Royal Canadian Legion Ladies~ Auxilitary In Action Auxiliary Hiolds 32nd Birthday Party Entertain Wounded Vets from Divadale BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 25. 1978 SECTION TWO Legion Branch President Ron Richards was at the head table during the Ladies' Auxiliary birthday party on Oct. 16 and from the expression on his face was happy to be there because President Nyhl Sheehan presented the branc h with a cheque for $4,000. He expressed sincere thanks on behaif of the branch. Qn Monday, Oct. 16, at the Bowmanville branch, the Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion celebrated their 32nd birthday with a large party. To open the program, two of the oldest members Annie Clapp and Jennie Harnden eut the birthday cake. On Sunday, Uctober 15, the Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion entertained 65 wounded veterans from Divadale 'Lodge, Toronto, many of them in wheelchairs. One of the visitors was Robert Johnson, 94, who has been adopted by the Auxiliary and was welcomed by President NyhI Sheehan. Two teams from Bowmanville's Legion Ladies Auxiliary competed in the regional playoffs in Ottawa recently and came second and third. They will now advance to the district playoffs. The team that placed second included, from left to right, Nyhl Sheehan, Jean Burton, Erna Bruton and Trixie Brown. The third place Legion'Ladies Auxluary team included, from left to right, Aud rey Bate, D'ot Richards, Marg King and Meg Gibbs. Buy a Poppy for Nov ember il th The Divadale vets -brought along thieir own musician, a mlina accordionist nemea Stan who is shown here assisting Flo Knight at the mike and Phil Rose at the piano during the sing song. Toy soldiers Mary Gray and Brenda Kilmer not only put on their own act but a<sisted with a limbo number by a lithe artist imported at great expense from, the Caribbean. Actually, she is anauiar member named Mary Bates and her antics brought an appreciative round of applause. Sorry we missed Meg Gibbs who was dressed in a grass skirt for her Hawaiianl dance that proved popular.