electricians. The apprentice programn is des igned ta train individuais in ail branches of the skiiled trades. The course is four years in iength, but is based on the numben of hours actuaiiy worked. The course is divided into eight pemiods of 916 houns each, for a total of 7,328 hours of shop work. In addition, apprentices compiete a pragram of reiated ciassroom, instruction of some 576 hours during the four-year period in order ta become proficient in the technicai knowledge of their trades. The apprentices acquire proficiency in maihemnatics, science, drawing and technical information related ta their jobs. Currently, there are 241 Genenal Motors af Canada emlyes participating in the apetce program, ai the Oshawa, St. Catharines, Windsor, Scarbonough and Ste. Therese plants and 99 people wii begin the prognam in the near future ta bring the total ta 340 participants. 0f this total number, 156 people wili be training at the Oshawa GM facilities. it is wise ta bear in mind that if you have a monigage on your dweihing, damage due ta* perils such as fire or windstorm could leave you paying for a home in which you can no longer live. Home insurance wouid pravide protection for your investmeni and securiiy againsi perils aven which you may have no contrai. Yau do not need ta, own a home in arder ta need home insurance; in fact, you might live in a rented house; a flat, apartment or raoming house. However. if you have valuable items or personai possessions which would be costly or difficuit ta replace, you should have some insurance. When the time cornes ta determine the amaunt of insurance you require, you wouid be wise ta insure ta the current full value of the dweliing and persanai possessions, preparing for the event of a complete burnout or total loss. Insuring ta full value means having sufficient coverage ta replace the building or contents with similar quality. If you have any questions relating ta tax matters, financial planning, accounting, budgeting etc. please forward them ta: Ask a C.G.A., The Certified General Accountants Association of Ontario, 25 Adelaide St. E., Toronta, Ontario, M5C MY. Although each question will be considered, we cannot guarantee that nîl questions will be answered. Take Care When Hiome Freezing Freezing is one of the simplest and least time- consuming ways ta preserve foads at home. Food special- ists at the Ontario Food Council, Ministry of Agricul- ture and Food, say that for gaod resuits, came must be taken when home freezing. Womk quickly when freezing foads. Freshness depends on the time between market or garden and freezer. The quality of the products yau take out of the freezer will only be as gaod as the ones you put in, Freezing acts only ta preserve, not ta improve. In arder that foods do not take long ta freeze, prepare only small quantities of food at one time. Na mare than 2 ta 3 pounds of food per cubic foot of freezer space shouid be frozen in any 24-hour period. Fmeezing mare than the recommended amaunt can 34B King St. W.ý resuit in formation of large ice crystals and deterioration in food texture. For quickest freezing and optimum keeping quality, keep the freezer at -18 degrees C (0 degrees F) or lawer. Keep a thermometer in the freezer at ahl times and check the temperature often. Even small rises in temperature above -18 degrees C (a degrees F) can affect the quality and recamrnended starage time of the food. Always foilow proper in- struction when preparing faads for the freezer. Package carefully and label clearly with name and date. With a littie came, fresh garden pro- duce can be enjoyed alI year. One V-eek Left to take advantage of our SPECIAL SALE PRICE on the OnIy 9,9 33 King St.,West Tele -Financing Available Upon Request - CYhry/~n e s g/rcs ephone 623-435 p Bowmanville 51 1 .......... 1ONI Idleal for Drapes and Crafts Burlap ILY MM YARD Gold. -Brown -Aqua -Orange 623-2826 N E This Thurs., Fr1. and Sat. OnIy!, AilBok Hardy Boys - Nancy Drew Coloring Books - Activity Books ..... ai 43 King St. W. Bowmanville î Telephone 623-6266 100% polyester "Fish Net" Instant Drapery 48" wide ONLY MYARD Available in: orange.- YeIIow'. Beige.- White - GoId and Avocado striped -45" WidQ Knapsacking Perfect for kitchen drapes ONLY M YARD 3 colors ta choase t ram THESE PRICES IN EFFECI Thurs., FrL, SatL Oct. 26-27-28 and Drapelries v 1 i 1. 00 1.

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