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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1978, p. 14

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14 The Canadian Stateswran, Bowmanville, November 15, 1978 DEADLINE ,FOR CLASSIFIED Tlues., 12 nooul Pone 623-330--1 = - ~uIIkEM Mossi1[. 1973 MUSTANG, 6 cyl. std. Excellent condition. 66,000 miles. $1200. Phone 987-5021. 46-1 N 1978 FORD F150, Ranger Explorer, power steering, power brakes, 3 speed std., 6 cyl., 11,000 miles. Best offer. Phone 987-4404. Must seli1. 46-2N 1968 VOLKSWAGEN, $150 as is. Phone,705-277-2021, 6- '72 COUGAR, 60,000 miles, 351 cu. in., as is. Phône 263-2501. 46-1 '76 FORMULA 400, P.S., p.b., air, AM-FM cassette. Phone 623-6233. 46-1 N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-TF N 1978 MAL IBU Classic, 4 door, V-6, automatic, P.S. and p.b., 2 tone paint, electric defroster and much more. Balance of warranty. Asking $5550. Phone 623-7499. 46-1 N WH E N you've decided on your special car - for financing caîl Dave at the Commerce, 623-3401. 44-3N 1976 BUICK Century, 4 door sedan, 350 autornatic, power steering and brakes, radio, etc.,' certified, bargain, $2200. Phone 983-5149. 46-1 N '78 RALLY Sport Carnaro, blue and black, 305, power- steering, power brakes, automatic., Phone 623-5139. 47-1 N 1973 Chev.* 1/2 ton, 350 standard, heavy duty suspen- Sion. Certif ied. New paint job. Phone 1-983-9316 after six. 45-2KN AN Y UN having any information aboujt three missîng cattie please cali 623-6075 or Durhamn Regionai Police. Reward. 46-1iN 1, Gillard J. Paterson of R.R. 3, Bowmanville wiii not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date October 28, 1978 without my written consent. Signe, Gillard Paterson. 44-3 The winners of the Nov. sf and Nov. 8th draws of Br. 178 Legion Lottery are as shown hereunder: - Draw No. 42, Nov. lst, 1978 - lst Prize, $750.00 - ticket no. 2395, Nina and Seth Hunt, 29 Halîeybury Dr., Scarborouah; 2nd Prize. 4150.00 - ticket ýno, 1889, Russell Hayes, 119 Concession St-, W., Bowmanvi le; 3rd Prize, $100.00 - ticket no. 1171, Neliy Reiben, 66 Faiby Crt., Apt. 505, Ajax. Draw No. 43, Nov. 8th, 1978 - lst Prize, $750-00 - ticket no. 1679, Marianne B. Swindelis, 820 Burnhamthorpe Rd., Etobicoke; 2nd Prize, $150.00 - ticket no. 1283, Sidney Bond, 25 Parkway Cres ., Bowmanvile; 3rd Prize, $100.00 - ticket no. 1279, Mrs. Raiph Ormiston, 31 Jane St., Bowmanville. The B.M.H.A. Booster Club hockey pool resuits for Nov. 11. Winner of first goal, Jaime Wilson. Winner of last goal Cal Potter. Next pool Nov. 18. 46-1 i, Perley Terry of, 13 Cedarcrest Beach, Bowrnan- ville wiiI not be responsible for any debts contracted in my narne by anyone without my written consent on or atter this date, November 15, 1978. LONG JOHN"S ANTIQUES have moved south one mile to southeast corner of Starkvi lle, 4Miles north of Newtonville or 21/2 miles south of Kendal. Phone 786-2016 44-3 THREE bedroom apartment, heat', hydro, garage, garden, east of Krby. Phone 728-6609, 728-56'18. 46-2N HOUSE, A bedroorni on Cedar Crest Beach in Bowmranville. $250 plus utilities. Phone 263-829z5. 46-1 APARTMENT in Bowman- ville. Available immediately. Two bedroom carpetted, $270, utilities not inciuded. Phone' Philip Currie, 1-763-1131. 45-3 FOR rent, 2 to choose f rom, 2 - 2 bedroomn homes in Bowrnan- ville, good centrai location. Asking oniy $240 monthly. Cal 623-7661. Ask for Donna. 46-1 N FOUR bedroorn, 11/2 baths, fridge and stove, ravine lot, in Bowrnanvilie, $375 a rnonth. Phone 1-831-1857 after 6. 146-1 N SEVEN room house, no pets, available immediately,, $275 monthly. Phone 623-3764. 