PROVINCIAL COURT October 24, 1978 Judge R. B. Baxter presided with Assistant Crown Attorney A. Sosna and Duty Counsel D. Barber. Ronald Skea, 43, 1140 Mary St. N., Oshawa, was charged May .27, 'while ability was: impaired by alcohol or drug did drive'. He pleaded 'guilty'. He was northbound on Liberty North, weaving in his own lane. The fine was $150 and costs, in default 8 days. Donald Prout, 18, 79 Scugog St., Bowmanville was charged September 17 'did commit misehief by setting fire to a, Town of Newcastle garbage container' ini front of the Castle Hotel. He said he was acting smart in front of his frîends. The fine was $75 and costs indefault 10 days. Given one month to pay. Kenneth F. O'Relly, 18, Caesarea, pleaded 'guilty' to taking a part of a stereo component set not exceeding $200. He was placed on probation for two years to reside with your uncle and abîde by his rules in the home. If y ou behave at end of, pro bation a conditional discharge will be given. Kenneth Lodge, Jr. 23, 1525 Ritson Road S., Oshawa, Unit 16, pleaded 'guilty' to driving while disqualified, on September 27. He was'north- bound on Liberty St. The fine was $50 and costs, in default 5 days. Shelley M. Clark, 24, Unit 10, 1525 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa, pleaded 'guilty' to tendering two cheques to a local supermarket in August which were returned NSF. The amouait bas been repaid. She received two years probation which will be followed by a conditional discharge. Jack M. Rosamond, 18, 293 Viewmont, Oshawa, was charged October 5 'drove after consuming over .08.' He e leaded .'guilty'. P. C. ritchard followed him at an excessive rate of speed. The fine was $250 and costs, in default 15 days. The following were charged with possession of cannabis marijuana and the fine was $100 and costs, in default 5 days: Daniel W. Cox, 20, 9 Parkway Cres., Bowmanville; Daniel G., Langstaffe, 18, Kendal. Bench warrant was issued for Ralph Harper. Robert Johnston, 20, 390 Dawes Rd., Toronto, was charged October 7 'drove after consuming over .08 contrary to Section 236CC'. He pleaded 'guilty'. He was also charged same day 'did drive while disqualified' and pleaded 'guilty'. He was observed eastbound on Taunton Rd. at a high rate of speed. He was over the centre Une on several occasions. He became violent when he was under arrèst. Tests were .15. His license had been suspended because of a judgement against hlm. The first charge brought a fine $150 and costs, in default 7 days. On the second charge the fine was $50, no costs, in default 3 days additional. Ross E. Duncan, R.R. 2, Newcastle, pleaded 'guilty' to two charges 'Id fail to file income tax return for 1976'. They have since been paid. The fine was $25 and costs on each count in defaut 5 days. Peter Meyer, 33, 34 Burke St., Oshawa, pleaded 'guilty' to five dlaims for benetîts under the UIC during April and May knowing them to be false.- The Federal Crown Prosecutor asked for a jail sentence. He was sentenced to 7 days on each count making a total of 35 days to be served intermittently each weekend until sentence is served. He Will Be One- Year- Old Tomorrow will be on probation for one year during which time he will pay back to the Receiver General $1,057. Perry Jackman, 19, 63 Church St., Bowmanville was fined $50, no costs, in default 5 days for causing a disturbance September 29 on King St. E. P.D. Keyes was on patrol and observed him fighting on the, sidewalk. Robert Vanlonden, 16, 20 Bradshaw St., Bowmanville, pleased 'guilty' to common assault October 7. He was a passege in a car and grada person on a bicycle who was pulled along in the ditch. He was put on probation for two years, to reside with his parents. He is not to interfere with the youth involved. 1Christopher Brown, 19, 287 Currie St., Oshawa, was fined $50 no costs, in default 5 days for failing to obeya curfew on June 2. Christopher John Ward, 16, l01 King St. W., Newcastle and latterly Toronto, who pleaded 'guilty' at an earlier hearing to three charges appeared today for sentence: break and eftter at a restaurant in May brought a term of 9 months in the reformatory with psychiatric treatment recom- mended. Possession of a sumý of money - 6 months to run concurrent; failing to appear - 15 days to run concurrent. Norman Bell, 30, 95 Henrietta St., Toronto, was charged August 26 'drove after consuming over .08.' He pleaded 'gulty'. He was p'uled over on 401 on a routine check. Tests were .15 and .14. The fine was $150, and costs in default 7 days. Allan W. Knikniski, 57 Keewatin S., Oshawa, pleaded 'guilty' to driving after con- suming over .08 on July 28. P.C. Keyes observed hlm Hi. My name is Ryan Curtis Campbell and 1 wilI be 1-year-old tomorrow, Nov. 2,1978. To help me celebrate the blowing out of my first candie will be my proud parents Cliff and Debbîe (Vanstone) Campbell, Bowmanville. My grandparents Charles and Florence Vanstone, also of Bowmanville and many of my Aunts, Uncles and Cousins whose names I can't say yet. westbound on King St, New- castle. Tests were .16. The fine was $150 and costs, in default 7 days. License suspension 3 months. Jas. Traquair, 20, R.R.2, Blackstock, pleaded 'guilty' to throwing a rock at a home in Nestleton on July 1. Be was also charged with failing to appear August 8. Judge Baxter told him 'it was time he grew up'. On the first charge the fine was $75 and costs, in default 5 days. The second charge was $50 and costs, in default 5 days additional.. Michael Jos. lRice, 17, Caesarea, was