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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1978, Section 2, p. 4

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4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 25. 1978 Section Two Celebrates First Birthday Happy Tracey Doty was one-year-old on September 28th, 1978. Her parents are Victor and Elaine Doty, R.R. 2, Orono, and she has a brother - Mfichael, 3 years old. Proud grandparents are Hilda 'Caswell, Orono, Victor and Freda Doty, Weymouth, Nova Scotia. TYRONE ,By Mrs. Paul Vaneyk The congregation of Tyrone United Cburch was called to hold a meeting on Sunday evening October l5tb, to consider an important, well publicized piece of business. About fine- families were represented out of a i-oll of about one hundred and fifty members. Two weeksago a similar meeting was beld with just about the same number of families represented. Does this mean that Tyrone Cburcb consists of nine families who care what goes on there? A large number of people "got' their way", however. Those wbo want a re-organized foi-m of church government got the ground work done - witbout having to belp; without even giving their support. Those wbo are not in favour of re-organization were able to save their face by not attend- ing and thereby did not need to admit their negative vote openly. Wben the scbool system was cbanged to the consolidated school concept, Tyrone, like many other communities, lost much of the "Icommunilty invol.vemen.t" feeling. The church was the James ns ura-nce Agency Limited 24 King St. E. Bowmanville For all vour insurance needs Doug James ýat 623-4406 only establishment lef t to bave an adhesive effect. But a diverse community admitted- ly bas a good track record of ecumenism. This bas been good for the community as a wbole. But the good cannot continue to belef t to a few people. The church in Tyrone needs re-vîtalizing. YOU ai-e the church and YOU need to help, because YOU are bene- fitting. Particularly anyone whose name is on the memnbership i-oll of Tyrone United Church and bas not shown an interest in any one of the meetings held regarding the re-organization question, is letting down bimself, bhis ancestors and bis posterity. The above comments are by Mrs. Bessie Vaneyk. Tbe Explorer Girls gi-oup will soon bold their usual weekly meetings when a suitable time can be arranged. The Social Planning Council of the T'own of Newcastle wil hold their regular business meeting on Thursday, October l9th at 8:00 p.m. in Tyrone Cburcb C.E. Wing. Mr-. and Mrs. Dick Gibbs attended the District- Horticul- ture Convention on Saturday, Oetober 15, 1978, at Lakefield, Ont. Miss Maitha Veldhuis, pundas, Ont., was an interest- ing guest speaker., Mi-. and Mrs. Geo. White, Bowmanville, Mrs. G. Andrews, Joyce Andrews and Mrs. Edi th Awde visited Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoar. Mr., and Mrs. A. J. Hoar visited Miss Jean Rundie, Bowmanville. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright, Mrs. R. Cryderman and Ellen. Mr. Harold Grasskurth, Guelph, Ont., recently returned from Japan and China and showed his pictures. Mr. John Tabb celebrated his 87th birthday. A party was given in bis bonour by staff and volunteers of Second Floor Memorial Hospital. 18%/ tables were in play at the Friday evening euchre party. Placings went as fol- lows: lst Laurrina Bright, 2nd Fiossie Cameron, 3rd Maxine Brock, 4th Bessie Spencer, 5tb Florence Kilpatrick, 6th Irene Cox. Ladies low MoiiyHoorst- man, Gents low Robt. Gian- ville. 50-50 Draw Tony Hoorst- man. 4H meeting. The fourtb meeting of Tyrone Terrific Taste Testers got under way at 7:00 p.m. in Tyrone C. E. Wing on October lùth. The i-oll cali was "What soup recipe did you find based on white sauce?" We watcbed Susan Van Dorp and Kim Vaneyk demonstrate Cheese and Bacon Swirls wbich were the hit of the evening. Louise Kovacs demonstrated Wheat Germ Biscuits. We discovered that there is a marked difference between sifted, and unsifted flour. Donna Lepard described to the girls what to look for in the perfect tea biscuit. She also suggested other ways to add variety to your tea biscuits. Have you ever thought to add tomato juice, buttermilk, meat or fruit? Susan Pleasance dis- cussed with the girls how to do a demonstration. Ideas were received for the exhibît com- mentary. Wbile the girls cleaned up, plans for the party on Oct. 24th were finalized. A deligbtful lunch- ended the meeting. The October meeting of the United Church Women was held in the C. E. Wing on Wednesday, Oct. 8, 1978. Mrs. John Vaneyk, President, opened 'the meeting, with