46-1 THREE bedroom apartrnent, available December lIst, first and last mnonth's rent in advance. References requir- ed. Services inciuded and Cable TV. $305 monthly Phone 623-7574. 46-1 N LIVING room, kitchen, bed- room and bathroom, heated, stove and fridge. Central location. Suited for one person or couple. References requir- ed. $175 monthly. Write Box 788, c-o The Canadian States- man, Box 190, Bowrnanville. 45-tf N NEWCASTLE, 2 bedroorn apartrnent with lake view, heating paid, stove provided, one child welcome, no pets. $170 a month, first and last required. Lease. Phone Pickering 683-0953. 46-1 N TWO bedroorn apartment in Bowrnanville, $285 a rnonth, al utilities included, aduits preferred. Availabie irnmediateiy. Phone 623-9442. 46-1 N STORAGE available for tent trailers, hardtops, srnall boats' and ski-doos. Phone 263-2042. 43-tf N THE Stonegate. Very nice 1 and 2 b edroom apartrnents with view and many features in Port Hope - 885-6500. 39-TF SPACIOUS 2 room apartrnent, stove and fridge, newly decorated, carpet, ail utilIities incluided. $235. References. Write Advertiser 787, c-o Canacian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario. 45-2N BOWMANVI LLE apartrnent, 4 rooms and bath, heated, cabie TV, tree parking. Available now. Reasonablie plus hydro. Phone 623-7523 or 1-705-696-3361. 28-TF OFFICES for rent, suitable for doctors, I awyers, real estate, etc. Free parking. Phone 987-4709. 46-1iN HOUSE for rent, north of Newcastle, on 3rd uine, east frorn DX Service Centre. 3 bedrooms, oul heat. $350 plus heat and utilities. First and last in advance. Avalabiè December 1. Phone 723-6952. 46-tf N TOWNHOUSE, Bowrnanviile, $300 month. Phone 723-0575 between 9a.m. - 5p.m. 46-1 N NOTICE TO CR EDITORS n the Matter of the estate of Lloyd Harvey Giibank of the township of Scugog in the Regional Municipality of Durhamn, deceased; Ail persons having dlaims agai1n st the Estate of, Lloyd arve Gilbank, late 0f the ownship of Scugog, in the Regiona IMunicipaiity, of Durham, who died on or about the lSth day of Sep tember 1978, are required to file such dlaims with the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of November; thereafter the undersigned wil11 distri bute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the dlaims then filed. Dated at Newcastle (Bow- manvilie) this 3lst day 0f October 1978. Pearl Annie Gilbank, administratrix of the estate 0f Lloyd Harvey Glbank, by her soilicitor; Douglas J. Barber, Barrister and Solictor, Box 339, Bowmanvile, Ontario LIC 31 46-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANDOTHERS AIll daims a g ainst the Estate 0f HAROLD GEORGE GILLINGHAM, late of Bowmanville in the Regional Municipality of -Durhamn, Ontario, who died on the l2th day of June, 1978, mnust be filed with the undersigned Executor on or before the 28th day of November, 1978, after which date the Estate will be dîstributed, having^ regard only to the dlaims owhich the Executor shaîl thon have notice. DATE D at Toronto, Ontario, this l3th day of October, 1978. THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY, P.O. Box 7500, Station A, Toronto, Ontario, M5W 1 P9, Executor, By Lang, Michener, Cranston, Farquharson & Wright, its Sol icitors herein. 45J THE Toronto Star requires an aduit carrier for door-to-door deiivery in centre of Bow- manvil le. Suitabie for' house- wife or serni-retired person or high schooi studént. Tranrsportation requi1red. 2 to 3 hours per day. Phone 728-5117. 46-1 ATTENTION: l'Il set an honest person up in a high incorne sales and service business for rnotorists. This business repeats year after year. No rnoney required to start. Car required. Apply to Harry Wade, 688 Sunset Ivd., Newcastle, Ontario. Phone 987-4531. 