PINWHEEL crystal - now on dlsplay at Byford's Gift Shoppe, 40 King St. E, New- castle. Phone 987-5426. 44-3 N CERAMICS LARGE SELECTION 0F GREENWARE GLAZES, BRUSHES, ETC. CUSTOM FIRINGS. AI.SO CLASS OPENINGS. J EN DON CERAMICS 623-3868 44-2 MIRRORS, paintings and custom framing. A new service at Byford's Gift Shoppe, 40 King St. E., New- castle. Phone 987-5426. 44-3N 1973 SKI-DOO 340 pmt (Silver Bullet) like new, 673 original miles. $725. Phone Newton- ville 786-2609 after 6 p.m. 44-tf PIONEER chain saw (model 2073), 16" roler nose bar. Good condition. $90. Phone Newtonville 786-2609 after 6 p.m. 44-f CAPE, brown wool plaid. Quilted lining, dress length, excellent condition. Worn one season only for maternity wear. Phone 1-986-4358. 44-1 N FIN DLAY electric stove 24", 'white, excellent, must seil. $75. Phone 623-3622. 44-1 Labels - You'll find Ports, Levi's, Mr. Leonard, Tan-Jay, Big Steel, etc. among our racks - ail nearly new, in style, far, far below original price. Try aur way of shopping 1THE NEARLY NEW SHOP 9:30 ta 5:30 131 Brock St. South, Whitby and 73 Celina St., Oshawa. 44-1 N '73 RU PP Sport 30 h. p. 340 c.c. caver and shacks. Excellent condition. Phone after six 623-6481. 44-1 HANDMADE apple doils - cornes with clothespb-i rockhng~ chair. Ideal for gîfts. Phone 623-5682. 44-1 N MANURE, free for pick-up. Phone 623-7538. 42-TF N Holiday and Chevron Irailers Large selection of truck caps from $259.00 insta lied. Ca msport Ira i ler Sa les Highways 115 & 35, Newcastle Phone 987-5174 9-tf TALISMAN Flea Market. Antiques - Stamps,- Jewellry - Weavngi< - Pýottery - Brass- Caning.nitting -Refinishing SOten 10 a.m. - 5 p.mý Satudays, Sundays and Hoidays. Lots of parking. Free admission, 11/2 miles north of hyw. 2 at Newcastle. 41-TF Fireplace Wood Ail dried hardwood, maple, blrch, beech, oak and apple. Cut and split. Reasona ble. Delivered or get discounts orn picked up orders. Phone 623-4550 GOLDcolored small fi dogapproximately 4 nr oad Cal 987-5441. PAIR 0f child's gold rimmed glasses on Saturday. Phone 623-7728. 44-1 MALE, sandy brown and white cat wearing white f lea cllar. Answers to "P.J.". Calil 623-9257 after 6 p. m. 44-1 LOST - la rgegreyfemnalehalf Persian cal with redish.,brown markings on back, Newcastle- Bowmanviîle area some time a g . Very gentie. Answers ta "Sasha". Anyane having any information as ta her whereabouts please cali 623-9277. Reward. 44-1 BLACK cat with pink collar, Answers ta name of "Whiskey". Phone 623-6492. 44-1 TWO bedroom apartment, easonable rent, in Bowman- ville. Phone 623-5088. 44-1 MATURE maie, requires room and board in Bowman- vl le. Phone 623-3780. 44-1 1, Gillard J. Paterson of R.R. 3, Bowmanville will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date October 28, 1978 without m written consent. Signe, Gillard Paterson. 44-3 Winners of Br. 178 Leaion Lottery Weekly Draws. The following numbers and names were drawn at the Ladies Auxiliary Bingos on Wed., October l8th and October 25th and declared winners as shown hereunder: - Wednesday, October leth Draw.: lst prize, $750.00 - ticket no . 1791, Randy Beauprie and Group, 47 Centre St., Bowmanville; 2nd Prize, $1 50.00 - ticket no. 2056, Phyllis-McRobbie, 2 Jane St., Bowmanville; 3rd Prize, $100.00 - ticket no. 2275, Tom and Colleen Donahue, 200 Garden st., Whitby Wednesday, October 25th Draw: 1sf Prize, $750.00 - ticket 1690, Rowland Jacobi, 120 Annis St., Oshawa; 2nd Prize, $150.00 - ticket no. 1362, Lamna Davey in trust, 38 King St., W., Bowmanville; 3rd Prize, $100.00 - ticket no. 1294, Ron K. Pin gle, 32 King St., W., Bowmanvi lie. There are stili over 500 tickets left, the weekly reduction has brought tickets down to $9.00 each until the Nov. lst, 1978 draw, as there are 9 weekly draws left tatalling $9,000.00 - on Nov. 2nd tickets will drop to $8.00 and so on until ai l tickets are sold, the last of the 1978 draws wiIl be made on Wed., Dec. 27th. Get your ticket or that extra ticket now ta help Branch 178 sell ail the remfaining tickets. To date $41 ,000.00 in prize money has been given out in, this praject. A similar draw is p lanned for next year wlth larger prizes and one draw monthly. 