Bowmanville, November 8, 1978 1 FOR CASSII ýTues.,Î 12 ROo e.,. - s *7e Co.' n Eet BITTORF - Hi, my name is Kristina Rose and I was born on Oct. 29, 1978, at Oshawa General Hospitai. i welghed in at 6 ibs. 10 ozs. and my proud parents are Larry and Debbie. My big brother Wayne is happy too.My arandoarents are Mr. and Mrs. W. Bttorf, "Oshawa and Mr. and mrs. F. Sneed, Bowmanville. 45-1 DAVIDSON -Our Halowe'en sheil out is a real treat, no tricks about it.. David and Penny Anne ioyfuliy announce the safe arrivai of a preclous littie daugîhter, ýOctober- 31, 1978 at Memorial Hospital, BowmanvilIe. New sister for TIm, Robbie, Lucy and Jamie. Many thanks to ail staff and to dear friends. 45-1 HE LLAM - Larry and Karen (nee Conneily) wish to announce the birth of their daughter, Courtney Anne, 8 ibs ozs., on October 24, 1978 in Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conneily and Mr. and Mrs. Aif Heiam, ail of Bowmanville. Thanks to Dr. Hubbard and Maternity Staff. 1 45-1 MINION - Ken and Marilyn (nee Morton) are hapyo announce the birth ofteir son, Jeffrey Kenneth, 8 Ibs. 2 ozs. on Oct. 27, 1978 a t Civic Hospital, Peterborough. Proudg randparents are MKr and Mrs. Robert Morton, Kendal and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Minion, Peterborough. Great grandson for Mrs. Geo. Morton, Orono. 45-1 CANDLER - At Oshawa General Hospital, Monday, Nov. 6th, 1978, Bernice (Bea) Bagneil, aged 67 years, belov- ed wife of Stuart C'andl er, dear mother of Sandra (Mrs. Lloyd Stainton), loving grandmother of Suzanne and Paul, dear sister of W. W. (Bill) Bagneil. Service and committal were held in the Morris Funeral Cha el,' Bowmanville, ,on We nesday afternoon. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 45- U FRASER -, Alice Muriel (Grass) in her 68th year on Saturday, Novem ber 4, 1978 at the Toronto East General Hospital. Beloved wife of the late Kenneth Fraser, mother of Ian, grandmother of Christine, Ann, Patricia and Kelth, sister of Howard Grass (Columbus). Service was heid on~ Tuesday, November 7 at Presteign United Church, Toronto. Arrangements by Sherrin Funeral Home, Toronto. 45-1 GRAHAM - Florence S. At the Port Perry Community Hospital on Sunday, Nov. 5, 1978, Florence S. Toms, belov- ed wife of the late Courtney H. Graham and loving mother of Joyce (Mrs. Gerald Kelly) and Harvey, both of BIackstock. Lovingi y remembered by eight grand- children In her 82nd year. Resting at the chapel of McDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry for service on Wednes- day at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. If desired donations may be made to the Memorial Fund of the Black- stock Unrited Church. 45-1 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seaton of Bowmanviîîe arýe pleased to announce the engagem ent of their daughter Patricia Anne to Michael Jay, son of Mr. Donald J. Giîhooly and the late Helen J. GiIlooly of Bowmanviîle. Wedding date to be announced later. 45-1 EarI and Reta Osborne extend an invitation to their relatives, friends and neigh- bours to celebrate with them their SOth Wedding Anniversary on November il, 1978 from 2 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. at Trinity United Church Hall, Bestwishesonly. 