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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1978, p. 7

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 1, 1978 7 Do youlhave part-trne work baby-sitter? Thea available? Odd jobs that need Studeat by contactini ta be done? Or do you need a Jeffrey or Mr. Todd- MIN ISTE R: Rev. N. E. Scha merhorn, B.A., M. Div. ORGAN IST: Mr. D. DewelI Sunday, November 5th, 1978 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship "Fire on the Moun tain" Friday and Saturday, Nov. 3 and 4 Happy Days Revue presents SHOW TIME '78 in St. Pau's United Church Hall. For tickets, cail church secretary at 623-5701 Church at Division St. Off ice 623-313 SEJNDAY SC400L CLASSES il .m ~8glner~,Kindergacr, PrJieiry B B Buch meetat 9:15 n Church Parour (2nd and 4th Sundays) Age Group - 5 to 17 years Sunday, November5, 1978 143rd il11a.m. The message wiII be presented by The Covenant Players n Drama Form SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR Nursery Caro Provlded A Warmn Welcome for Everyone Hear The Singing A ntone Indiai Family Singing ai the OSHAWA FREE METHODIST CHURCH (TruII's Rd.-Darlington 15) 1/ mile West of Cou rtice Rd. ON SUNDAY MORNINO November 5 At 10 And il a.m. Corne and hear Gospel Music at its best. Temperance at Queen Sts. Archdeacon Tom Gracie SUDY NOVEMBER 5th, 1978 8:00 a.m. - Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion.- BISHOP'S APPEAL "ýTOGETrHER WE'RE MAKINO A DIFFERENCE"I W EDNESDAY, NOVEMBER Bth, 1978 9:30 a.m. - HoIy Communion, Iaying oni of hands for healing Sunday School and Nursery care for your children. ýým Phone 623-3303 [-ire a Services Department of Bow- ýg Mrs. manville High School, 623- Student 4416. Kay Rehder, Joan Mann, Glenn Prout and Dr. Derry Hubbard, members of the 7 local unit of the Canadian Cancer Society attended a workshop at Trinity United Church, Uxbridge on Satur- day, October 28th. The editor received a card in the mail from Bob Noble who is vacationiag in Honolu- lu. Bob says the plane trip there takes aine hours, but la wehl worth the time. Some 323 students and some of their teachers frorn il Ontario high schoois wilh be spending Wedaesday, Novern- ber 1 on the University of Waterloo campus as guest of - the Faculty of Science. This science visitmng program will continue every Wednesday until mid-March, with about 110 high schools la Ontario participating. This week the S schools include: Bluevale Col- egiate Lstitute, Waterloo - 50 visitors; Bowmanville High tors; Bramalea Secondary School, Bramalea - 25 visitors; E. L. Crosshey Secondary School, Fonthill - 10 visitors; George S. Henry School, Don Milîs - 50 visitars; Inglenook High, Schooh, Toronto - 5 visitors; Kipling Colegia te, Weston - 5 visitors; Notre Dame College S chool, Welland - 35 visitors; St. Jean de Brebeuf, 'Hamilton - 60 visi- tors; -St. Jerome's High School, Kitchener - 80 visitors; Westhill Collegiate Institute, Toronto - 15 visitors. The students will sit la on regular science lectures and take part in ab sessions. They will take notes, do experiments, ask questions aad mix freely with UW students. - Mark down on your calen- dar the 9th, lth, Ilit of November as the place to be on one of those dates. Its the * Bowmianville Drama Club's presentation of the Thurber Carnival at Bowmanville High School. 38 At the october, meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary a motion was passed to pur- chase an Electric PBedSue and a Laboratary Bacterlo- logy Incubator. Members arei now la the process of dressing six dolîs to be raffhed - the1 proceeds to help defray the cost of this equip ment. Tickets for the draw will be sold la the Bowmanville Maîl during > November - we aeed your support! A decision was also made ta send four delegates, Marjorie Couch, Iris Dowa, Norma Hooper and Anna Strike, to the Annual Conven- tion of the Hospital Auxiliaries Association of Ontario at the Royal York Hotel from Nov- ember sth - 8th, 1978. The varied educational and work- shop sessions should prove absorbing and inte resting and provide valuable data for them to brîag home to our own Auxiliary. G. Rodger Allan, presently Director of Education with the Lincoln Couaty Board of Education, has been appoint- ed Chief Executive Officer of the Education Relations Com- mission. The Commission was estabhished ia August 1975 under the School Boards and Teachers Collective Negotia- tions Act, 1975 which sets out negotiation procedures for teacher-school board bargain- mng. The Commission's duties include: assistiag school boards and teacher groups ia negotiations