44-1 LONG JOHN'S ANTIQUES have moved south one mile to southeast corner of Starkviîle, 4mî les north of Newtonvî le or 21/2 miles south of Kendal. SPhone 786-2016 tack - veterinary supplies also brokerage service which will arrange the sale or purchase of horses, tack, trailers, hay, etc. Gladwin and Ca. Durham Rd. 23 S. Whitby. 668-1282 (Open evenings). 42-TF N FR EE ta good country home, preferably with children, 31/i vea rs aid, femnale Bassett Hounîd, Spayed and has ail shots. Phone 623-2081 anytime. 44-1 N PUREBRED German Shepherd puppy for sale. Havelberg breedîng, $250. Cali 623-4789 after 5 p. m. 44-1 N AFGHAN, temnale, 1-year-old, papers, $200. Phone 263-8383. 44-1 N REGISTERED Golden Retriever, maie, 11/2 years old, excellent with children, $150. Phone 987-4233. 44-1 N IRISH Setter, female, 5 months aid, has ail shots. Needs space ta run. Phone 987-4919. 44-1 N 33-tf N HORSEMEN Complete facilities available. Horses - bo=h, sold and Training and 1lessons. lm English and Western. female Boarding facilitieswith indoor nonths arena. 44-1iN VISITORS WELCOME KENDAL HILLS HORSE !ýqee.C ENTR E Campbellcroft 416-797-2124 M 43-8 HORSES boarded, box or standing stail. Phone 1-797-2578. 44-1 N HORSES boarded, large box stalis, $70 per month. Phone 705-277-2617. 44-1 N REGISTERED Jersey heifer springing in November. Phone 1-786-2675. 44-1 N FREE REMOVAL OF FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 Tender for CAR ETAKE R Tyrone Community Centre to start January 1, 1979. Details available from Mrs. Marie Real 263-2716. Tender closing November 13,, 1978. 43-3N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-TFN '72 CH EV Impala, 2 snow tires and rims, certified. Asking $950. Phone 623-2847. 44-1 N VOLKSWAGEN '68 station wagon, as is, inspection wel come. Phone 1-797-2357. 44-1 '78 FORD 1/2 ton super cab with' camper. Many extras. For more information -987-5065. 44-1 N 1978 CUTLASS Salon Brou gham, V8, power steering and birakes, automatic, etc. $599.5. Phone 983-5736. 44-1 N 1975 PONTIlAC Astra hatch- back, GT package, 23,000 miles, like new. Phone after 5:30 -571-0597. 44-1 N HALF ton pick-up - 1974 Ford, like new. Caîl Joe 263-2967. 44-1 N '68 CH EV., good running order, needs some body work. Phone 987-4726. 44-1 '74 GREMLIN, 6 cylinder, 3 speed standard in excellent condition. Asking $1500, certi- fied or best offer. Caîl 1-786-2488 after 6 p.m. 44-1 N W HE N you've decided on your special car - for financing cati flave at 'the Commerce, 623-3401. 44-3N '76 HONDA Civic, 4 speed, 33,000 miles, $3,000. Phone 623-9488.11 44-1 N 1968 OLDS, Delta 88, two door hardtp 455 auto, drive train Aibd not bad, wili certify, $400 or best offer. Phone, 623-2081 anytime. 44-1 N '74 FORD 1/2 ton, heavy duty, V-8, 3/4 ton tires, Fleetside. $2300 or best offer. Must selI. Phone 1-983-9707. 44-1 N 1970 OLDS, green 4 door hardtop, 455 engine, in good running order, winterizecf. As is. $400. Phone Bill at 623-6311 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 44-1 N VITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofin g on new or used vehicles. Written war- ranty. Durham Vitalizingl, phone 723-1155. 47-t LOOKING AHEAD Earn $450 for Christmas in your spare timne. Choose your own hours. CALL MRS. GREEN (between 4 and 6) 623-9302 44-tf N BABYSITTER for Ontaria- Queen Street area. 2 days a week. Cail after 8 p.m., 623-4569. 