Section Two The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvilleovme .17 3 Waverley Public Scho iis Stage, Hall Pard Things will be different next Halloween when the pupils at the Waverley most of the children wearing masks and costumes in keeping with theo- Road Publie School are housed in their new school instead of the several por- casion. And they had a good time roaming in class formation from portable tables they occupy now. But, the inconvenient accommodation was overcome classroom to the next until they had completed the tour. It was an enjoyable by their spirit last week as they celebrated the annual dress up event, with parade that lasted for almost an hour before they ail settled back in their home portables. Here, some of the youngsters pose for The Statesman photographer, Rev. D. Rogers There are many statements in the New Testament tbat are particularly relevant to our time. We have prided our-, selves in the achievements ini the, scientîfic field, wile trying to ignore a pertinent question haunting multitudes. Why is there sa much trouble Walk a block.Today. among the peoples of the world? Wby are the attitudes of people toward human relationships changing? Why are the ideals of people in what is becoming a more fluctuatinlg? Why must the metbods used by people and groups to gain attention or objectives be so destructive? t seems that everyone wants something and no one has the time to give consideration to circum- stances. There seems to be a propensity toward unbridled hatred. There are demands for rights, which really means license to do wbat 1 please irrespective of others. The present order seems to be a reversai to a time past when everyone did what was right in their own eyes. We may have now learned to disguise our feelings, and have set certain coatrols to restrict some actions, but, periodicaily, and ail too frequently for the good Of society, tbere are violent upheavals that give rise to a serious divergence from acceptable social order. t is a good time for us to stop and look at a statement made by Jesus Christ whicb bas vital import to us. -Thou shaît love the Lord thy God with al thy beart, and with ail thy soul, and with ail thy strength, and witb ail thy mind and'thy neighbour as thyseif." The latter phrase is vital. We have here brought to our attention the theme of love with proper understanding. What is in contemporary thougbt with this word is an emotional activity evoked by circum- stances. This is one of the reasons that many of the time bonoured traditions of western society are crumbling. We are watching the emergence of an impersonal worid. We are eyewitnesees to the successes and failures of our, society, yet feel uninvolved, Who really cares about wbat bappens in Africa? Who really cares about racism? Who reaily cares about the emotionai hazards in present day techno- logical living? Are not most people grinding personal axes? This is wby there is so much suspicion. This is why so much daily disillusionment. Again I say, it le time to look at the statement of Jesus. We, need a personal discovery of ourselves. We must become willing to accept responsibili- ty for our actions separate from tbe group and the circumstances. Peter, one of the early disciples of Jesus Christ, long ago presented a mandate that obligates contemporary Christians. t is recorded in his letter to the Christians of bis time, but the principle remains. t seems we are adept at negating certain trutbs, excusing ourselves by thinking of changes necessary due to present situations. But visualize Peter's world. Sure- ly hdintknow aniything about white collar workers, blue 'collar workers, union sbops, upper ciass, middle class, and lower ciass. His worid was one of extreme tension. Its greatest evil was slavery. There were multi- tudes of tbem in Peter's world. AIl were not in galleys rowing Roman legions across the ceas. Some were teachers. Some were doctors. Some were lawyers. Ah bhad a common bond. Tbey were divorced from personal rights. They suffered the greatest of social humiliations. Tbey were devoid of dignity. Stop and consider Peter's words, wbicb are as applicable to us as to them. We see evil, and get an explosive feeling. Sometimes we would like to caîl fire from heaven to rectify things our way. We migbt even enjoy sometbing revalu- tionary like the destruction of tbe priests of Baal. But Peter writes of a demanding be- baviour in existing society. He does not taik of social in- justices in a provocative manner. He speaks as an emissary of beaven, present- ing Divine requirements for the deportment of Christians. They were to be prepared to face life's situations, good and bad, without rancour or retaliation. Ours is a world of tension. But tension can be properly used. t is tension tbat makes tbe string of tbe musical instrument give proper pitch. So we are to find a motive in living tbat gives meaning to mundane tasks. t is a voluntary dedication of the self -discovered person ta serve God. "For whosoever wouid save bis life shahl lose it; and wbosoever shahl lose bis life for my sake shall find it." This is flot martyrdom. This is true Christian living. Love is flot an outward act only. It is the intent of the heart, the attitude of the mind. Its scope is extensive. Its intention is obedience, coming fromn received love. We love, because God first loved us. {A UTOMA TIC WASHER IMODELW 747 saving solid tub FuIIy programmed push-button selection * Bleach and tabria soltener dispenser * Positive fil! * A vailable in White, HarvestWheat and Almond * 2 yr. parts replace- ment warrant y * 5 yr. transmission replacement warrant y * Matching dryer available ORONO ELECTRIC LTD. HERFcIAGE HOUSE limited STAR T BEA U TIF ULL Y! BEA UTIFULL Y! We have a wide selection of wall.units in stock ready for immediate delivery ... We have a variety of storage units with adjustable shelves and solid doors ... We have open bookcase units and show-off units with glass shelves and dramatic interior lighting. .. We have drop-front entertainment units with wine rack inserts and delightful corner units to round it ail off ..., BEST OFAiLL, D URING NO V. YO U CA N SA VE UP TO $60.O00 ONE VER Y UNIT! JUST A SHORT DRIVE FROM VOUR DOOR TO OURS,... 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