and providing mediators, fact finders and arbitratars ta assist in negot- la tions. Wilma Scott, Ontario Divi- sion, Ana McKee, East Cen- tral District, Kay Rehder and Jean Stevens fromi the Bow- manville unit, ahl members of the Canadian Cancer Society, Service to Patients Commit- tee, held a workiag luncheon at the Flyiag Dutchmani Motor Inn, on Tuesday, October l7th. On Tuesday, October 3lst at Northminster United Church, Oshawa, some fifty memhers and friends of Durham Region Lung Association filled 22,000 Christmas Seal envelopes ready for mailing to past Campaiga coatributors. Three weeks later, a further 80,000 household mailers will be sent across the Region, in an attempt to top last year's total of $68,000, and hit this year's proposed target of $75,000. This through-the-mail fund raising is the only method used by the local Luag Association, which receives no support f rom grants, Federal or Provincial Lotteries or the United Way. Bowmaaville' s esteemed 'Senator' Jim Coyle reports that he attended a Couxntry and Western, show, at the Hayloft on Markhamn Road recently and it was a complete sell out, raising $1,100 for Participation House. Masters of Ceremonies were Dave YOUR HAIR IS YOUR "ICR0 WNING GLORY"I Why trust its care to non-professionals and why purchase hair ca re produots from uninformed sales persons who are flot trained in the physics and chemistry of hair. Would you cail a plumber to fix your television set? - 0f course flot! Then why buy hair care products (including shampoo) f rom a grocery store? The sales personnel in a grocery store or department store are not trained to help you - the consumer - with--hair problems, or shampoo selections. But - remember, the professional hair stylist has a license to prove helshe has passed an exacting examination to determine if helshe has absorbed the training related to physics and chemistry of hair. <A professional salon is also the only logical place to go for expert advice on the care of your skmn.) The best friend your hair and skin ever had is a PROFESSIONAL HAIR AND SKIN SALON! %VêLt1 professional products are available at Kut In, Kuri Beauty Shop. Ask your professional what is best for your hair and skmn allb e products are formulated, tested, and approved by Jheri Redding. Ail professional hair and skinj products are Acid Balanced to Nature - pH 4.5 to 5.5. KUT 'N' KURL BEAUTY SHOP CHARGEX 71 King St. East 623-5019~ MASTER CHARG E- Bowmianvjlle rest, but flot this poor chap. We can imagine his ungainly feet hanging over the bed- stead, his ankies hurting. His fingers clutch the blankets lnaa futile attempt to keep his body warm. The bed is cold and too small, and ail the man can do is lie awake and ponder the text: "For the wicked there is no rest." .1 Lt must be said, of course, that the good as well as the wicked need a comfortable While' walking through one of the large shopping maîls in an eastern Ontario city, I suddenly came upon a large crowd of people. They stood staring at 'a huge faucet suspended in the air. It hung there in the air with no visible means of support and no visible water supply, yet water gushed from it in a steady stream to a basin below. People stood, stared and shook thein heads in wonderment. Then one entenpnising young man explained the mystery. A transparent pipe provided support for the faucet and its supply of water. Water was pum- ped through the tran- sparent pipe to the faucet, then as it was place of rest. Yet ChÉistiaas maly htlbu n r find that they are not spared maly htlbu n r the ilîs, accidents and other heavy laden, and I will give discomnforts which befall all 3you rest . . ..", He added, people. As Jesus pointed out ,"Take my yoke upon you and the sun shines and the ramn leara of me . .." This was the falîs on the just and unjust. yoke of selfless love. Reêst in Godloes llHischldrn-Christ comes- when we Godlosall Hs hlde exchange our heavy load of sin In fact, it needs to be adde d for His yoke. The yoke is that the burden of'caring and restful because it is His and lo.ving others without thought He helps us to bear it. for oneseif, carried by Remember, Jesus said, "All Christians, is very heavy. ye that labour . .. and that When Jesus said, "Corne unto includes you. released, it cascaded downwards hiding the supply tube from the view of the onlooker. This is a parable of the Christian life. There are times when someone we know is suddenly hit with tragedy. They come, through it with an un- bending spirit. Another person is informed he has cancer, he has not long to live. Reaching inward for some deep source of