44-1 LOCAL store requires gMr Friday - sales and office experience a help but flot necessary. Write Advertiser 786, c-o Canadian Statesmnan, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont. L1 C 3K9. 44-1iN EXPERIENCED M.I.G. welders required. Please apply in person to: Nesting Furniture Ltd., Station Street, Orono. 43-2N EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted for professianal Redken Salon. Excellent opportunities for educational, advancement. Cal 623-5455. 42-TF N BOWMANVILLE apartment, 4 rooms and bath, -heated, cable TV, free parking. Available now. Reasonable plus hydro. Phone 623-7523 or 1-705-696-3361, 28-TF APARTMENT in Bowman- ville, available immediately. Two bedroom carpetted, $270, utilities not included. Phone Philip Currie, 1-763-1131. 44-1 TYRONE, 2 barns, 10 acres, $50 monthly. Cali 623-7661. Ask for Donna. 44-1 N FURNISHED rooms for rerit Phone 623-7071. Ask for Fred. NEWCASTLE, 3 bedroom apartment, second f loor over- looking lake, stove provided, $230 a month, includes heat, pay own hydro. One child welcome, no pets. First and last req uired. 6 months lease. Phone Pickering 683-0953 after 6 p.m. 44-1 N NEWCASTLE - small two bedroom apart ment overlook- ing lake, stove provided, pay own hydro, $170 a month, includes heat. Flrst and last. One child welcome, no pets, 6 months lease. Pone Pickering 683-0953 after 6 p.m. 44-1 N TWO bedroom apartment in Bowmanviîle, $285 a month, ail utilities included, aduits Sreferred. Available ovem ber lst. Phone 623-9442. 44-1 N STORAGE available for tenrt trailers, hardtops, small boats and ski-doos. Phone 263-2042. 43-tf N THE Stonegate. Very nice 1 and 2 bedroom apartments with view and many features in Port Hope - 885-6500.39T BED-SITTING room with use of kitchen facilities and living room. Phone 623-4023. 44-1 GARAGE, Liberty and, Concession. Suitable for winter storage of medium-size car. Phone 623-7657. 44-1 ORONO, one very large 3 bedroom apartment. Available immediateiy. Phone 1-983-9165 or 1-983-5337. 44-1 N THREE bedroom brick bungalow on 1/2 acre lot at Pontypool. $375 per month. Cal11 Bi 1 Whyte, Osh: 728-7518, Bow: 623-3393. W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. Realtor. 44-1 HOUSE, 4 bedroom on Cedar Crest Beach in Bowmanville. $250 plus utilities.. Phone 263-8295. 4À-1 THREE bedroom apartment, heat and hydro, garage and garden. East of Kîrby. Phone 728-6609 and 725-5618. 44-1 N TWO bedroom apartment in Bowmanville, $200 a month, utilities not included, available imnmediately. Phone 623-5300. 44-1 FOR ADDITION TO TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE Approximate size 35' x 45' Tender dlosing Novem ber 13, 1978 For more information and C lns please contact Mr. B. eming 263-2307 Tyrone. 44-2N ODD JOBS M. Brooks YARD and BASEMENT CARPENTRY CLEANUP REMODELLING RUBBAGE REMOVAL CUPBOARDS - VANITIES LIGHT MOVING GENERAL REPAIRS PAINTING'Poe6356 Have truck wiîî move. Phne 23-56 Phone Andy 623-9379 Ail kinds of 22-tf BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION INSU LATION 149 SCUgog St. 623-5181 Bowmanville or 623-2756 - - 579-2060 Blown Cellulose Fibre for Attic and RAPCO FOAM for Walls. CITY and COUNTRY HOMES 7-tf N Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Bowmanvi île Siding - Soffit Fascia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 FOR FREE ESTIMATE. ALSO HANDLING VINYL SIDING 3-tf N 452-aý- Phone for appoint ment Anniversary, Weddinq.and Family Portraits ln Our Studio, Vour Home, or on Location 78 King St. W. Bowmanvilîe 623-2404 42-4N MOU NTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE SEPTIC TANK AND TILE BED INSTALLATION TRENCHING, BASEMENTS, WATERLINES, SCREENED STONE, CRUSHED GRAVEL, SAND TOP SOIL PH'ONE