44-2 Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin are invited to attend an open house on the occasion of their Sth Wedding Anniversary to be held on Nov. 18, 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 at Trinity United Church, Bowmanvii Ie. Best wishes only. 45-1 The family of Lanson Milîson invite friends and relatives to an open house on the occasion of his 9th birth- day at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Leland Milîson, 69 Brown St., Bowmanville on Nov. l2th, 2 p.m. to35p.m. Best wishes on [y. 45-1 GREGG - Eva Irene. Sud- denly, at North Arundel Hos ital, Glen Burnie, Mary- IancIE on Monda , October 30, 1978. Wife of the late Capt. Harry Gregg, Ioving mother of Donald and Michael and grand mother of Leslie, Bryan, Christopher and Nathan. Beloved daughter of Adam and the late Gutie Sharp of Enniskiîîen and sister of Ross and Ivan. Service was heîd in the cha pel of Sing letons Funeral HMme, Gien Burnte on Wednesday, November 1 1978. PERFECT - Suddeniy on Saturday, Novem ber 4th, 1978, Richard J. Perfect, aged 31 ýa rs, beloved son of Dick and Marion Perfect. Private famiiy service was held in the Morris Funeral Cha pel, Bow- manville, on Tuesday. Cremation, 45-1 N FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanviîle Mail 623-3365 PROM PT, COU TEOU SERVICE FR ALL YOUR FLORAL NEEDS Floral rs hFefin For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Hoidays Bev. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 4 DIVISION ST ,&U a Ob80r BOWMANVI LLE 0& 3 8 TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS THOUGHTFULNESS- CONCERN - SERVICE Thoughtful selectlon of Cemetery sites, for varlous reasons a concern to many people., .often far in advance of need. We have avallable information on ail local Cerne- teries,,simply on request. This is part of our service to the community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846, P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street b. Port Hope, Ontario WORKMANSHIF -OuALITY LlA 3W3 High Quality at Reasonabie Prices Phone 885-5216 Home 88$-5222 1BARR - In loving memory of my mother Ida May, who passed away November eth,. 1961 and my father Thomas who passed away October l9th, 1965. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps them nea r. - Lovingly remembered by son Douglas and daughter-in- law Margaret. 45-1 BOND - Florence E. In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother who passed away November 20, 1977. One sad and lonely year has passed, Since you were called away, You neyer said good-bye to us, But perhaps it's jst as well, We neyer coulid have said good-bye, Tooneweloved sowell. -Always ioved, neyer for- gtten by daug hters Judy Marg, sons-mn-liaw, Frank, Hoa rd, granddaughters, Lyn, BeverfIey and Barbara. 45-1 LANE - In loving memory of C.H. (Kelly) Lane who passed away Novem ber 7, 1974. Bea ut iful memories are treasured ever 0f happy days we shared ta- gether. - Lovingly remembered by wife Leone and family. 45-1 PORTER - Walter G. In loving memory of a beloved uncle, Walter G. Porter, who left us so suddenly at sunset, November 7, 1958. Sometimes in the busy hours, or in a crowded place, There comes a fleeting vision of a dear remembered face; A passing word may strike a chord'on memo'7y's gilded stri ngS, And wake for us remem- brances of haîf-forgotten things Softly, wiîthin the shadows, you heard a gentle caîl And reaching arms stretched out to you; you quietly left us al1. But, to thoseý who loved you derl, ou have not Just entered God's most lovely roomn and left the door aijar. -Ever remembered by Jeanne and Wes. 45-1 -1ODU - ln loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother Lottie, Todd who p assed away Nov. 6, 1974. There is a link death cannai sever Love and remembrance last forever. - Sadly missed by daughter Eileen, Donald and family. 45-1 CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanville HOS PITAL and 17. AR RANGEME NTSn Flowerinp Plants and CutF lowers VAN BELLE 12-tf owers ay it 3est" DAI LY Delivery ta ... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf Wewouid liketo expre sincere thanks to ourf for arranging our F Anniversary by givingt deîicious dinner at YeIfoîlowed by a part Nesteton. Special than our relatives and frier( cards, flowers and incîuding a trip t Barbados from our tami relatives. Howard and Ma bel MdN A special thank you frc Bowmanviîîe K mette, Sandi's Fashions and Gang" at the Bowma Mail for aîlowing us fc their fashion show. A special thank you who cared for me i hospital and out. Also those who sent so beautif ul cards and fîlow Mrs. Gertrude Staplei We wauld like ta express aur sincere thanks ta aur famlly for arranglng aur Sth wedding anniversary celebra- tion. Speclal thanks ta aur relatives and friends for cards, g lfts and flowers and for ma klng this a day .ta1 remem ber. Thanks taail, 24-tf Bert and Elva MçMullen 45-1 We at Sandi's Fashions would like to thank the Bowmanville Kînettes for sponsoring our "Faîl and Christmas Collection" Fashion Show. 45-1 The family of the late Gordon G. Strong wish to express their sincere grati- tudean d appreciation to all friends, relatives and neigh- bours for their many acts of kindness, floral tributes and expressions of sympathy at the time of their bereavement of a beloved father. Special thanks to Rev. Victor Parsons, U.C.W. of United Church, McDer mott Panabaker Funeral Home and staff of Newcastle and Port Perry Nursing Homes. Phyl lis, Bob and Beth 45-1 The family of the late John Wilson wishý to extend sincere thanks to relatives, friends and nei ghbours for sympathy, cards, f lowers and donations of their choice during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Drs. Pockey and Glazier, ambulance drivers and nurses of Oshawa General1 Hospital. Also special thanks to the staff of Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home for their very efficient service and kindness, Reverend Kempling and the ladies of Tyrone Church who served refreshments. Fern, AIlan, Sharleen and family. 45-1 EAR PIERCING $8.00 (no appointment Necessary) Plus 10 per cent off first purchase of earrings with release slip. Hooperý's Jewellers LM. 29 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-5747 23-tf N GE A BIG SISTER! Volunteers are needed in this area to be a friend ta girls aged 7 - 17, who are in need of supportative relationsbips. CALL SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE at 728-7525 26-tf N PIANO lessons, classical and popular. Beginners and advanced pupils, Bert Payne. Phone 623-2697. 38-TF Western Canada School of Auctioneering Ltd. Canada's f irst, and the only completely Canadian course offered'anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970, c .366. For particulars of the next course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782-6215 SPLASH APPLE TREES Cut your own f irewood. Bring ~'orown chain saw. $15.00 per Yree. $30 a face cord - pre-cut, ofi ndrayta burn. The d asnApple Orchard, Regional Rd. 57 (Martin Road) and Hwy. 2. Startlng November 4 for 4 or 5 Saturdays only. Ail proceeds donated to Splash. 452 Pontypoo I's Corner Crafts <f irst house north of fire station, north side of tracks) PRE CHRISTMAS TEA NOVEMBER 17,18and19 Friday 10 a.m. - 9p.m. Saturday 10Oa.m. - 6p.m. Sunday 11la.m. -9 p.m. After H ours 705-277-2265 Bake Sale each day of tea. Featuring Rug Making by Laverne Rahm, Saturday, November 18 FREE DRAW Aiso featuring Avon Speclals 45-1 N Dance - Saturday, November 1lth, Pontypool Community Centre, 9 - 1, Gary Bristow and Country Fever, $6.00 couple. Lunch. 45-1 BAKE SALE Friday, Nov. lOth 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. BOWMANVILLE MALL 3rd Bowmanviîll ub Mothers APAIGA Baking and Crafts PERNGA 45-1 The Queen's Hotel BUS TOUR NEWCASTLE to "'Pref ix"'ý Participation HouseF .adat MA RK HAM r.adSt BOWMANVILLE LIONS SANTA'S DANCE November 18 Lions Centre 26 Beech Ave. 9p.m.