46-2 BABYSITTER required for a 3 year old boy, starting December lst. Phone 1-797-2889 evenings and week- ends. 46-1 Switchboa rd- Receptionist Immediate opening for a part- time nightf switchboard- receptionist. Switchboard experience and general office Procedure an asset. Must have the ability to deai with people ettectiveiy as weii as deaiing with matters of a confidential nature. Apply: Personnel Officer 47 Liberty St. S. Bowmanville, Ontario. PERSON to work on Standardbred Horse Farrn in Orono area. Must be able to work with weanlings and yearlings. Must have own transportation. Phonie 623-2213 or 623-2427 af ter 5 p.rm. 4- Maintenance - Set-up Mechanic Required by Speciaîty Chernical Manufacturer, single shift operation, experienced with fiiling, capping, and iabeiling machinery, a mnust. Excellent benef it package. Please contact MR. GERALD BOURGEOIS 623-3353 for appointment. 46-1 N Supervisor for PORT HOPE CO-OPERATIVE NURSERY SCHOOL E.C. E. degree.required. Salary commensurate with, experience. Apply in writing to: Port Hope Nursery School c-o 44 Tref usis St. Port Hope, Ontario 46-1 N RESPONSIBLE, reliable, mature person required to live in, cook, dcean and wash for approximateiy 12 persons. Salarýy and benef its negotiabie. Write advertiser 790, c-o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, 46-1 N TEXAS REFINERY CORP of Canada Ltd. offers opportu nity for hi gh income plu! regular cas h and vacatior bonuses, abundant fringE benefits to mature individual in Bowmanville area. Airmail President, De pt. CC, P.O. Box 70, Station R, Toronto, Ontaric M4G 3Z6. 46-1 SOMEONE to give reliable day care for twenty-month-olc child in Waverley Road area in their own home, Monday to Friday. References preferred. Calil 987-4972 after six. 46-1 CLEANING woman for 1/2 day ý er eek in private home. hoe623-2782 after,5 p.rn. 46-1 N EXPERIENCELI hairdresser wanted for professional Redken Salon. Excellent opportunities for educational advancement. Cail 623-5455. 42-TF N <oIe] i FURNISHED rooms for rent. Phone 623-7071. Ask for Fred. 44-tf ROOM and board for young men, no shift workers. Phne 623-3265. 46-1 t7NE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANO MARKERS Look for this seal. It's yourv guarantee of pOermanence, k~ BROS. LTD. Deihor'e Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundlas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 is 10 le Ontario Hydro has'for sale and removal INDUSTRIAL BUILDING Ontario Hydro has for sale and rernoval one recently erected four bay industriai building complete with ail services, partitions, etc. This building is located on the west side of Simpson Street, south of West Beach Road, Bowmanviîle, Town of Newcastle and will be open for inspection between the hoursý of 10:00 a.rn. and 3:30 p.rn. Thursday, November 16, 1978 only. Tendering documents rnay be obtalned by contacting Mr. N. W. Locke, 800 Kipling Avenue, Toronto, M8Z 5S4 (416) 231-4111 Ext. .6936 or at the site on the day of Inspection. .Refer to Tender No. P-3070. CIosing date for tenders is 4: 00 p.rn. Wednesday, November 22, 1978. ANTIQUE furniture, coins, oil paintings, etc. Phone 623-4095. 46-1 N OLDER house wanted to buy, north Bowmanviile, good condition, treed lot. P hone 623-5477 or 623-7744. 46-1 USED Furniture and Ap- pliances. Paddy's Market, Hamnpton 263-2241,. 