BLACKSTOCK 986-4737 44-1 REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique. Free pcku p and deîivery. FREE ESTIMATE S PHONE 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hamptan, 8t Durham Regional Police Force Tenders DRP 4-79 POLICE FORCE VEHICLES Sealed Tenders will be received at the office of the Chief of Police, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontariou until 12:00 o'clock nmon, Monday, November 2th, 1978, for thesuppîy and delivery of Police Farce Vehicles. Tender forms mnay be picked up or reguested, through the office of Superintendent Gerald Robinson, between the hours of 8.00 a.m. and 5: 00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Telephone 579-1520, extension 236. Lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. Jon M. Jenkins, Chief of Police. 44-1 Durham Regional Police Force Tender DRP 2-79 POLICE FORCE FOOIWEAR Sealed Tenders will be received at the office of the Chief of Police, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario' up until 12:00 o'clock noon, Monday, November 2th, 1978, for the supply and del ivery of Police Force Footwear. Tender forms may be picked up or requested, through the office of Superintenden t Gerald Robinson, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5: 00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Telephone 579-1520, extension 236. Lowest or any quotatian not necessarily accepted. Jon M. Jenkins, Chief of Police. 44-1 I MAKE MONEY CUSIOMIZING TIRES Earn up to $500 a week, full or part time. Tire Cosmotoiogy has surveyed the Lake Ontario Economic Area and are now interviewing ta set up "Tire Customlizing Specialists" in your area. Millions of carshave damaged or mismatched tires. They can earn you big profits with aur equipment and yau can start a business without any campetition. You charge $16 per set of tires. Your cost is 20 cents. It takes only 30 minutes. You can average 10 cars a day at $15.80. Profit is $158. NO FRANCHISE FEES, ROYALTIES OR OVERHEAD Tax Benefts. No Exper;ience Needed. We will train y ou ta become a Tire Customizing Dealer in a very short time. We provide expense paid trip ta Chatham, Ontario for training. Services offered: WHITEWALLING, REPAIR CURB DAMAGE, COLOR RACING STRIPES, LETTERING INCREASE YOUR ANNUAL INCOME TI RE COSMOTOLOGY will be holding interviews at the Flying Dutchman Motor Inn, 143 Duke St., Bowmanville on Thursday, November 9th. Caîl Toîl Free 1-800-265-5282 for your interview. WATER Wells bored, 30 tule. Ward's WelI Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-tf OXFORD Bricklayers and Stonemnasons Ltd. (Our fireplaces do flot smoke) Orono 983-5606 18-tf Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpentry, Renovating AI I General Repars REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs of ail types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf MUTTON MASON RY AilT Tps of Cement Work - Brick, Blocks, hmeec Speciaiizing in 1FIREPLA CES FREE ESTIMATES 623-3966 19-26N G. VAN LONDEN MASON RY BRICK, BLOCK, STONE AND FIREPLACES. Phone 623-5114. 31-tf ALL-IYPE ROOFING Shing les new or Remoofing Flats hot or cold process. Al roof and chimney repairs. FREE ESTIMATES 623-5038 Odd Jobs Person with truck mequimes work. Scmap, yard dlean up, etc. Phone 623-5340 43-2 SCUGOG Excavating,& Dredging -Lakeshome cieaning & developing, -Pond and other dragline work -Bulldozing - Free estimates - no obligation , -Reasonable rates Box 563, Port Perry 985-7720 40-8N CASH for god,ý silver, coins, guns, cdlocks, jewellery, dishes, furniture, crocks, eainfings, sea lers, applilances, rliendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf OLD stained glass window measurements 3'x 4' or 3' x 5'. Phone 623-7538. 