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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1978, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 15 1978 13 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIE. Tues., 12 noon .I......-I _____________ CUMMINGS - Ray and Isabel are proud f0 announce the arrivai of a newv son James Edward, welghing 8 lbs., 4 ozs. on October 31, 1978. What a treat for Jackie, Darcy, Ray -and Pam. Proudg randiparents are Sarah and WiI iam Ewens, Nova Scotia and Mrs. Mary Cummings, Nova Scotia. BR60ME - Doug and Trudy inee Humenick) are pleased to announce the arrivai of Kimberly Seina, born at Oshawa General H~osptal on Tuesday, November 7, 1978, weighlng 7 Ibs. 2 ôzs. A sister for Stephanie. The sixth granddaughter. for. Mr. and .rs. Joseph Humenick, Bowmanville and the eieventh grandch'Iid for Mr. John BroorneT yrone. Many thanks to Dr. D. Henderson and Maternity Staff. 46-1 JONES-- Paul and June are pleased to announce the safe arrivai of their first chiid Bradley John, 7 lbs., 14 ozs. Monday, October 30, 1978, at Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- ville. Proud grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. W. E dmondson and Mr. and Mrs. L. Jones, al of Bowmanviile. Special thanks to Drs. Hubbard and Sylvester and maternity staff. 46-1 LUXTON - Doug and Marty are happy f0 announice the birth o ftheir daughter, Jodi Elizabeth, 7 lbs. 3/4 ozs. on Oct. 27, 1978 at Memorial Hospital, ~Bowmanville. A littie sister for Lisa. Proud grandiparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luxton of Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Henri-Louis Poulin of Quebec. Special thanks f0 Dr. John Rundie and Dr. H. B. Rundie and ail maternity staff. 46-1 METCALF - Ron and Brenda happiîy announce the birth of their daughter, Nancy Louise, November sf, 1978. A sister for Sara and Michael. Proud g randiparents are Mr. and rs. AIlvin Metcalf and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yeliowlees. Another great g randchild for Norman Metcaif. Thanks to Dr. Grant and Oshawa Hospital Staff. 46-1 McQUAI D - Rusty and Linda (Dubeau) are pleased to announce the arrivai of their daughter, Christine Ruth Ann, on November 5, 1978 wei ghing 7 1Ibs. 12 ozs. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs.- Ted- Johnston, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. R. K. McQuaid, Oshawa. Great grandparents are Mr.' and Mrs. R. P. McQuaid, Bow- mnanville and Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Weatherell, Whitby.- WICKSON -CRAPPER Mr. and Mrs. Percy Crapper are happy to announce the marriage of their daughter Jane to Dr. Robert D. Wickson of Calgary, Alberta. The marriage was solemnized October 31 in Cornerbrook, Newfoundland. 46-1 HIBBEN - Harold. Af Sunny- brook Hospital, Toronto on Friday November 10, 1978, Harold, Hibben (fanmeriy af Bowmanville) in his 68th year. BeIoved husband of Hilda Darch, dean father of Linda and Robert. Rested at the Northcutt Eiiiotf Funerai Home. Funerai service was heîd Manda affennoon. Interment owm anvilie Cemetery. 46-1 HENRY - At Memoniai Hos ifai, Bowmanviiie, unaNov. l2th, 1978, James (Jim) Henry, 87 Prospect St., Bowmanviiie aged 49 years, 'beioved husband of Joan, ioving fafhen of Susan Grace, Michael James and Cindy Lau, dean son of Jack and Gra ce Henry. Service was heid in the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowman- ville, Tuesday affennoon. Crematian. 