26-tf CASH for gold, silver, coins, guns, docks, jewellery, dishes, furniture, crocks, p aintings, sealWrs, appiances, Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-ti SCUGOG Excavating & SDredging -Lakeshore cleaning& developing -Pond and other dragline work Bulidozing - Free estirnates - no obligation -Reasonable rates Box 563, Port Perry 985-7720 40-8N MOU NTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE SEPTIC TANK AND TILE BEP INSTALLATION TRENCHING, BASEMENTS, WATERLINES, SCREENED STONE, CRUSHED GRAVEL, SAND, TOP SOIL PHON E BLACKSTOCK 986-4737 46-1 WOMAN will do housework in Bowmanville area. References if needed. Phone 623-2018. 46-1 Gary Tattrie, Mobile Welding "Specializing in Heavy Equipment and Farm Machinemry Repair" 54 Waverley Road, Bowrnanvllle, Ont. Tel: 623-2232 46-4N r Don Brooks & Son General Contractor, iand Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 New homes, additions, altera- tions, riec rooms, garages, rep 'rs of ail1 types, etc. 25-tf LOOKING AHEAD Earn $4501 for Christmas in your spare time. Choose your own hours. CA LL MRS. GREEN (between 4 and 6) 623-9302 44-tf N Bowmanvilîe Glass 143 Wellington St. 623-34 10 Speciaiizing in Cash & Carry, glass, mirrors, aiuminurr products (siding and doors) 28-tf N Ron's Floor Care Commercial and household cleaning. Dry foam rug and Ldrpei shampooing. Wax me- moval, wall wasllng. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf Wi LL babysit your chiid in my home, in On tario St. area, Bowmanvilie. Phone 623-5342. 46-1 Ref rigeration and Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coo lors PHONE BERT SYER Days ........... ...623-5774 Nights ............623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique. Free picku p and delivery. FR1 EE E STIMATES PHONE 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton 48-tf N Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Bowmanville Siding - Sof fit Fascia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4 398 FOR FREE ESTIMATE. ALSO HANDLING VINYL SIDING ALL-TYPE ROOFING Shing les new or Reroof ing Flats hotor cold process. AIl roof and chimney repairs. FREE ESTIMATES 623-5038 15-tf DARLINGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf ODD JOBS YARD and BASEMENT SCL EANÙUP RUBBAGE REMOVAL LIGHT MOVING PAlINTING Have truck wil11 move. BABYSITTING- Do you live in Bowmanvilîe but work in Oshawa? I live on Hwy 2, King E., Oshawa, wil -il pre-schooier in my home. Phone 576-2955. 46-1 Hutton &Wiggans Insulation BLOWN METHOD FREE ESTIMATES 623-2551 33 ffN * * s.= 0 Phone for ** appointrnent SS Anniversary s' Weddinq.and Family Portraits In Our Studio, Your Home, or on Location 78 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-2404 42-4 N AN DE RSON INSU LATION 623-5181 or 579-2'060 Blown Cellulose Fibre for Attic and RAPCO FOAM for WaIis. CITY and COUNTRY HOMES GOR D SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Pa inti ng Paperhanging Ca rpentry RemodeIlinq General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-tf M. Brooks CAR PENTRY REMODELLING CUPBOARDS - VANITIES GENERAL REPAIRS 10-tf AIli kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS 6 P. LOUWS 2 CONSTRUCTION 1 49 Scugog St. Bowmanville 623-2756 13-tf WATER Wells bored, 30 file. Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- p hone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-f OXFORD Bricklayers and Sto ne masonsLtd.- (Our fireplaces do not smoke) Orono 983-5606 18t Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpentry, Renovating Ail General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homnes - Renovatlng Rec Rooms Repairs of ail types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf JACK BUR GESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES 1CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville DRY WALL FINISHING PLASTER REPAIF Spray Stucco Ceilin Painting WALLY LUCN Orono 983-551 D &R CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM CHAINSAVI