charged September 17 'did drive while RE-EmLE Local Councillor Ward 1 "As your representative, I will continue toý speak out for a common sense ap- proach to growth, and I wilI continue to work towards building a community that merits the sound, economic and recre ational needs of the citizens. I wil continue to be a strong voice for you.", J.W. Holliday A Good MnTo Do A Goo a, 25 Years A Thursday, October In the good oldd Pethick's, barberi headquarters for instruments such guitars, mandolir and autoharps. A ambitious young formed a music much in demand functions 'were Ceci Osborne, Alb disqualified'. He 'guilty'. He was ai! same day withi quantity of gas flot $200. He is presenti: months for a sent another court. Or these two charge given 30 days to ri rent. Michael Kraan,1 Bowmanville, plea( to three charge: September 'did d consuming over .0 first charge the fin no costs,'in default the second charge t] $250 no costs, in days consecutive suspension 24 mon: tion for 2 years, tc probation officer or Section Two The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, November 1j-1978 _5 WM ý manville, was recently -re- elected an honorary president of the Association of Canadiax? ~ ClIn the B.H.S' Field Day Walter Cole and Kenneth tant Osborne tied for the senior ~ tatant y' championship, Harold tColmer won the junior championship with Winton Bagneil, the runner-up. Elinor 29h 93 Guy Pethick and Frank, Syke's won the senior girl's ýcongregatio5s titie and Annie Wilkins the -shop was attended both services last junior. ra musical Sunday on the occasion of St. L.E. Mountjoy , of abanjos, Paul'1s United Church 1it Cartwright was named nviolins anniversary to hear ad delegate to the Supreme tmog he welcome back to his hane Lodge, Sons of England held in men who town, Rev. H.W. Pointenacouvane, B.C.Hie wa al group, B.A., B.D., D.D., of Woodville. copne b i ie for social . Donna Akey of Ontario Speakers at a Public Cass Tail, Street School took first place meeting for M.J. Elliott, Conservative Candidate to be ert Darch, lni the inter-school public hl nteTw al speaking contest held at the hBlackstochae TnHalJ. High Sehool last week with hier Baktreb aeAthrJ > pleaded address, Queer Customs of FalisillbkTroo and A.J. stealing a speaking on Canada was e aeafwothiema texceeding second, and Murray Walker, dollar wrnl buy at Kerslake's .y ervng thrdwih bs adres, he Drug Store. Bath saits, l ence fro tnic. wt hsadesTe shaving cream, perfume, n eachof Ciaroyi eryc.uhtr ftalcum powder, playing cards, s hie was Dr, George Werry and Mrs. thiemos bte, cbmat ,oxr 'un concur- Werry (nee Jean Morris) was toilet woatecat, box nt ae n the winner of the Red Feather t o dop box note paper and 18, R. R. 4, public speaking 'contest in pud o o hoomts ded'gult' Ohaw lst eekinthejunor A number of people have sdd'ult'Ohw laid ee in section.or been asking about holding a Irive after Cheerleaders from comuar nt auctonsale If 8?' On the Bowmanville High Schoolpyoune JJiMntestd leSn e was $100 Nancy Mitchell,Katie Olsen pheonue . Mson5n0. on S days. On Elaine Burgess, Helen Cole Tenubri50 he fine was and Pat Bagneli attended the The staff of the Public default 15 Red Feather Football Tourn- School entertaîned the staffs License ament- at the C.N6e. Grand- of the High School and the ths. Proba- stand on Friday night. Boy's Training School at the ,o report to_____ Balmoral Hotel oni Tuesday ice a month 49 Vears Ago evening. and undertake direction at an alcoholic centre. Two months to pay. Leon Barkwell, 32, R.R. 2, Port Hope, pleaded 'guilty' to dangerous driving June 10. He was on Regional Road 9 with a passenger. The car went out of control and the passenger was killed. One previous record was read out. The crown said he was a danger to himself and others. The judge told him 'a life has been taken but a deterrent aspect has to be given.' He was sentenced to jail for 3 months. License suspension 3 years. Probation for 3 years after release with one term, to wholly abstain from alcohol. Thursday, October 10, 1929 Col. R.C. McCullough of Hamiflton, a native of Bow- BUCKLE-UP FOR SAFETY PADDY'S MARKET New and Us ed Furniture and Appliances Tradeins Accepted on Appiances - Easy Credit Terms Available - Telephone 263-2241 lý~ , 4i# Hampton kF AIT1 ~/U3LY4fVu HERITAGE HOUSE limited WE«'VE GOTITALLI We searched the international bazaars to bring you a whole caravan of delightful gifis for the holiday season, created by artisans from around the world... from Spain - a whîmsical car ved bear and a rocking horse. from Germany - ceramîc jardinieres in ail colours and sizes.. frorn Portugal - animal shaped pottery soup tureens. froui China - delicate tea caddies. froin France - woven silk pictures. from Canada, En gland, India, U.S.A., a/m ost everywhere - so many litile inexpensive remembrances and unusual gifts for special people. We've got it ail! IBest of allDuring November ai11l Gifts are 1 û'0%off.j HERE'S HOW TO FIND usN ROUSSEAUZ Heritage House LimitedMAYS.E 216 Mary Street E., Whitby « O- OROT: Phone 668-3483 OPEN OAILY 9:00 a.m' .6:00 pm.-r Fri. and Sat, until 9:00 P.m. 401 May we suggest our Revolving charge Plan?, BOWMANILLE If you want an experienced, ef fective member as trustee to represent you on the Northumberland Newcastle Board of Education. VOTE - RAY HARDING Reliable - Hard woring PHONE -623-7403 9%&og Vote AIlf for Regional Council e three ards Unite the Town of Newicastle. Equal Taxes Throughoui the On November 13th For information Tel ehn e 9,37 -457