46-1iN LAMB - Bertha M. At fthe Oshawa Generai Hospital on Tuesday, Navember 14, 1978 Bertha M. Read in her 7th vear. Widow of Charles Lamb. Mothen of Mrs. Morris N. Farrow (Lillian), Newcastle and Mrs. Lorraine Crawford, Oshawa. Sisten of Mrs. Irene Gibbs and Mrs. Charles Preston (Lillian) of Oshawa. Aiso survived b y six grand- chiidnen and fhree great oranddaughfens. Resting at theAnmsfrang Funenai Home, Oshawa, with funerai service ln the chapel, Thunsday, Novembe l6fh at 1:45 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. Memanial dona- tions fô the Canadian Cancer Society wauid be appreciated. 46-1, NICHOLS - Suddeniy at his home, 20 Carlisle Ave., Bawmanviie, Manday, Nov. l3fh, 1978, Luther B. Nichis, aged 91 yeans, husband of the lafe Juanifa Nichais, dean fathen of Doulas, Kingston, brother of 1Wiliam, Stouff- ville, Mrs. lia Spry, Bowman- ville, and the late Afred and Leslie Nichais. Resting at the Mrris Funenai Chapel, Bowmanviile, for service on Wednesday at 3:15 o'ciock. Interment, Bowmanviiie Cemetery. 46-1iN LANGMAN - Af his nesi- dence in Toronto, Manday, Nov. l3th, 1978, Douglas Langman, aged 60 years, son of the late Mn. and Mns. Percy Lan gman, dean brother of Ph yliis (M ns. Lewis Clanrk), R. R.3, Newcastle. Resfing at the Mrris Funenal Chapel, Bowmanviile, for service an Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'ciack. Cremat ion. 46-1 N PENWARDEN - Af Toronto Genierai Hospital, Sunday, l:Nov. l2th, 1978, Charles 1Penwanden, R.R. 5, Bowman- ville, aged 61 years, beioved husband of Mary Vaneyk, dean father of Wade and Kathenine, dean son of Lucy Penwarden, ioved grand- father of Hall y and Denny, brother 0f Grace Keiietf, Eari and Roy Penwanden, Pearl Brown and Greta Cameran. Resting af the Mrris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanviiie, for service an Wednesday at 1 o'ciock. Inferment Befhesda Cemetery, 46-iN PITT - At Memoriai Hospital, Friday, Nov. lOth, 1978, Horace Pitt, R. R. 2, Newcastle, aged 57 years, belaved husband of June McIInay, dean fathen of Judy (Mns. Henreil), Oshawa, James, Bowmanviîle, and Douglas, iaving gnandfafher of Ta mmy, Paul and Lari- Anne. Service was heid in the Marris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanviiie, on Manday affennoan. Interment Bow- manvilie Cemefery. 4- inuerai Blum£ THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE ConCerned people often inquire about pre-arrangement of funeral details. Infor- mation can be simply and thoughtfully obtained upon request. This is part of our service to the community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 Morris Fune rai Chape i ~yX~'NNSTABLSHED 1881 4 DIVISION ST. 6 35 8 BOWMANVI LLE 2 o48 TWO OFF STREET-PARKING AREAS RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED EstabIished 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street à"~ Port Hope, Ontario WORKMANSHIP * UALITY LIA 3W3 y1 High Quaîity at Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 Home 885-5222 24tff BARN ES - ln iaving memony of a dear son anldb rot hen, Danny, who passed away Novemben 19, 1964. May you always waIk in sunshine, And God's love anound you glow, F or the happiness you gave us Noonewiil even knaw We loved you and miss you That's ail we can say And we hope that we see you ln Heaven some day. - Lovingiy remembened by mom- and dad, brother and sistens. 