42-TF N Ref rigeration and Applilance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days-------------...623-5774 Nights------------...623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Ca rpentry Remodelling General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-ti D &R CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM CHAINSAWING Phone Orono 983-5005 or 983-9627 il-tf Bowmanville Glass 143 Wellington St. 623-3410 Specializing in Cash & Carry, glass, mirrors, aluminum products <siding and doors) 28-tf N 1BiII's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. f 7 Division St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Mon. - Fri. 8:00 -5: 00 Sat.9 - 12 noon Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and {Ulazing. 9t Hutton & Wiggans Insu lat ion BLOWN METHOD FREE ESTIMATES '623-2551i Robert Van De Beit PAINTING (Interior and Exterior) ODD JOBS 263-2113 10-tf DRY WALL FINISHING PLASTER REPAIRS Spray Stucco Ceillngs Painting WALLY LUCYK Orono 983-5518 38-tf Ron,'s Floor Ca re Commercial and household cleaninc. Dry foam rua and caepet shampooing. Wax me- mova, waIi washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf DARLI NGTON' MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf MIN ER'S »EXCAVAI ING FOR TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 BO0K - "The Townships of Darlington and Clarke" by John Squair, Universýity of Toronto Press, 1927. Plase write Mr. G. Shaw, c-o 27 Concession St. W., Bowman- ville. 43-2N USED Furniture and Ap- l!iances. Paddy's Market, Mtampton 263-2241. 26-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcyc les Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-f Estate AucTion Sale Saturday, November 4th at 10: 30 a.M. For the estate of Stanley B. Gray, due ta the executor sale must be held at Gloridale Farms, 11/4 miles south of Garden Hill and 1/4 mile west or 3/4 miles west of Perrytown Church rather, than at the family residence: 9 pc. oak dining room suite (round table); oak book cabinet; R. C.A. colour T.V.; oak lîbrary table; 3 pc. chester- fiels suite; aak hall seat with brass hooks; oak umbrella stand; antique aval table; oak fireplace bench;' G.E. re- frigerator; Beach cook stove: extension table; press back chairs; hoop back chairs; walnut drap leaf table; cane rockers; oak dressers; leather rocker; old chest of drawers; secretary; oak cupbaard; aid rocker; washstands; iran bed with brass trim; antique couch; dressers; dressing table; cedar chest; sma Il tables; knee hale desk; pine blanket boxý hump back trunk; toilef set; wicker chairs; aid cdock; Quebec heater; Diana Banner cook stove; fireplace irons and screen; large earthen jug; dishes, and china including some aId pieces; picture frames; aid mantie cdock; coal ail lamps; milk botties; linens; rugs; parlour Iamp; books and many more items found in an aid homestead. Sale under caver. Lunch available. Terms cash, no reserve. Northumberland Auction Services Ltd. Paul Lean, auctianner. Phone 352-2403. 44-1 Auction Sale Stirtevant's Auction Hall 33 Hall Street, Oshawa Thursday, Nov. 2 at 6 p.m. Property of R. Crothers, Harwood Ave., Ajax. Refrigerator, electric stove; lautomatic washer and dryer; chrome suite; mahogany five piece bedroom suite with -four poster bed, highboy, dresser, night table (mint condition); antique hall stand with bevelled ?lass and lift-up seat; chesterfîield suite; air conditioner, like new; coffee and end tables; vanity wicker chairs; golf clubs with cart; cassette recorder; lamps; baseboard heater; copper bolier; desk with chair; type- writer; space heater; rugs; canopy bed; color TV; treadie sewing- machine; dresser chest of drawers; mantie fi!replace; wood stove; antique chairs; spin washer and dryer; largq quantity silver, china, dishes; large quanfilfy electrical hand moils sucn as drills, sanders and saws. This is a goad private estate. Plan to attend.