-l1a.m. $5,0 OUPLE EVERYONE WELCOME 45-2N U.C.W. Poppy Bazaar, at Newtonvillie, Sa t., Nov. 11, 2 - 4 p.m. 45-1 RUMMAGE SALE November 10 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Bowmanville Public Library Sponsored b y Mothers'Assoc.o0 th e F irst and Fifth Brownies, Third Girl Guides. Old Tyme Christmas market. Crafts byC local artisans. St. Paul's Church, Port Ho pe, Friday, December eth, 2 to 9 p.m. Saturday, December 9th - '10 a.m. to 5 pM. Afternoon tea Friday 50c. Su-pperavailabie Friday 5 to 7 S.m. $.00. Sandwich bar on aturday. 45-1, ,HAYDON BAZAAR <s ponsored by Club 2 1) at Community Centre November l5th at2p.m.' Bake and Dry Goods Table, Country Store and lunch. Quiit, Draw to be heid at 3 p.m. Ail Wlcome 45-1 N Dancing 9 -1 45-1 N TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY CARE BAZAAR and BAKE SALE N ov. 18 10Oa.m. - 4p.m. 6 King St. E., BOWMANVILLE Draw for 3 prizes at 3:30 p.m. For further information phone 623-3172 or 623-6158. 45-2N Christmias Bazaar NEL GOR CASTLE NURSING HOME Newcastle ý( King St. W.) Nov. 21, 1978 2 - 4p.m. Knitted articles, crafts, bake. sale and tea room. ,45-2N FREE - House of Arober Antique and Gift Shop, Hampton Village proudi y p resents their "November Featu re". Ail siik flower arrangements and corsages during the month of November will be made up free of charge. An excellent idea for your Christmas buying. Cali 263-2981. 9- 3p.m. Transportation and Lunch $5.00 Advanced tickets: Joan Mann 623-5174 Marg Tippins 623-2468 DANCE COUNTRY EXPRESS TED HALL AN November 11, 1978 BROWNSDALE COMMUNITY CENTRE (Golf Course Rd. N., Newcast le) $7.00 Cou pl les ny9 -l1p.m. CLouplsnI Refreshments 45-1 N One Parent Families Association BOWMANVILLE CHAPTER meet every Wed. -8 p. m. BOWMAN VILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance St. Membershi p open to aIl single parents. Custody of your children not a requirement. Phone 623-5440 623-2874 44-8 SAj ONE maie beagle, brown and, white, tatooed in both ears, ast seen in Cartwright Town- ship, Con. 1, Lot 3. Liberal reward. Phone 1-983-5712 col-, lect. 45-1iN GARAGE SALE Sat. and Sun. Novemberil and 12 Fiftietý Newtonville Road - 2 blocks us the north of corner store (second verton backsplit) 1 -t at Clock radio, bed, end of uine mdIs from Treasures n' Pastimes, gite room table and chairs, ,tecombination china cabinet iiy and and desk, chiidren's games, Uuengood used children's clothing Mulln (urnr,ýrandwinter). 45-1 Informa tion ca Il: 987-5253 or 786-2690. mrn the45-1 N s ta 1"The anvilleilNEOQUALITY to hast MONUMENTS AND 45-1 MARKERS 1 Lok for this seéa!. jta ail It's yaur in the guarantee of to ail permanence. vers. STAFF-ORD ton. B51riîE5 ROS. LTD. Mi,Aor* Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whîtby Phone Whitby 668-3552 LE SALE 0f Unique Gifts at Bowmanville Museum 12 noon - Saturday, Novem ber 181 (RIGHT APTER THE SANTA CLAUS PARADI LAUREL CAMPBELL-STARK theartist) wili be autog raphing the 1979 Durham Regionai Calendar, DRAW FOR THE Antique Mantie Cîock will be at 3 o1ciock. ALL PROCEEDS TO THE MUSEUM Sponsared by the Vol unteer workers of the Museu CH RISTMAStrees, retail, and SANTA suit rentaI,c wholesale, choice, pine and Bowmanviile, Jayc spruce, 5' to 15' on 35 Highway 987-5224. opposite Pontypool sign 705-277-2898. 44-8N 2000 BRICKS, yellow a mixed. Caili1-705-277-260 C ollector's Sale _______ SATURDAY and SUNDAY BLACK Persian lamI NOVEMBER1iland 12 black mink coilar, suZ 1Oa.m. -6 pM. Excellent condition. Pine harvest table $125. 623-4326. Deacon's bench $35. Antique cupboard $75. Walnut chest of WRINGER washer, e>, drawers $185. Antique drop condition. $125. 1 leaf table $125. Vanity and 623-6215. chest of drawers set $85. Pine wood box $20. Small oak table KENMORE, coppertor( $65. Picture frames, mirrors, washer, almost new con oId botties and canning j*ars, $300 or best offer. Slanes, silver, dishes. 987-4935 between 1 and, rimitive and many other articles. Church St., Orono PINWHEEL crystal - nc (2 houses north of Post Office display at Byford's on east slde) Shopýpe, 40 King St. E., 1-983-5505 casfle. Phone 987-5426. 