a Psalm of Tbanksgiving and then proceeded with the busi- ness portion. Several an- nouncements were: Official Board Meeting on Oct. 3th. November l2tb will be U.C.W. Sunday with Mrs. Lyman Gifford as guest speaker. Al U.C.W. members will form the choir. The Senior Sunday School class are selling United Cburcb calendars. "Supply" representative, Mrs. A. Hoar was presented with a box of articles such as soap, penis, washclothes, etc. which the Sunday School children had "gathered in" on Thanksgiv- ing Sunday Iworning to be forwarded to Save the Childi-en Fund.. The Christmas meeting was discussed. Re- presenting bondage, including the sometimes self-imposed bondage of our thoughts and actions, eacb member's hands were ioosely bound with paper strips. Following a prayer SA VE SAVE' *WHY PAY MORE FOR HEATING U SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY* * ~FUELU FO ALOIL* FORALLYOUR * 15FUEL OIL NEEDS - 517 DUNDA ST." EAST WHITBY Telephone Today! Cal! Colleci *683M8 ' Prompt, Courteous Service BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountancy WILLIAM C. HALL Be. Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V.SNODDON 212 Liberty St. North Bookkeeping and Tax Service Business: 623-7950 R esi de n ce: C62 3 - 730 8 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 118 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 JOHN P. WINTERS Chartered Accountant 20 Coiborne St.W. Oshawa, Ontario Phone 579-5659 or 623-58281 WM. J. H. COGGINS Charte red Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Rowmanville Phone 623-3612 Dental DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 arn. ta 9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 36 King St. W. 623-4473 Office Hoursi Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fni 8:30 'tii 5:00 Chiropractic LAWRENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 270 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chirpractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hoursý By appointrnln LEONARD JAY, B.Sc., D.C. Doctor of Chropractic 96 Queen Street Bowmanville Phone 623-9297 from the service book our "bondage" was broken by clasping hands with our neigh- bours. Mrs. Paul Vaneyk and Mrs. Gordyn Brent then led in the worship service and dis- cussion of the two questions: "In terms of human rigbts, what handcuffs do we, as white, Canadian, people wear?", and "are there buman rights that we need to receive?" Several inspira- tional moments were spent listening to a tape of Rev. Lois Wilson, recorded at a Festival of Faitb. She spoke on her several "moments of grace" and the definite fact that we are ail bound together by Jesus Christ. Led by Mrs. Brent, we sang our, two anthems for U.C.W. Sunday and the meeting was closed by the prayer, "Love Power". Mrs. Vaneyk and Mrs. Brent served a delicious lunch. Several ladies attended the U.C.W. Preshyterial meeting held on Monday, October 16, 1978 in Hampton Church. The Theme was "Whomn shah I send ... Lord -L'I go". During the morning session three methods of Bible study were explored as expounded by Rev. David Spivey. In the (lntended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Len Peai-s recently visited Mi-. and Mrs. Maurice Wallace at Iroquois also attended the Ottawa Fair. Mrs. Harvey Ginn is a patient in the Oshawa General Hospital. Congratulations to Mrs. Alex Watson who celebrated ber 87tb birtbday last week at the home of Mi-s. Reg Sutton. Among the friends wbo called Kimberly-Clark Paper Sale ASSORTED COLORS REGULAR OR BOUTIQUE Delsey Bathroome Tîssue4ROL1,99 ASSORTED COLORS Kleenex Facial Tissues BOXES$ 3OF 100 Kleenex 59G Boutique Napkins OF5 9 A$SORTED CLORS Kleenex Boutique BXC Facial Tissue 57e~J ASSORTD COLORS Kleenex PKG. QF Paper Towels 2 ROLLS95 PKG. ~1-69 0F 30 PKG . ,2 0F 30 Zz NEW FREEDOM Mini Pads NEW FREEOOM Maxi Pads REGULAR, SUPER OR PLUS PKG. Kotex Napkins 0F 12 REGULAR Kotex Lightdays CHOICE GREEN GIANT GIANT SIZE Peas 14 FI. Peas OZTI 0F 30149 N 29e FANCY, HiALVES OR SLICES Del Monte 14,FL, reaciies OZTIN4 LIQUID Javex Bleach 64-FL. OZ. PLASTIC BTL. d@1Le P ROD UC E 0F U.S.A. Ried Emperor Grapes 79t, afternoon session the Theme Presentation was given by Rev. David Spivey, "Develop- ment of Mission"~ as seen through Bible study. "Every contact we make is a mission- ai-y contact, a contact of mission". Hampton, ladies hosted a very enjoyable day. were Miss Merle Power, Miss Hazel Powei- of Oshawa, Mrs. C. Billings, Mrs. Ed. Graham, Mi-. and Mrs. Gordon Power, Mrs. J.W. Staples, Mrs. Mai-- shahl Chatterton and Mrs. Cliff Cooper. Dr. Victor Levan, B.A., TbD. of Kingston wbo is Miniister of Personnel of the Bay of Quinte Conference was the guest speaker at the An- niversary Service at the Orono $LB.1,39 Chuck Short $1 9 Rib Roasts LB.