8 The Canadian Statesman fowmanville, Otober 25, 1978 Ti ' Tc W i-- the administration of the rîns.Iyurh.S o DLi~Uft.~~FHome nd dthre gsr LFINANC N(N EWCASTLE COU NTRY HOM E Ftes i orhatyuko tsrgt ithe Home. She and hem V L F N 01 IN PRIVATE SALE ______________ Preparations have gone into Out' on November 4th in kindly staff encourage al high gear for the Saturday Nestleton Hall at 6:30 p.m. residents to participate in the Executive Tri -level side-spîit on fuîîy Iapdscaped Auction sponsored by the It was voted to donate two many varied activities arran- 10' 10 lt.3 eroomswt i'elc , u a s , in lashdoramiîynw United Church Window Glaz- prîzes for the Cartwright High ged for them. Claudia then ro ihfielcda îdn ls or oIuuw oyadA scae iie ing Fund committee and Sehool Commencement on expressed our sincere thanks cedar deck and concrete patio. Quaîity broadîoomIi organized by Edith McLaugh- November llth. for hem interesting and infor- COMPLETE MORTGAGE SERVICES throughoutSuperb country setting yet only 5 minutes to Management Conslat lin and alater Wrght helned fl M u>waciaskeai ta rater to mativtlk. Bowmanviîîe. $74,950.00. by agood buneh of faithful people. The fund is just over half way to it's goal and hopes are that there will be a super turnout for the event at the Malmont Sales Bamn on Satur- day which will also include; 'lunch, bake sale, bazaar items, and next to new table. Nestieton United church will hold Church Annversary ser- vice this Sunday, October 29th with the Rev. John Irwin of Kingsview United Church as guest speaker. On Sunday, October 15, the Sacrament of Baptismn took place at both United Chur- ches, Blackstock and Nestle- ton. At Blackstock,,Amanda Joyce daughter of Mm. and Mrs. David Elliott and Nicole Marie daughter of Mm. and Mms. Donald Gibson were Baptised. At Nestleton, Tracy Lynn daughtem of M. and Mms. John Doyle and Kath- erine Diane daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mairs were baptised. The Blackstock Nursery Sehool realized approximately $150 fromn the Yard and Bake Sale held at Mary Mackie's, 63 Scugog, on Saturday, October 2lst. Thanks are extended to everyone who helped, either with donations or baking, and special thanks to Mary for the use of hem yard and for ahl the extra time and work she put into it. Tuesday evening the Senior Citizens held their weekly card party in Blackstock and the winners, fomn a total of 21 tables, were: 1-Herman Kery 93, 2-Margaret Watson 84, 3-Rachel Dennis 82, 4-Trewin White 79, 5-Harold Swain 79, 6-Ethel Cook 78, and low prize - George Bowers. The Couples' Club met on Saturday night, October 2lst, and had lots of funt making silly Halloween masks out of paper bags and playing Ru- moli. The next get-together is on Saturday, November l8th, at the home of Vern and Cheryl Vogel in Cadmus. If you are interested in a night out with other'couples and just having a good time, please telephone Cheryl at 986-5171. M. and Mrs. Robert Law- rence were supper guests on Saturday night of M. and Mrs. Larmy Mackie. Michael, David and Ian Andrewso weme vemy happy to have their ganny, Mrs. Dora Grisley, as a supper guest on Sunday. The familles of Smth's Woods extend a welcome to their new -neighbors, John and Susan Thomson, who have moved here ecently fomn Scugog Island. There was a very good turn out to the Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, October _22nd, sponsored hy the United Church Window Glazing Fund Committee and held at the Recreation Centre in Black- stock. O.N.O. Meeting - O.N.O. met at'the home of Claudia McDiarmid's with nineteen members and two visitors present. The minutes weme ead and approved. Corespondence consisted of two letters of confirmation fom Ross Jackman, one for November 4th, and one for New Year's Eve. Joan Graham repoted fromn Parks Board that they have decided to insulate the Town Hall. Aileen Van Camp will make arrangements for our Club to go to dinner and the Ice Capades in Febmuary. Final arrangements were made for the 'Husbands Night a wedding in July 1979. Claudia introduced Mrs. Edna Goss from the Commu- nity.Nursing Home and Villa in Port Perry. She explained Barry and Anna Bragg have taken up residence at the Bragg