46-1 BOND - Florence E.,(Dliy). - ln loving memory of a dean wife who passed away Novem ber 20, 1977. This month cames with deep regret, It brings a day i wili neyer for get, In mn( hant you wili aiways Loved and nemembered day by day, Memaries are treasures no one can steai, Death is a heartache no one can heal. Life must go on, i know its true, But ifs not the same since i Iost you. Yau ieft me quietly wîthout goodbye, But memonies of you Daly, will neyer die. - Lovingly remembered by Sid. 46-1 MONTGOMERY - In loving memr of a dear mother Elsie oMontgomery who passed away November 16, 1976.' A wonderful mother, waman 1 and aid; One who was betten, Gad neyer made, A wondenful wonker, layai and fain, Tenderiy heipful, O mothen you wene. Just ln your judgment, always ight, Honest and liberai, even upright. Loved by ail, aur pride they share, Pride ln the wondenf ul one you were. - Sadly missed by daughten Helen and son Ron. 46-1 PATTERSON - Ganry. ln ioving memory of a dean son who passed away Navemben 16, 1965. if broke aur heants fa lose you But you didn't go a lone For oart of us went with vou Th-e day ,Gocl cal led youî, home, - Sadly missed by Mom and Dad. 46-1 SIMPSON - In loving memory of Ralph Simpson who passed away Navember 15, 1976. When evening shades are falling, And we sit in quiet alone, To aur heants thene cames a ianging If he anly could came home. Friends may think we have forgotten When at fimes they see us sm ile, IBut they littie know the heantache Our smiles hide ail the whiie. - Sadiy missed by Ross and Lorraine Johnston and family. 46-1 TODD- In loving miemony, of a dean mother, grandmother, and g eat g andmother Lottie Todd who 5 et us Novemben 6, 1974. Youn pleasant smile and cheery ways, The hagpy times we had tagethen, Oh! just ta have them once again But we know they'ne gone farever. - Sadiy missed by Carl, Margaret and families. WILBUR - Treasurened memanies of a dean husband, dad andg randpa, Gardon, wha passed away Novemben 15, 1972. Not Iut taday, but everyday, In silience we nememben. - Ever remembered by Doris and family. 46-1 tlowers kIÂ F ay it va Besf" VÉAN BELLEà il -tf FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanvîlle Malt PROM PT, COU RTE OUS SERVICE FR ALL YOUR FLORAL NE EDS The famlly of the late Joanne a nd Betty De Smedt would 'like to thank ail their friends, neighbors and famiîy for ail the acts of kindness, fîowers, Masses, donations and s ympathy cards. A special thank y ou to G.B. Ltd. and Courtice Secondary High School, also Father Frank and Morris Funeral Chapel. Prosper De Smedt and fami ly. 46-1 A special thank you to friends and relatives for cards and visits etc., also minister of Tyrone United Church and Canadian Legion, also doctors and staff of Bowmanviîe, Oshawa and New Waterford Hospitals. Mr. AIîfred Mil11son 46-1 flie family of the late Bernice (Bea) Candier wouid like to thank friends, relatives, neighbors, and the Morris Funeral Chapel for cards, donations, floral tibutes and kindnesses shown them in the loss of a dear wife, mothen, grandmother and sister. Stuart, Lloyd, Sandra and family, Bill, Joan and family. 46-1 TO THE ELECTORS: THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT ON NOVEMBER 13 Ivan M. Hobbs 46-1 A special thank you to al who cared for me in the hospitai and ouf, also to al those who sent so many cards and flowers. A very special thanksto Dr. Sylvester. Mrs. Edi th Waiker 46-1 Mr. and Mrs. Randy Jarvis wish to thank ail the people of Hampton who heiped fa buy us the loveiy wedding g ifts. 46-1 i would like ta thank everybody who supported me in the election campaign. Al my cam paig n wonkers and supporters. Mer. Prout was an honourable opponent and i wouid ike yolu ail