- Terms cash. Myles King, auctoneer. 725-5751. Saturday, November il 11: 05 a .m. Two tractors, farm -machinery, 1967 Plymouth, 6,000 miles on rebult motor;ý 1974 G.M.C. pick-up with cap, runs excellent, automatic, Sower steerîng, power rakes; hay, straw, furniture, some antiques, property of June and William Bull, R. R. f1, Pontypool at Manvers Station, turn east off Hwy. 35 on Manvers 4th Line. Dishes, silverware, lar,'atiquepump organ and stool, oo0 8 piece dining room suite, antique bedroom suite, chairs, floor polishers, mirrors, bunk beds, radio-record player, antique beds, console television, chrome table, high chairs, car radios, large fish tank. Machinery: 2 International diesel tractars with loaders, f Model 275; 3 furrow plough drag disc; 3 pt. cultivator, seed drill; Case baler; disc tiller; fertilizer spreader; electric grain grinder; manure spreader; drag harrows; hay rake; Pinta car for parts; electric motors, f arden sprayer, farm traîler, w dig lawn mowers; power reel type lawnmower; office equi ment, tools etc. No reserve. Par being sold. Note time: 11:05 sharp. Machinèry f irst. Lunch available. Orval McLean, 4@uctioneer 324-2791 or 324-2783 nights, Lindsay. 44-2N Plan to attend the "!Auction Sales" every Wednesday evening, 6:30 p.m. at the Oshawa Market Place, 249 Toronto Avenue (Ritson Road and 401) Oshawa, Ontario. 40-TF Saturday, November llth Giving up dairying. Auction sale of Holstein cattîe and dairy ecuipment. The property of Elaine and Gardon Jackson, west haîf Lot 7, Con. 10, Ops Twp. 7 miles east of Lindsay on Hwy. 7 ta Mill Road a t Reaboro and 11V2 miles south. 64 head of Holstein cattie. 3 purebred cows, 3 Surebred heifers, 28 mature ýolste in cows in ail stages of lactation. 6 fresh in Sept., 1 fresh Aug., 1 fresh July. 1 due time of sale, 1 due Nov. 20, 1 due Nov. 17, 3 due Dec., 2 due Jan., 4 due Feb. 8 grade bred heifers, 6 grade heifers breeding age, remainder open heifers and calves. Some excellent DHIA records. Herd average 12,500 lbs. milk BCA 123- 111. See sale posters for details. Some NIP cards available day of sale. Herd tested Oct. 3. 1976 Surge Pace Maker Pipe Line - 3 staîl. automatic wash in place Surge 3 stail diagonal ;mîlking ~arlour. 1974 DeLaval 27 can Eukml ank, stainless steel, 3 Surge true-test milk meters. 1 Surge ýunit, Surge water softener, North Ca. Ma gnet automatic grain feeder, ather items. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1: 00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro Ont. 705-324-9959 43-2 Thursday, November 9 12 noon Hoîsteins Annual Malmont Anniversary Sale at Malmorit Sales Arena, Blackstock, Ontario. Neil Malcolm, Sales-- Manager. 416-986-4246. 50- head, several fresh cows wit- full deep' pedigrees, also ý2-ý service age sires with 3 VsG'ý dams, also a fineegroup fwe Srown -bred hies pri eifers and calves. Thàs annual sale of selected cattree- have been picked as founda: - tion material, as well as aà number of g ood fresh cows t& help the fa[l miîk supply. AIf'- brucellosis tested, Mst Qf1- listing rorM. Lunich availabl at sale. Lloyd Wilson, auctioneer. 