45-1 This Week's Special, November9, 10 and il For the RE ST of your life Save on a new mattress at BOWMANVILLE BARGAIN BARI Hours: Thurs. 10 -6, Fri. 10 -9, Sat. 10- 5 Southwest corner of Martin Rd. and Hwy. 2, Bowmanvi Phone 623-1,034 oUM APPROXIMATELY 7 tons of Elgin oats. Phone 263-8413. < 45-1 N F 1V E ti res G78-14, mounted on rims f rom Ford Torino. Best offer. Phone 623-4341. 4- HOUSEHOLD contents: stove, fridge, washer, dryer, corT.V., ail nearly new. Black and white T.V., stereo, furniture, beds, dressers, rug 9 x 13, butcher block, kitchen supplies etc. Large house plants, quantity good hard- wood moidings. Also pea- cocks, laying hens, 200 eg incubator. Phne J. Gold 623-2730. 45-tf N SIXTEEN ,used galvanized panels, 12' x 30'. Phone 987-4948. 45-1 N LADY'S size 9; Fry cowboy boots. Excellent condition. $50 or best offer. Cail 623-9350 after four. 45-1 GOOD quality mixed hay suitable for horses. Phone 1-983-5033. 44-6 1973 SKI-doo 340 TNT (Silver Bullet) like new, 673 original' miles. $725 . Phone Newton- ville 786-2609 after 6 p.m. 44-tf GREAT Christmas gifts at reasonable prices. Handmade quilted glngham or calico tablecloth sets, place mats and napkins, pillows (your own choice of material). Gingham and eyelet baby comforters and piliow sets. Smail deposit required. Cal 623-2450. 45-MN Aluminum Sheets 24"" x 30"1 VALUE $1.50 EACH WHEN N EW. Now 30c each. Prices- for quantities arranged. Great for insulating barns, cottages, sheds, back kitchens, shutters for windows etc. Statesman Office, 62 King St. W., Bowmanville. 45-tf N PLOUGH, Kvernelands, four furrow. semni moui, 18" bottoms, automatic resets, new condition. Phone 623-5485. 45-1 N YOUNG, large rouen ducks. Phone 623-4211. 45-1 N '72'NORDIC 440; '69 Nordlc 37 1. Cai11 af ter 4- 263-8445. 45-1 N REPOSSESSED 25" RCA Lowboy, $398. $4 weekly rentai purchase ,starting Jan. '79. KRAZY KELLY'S 350 Wentworth St. E., OSHAWA 571-1412 45-tf N Snowmobi les For Sale, NEW AND USED ASSELSTIN E'S YAMAHA SALES, SERVICE and ACC ESSOR lES 'South of Blackstock. 45-5 N 44-3 CERAMICS SALE 0F GENAE LZS BRUSHES, ETC. CUSTOM FIRINGS. Ith ALSO CLASS OPENINGS. th. JENDON >E.)CERAMICS 623-3868 rs 44-2 REPOSSESSED 20" RCA XL100, $17 monthly, $4 weekly rentai ýpurchase starting Jan. '79. u45.2N KRAZY KELLY'S 350 Wentworth St. E. OSHAWA 571-1412 a 45-tf N contact Fireplace Wood cettes, 44-2 Ail dried hardwood, mapie, birch, beech, oak and appfle. mnd red Cut and split. Reasona ble. $03. Deiivered or get discounts enf 45-2N pi cked up orders. b coat ' Phone 623-4550 Poe 1/33-tf N 45-1 - rALISMAN Flea Market. celient, Antiques - Stamps - Jewellry - Phone W:aving'- Pottery - Brass 45-1 Han nttlng -Reflnishinq e dish- 0 en 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. ndition, Saturdays, Sundays and Phone Holidays. Lots of parking. 6 p.m. Free admission. 11/2 miles. 45- iN north of hyw. 2 at Newcastle. 41-TF 0w an ______________ Giff New- PADDY'S Market now has ,new furniture, appliances,; 44-3N T.V.'s and stereos and also used furnlture and appliances. Wili accept trade-ins. Paddy'sI. Market, Ha mpton, phone 263-:' 2241. 33-tf: MACS seconds) $3.00 bushel PEARS (seconds) $4,00 bushel ýN Feddema Orchards 'iille 263-2074 - (no Sunday sales) ýt-4N WEEKEND SPECIALS Mixed Bouquets (Bright and cheerful for Fal days) $2.99 (Cash and Carry) Hanging Plants <Baby Tears and Spider Plants) $2.49 (Cash and Carry) FALL BULBS SPECIAL continues this week. carnation f Iower shop 37 Division St., Bowmanville 45-1 MIRRORS, paintings and custom framning. A new service at Byford's Gift Shoppe, 40 King St. E-;, New- castle. Phone 987-5426. 