ta give hlm ail your support for the next 2 yea rs. 46-1 To the Electors of Ward il of Bowmanviile: On behaif of my famil y and myseif, I would like ta thank you for your support at the pol s on election day. Keith Shackelton i would like ta thank aur family, relatives and friends for the flowers, gifts, cards and visits while i was in hospital. Special thanks ta Dr. Singai, Dr. Anfossi and Dr. Cunningham and toalal the nurses on the 3rd flaor for the wonderful care given ta me while in hospital. Mil le Brock i wish ta thank relatives, friends and neighbors for cards, gifts and phone calis on the occasion of my 9th birfhda t.ahoMilison CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanviile HOSPITAL [ and SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTS Fîowering Plants and Cut Flawers EAR'PIERCING $8 .00 (no appointment Necessary) Plus 10, per cent off first purchase of earrings with release slip. Hooperý's Jewellers Lt. 29 King St. E. Bowma nvi le 623-5747 23-tf N BE A BIG SISTERÏ Voîunteers are needed in this area ta be a friend ta girls aged 7 - 17, wha are in need of suppartative reîafionships. CALL SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE at 728-7525 26-t f N Business to be Given Away Purchase equipment plus vehicle and receive this good liffle business as a free bonus. Owner has ather interests. CALI. THE BURGER BUS P HON E 623-4711 or 728-4455 46-1 N Nov. 21, 1978 2 - 4p.m. 124tf Knitfed articles, cnafts, bake sale and tea noam. 45-2N Bowmanvfiie Lions Club Turkey Rolland Las Vegas Holiday Trip Draw LIONS CENTRE 26 Beech Avenue FRIDAY EVENING Dec. 1sf,, 7:30 p.m. FREE ADMISSION, FREE BUFFET Tickets available from any Lions members. 46-3 TIC TOC PLAY SCHOOL Christmas Bazaar and Bake Sale Saf., Nov. l8fh 10 - 2p.m. OLD TOWN HALL COLUMBUS MOVIE WaIt Disney's "Pete's, Dragon" BOWMANVILLE LIBRARY Saf., Nov. 18 3 p.m.. Admission: $1.00 PreschoolerS,75c SOL INA COMMUN ITY HALL DANCE Sat., Nov. 18, 1978 Ray Avery's Orchesfra - Everyone Wel come - $6.00 per couple 46-1 N BINGO NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tues., November 21 Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400îln Pr izes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by Newcastle Lions 46-1 N OId Tyme Dancing in TYRONE, OLD HALL Music by WlLLI Eand BOB on Dancing 9 -1 $2.50 per perso Sponsored by L.O.A. Old Time Fiddling and Step Dance Contest, Port Hope Legion Hall, 3 p.m. Sunday, November 26. For entries and information caîl 885-6973 dayýs. Admission $3.00. Come lin the fun. 46-2N Old Tyme Christmas Market. Crafts by local artisans. St. Paul's Church, Port Hope, Friday, December 8th, 2 to 9 p.m. Saturday, December 9th - 10 a.m. to 5 pm. Afternoon tea Friday 50c. Supper available Frida y 5 to 7 p.m. $3.00. Sandwich bar on Saturday. 46-1 FREE - House of 'Amber Antique and Gift Shop, Hampton Village proudl y p resents their "November 1eature". Ail silk flower arrangements and corsages during the month of November will be made up free of charge. An excellent idea for your Christmas buying. Cali 263-2981. Christmas Bazaar NEL GOR CASTLE NURSING HOME Newcastle (King St. W.), BOWMANVILLE BOY SCOUTS NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE SAVE YOUR NEWSPAPERS FOR US. PAPER PICKUP Saturday, November 25th Have papers bundied and on curb by 8:30 a.m. (na0 cardboard or magazines) 46-2 Dutch Canadian Drama Club presents LAVENDER and OLD LACE (COMEDY, MODERN DRAMA> Novemnber 25th, 1978 7:30 p. m. Knox Christian School Auditorium Scugag Road