44-2 Farm SoId Novemnber il 1 p.m. Sale of implements and antiques, the property of Doug Veater, Lot 13, Con. 7, Hope Townshi p, 3/ mile south of Garden H ill on County Rdi. 10. Massey Ferguson 135 tractor !tih Fzee-on loader andl ch@!inpl 400hrs., Lillistan 7fi. rotary mower - 1975 with I blades, Massey Ferguson post hale auger - new 1976, chain harrows, 91/2 ft., M.F. blade 6 ft. adjustable, Massey Fer guson roto tiller - 5 h.p., White 10 ft. cultivator - 3 pt. hitch - 18 teeth, 32 ft. aluminum extension ladder, 2 wheel trailer with 14 ft. rack, 20 ft. auger, 31/2 i with 1/2 h4. motor, wheelbarrow, western saddle and bridlle - like new, Lawnboy 21 in. lawn mower,. sca les, snow fence, cedar rails, lumber, tools, lawn furniture, skil saw - 12 in. blade, tattoo kit (new), Sunbeam clippers, milk cans, pine f lower box, trunk, chef's robe dresser and closet and chest of drawers, washstand, 2 pine cannoni bail head boards, pine woad box, pine cupboard, many other articles. Termsý cash. Sale time 1 p.m. Arnot- Wotten Auctioneer, Hampton, Ont. 416-263-2583. 44-2 Thurscay Night, Novemnber 9 7 p.m. at Orval Mc Lean Auctionu Cen ter - Lindsay On County Rd. 4 just south of Highway 7 By-pass. Consign- ment f rom Mrs, Oscar,~ Graham, Fenellon Falls, goo4... assortment of antiques andl, aIder- furniture, antique- dlocks, appliances, excellent'. Mason & Risch player piano- and nearly 100 rails, antique, settee, iron bed, antique. dressers, washstands, arlour, tables, wooden bed, oakdinlng' room suite, other furniture,- antiques, refrigerator,, electric stove, wringer-, washer, television, ginger-' bread dlock, antique wall. dlock, mantel dlocks, sheif, dlocks, antiqgue platters, oil: lamps, etc. No reserve, house' sol d- Orval *McLean,' auctioneer, 324-2791 or 324-2783 nights. 44-2 SPEIALZIN IN Don Brooks & Son CONCRETE FLOORS Genera I Contra ctor 623-98114-ffN and Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 William New homes, additions, altema- Grootendorst Ltd. tions, mec ooms, garages, BRICK BLOCKeptiirs of a Il types, etc. BRICK BOCK 25-tf a= Dairy Goat and Dairy Equirpment Auctio S e Saturday, Nov. 4,11 p.M. For Jeff -and Jane Gald, Golden Farms, Bowmanville, ta be held at Peterborough Trading. Land, (former Peterboro Livestock Sale Arena), Hwy. 7 Bypass and Bensfort Rd. (200 yds. south) A complete dispersai of 78 goats and sheep, Termis cash: goats of a superiar disease- Tree herd includinci 19 Dure- bred Nubian and Alpine, 52 Canadian recarded- does, 19' recordable or arade Toaaen- burgs, Saanens, Nubians and alpines. Bulk cooler, milkers, coolers, stainless steel cream cans, milk canis, cream separator, debudder, dehorn- er etc.* 2 reg. Border Caolles for goats and sheep. Term cash: no reserve. Come and see the herd on Friday, Nov. 3 (1 - 8 p.m. ) and stay far our Flea Market and Farmer's Market (household sale at 6:30 p.m.) or Saturdays (8 - 5). Steve Liptay, Auctioneer. 43-2N Saturday, November lSth Auction sale af household furniture, somei antiques. The- p raperty of Bill Sandersorý, Lot 4, Con. 5, Emily Twp., l mile north of Toronto Dominion Bank 'in Omemèe and 11/4 miles west. Oak desk,- churn, 2 televisions, 2 radias, antique bedroam suite, iran bed, chests of drawers, coal oil and electric lam ps, rockers, chairs, what not, dimette suite, chesterfield suite, drap leaf table, Tappan 400 elIectric> stove - 2 piece aven on, top-., Silverware, complete set of - dishes, odd dishes, rugs, lars, - antique dlock, 2 crocks,. wardrobe, Purox cutting aid- welding torches with gauges and hases, farm scales, DeLaval No. 15 cream separator, many other items. Terms cash. Na reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hicksoný, auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 43-4, Saturday, November 4th >1 at 1:G00P.M. Peterboraug h Counfy Cattlemen's Asociation Fat, Stocker, Sale at Lindsay Community Sale Barn, R.R.-2- Lindsay. Over 1000 head consig ned already. Always an- excellent sale. For consîgn- ments or further information,ý contact Ferg. Condcon, R.R. 4 Lakefield, :652-7615. Cari Hickson, auctioneer. Note -_ Our regular weekl y sales are, every Monday and Friday >at» 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, propretor and auctioneeri Rabo, Ont. 705-324-9959 'or, 324-2774. 39-6' . 1