Phone Orono 983-5005, or 983-9 G. VAN LONO MASON RY BRICK, BLOCK, ST( AND FIREPLACE! Phone 623-511l iS gs 18 38-tf OD.P JOBS 263-2113 MIN ER'S EXCAVATI N, FOR TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AN[ SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE NEWCASTI 987-4995 No Sunday Calis ctAl%àe Auction Sale Saturday, November 18 7p.m. Pethick's Auction Barn, Haydon, One mile east of Enniskillen. Large quantity of furniture and antique dishes. Dishes of ail kinds. Quantity of pottery, glass, crocks, several f leces of paine f urniture, chest, abl1es, quilts (new), 8 cane bottom chairs. This furniture and more cornes from an antique store that is golng out of business. Selling with other consigniments. Terms cash or good cheque. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 46-1 N Auction Sa le Saturday, November 18 1 p.m. Larg quantity of furniture a ndth ings for Mr. Arthur Gibson. Preston's Road, south frorn Fina Gas Station, mile south of No. 2 Highway. Kitchen table and chairs, electric stove, electric fridge, chest freezer, old rocker, odd chairs, drop leaf table, odd dishes, 3 iron pots, chain saw, Skil saw, rotary purnp and motor, grinder, cernent mixer, wheelbarrow, oul heater, hand saws, planes, chains, 24' aluminurn ladder, ga apand lantern, 2 wheel trallr Partial list, other articles. Terrns cash or cashable cheque. Laurence Harris, clerk, Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 46-1 N Saturday, Novem ber 25 Sale Ti me: 12:30 p. m. Farm Machinery Furniture Farrn sold. Auction sale including John Deere 1830 tractor (1095 hours), John Deere 1120. tractor with 145 loader (991 hours), Int.* Super "C" tractor with 2 furrow Slow, Int. 149 Cub tractor with Elade and rnower, N-H baler with thrower, 2 wagons with bale thrower racks, N-i cut- Ditioner, Kvernland 3 furrow piow, F-B 3 pt. hitch cultivator,, Cockshutt 10' double disc, J-D 20 run seed drill, J-D 40 manure spreader, snow blower - 3 pt. hitch new in 1978, Packer with Brillion seed box, 3 pt. hitch blade, Farney 225 welder, M-H mower, chain harrows, 250 gai. fuel tank, 2 - 200 gal. fuel tanks, Auger, grinder, 2 h. p motor, 3/ h.p. motor, silo distributor, 13 new free stal dividers, 12 hiens, wagon load. Furniture: Round oak exten- sion table, 4 chairs, refriger- ator, Tappan electric stove, cherry table, oak sideboard, antique 'fruit -jars, antiquei harvest table oak couch, 21 beds p lus nurnerous other1 Items. T h e roperty of Gerald' Hunter, R.R.3 Uxbridge, Loti 8, Con. 11, former Reach Twp.i 11/2 miles straight west of1 Greenbank. Lunch available.t Sale rnanaged and sold by1 Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd.,1 Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. E 46-2N F Auction Sa le Saturday, November 18 at 1: 15 p.m., at Bannisters Auction Hall in Bewdley Consisting of:- Renfrew woodstove with reservoir, matching table, chairs and buffet, chests of drawers, matching chesterfieid chair and settee, office chair, dishes, giassware, chrome suite, large collection of Avon bottles, T. V. s, carpets, appliances, and other items stiibei ng consigned. Roger Bannister, auctioneer, 416-797-2651. 46-1 N Auction Sa le Grist Mili Auction Barn Newtonville Friday, Nov. l7th at 7:00 p.m. 10 if. cedar table and 2 matching benches, oak side- board, stereos, T.V.'s, lamps, drop leaf gate leg table, double Continental bed, dressers, chests of drawers, bunk beds (complete), chesterfield sets, barrel churn, press back chairs, oak secretary, battery' grand- father dlock, aquarium set up, srnai electrical appliances and a varietv of other items. Terms cash. Stapleton Bros. Auctioneers 786-2244. 