BOWMANVI LLE Tickets available at door. Adults $2.50 Students $1.75 The prceeds of the play are for C.R.W. R.C. (Christian Rformd Worîd Relief Committee of Canada) 46-2 SAI LESALE SA 0f Unique Gifts at Bowmanvitle Museum 12 noon - Safurday, Novem ber l8th (RIGHT AFTER THE SANTA CLAUS PARADE.) LAUREL CAMPBELL-SITARK (theartist) WiIi be autographing the 1979 Durhamn Regional Calendars DRAW FOR THE Antique Mantle Clock will be at 3 o'clock. ALL PROCEEDS TO THE MUSEUM Sponsored by the Vol unfeer workers af the Museum %LE BOWMANVILLE LIONS SANTA'S DANCE Novemiber 18 Lions Centre 26 Beech Ave. 9 .m. - 1a. m $5.0 OUPLEà EVERYONE WELCOME 45-2N' ART DISPLAY by Merlin Stute at BOWMANVILLE LIBRARY Nov. 20 fo Dec. 2 OILS, WATER COLORS, PASTELS and PEN 46-2N SPLASH APPLE TREES Cut your own firewood. Bring yorow.n chain saw. $15.00 per tree. $30 a face cord - pre-cut, spfllt and ready to burn. The oid Watson Apple Orchard, Regional Rd. 57 (Martin Road) and Hwy. 2. Starting November 4 for 4 or 5 Saturda Ys onîy. AIl proceeds donated to SpIa sh. 45-2N Pontypuol'ls Corner Crafts (f irst house north of fi re station, north side of tracks) PRE CHRISTMAS TEA NOVEMBER 17,18 and 19 Friday 10Oa.m. - 9p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 6p.m. Sunday il a.m. - 9 p.m. After Hours 705-277-2265 Bake Sale each day of tea. Featuring Rug Making by Laverne Rahm, Saturday, November 18 FREE DRAW Also featuring Avon Specials 46-1 I St. Joseph's, Bowmanviile NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE MUSIC BY SAPPHIRES 9:00 -.2:00 $20.00 per couple HOT BUFFET and REFRESHMENTS Catil 623-5196 or 623-2825 TRUCK cap, full door, ladder, etc., like new, $550 or best offer. Parlor stove, used ane season, like new, $125. 12 foot truck platform, $125. Phone aften one 1-986-4678. 46-1 N SPY and Cortland apples, Roy Orchards. Phone 263-8430. 46-2N SET of bunk beds, $40. Phone 623-2062 aften 5. 46-1 1972 ALOUETTE snowmobile and Coronation trailer. Best offer. Phone 987-4584. 46-1 N KENMORE, coppertone dish- washer, almost new condition, $300 or best offer. Phone 987-4935 between 1 and 6 p.m. 46-1 N SKIS - 2 oair adu It downhill with harness and pales, have been appraised at $25 and $65. Phone 623-6533. 46-1 MIXED FIREWOOD $35 - '/2Ton Load Delivered 623-6371 46-2 COPPERTONE fridge (15 cu. ft.) and stave (30"), 9" saw and lainfer with 1/2 hanse heavy duty mofor. Phone 987-,4965, Wednesday ta Safun- day noan. 46-1 N KENMORE sewing machine. Excellent condition, fashion discs and buttonhoien, 24 babbins and instruction book. $75, Tel. 623-9341. 46-1 ONE pair of Hoya '16x50 binaculars, $30. One Bell and Howell Super 8 movie camera wifh eiectric eye and zoom, $50. One Super 8 movie flash 650 watt, $15 . One Poiaroid Conpak Il camera, $10. Alil these have cases and are in excellent condition. One Sears brand cassette recorder with remote microphone, $20. Call Newcastle 987-5429 affer 5 p.m. 461N FIREWOOD Standing mature appie trees. $10 Tree Phone 987-5289 Kilcolman Stables Jct. 115Sand 401 ,46-3 e o (igE v t<ý Weekend Special CARNATION IN MILK GLASS BUD VASE $1.39 CASH AND CARRY CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanville "Enjoy the Santa Claus Parade" 46-1 SET of kitchen cupboards including double sink and vented fanr, 4 years old, $500. Phone 623-6743. 46-1 N FRIDGE, working condition, $10. Skis, poles, boots (age 9 to 11) $30 set. Window blinds. Gir's winter vin y coats (fur trim), $10 each. Ski suits, pure wool sweaters with hood, long and short dresses,' jeans, cords, tops blouses, etc. Fits girls 7 to 12. Phone 987-5308. 