44-3N DEKOKER U$1 35Ib. b lwrppedY frozen and guaranteed- order now. 983-5894 Orono 725-4245 Oshowo 40-tf N, REPOSSESSED 26" RCA XL 100, full Spanish cabinet to f loor. Take over payments, $19 monthly, $4 weekly rentai purchase starting January . Phone tonight, one hour delivery. KRAZY K ELLY'S. 350 Wentworth St. E..ý 571-1412. 45-tf N USED furniture and- ap. j!liances. Paddy's Market, mampton. 263-2241. 33-tf J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 'I 46-tf Holiday and Chevron Trailers Large seection of truck caps from $259,00 insta lied. Ca msp ort Traiîler Sa les Highways li5 & 35, Newcastle Phone 987-5174 9-tf FIREWOOD for sale. Reasonabie. Phone 623-7257. 44-2N KRAZY, KRAZY SUPER 26" Zenith Spanish console, slashed to $688, $6.50 weekly startlng- January. Phone tonlght, one-hour delivery. KRAZY KELLY'S. 350 Wentworth St. E., 571-1412. 45-tf N POLARIUS SNOWMOBI LES Sales - Parts - Service KAMPING UNLIMITED 1405 King St. E. Oshawa - 728-9942 Hours: Mon.-Wed.-9 a.m. S6 p.m. Thurs. Fr. - 9a.m. - 9p.m. Sat. - 9 am. - 5p.m.409 T. V. TOW ER, ail1 colour head, rotar, channel master control, ýwiring, new $325, asklng $250 or best offer. Phone 623-7679. SIMPSON MEMORIALS Monumients - Markers - licriptions 49 Lavinia Street Port Hope 885-6434 HOME APPQINTMENTS GLADLY ARRANGED 444 1968 VOLVO, 144S., Good running condition, needs some body work. As is. 623-7480. 45-1 1976 Monte Carlo Landau: Low mi leage - 28,500. Two tone beige loaded with, extras Thcliuding air, AM-FM stereo radio, power sun roof and swivei bucket seats. 1ASking $4,800 Phone 623-6722 days 623-2770 evenings. 45-1iN '74 MONTE Carlo, power brakes and steering, AM-FM radio, certified, good condi- tion., $2700 firm. Phone 623-774. 45-1 N VOLKSWAGEN '68 station wagon, as is, inspection welcome. Phone 1-797-2357. 45N ',66 OLDS Deltaý 88, power steering and brakes, good miechanical shape, fair body. $350.'Phone 263-2033., 45-1 1973 VEGA, 56,000 miles, as is, best of fer. Phone 623-7922. 45-1 N 1971 FORD van. $895. Phone 1-983-5646 Orono. 45-1 N 1978 GMC Vandura, 16,000 miles, compietely customnized interior, asking $8,500. Phone 623-2536. 45-1 N J and M TIRE Service forý Michelin tires, your one-stop radiai centre. 299 Dean Ave.,i O0shawa. 576-1220. 35-TFN 1973 Chev. 1/2 toan,--35U standard, heavyduty suspen- sion. Certif led. ew paint job. Phone 1-983-9316 after six. :45-2 N 1974, 9 PASSENGER Pontiac stationwagon, - heavy duty equlpped, body and mechanicai- excellent, certi- f led. Asking $2400. Phone 987-4577 after 5 p.m. 45-1 N VITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofing on new or used -vehicles.. -Written war- ranty. Durham Vitallzing phone 723-1155. 47-tf W H E N you've dec id ed on yo ur, speclal car m- for flnanclng cali, Dave at the Commerce, 623-3401. 44-3N -e- I TENDER FOR ADDITION TO TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE A prxmate size 35' x 45' tenderclosing has been extended to December 1, 1978 For more information and ,plans please contact NMr,. B. Hem ing 263-2307 Tyrone. - 45-1 N 41-1 TO agod home, Cole Vl~es. Godtemperment. Cal 623-2450. 45u-1a ROOM and board for young men, no shift workers. Phone INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the prolects or services listed beow, addressedtothe Regional Manager, Finance & Administration, Ontri 'Reion, Oepartment of Public Works, 4900 og Street, (12th Floor), Willowdale, Ontario M2N 6A6, wii ge recelved until 1500 hours on the speclfled cioslng date. Tender Documents can be seen, or obtalned through the office /of the Director General, Departmentof Public Warks, Ontario Reglon, Tendering Office, l2th Floor, 4900 Yonge Street, Wlllowdale, Ontario. PROJECT No. 641277 - Cleaning, Post Office, Hampton, Ontario. CLOSING DATE: T HURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1978 Deposit: Nil iquiries: 416-224-4,. Morris Fune rai Chapel am 43-1 toile