family homestead over the weekend. We welcome them back to our community. We understand that M. Eaml Osborne in town celebra- ted his eightieth bithday last week. Belated good wishes and wishes for m ny more happy years would come from this community. Unit No. 6 of Trinity U.C.W. met at the Bowmanville Museum for their October meeting. After the interesting tour through the rooms, many of the group were surpmised by the many 'fine new displays theme. The members returned to the church for a Thanksgiv- ing Devotional when Mes- dames Doreen Barrie, Marie Bowen and Lauma Cawkem weme in charge. A short business peiod and a social time followed. Durham Region Gladiolus Society The annual meeting of the Gladiolus Society was held at Maple Grove Church Hall on Friday evening, Oct. l3th with twenty-two members and several visitors present. Mm. Dudley Deeley chaired the meeting and called on Rev. Wm. Patterson of Whitby to say the blessing before the buffet supper was enjoyed by all. The prize money earned at the August Flower Show was given out by Mrs. Bertha -Bames, Show Chairman and Mms. Ramnes received a File Folder as a token of apprecia- tion fom the members of the society for all hem womk. Mr. Deelev conducted seve- 6 BEDROOMS $42,900 Located in quiet Vilage of Bethany. Warm, triendly, large kitchen,' lots of cupboards. 7.4 x 3.7 broadioomed living room, detached garage. Many more features. Caîl Darene Prager 705-277-2861 Ralph Anderson Real Estate Ltd. Claudia and hem group semved a deliciouslunch and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be at the home of Doreen Van Camp. rai draws for the table decorations and the following were the winners of the lovely bouquets donated by Mr. and Mrs. Ramnes: Mr. Cecil Reed~ Coibomne, Mrs. Louise Jose-, Newcastle, Mrs. Millie Deeley and Mr. Patterson. Mr. Deeley read the report of the nomninating committee and it was accepted as read. The following are the officers for the comning year. Past President- Frank Samnis; President- Dudley Deeley; Vice President - Louise Jose; Secretary Treasurer - Mar- garet Killeen; Directors - Marion Wright, Frank Samnis, Lloyd Johnston, Roger Fow- er; Show Chairman - Bertha Ramnes; Assistant - Dudley Deeley; Director and Dele- gates to National Association - Bertha Ramnes; Director and Delegate to Canadian Associa- tion - Douglas Markwick. It was announced that Mrs. Barnes intends to attend the National Convention in Flori- da in January andthere were many offers of chaperones for her. The Society hopes to partici- pate in the Annual Community Fair in March and the secretary was inistructed to reserve a booth there. A social haîf hour followed and the kitchen was cleared by the ladies. IPROPERTY FOR SALE Prime building lot in the Village of Newcastle. Cal j the office of Mr. Ewerf at 987-4735. PORT HOPE BEAUTY $4950000 will purchase' this attractive 4 bedroom home. Finished playroomn or 5th bedroom with walk- ouf to lovely back yard. Big bright kitchen for mom, double car garage for dad. Cali Darne Prager 705-277-2861 to view Ralph Anderson Real Estate Ltd. MILLBROOK AREA - 3 years old custom built, well kept 6 room brick bungalow. Fireplace in living room. Large lot. Priced at $51 ,90000. WHITBY North-east end well kept 11/2 storey, four bedroom home. Nice deep lot and garage. Owner is moving. No reasonable offer refused. PONTYPOOL AREA - 90 acres wooded land. Possible gravel deposits. Asking $60,000.00. Excellent investment. Join the Canadian minority group, The Fit. PRIVATE SALE Bowmanvîlle - back- split semi, 3 bed- rooms, 1 1/2 baths, family room, garage, fenced yard. Low dow n payment. Present morigage 10O'¼%/. Cail 623-4114 PRIVATEý SALE Large house on deep lot on Kng Si, zoncd Commercial. Apply ai 141 or 143 Kng Si. E. 623-3774 or 623-3252 54C C Richnr c entre St. N.1 Guy PoIIey rond Centre Mortgage Broker shawa 576-4883 Oniuv ~zzr~îZ. Banner Passant Real Estate Limited Member Broker 104 Waverîey Road, Bowmanvi lie, Ontario 623-6121 NEW HOMES - Bowmanville, 13 to choose from. Prced trom $44,700.00 to $68,500.00. Phone 623-6121. $67,500.00 - Leskard Road (north Orono), 3 bedroom brick bungalow on one acre, L.R. fireplace, double patio doors to sun deck, 2-car garage. $57,900.00> Newcastle Village, older 2 storey t rame, 4 bedrooms, large professionally landscaped lot, double detached garage with lotft. $65,900.00 - Leskard Road, Orono, 3 bedroom bungalow, scenic view, walk out from Rec. room to patio, 2 fireplaces, detached garage or workshop. $3,000.00 DOWN- older 2 storey semi in Bowmanville, 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, detached garage, immediate possession. NEWCASTLE VILLAGE- 4 bedrooms, newly decorafed kitchen & living room, fireplace, Rec. room, large lot with pool. Now urîly $45,90000. 