6The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 1, 1978 NE WTUOVILLE Newtonville U.C.W. met in the Church Hall on Wednesday evening, ýOct. 25, and Presi- dent Carole Gardner welcom- ed ahl, and called on Secretary Jean Kimbhall for the report of last meeting, duly read, and adopted. Mrs. Milligan thanked the group for having sent her flowers, during her recent illness, and an expression of appreciation is to be sent to Mr. Jim Adams, for his wdrk in the basement. Posters are being made for the coming bazaar in November, and tables are to be set up, for the bazaar, on Friday, Nov. 10at 1 p.m. Kendal, Shiloh, Orono and Newcastle are to be- invited. The proposed lunch, with a cup of tea, was accepted on motion, and carried. Treasurer Shirley Stapleton reported the expenses in connection with the Masonic Banquet, the profit from which amounted to $50232. Appreciation was expressed for the splendid assistance received, not only from our own members, but, also, from four outsiders, as well as six Senior Sunday School pupils, and one Junior pupil. The Sunshine Committee reported having remembered Bernice Mifligan during her recent illness. One plant has been offered, for the Cowing Anniversary, and a second plant will be bought. A donation of three hundred dollars will be made to our church, for the coming anniversary, Oct. 29th. A motion was passed that lunch will be served, after the aboveý service. t was moved and seconded, that the lunch, after our bazaar, be left in the hbands of the Social Function Group, carried. The November U.C.W. meeting will be one week earlier than the regular time, namely, on Wed., Nov. 22, and the December meeting, also, Young Fishermen Pull in a Whopping Big Salmon will be earlier, on Wed., Dec. 13. For the latter meeting, there wiil be an exchange of gifts, not exceeding one dollar, among the members, also one dollar for Senior Citizens. The choir gowns have been repaired, and are being dlean- ed, and a request that the U.C.W. pay the bill, was agreed to, on motion to Rowena Tizzard, seconded by B. Milligan, and carried. Another request that we pay for new music books, needed by the choir, was also agreed to on motion of Olive Hender- son, seconded by Acey Farrow, and carried. Thanks was expressed from Nel-Gor Rest Home, for the donation of potatoes, left over fromn the recent Masonic Banquet. The Devotional was in charge of Unit Leader Margaret Elliott, assisted bv Jean Ogden, Inez Boughen, son, Raymond, of Bramalea. Incidentally, Sunday was the occasion of the l8th Wedding Anniversary of the MeMurchys,, who were married here in Newtonville Church. Congratulations! Mr.' Gerry Adams, of Toronto, had called to see his father, on Saturday an 'd Sunday, but no one was home, as Mr. Adams had taken the family out to dinner at the Forum after ail had attended our Anniversary Service. Gerry was on his way to Kingston, Saturday, where the Barbershop Harmony Group of which he is a member, were entertaining. Mrs. Winnifred Elliott was a Sunday dinner guest with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Castie, Port Hope. .Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade, of Newcastle, were dinner guests with Mrs. Leone Lane, after ail had attended our Anniversary Service. Sunday dinner guests with Mrs. Lena Clysdale after Anniversary Service, included Mrs. Irene Burley, of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tompkins and family and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wool- ley of Bowmanville and Mr. Don Fletcher and friend of Oshawa, were Sunday1 visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher., Mrs. Leone Lane was a luncheon guest on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown, who incidentally, were observ- ing their wedding anniversary that day. We think it was their 24th Celebration! Congratula- tions to them and also to Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster on their 38th Anniversary on Monday. Remember our Bazaar on Saturday, Nov. llth and our Remembrance Day Service at the Cenotaph, Nov, il at 10: 45 a.m. Rev. A. :Tizzard will officiate. Since it is Saturday, and no school, we hope the children of ail ages will participate, especially ail our youth organizations. Branch 178 of the Royal Canadian Legion, Bowmanville, will be in attendance, for the "Laying of Wreaths", etc. Mrs. Bea Jones was a bridge player at the home of Mrs. Ethel Lycett,: in Orono, Monday afternoon. ComercalHockey Loqgue These two young fishermen won't forget this catch for a while. It's a Cohoe salmon measuring 38" long and weighs fin at 19.2- pounds. Jeff Wray, left, and Jeff Logan of Bowmanville caught it Saturday in the creek south of the Goodyear plant.