strength, he prepanes for the end not as a victim but as a vie- ton. A woman, blind with the ravages of diabetes and with both legs amputated comfon- ts other patients in the hospital with the singing of joyful gospel hymns. -These people all have faced the adversities of their existence with a stnength of amazing dimension. The source of their strength was the supply-line of faith. They had established and nuntured a relation- ship with God that provided them with an inexhaustable supply of innen stnength and courage. Thomas Dooley ser- ved with the Amenican navy in the Korean Wan. H1e returned to set up medical,,clinics for the suffering people of Southeast As'Ia. H1e worked tirelessly day and night. Of ten1 the facilities wene poon, equipment inadequate, drugs and medicine By Captain Doug Lewis The Salvation Army "IIS YOUR BED LONG ENOUGH?" It cannot be denied that the men who wrote the Bible had the gift of vivid phrase, and one who had it in- great measure was undoubtedly Isaiah the prophet. He could take a few words and with them paint word-pictures which were sometimes arrest- iag, at other times beautiful, Johnson from statin CFG, also Bill Johnston from CHOO,. and it wasý great to see s0 many young entertainers i action, some for the first time. A fine artist Roy McCaull was on hand to help, along with Eleanor Townsend who won second at the Sheiburne fiddle contest. Gary Hooper was another of the performers along with his ail police country group fromn the Toron-. to area. A delicious lunch was served by Andy and his staff of the Hayloft. A fine evening. During 1979, new traffic lights will be installed on Highway 115-35 at the 3rd line of Clarke, lin conjunction with other improvements to be carried out in the area, as outlined by James Snow, Minister of Transportation and Communications li a letter to Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. Michael Langhamn will re- turn to Stratford in 1979 for his first Festival production in nine years. Mr. Langham will direct Shakespeare's Love' s Labour's Lost on the Festival stage. ___ Solar energy will be used ln a hospital for the first time in Ontario to preheat hot water at the 365-bed Oakville Trafal- gar Memnorial Hospital i Oakville. The Ontario Minis- tries of Energy and Health will jointly finance the project following a study prepared for the ministries earlier this year. Tenders are being called. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Nichols, Kingston were Sun- day guests with his father Mr. L. B. Nichols, Carlisle Ave. e * Have aFe ver. Reusable.CH ST A CRS CLAIROL HERBAI ESSENCE WILKINSON BONDED CARTRIDGE aoc BLADES 51S U New fmgovoeIHoId! ALUERTO, Va 05 HAIR SPRAY eNo Fluorocarbons! BOX0F 51 TRADITIONAL DESIG NS: OR AN 'Il New Improvedl Mennen 8-AR BOzr. SORMETSPEED $1 $1 77 ~ STICK OEO DORANT 7 I milBOX * . ,,VITAMIN 'Cj'$133 ! i * TABLETS loomg I250's uORNADE DM 100 mi or ORNADE $1 9 SPANSULES 12s MAC IMeGREGO7ý7 I.D.A. DRUGS y5 King St. WI. 623-5792 Bowmianvillej or even occasionally funny. On one occasion he painted a word-picture of many who had no God to turn to. Isaiah likened the man to a six-footer, trying to sleep on a five-foot bed that was four feet wide but was supplied with blankets only threefeet wide. The verse is Isaiah 28:20. t is a very humorous and clever picture, for bed is the place where we expect to forget our troubles and find bE uereub Peter 3une F ___ ________ -p short in supply, but he laboured on. During a trip to the States to raise funds for his work, a, medical examination revealed hie had cancer. At the, age' of thirty- seven hie was.given six jmonths to 1ive. Againsti ethe advice of family and friends hie returned to continue his medical mission of compassion iwith the people of 1Southeast Asia. t1After his death, Thomas ,Dooiey's mother revealeff the sourcé of hiÈ. geat strength. Wheneve ,hle- became tired and despondent he would en- ter the littie chapel in the medical compound and spend a few precious moments in prayer and meditation. Jesus said, "Whoever, drinks of the water that I' give him, will neyer thirst:,for the water that I will give him will become in him a spring which will provide him with living water, and give him eternal life." exusts in the Writings of Baha'U'Ilah; that every emergence of a plan for universal order has received lis inspiration f rom this source; that these rays of Iight are emanating f rom the brillance that cornes f rom the Baha'i Faith."1 -Marcus Bach, M.A., Ph. D., Schaol of Religion, University ofi lowa- $199 400 ml

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