14wreHee For You.. Each offi s indxependently owned and operaed. IGHWAYS ARE HAPPY WAYS - When they lead the way f0 ,this 3'/2 yr. old sidesplit wifh geaming hardwvood floors. The bright, cheery home also has 3 bedrooms, diningroomr, livingroom with bow window and familyroom. Situated on 1 acre about 23 miles f rom Bowmanville. Asking $47,900.00. HIGH ON A HILL- Overlooking Newcastle and Lake Ontario s this dlean 6 room bungalow with finished rec. room and ireplace. Large lot. On paved road in country setting. Asking only $54,900.00. Terms. SIX NE W HOMES TO CHOOSE FROMI - On quiet courts, in very desirable north end Powmanville. Features include 4 bedrooms, familyroom, tireplace, attached garage, choice of 2 or 3 bathrooms. Prices range from $62,000.00 f0 $72,400.00. Caîl for details and to set up your appoint ment! $21,900.00 - Attractive roomy trailer in Newcastle. List price includes 3 appliances. Bedrooms are large and have built-in furniture. Inquire about our other trailer priced ai $1 5,500.00 with 4 appliances and drapes. Why rent? CUSTOM HOME.- $80,000.00 finished or $72,900.00 as is. Worth every penny with over 2,000 sq. ft. finished., Extras include 3 washrooms, large familyroom with fireplace, built-in oven and stove in super kitchen. Even the view is terrific! 6 ACRE PARCEL - On Mearns Ave., Bowmanville. Partly treed on paved road. Severance for two 3 acre l ,ots possible. Building permit. Asking $68,000.00. 123 KING ST. W., NEWCASTLE 1 98 7-4733 623-4439 101/4% - mortgages, as low as 50/ down. 3 models to choose f rom starting at $54,900. Ail have aluminum soff it & eaves, roughed-in fireplace, 4 pc. & 3 pc. baths, 11/2 car garage, rolled doors, facilities for central vacuum, large kitchens, separate dining, some models with walkouts, large lots, and a choice of flooring and cabinets. Directions: Hwy. 35 f0 Con. 4 Manvers, just north of Pontypool, watch for signs on right. JUST REDUCED TO $44,900. - In Orono Village on main street. A solid red brick house large enough to accomodate an economy size family. Three bedrooms, country kitchen, separate living & dining rooms. Try a down payment of $3,000. ROOM TO BREATHE - Situated just east of Kendal on weil maintained road. We have 2 acres of fine garden soul, plus well but 4 bedroom home and double garage. Would be suitable for small market garden, doq kennels, etc. Priced te sell ai $69,900. COUNTRY LIVING -23hedroori bungaclow, >pir. & span andcr ready fa r ve ic> 1,i h mur' ('1,1cil (),lî,wa. îlli a lccw drîivrîpcymcect, lie vecidi>i wîll lîcldt rîil i ilr .1 ry ili l (lef, A.kicîîî$47,000. ENJOY WINTER OR SUMMER - in liii, attractive' tlc k fbomn e I el h uai lcrlui > ,ii rqr'loi anrd closeIo ailicon- vcn encc o 2 . droo ,licrqg' cou ntIry style k i tcf n a nd wol I planried lower level wilh a floor ta coiling treplaco. Askinq $69,900. Telephone 987-5342 or 623-4481 For viewing appointment. 52 king St. West Bow manville 623-2453 EARLY POSSESSION - 8 room 11/2 storey brick veneer home near school in forth-central Bowmanville. In good condition throughout. Has lovely sJ;n porch. Nice lot with shade Iree. A good home for the working man to raise a family in. Priced to seli at $44,900. Terms. BUNGALOW - Close to Public School. Neat as a pin. Has family room plus play-room for the kids, Suit the growing family and also very suitable for retired couple. $48,500.00 Terms. COMMERCIAL - 5 room home very adaptable for a small store or office space. Very centrally Iocated. Asking COMMERCIAL - 5 room home very adaptable for a smail store or office space. Very centrally located. Asking $36,500. Terms may be arranged. Af te