46-1 HOOVER rinse-o-matic spin washer, A-i condition, harvest gold. $175 or best offer. After 5 phone 623-3052. - 461N MILK cans, dispenser size, either brass or copper plated, non tarnish. Phone 623-3090. 46-1 N Business to be Given Away Purchase equipment plus vehicle and receive this good littie business as a free bonus. Owner has other interests. CALL THE BURGER BUS 623-4711 or 728-4455 46-1 N ANTIQUE pumporgan (1896), with matching stool, $350. Phone 623-2176. 46-1 N SANTA Claus suit for rent. For further information cal 623-3076. 46-1 N FRI1DG E under warranty, 26" stove, green rug, rebuilt Singer sewing machine, hand made modular furniture and beds, bookcase, Lîoyd's AM-FM cassette players and speakers, also peacocks. J. Gold 623-2730. 46-1 N 410 DOUBLE barrel shotgun, 3" magnum plus 10 boxes of shells, $125. Phone 623-7966 af ter 4... - 1 - 1 46-2 Rand, 1 full iength mu coaf, size 14, bath in condition. Phone 623-2782 5: 00 P. M. MACS (seconds) $3.00 bu PEARS (seconds) $4.00 bi Feddema Orchai 263-2074 (no Sunday sales) S AV E ON NEW FURNITURE at the BARGAIN BARN OUR 10W OVERHEAD MEANS FANTASTIC SAVII FOR YOU Location: Southwest corner of Martin Rd. and Highw Bowmanville. Houns: Thunsday 10 - 6, Friday 10 - 9, Saturday 10 - 5. Phone. 623-3034 45-2N goad 2affer 46-1 N oushel >usheî rds DEKOKER SIESF > BE EF $ 'Wcut,F nwrappedJ7 f rozen and guaranteed. Ordler now. 983-5894 Orono 725-4245 Oshawa 40-tfN USED furniture and ap- Mlan ces. PaddY's market. Hampton. 263-2241. 33-tf KRAZY, KRAZY SUPER 26" Zenith Spanish console, sîashed to $688, $6.50 weekîy starting January. Phone tonight, one-hour deîivery. KRAZY KELLY'S. 350,Wentworth St. E., 571-1412. 45-tf N VITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofintg n new or used vehicles. Written war- ranty. Durham Vitalizing, phone 723-1155. 47-tf Brand new KIRBY vacuum cleaner, attachments include ru shampooer and renovator, u'po sery cleaner, wax applicator, 'polishing head, paint sprayer, fumigator (home and clothing), etc., neyer used. Full lifetime guarantee. $100 off original price. Phone 623-5398. 4- REPOSSESSED) 25" RCA Lowboy, $398. $4 weekly rentai purchase starting Jan. '79. KRAZY KELLY'S 350 Wentworth St. E. OSHAWA 571-1412 45-tf N POLARIS5 SNOWMOBI LES Sales - Parts - Service KAMPING UN LIMITE D 1405 Kinq St. E. Oshawa - 28-94 Hours: Mon.-Wed. - 9a.m. -6p.m. Thurs. F. - 9 a.m. - 9p.m. Sat. - 9a.m. - 5p.m. 40-9N GREAT Christmas gifts at reasonÏable prices. Handmade q uilIted gingham or calico tablecloth sets, place mats and napkins, pillows (your own choice of material). Gingham and eyelet baby comforters and pillow sets. Small deposit required. Caîl 623-2450. 45-2N GOOD dry hardwood, for fireplace or stove, delivered. Phone 983-5795. 46-2 N FLUFFY gray kitten, four months aid, chiid's Pet, Sauina Raad, north area. Reward. Phone 623-3563 or 728-9197. FREE REMOVAL 0F FRIESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope.,885-5274 KiTTiN TO give away iu goad homes. Phone ý263-231 1. 46-1 FLUFFY gray kittens, free fa good home. Phone 623-2089. 46-1 N SPECIALS -,tîli Christmas, to qualty jeans, English t .di ng boots, western sadde pads groom ing gift paks, aiso hor sey charms, earrings and stc k pins. Open daiiy and evenings, . Tuesday thru Sunday - Giadwin and Ca., Durham Road 23, South, Whitby-668-1282. 46-2N HORSE boarding, large box stails, bedding, grain and hay fed, exercised daiiy, car, evenings on before 9 in marning. Phone 1-985-3709. 