*M Blade Roasts,.l39 Cross 1Rib Roasis ib Roats B.6 Boneless A Shoulder $ Roasts LB.114 Standin g $400 Rib Roasts .I9 Boneless $4 Q Brisket Roasts. LBIW89 Boneless $1 Plate Roasts LBI*,I M MAPLE LEAF 20Z, 2- Beef Patties c- HER-PAC, 3-LB. AVG. Corned Beef Brisket MAPLE LEAF SLICED Sîde Bacon MAPLE LEAF REGULAR 0F Beef Wieners LB. 'TN sioci United Churcb Sunday moi-- ning. Guest soloist was Mrs. Allanah Coles of St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville and special antbems by the choir with Mr. David Gray at the organ. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ayhen of London, spent Sunday with bis aunt Mrs. R. Branch. Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Graham of Calgary, Alberta visited Mrs. John Morris and Mr. and Mrs. Lance Plain and other friends in Orono on Sun- day afternoon and were Sun- day evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and son Harvie of Bowmanville. Mr. Roy Mercer with Mi-. and Mrs. Harry Mercer spent Sunday in Ottawa visiting Mrs . Harold Tbompson. Mr-. and Mi-s. Barry LaPlan- te of Oakvilhe spent Sunday with Mi-s. Roy Winter and her 77 king Streét East Bowmanville MAPLE LEAF SLICED Cooked Ham '0 I.Of 'MAPLE LEAF, 11/4 LB. AVG. LB. %0%df MAC & CH EESE, MOCK CHI PItM'ENTO BOLOGNAOR 1-LB, SI7M PE PP ERON I PKG. I.Sandwich Meats PK ~1.25- 5 ONTARIO GROWVN Brussels Qrr% *- bouse guest Mrs. E. Belford of Eaimonton, Alberta. Mr. Win- ter is a patient in the Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Pears of Orillia spent a few days this week with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Len Pears. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Patter- son spent a week over Thanksgiving at their summer home at Boskung Lake. Investigyate Thefts and Vandaflsm Durhiam Regional Police investigated the tbeft of four chrome wbeel disrs last week.- Police saici they were smien from the Roy Nichols Motors lot on Highway Two in Blade Steaks robsts Rib Steaks Courtice. The wheel discs were valued at $272. Police said they were reported stolen at 11:45 yesterday. The thef t of four cowhides from a storage bouse owned by Frank Gi-off, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, was reported early yesterday afternoon. The bides had a value of $160 police said. At 8:30 a.m. Tuesday police were informed, that five win- dows were broken at the Durham Farmers' Co-opera- tive in Orono. Police said the windows had been broken by stones. Give Vourseif Hefter udda!l lligh Bood Preýure Trea if...and lve. Values Effective-at Bowmanville Store Only 1L,.l4 $L1,iE LB.2w1 F AVO RE O Swing Orange POLY BAG 01 Crystals 4x3GS. CHOICE Aylmer TomatoesOZ. TI MIL KBON E Large Dog Biscu its B'O REGULAR OR MARSHîMALLOW Carnation BOX 0F Hot Chocoate PKGS. CHOCOLATE OR SITRAWBERRY DRINK MIX 20-FL. OZ.C PLASTIC1 Milkmate Syrup BL OATMEAL COOKIE, OATMEAL MUFF OR BRAN MUFFIN 0- Quaker Mixes 9PK , ASSORTEO VARIETIES 20 O72 Dare's Candie PKG. Zion Fig Bars PKG. ESSO EXTRA, 1OW30 1-OT. Motor Qi! CONT. S OPEN DAII MON., ToUES., ' 9 a.m.-6 p. WED. -FR1. 9aq.m.-9 p Delivery in To 623-4161 CUT PROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF Brmai«msing and Stewing Plate BONE IN Short Ribs» BONE IN Stewing Beef LEAN, BNLS Shank- Bone iflCENTRE CUT LB. LB 9 $L1,c Neck 5 Bones MEATY, SOUP STOCK LB.q Medium Ground Beef 1-LE3. $ MAPLE LEAF ENGLISH STYLE -Z PKG. 1.49 DacIk Bacon PKG. MAPLE LEAF, SLICEO, SELECTED 60Z. $f fl VARIETIES 6.OZ. PKG $13 Sandwich Meats PKG. BY THE PIECE MAPLE LEAF, COOKED, BON ELESS, iOKEN. PICKLE & 3-LB. AVG.' LB ~ .59 inner Pork Shoulders LE LB. TABLERITE, SLICEO, VARIETY PACK Sandwich Meats 16Oz- PRICES EFFECTI' WED., OCT. 25 TO SAT., OCT. 28,197E WE RESERVE THE TO LIMIT QUANTI' MARSH SEEOLESS !hite refruit SUZE4 48' s $ FOR ajJI oUU L LB.~ E~. EUONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE __ 3ge FORl LB W'9 ONTARIO GROWN CANADA FANCY GRADE 5-LB à Mclntosh Apples BAG 1.39y ROYAL GOLO, (1-OZ.), PRO INDIVIDUALLY WRAPP IG'OA Cheese N 8-oz. PKG. 79 MAPLE LEAF, PROCES3 6O Ched'R Spread , A S-CHNEIDER S, FARMERS, BRICK OR COLBY 1-Z Natural Cheese PKG. . ....u... OCESS PED Slices_ ~22 gae JO%~ Monday thru Friday at lOa.m. and 11 a.m. q.,39 on CFTO Television Channel 9, ORONO BMade BLADE BN Roasts EOD h9 1.9 Cut 1.9 11.9 5.g 69e 9 852"1 L1.4 SJE LB.4g MAPLE LEAF 12.89; Breakfast Sluces MAPLE LEAF, SKINLESS Pork Sausages PKG.1.69 wi Grai 1 LS.1 îc 4 nu JQe

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