r H ou rs. JA. Barton Gord. Beech Peter KoWal Jr. 623-3098 623-5265 623-5868 BomnIle -6331 BOWMANVILLE -- 3 bedrooms, broadloom, Rec room with fireplace, covered patio, paved drive, above ground pool & fenced yard. Asking $58,900. BOWMAN VILLE - 3 bedrooms & deep 165' loi, souf h area close Io school Asking $42,500. VENDORS ANXIOUS!! OPEN HOUSES Saturday Oçtober 28, from 1-4 P.M. BOWMANVILLE - 4 souci di e homes, each with 4 lib'iicci 0 ý . i cc i llis, soicco wiih Re roomns & garages. Priced I coiic $45,500 Io $49,900. Corne & irspect aillot them, Waccf for siliîs 56 Waverley Road 11 P Martin Road 30 & 95 Little Avenue BOWMANVILLE QRONO 623-3393 983-9547 BOWMAN VILLE - $42,900. Lovely 3 bedroom 5mi on quiet street. 11'/2 baths, walkouf from kitchen anO' finished rec room accent this home. Large 93/4%O> mtge. Cetl Roxanne MacKay. BOWMANVILLE - EARLY POSSESSION - Charming older 11'/2 storey home on large lof 74' x 152'. Bright cheerý modemn kitchen, family room wifh sunporch and 2 pce. bat 'h, 3 bedrooms, dining room and fireplace for cold nights. Taxes. oniy $485. Asking $61,900. Must be seen f0 be appreciated. Cail Kay Brown. REDUCED TO SELL THIS WEEK - This immaculate 4~ bedroom bungalow n Newcastle bas finished rec roomÉ, office and 2nd bath. Beautifuliy landscaped country sized lot. Ail this for $50,500. Can you believe i!!! Ask for Mary, Pike. FAST TURNOVER-I SHOULD SAY IN BOWMANVILLE - At $44,900. 3 large bedrooms, large lot with above ground pool, huge bright kitchen, view for miles, fullyfinished basement. Too good to be true, you say! Well, see if to-day and believe. Ask for Jean Driscoli. OVERLOOKING TYRONE POND-i ACRE - Very oid fieldstone under stucco roadhouse. Partially renovated pine floors, large windows, centre hall plan, kitchen has new modemn cupboards. Asking $51,500. Terms. Caîl Jean Driscoll. JUST LISTED-$33,900. - And cute as bug's ear. Aluminum bungalow, in ideal Bowmanville location close f0 hospital, schools & shopping. Private completely hedged yard 165' deep. Separate spacious dining room and living roomn wifh hardwood floors in lovely condition. 100 amp. service, new furnace and humidifier. The price can't be heat, so call Jean Swadron or Ron Hurst for details. COUNTRY BU NGALOW- You can see the Kendal His from behind the house and Lake Ontario from the front. You will relax in the family room with the fireplace crackling, knowing thaf you purchased ail this for only $56,500. Phyllis McRobbie. NIE BOWMANVILLE-3 ACRES - This 3 bedroom home feafures stove, fireplace, pineboard panel in living room, new kitchen and bath. Would you believe ail this for only $48,500. Cali Phyllis McRobbie. BOWMANVILLE.$64,500. - 80% of your leisure time this winter will be spent in the family room because of the stone fireplace. The advantage f0 you is that your heafing bill may- be reduced but the real value te you is thaf you wiil have a cozy place f0 entertain your f riends. Cali Bill Whyte. BUILDING LOT-$28,500. - ldeally located just 3 miles f rom Bowmanville this 100' x 150' lot is perfect for your dream home. Vendor will finance. Cail Bill Morrison Jr. to-day. NORTH-EAST OSHAWA-2 ACRES - Custom bult 3700 sq. fit. home situated on attractive wooded lot. lifs many teafures include 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces, 3 waikouts plus surrounding ced'ar deck. Don't pass up the opportunity f0 view this home. Asking $149,000. with ferms. Cali Bill Morrison Jr. 10 ACRES- WILMOT CREEK-NEWCASTLE This picturesque properfy has a lovely 4 bedroomn brick home with large bar & rec room, enormous patio, double car garage, good cernent block barn for horses and has been pro- fessionally tandscaped. Asking $115,000. Terms. Cal Charlie Reid. CENTURY HOME-35 ACRES - This stone home is in excellent condition. Completely restored. Located 10 miles E. of Bowmanville. Good barn setup for horses. New dog kennel and defached garage. 15 acres of mixed bush wifh springfed pond. Asking $111,500. Cali Ron Hurst or Bill Turansky. Coast-to Coast Real Esliie service SHAW'S Suite)lA 57 Simcoe St. S ., Oshawa LiH 7L9 Phone 576-3430 P.O0. Box 516 7 Guaranteed Investmfent Certif icates NOW Annual Interest for Five Years VICTORIA ANO GREY TRUST