- Photo by Rick James Bernice Henderson, and Dara DeSmit. Margaret Elliott then introduced Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard, of Newcastle, who showed us an interesting set of pictures taken during their three weeks' "Good will Trip Abroad,". this past summer. Leaving from Montreal, they with their party of thirty-eight seed- growers and their wives, visited' London, Cambridge, Vienna, Hungary, Budapest, Russia, Poland, Germany, and back home again. The descriptions of these coun- tries, their crops, native people, and their customs, along with their splendid pictures, were most interest- ing, and enlightening, giv- ing many of us new ideas of conditions there, etc. Thanks were expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Rickard along with gifts, and lunch was served by the group in charge. The attendance, including guests was about thirty.' Dinner guests, last week, with Rev. and Mrs.. Aubrey Tizzard, at the Manse, includ- ed Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stevens, from Moncton, New Brunswick, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sansome. of Hill- grade, Newfoundland, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sansome, of Toronto. Mr., Gerald Zealand, of Elizabethville, was a visitor last week wîth Mrs. Agnes Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burley, Bridgenorth, and>Mr. and Mrs. Keith Burley, David and Michael, of Waterloo, were callers last week, with Mrs. Burley, and supper guests. later. with Mr. and Mrs. Dow Vinkie. Mrs. Anne Roymal, and Mr. Bill Duncan, of Hamilton, with Mr. Thomas Duncan, of England, visited with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Elliott, and Mrs. Winnifred Elliott, last Wednesday. Mrs. Bea Jones and Mrs. Leone Lane were callers, last week, with Miss Minnie Randaîl, in Oshawa, and Mrs. Jean Britton, in Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs.' Melville Jones, away on their European tour the past few weeks, called up from Milan, Italy, last Monday. They are expected to be home again on Tuesday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Paeden, recently, include Mrs. Veronica Nelson of Toronto, Mrs. Violet O'Halloran, of Kirkland Lake, and Mrs. Roger Whitfield, from Graf ton. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. David Fletcher, and family, in Morrice, Michigan. The weather was lovely, and they visited Detroit, Lansing, Haslett, and Terry, enjoying it to the fullest extent, returning home, here, by bus, the same way they went over. The Women's Institute held a card party ini Comnunity Hall, Friday evening, where there were sixteen tables in play, with the following winners :- 50-50 Draw - Mrs. Florence Ferguson, Mrs. W. Merrili. High lady - Eva Smith, high man - Hesper Deane, door prize - Mrs. John Garden, lucky draws :- Mrs. Dennis, Scott Yeo, Ruth Yeo, Vi Sutcliffe, Mrs. Imlach, Ken Fletcher, Wally Boughen, Norma Moffatt., Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, Newcastle, were Thursday callers with Mrs. Agnes Burley. ,About thirty relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Ron Menaul, Port Hope on Saturday, Oct. 28, to help Mrs. George Walkey celebrate her 9th birthday. Ladies' Hi-Shafted Snow Boots Brown and Black In Sizes61/2to 9 Regular $38.00 Now $29,90, Q in ieE Guests were present from 1HAgersville, Toronto, Bobcageon, Mississauga, Newcastle, and Port Hope, and the guest of honor received many cards, flowers and gifts expressing best wishes. We would like to express our best wishes, also! Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Merrili, of Warkworth, spent the weekend with Mrs. Bea Jones, and ail attended the card party, here, on Friday night. Saturday, they were supper guésts, in Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Carman Cornish, and Sunday, al attended our, Anniversary Service. Bernice and Fred Hender- son were the greeters at our church doors Sunday morning when our Anniversary service was held at 9:45. The lovely flowers at the front of the church, were in memory of the late Lloyd Clysdale, placed there by his wife and family. He passed away on Oct. 19, 1977 and has been sorely missed. Our speaker was Rev. Robert Bartlett, who is "Director of Special Gifts, United Church House, Toronto." At one time, he was minister on the Welcome Charge, s0 is no stranger in this area and ail enjoyed his sermon, which was entitled, "Things Do Happen In Church. " Our Anniversary Choir, consisting of ten ladies and four gentlemen, ail local people, from the three churches on this Pastoral Charge, sang -three anthems : - "Master The Tempest Is Raging," "Heaven Came Down And Glory Filled My Soul," and, lastly, "Just Inside The Eastern Gate." Al were appreciated very much, by our, congregation - inci- dentally, one of the largest we 623-374à have ever ha d here. -Chairs had to be brought up from the Sunday School' and extra Bulletins and Hymn Books picked up, to have enough to go around. Altogether a very successful service, in every way, and our thanks to al those who helped to make it so! Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best were Mr.- and Mrs. Harold Best, and Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Farrow, of Welcomne. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Staple- ton, Bowmanville, were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton, on Sunday. With Mr. Jim Adams, Sunday visitors included Mrs. Beryl Keuleman, of Los Angeles, California, and Mr. and Mrs. R. McMurchy and I Sunday morning, the two rival teams from last season met in a real eontest of good coaching from John Osborne and Don Crossey. These are two very strong hockey teams, with lots of talent on both. I was unable to attend this game but with a littie enquir- ing was told by everyone it was a terrific game, but as usual Frank's came up with the big win. The game was evenly matched tili the last four or five minutes, that's when Boyd Knox who already had three goals to this stage of the game, scored bis fourth goal of the game, giving him a total of four goals and two assists. The other marksmen for Frank's were Bill Prentice with two goals, and Hogarth, Russell, and Roy Randeli with one each, thus ending the game with a total score of 9 - 6. The assists went 'to Rick Woolner with three,Harness, Brooks, Simpson, and Hogarth with one apiece. Spencers Realtors played a very valiant game, and from ing sharp shooter John Knowlan scored the first goal of the game at the 5: 10 mark. The other marksmen forthe Spencer Realtor's were Gay, D. Colweli and Bowan, with one, and Rick Hall with two. Assists went to Hall with two, Bowan with two, Howes and Vance each had one. In the second game I've been told that Mike Willough- by was sensational for Firths Meats, and to prove it he shut out Cowan's by a score of 7 -0. The big guns for Firth's were Baker, Corneli, J. Colwell with two each, and Gary Wilson with one, with the assists going to Wilson with two, Humenick, Radimaker, Corneli,'and Vivian one each. As for Cowan Pontiac, don't think by this score thaty they haven't got a good hockey team, because before the winter is over I'mff sure Barry Oliver and Tim Prout will come up with a formula to prove this. ail the information Scott Burgess played well in the net for his team. Crossey's open- TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE ELECTIlmONS NOTICE 0F POLL An Election to f111 the Follawing Offices wili be held an MONDAY, NOVEMBER l3th, 1978 Poils wiII be open t ram il a.m. ta 8 p.m. COUNCIL Mayor 3 Regional Councillors (1 for each Ward) 3 Local Councillors (1 for each Ward) NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Ward 1 - 2 Trustees Ward 2 - 2 Trustees Ward 3 - 2 Trustees One Member to represent the Separate School Supporters in the Town of Newcastle and County of Northumberland. PETrERBOROUGH.VICTrORIA.NoRTrHuMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SOHOOL BOARD. One Member to represent the Separate Sohool Supporters in the Town of Newcastle. VOTERS WILL BE ADVISED BY MAIL 0F THEIR POLLING SUBDIVISION AND WHERE TO VOTE. 'ADVANCE POLL An Advance Poili for the purpose of receiving votes of electors who expect to be unable to vote on Poîling Day in, the Polling Sub-Divisjon for which their names appear on the Poîling Lists or who are entitled to vote under a certif icate issued by the Clerk wiIl be held on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1978 ftram 9 a.m. ta 8 p.m. in the fallawing places Ward 1 Community Hall, Hampton Ward 2 Town Hall, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Ward 3 Municipal Hall, Orono PROXY VOTING Any person whose name is entered on the Polling List for a Polîing Sub-Division or who has obtained a certificate entitîing hlm to vote and who is unable to vote: a) Because of medical reasons and so cert.if led by a Iegally q ualified medical practitioner. b) Because of absence f rom his Polling Sub-Division by reason of attending an educationai institution. c) Because of absence f rom his Polling Sub-Division by reason of being engaged in the business of transportation by railway, air, water or motor vehicle. mayvote by proxy in that Sub-Division. Proxy applications may be picked up at the Town Clerk's Office and returned not later than 5 p.m. on Monday, November 13, 1978. J.M. Mcllroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk, Returning Officer 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvilîe, Ontario mi 1 11honel 623l3379 a A