46-2N TACK nepairs - new and used tack -veterlnary supplies alsa brakenage service whlch wîlii 44-4N arrange the sale or punchase, of hanses, tack, frailers, hay, ___ etc. Giadwin and Ca. Durham $ - d 23 S. Whitby. 668-1282 $$ (Open evenings). 4-F HORS EME N Compiete facilifies availabie. Hanses - bought, soîd and NGS traded, MGS Training and lessans. Engiish and Western. ma , Baarding facilities with indoor ,ay 2,arena. VISITORS WELCOME KENDAL HILLS HORSE CENTRE Campbellcroft 416-797-2124 46-1 1 143-8 TALISMAN Fleaý Market. Antiques - Stamps - Jewellry- Weaving - Pattery - Bnass- Hand Knitting - Refinishin g Caning. Minwax Products. Open 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays and Hoidays. Lots of parking. Free admission. 11/ miles north of hyw. 2 at Newcastle. 41-TF PINWHEEL crystai -,naw on dispiay at Byfond's Gift Shoppe, 40 King St. E., New- castie. Phone 987-5426. 44-3N Fireplace Wood Ail dried hardwood, mapie, binch, beech, aak andoapp le. Cut and spiit. Reasonab le. Deiivered or get discounts oni picked up orders. Phone 623-4550 33-tf N Western Canada -Schootof Auctioneering Ltd. Canada's fin sf, and the aniy campieteiy Canadian course offered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schoais Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970, c .366.: For panticulars of'the next course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782-6215 RE POSSESSED 26" RCA XL 100, full Spanish cabinet ta floor. Take over payments, $19 monthly, $4 week ly .rentai purchase starting January. Phone tonig ht, one hour delivery. KRAZY KELLY'S. 350 Wentworth St. E. 571-1412. 45-tf N Holiday and Chevron Tra ilers Large sellection of truck caps from $259.00 insta lied. Ca msport Traiter Sales - Highways 115 & 35, Newcastle Phone 987-5174' 9-tf Snowmobi les For Sale NEW AND USED ASSELSTINE'S YAMAHA SALES, SERVICE and ACCESSORI ES South of Blackstock. 45-SN RE POSSESSED 20" RCA XL100,,$17 monfhiy, $4 weekly rentai purchase starting Jan. '79. KRAZY KELLY'S 350 Wentworth St. E. OSHAWA 571-1412 45-tf N PADDY'$ Market now has riew furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and alsa used furniture and appliances. Will accept tradle-Ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf 2000 BRICKS, yellow and red mixed. Cali 1-705-277-2603. 45-2 N CHRISTMAStrees, retail, and whalesale, choice paine and spruce, 5' ta 15' on 35 Highway opposite Pantypool sign 705-277-2898. 44-8N MIRRORS, paintings and custom framing. A new service at Byford's Gift Shof pe40 King St. E., New- castie.Phone 987-5426. 44-3 N GOOD quality mixed hay suitable faor harses. Phone 1-983-5033. 44-6 J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, yaur ane-stap radial centre. 299 Dean Ave.,, Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf One Parent Families Association BOWMANVILLE CHAPTER meet every Wed. -8 p. m. BOWMANVI LLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance St. Membership pen to ail single parents. Çustody of your chlldren not a requirement. Phone 623-5440 623-2874 44-8 TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY CARE BAZAAR and BAKE SALE Nov. 18 10Oa.m. - 4p.m. 6 King St. E. BOWMAN VILLE DraW for 3 prizes at 3:30 p.m. For futher information phone 623-3172 or 623-6158. 45-2 N New Yean's Eve - Ponfypool Communlty Centre - 8:30 p.m. - Bert Grant, D.J., Corsages for Ladies, Buffet af12:30 - 18 coupe. Tickets on sale Nov. 20f h at Pantypool stores and Helen's Hairdressing. 46-1 N

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