46-1 N 1Auction Sale Monday, November 2Oth at 6:30 p.m. at Claremont Community Hall Furniture, antiques, ING coilectible items, approxi- matel y 300 items, a real good selection. Plan to attend. 627 Terms cash. No reserve. Earl il-tf Gausiin, auctioneer. 46-1 N )EN Auction Sale Thursday Night November 16 at 7 p.m. )NE at Orval McLean Auction S. Centre, Lindsay on Littie Britain Road just 4. south of Hwy .7. Properf y of Mil ton Green, 31-tf Lindsay and additions. -- Antique and other furniture, Beit oak dressers, oul space heaters, roto tiller, good lnboard marine boat t' motor, r) trunk, Iron bed with brass trlm, good power lawn mower, churn, new g reen rug 12' x 63', oak buffet, i ibrary table, hall 10 if tree, wicker fernery, gas organ, dining table, chests, rocking chairs, good modemn mahogany bedroom suite, ýG modern dressers, chrome suite, set of kitchen cup- boards, iamps, bedding, ID garden tools, dishes (some antique), other furniture and LE collectibles. No reserve.. Giving up housekeeping. Orval Mc Lean, auctioneer 324-2791 or 324-2783 Lindsay. 17-tf 46-1 N Plan to attend the "Auction Sales" every Wednesdayl evening, 6:30 p.m. at the; Oshawa Market Place, 249, Toronto Avenue (Rltson Roadi and 401) Oshawa, Ontario. Saturday,'November -18th Auction sale of household furniture, some antiques. The Sroperty of Bill Sanderson, 1 ot 4, C on. 5, Emiiy Twp. 1 mile north of Toronto Dominion Bank in Orneree and 11/4 miles west. Oak desk, churn, 2 televisions, 2 radios, antique bedroomn suite, iron bed, chests of drawers, coal oil and electric Iamps, rockers, chairs, what not, dînette suite, chesterfieid suite, drop leaf table, Tappan 400 electrlc stove - 2 piece oven on top. Silverware, complete set, of dishes, odd dishes, ruqs, jars, antique dlock, 2 crocks, *ward robe, Purox cutting and welding torches with gauges and hoses, farrn sca es, DeLaval No. 15 crearn separator, ma-ny other items. Terrns cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 43-4 Corneil's Auction Barn Friday, November il 1at 7p.m. 3rmn1les east of Little Britain, 7 miles west of Lindsa y on the Lindsay Little Britain Rd. The property of Miss Betty Starr of Little Britain (movlng to apartrnent) plus other consignors. Oak Iibrary table, tea wagon, hall seat, settee, bamboo what-not, wash stand, rocking chai1rs, antique kitchen cupboard, f lat to wail cupboard, 9 piece dining room suite, spin washer, quyantity wooden chairs, Quebec heater, oak dininq roorn table, oak chairs, quantity of crocks, stereo, quantity of hand tools, quantity of china and glass, 1974 Chevy Nova (certufied) plus rnany more antiques, furnîture and househoid items. Don Corneil, auctioneer, R.R. 1, Littte Britain. 705-786-2183. 46-1 N Saturday, Novem ber 25th Auction sale of logglng and lumbering equiprnent, saw mili equiprnent, 6 trucks, 10 trailers, 5 antique cars, shop rqupment, office equiprnent. The property of Percy Elrnhirst, Lot 24, Con. 2, Otonabee Twp. 10 miles east of Peterborough on Hwy. 7 and 1 mile south on- 2nd concession road of Otonabee Twp. Office equipment - garage and milI parts, Miller arc welder, 56"1 Simo lac head saw - 48 teeth - 7' and 8 gauge - like new, 75 h.p. electric motor with 9 strand V belt pulley, new bail and roiler bearings, AR John Deere tractor restored, 1967 Case 430 tractor, hydraulic cylinders, ail attachments for Gateri Power Crimper model 500, valve regulator, hydraulic . c s ineer chain saws, 2 Molda chinsaws, chaîn saw parts, fulli une 6f saw milI parts and garage equipment, 2 farm tractors. 1969 White Freightîiner - 318 diesel, 1966 Mack B61ST, 1965 Chev. 3/ ton, 1972 Ford F-100 pck-up. 1974 Int. 392 gas tandàem dump truck, 1968 Int. 345 gas tandem dump. Hie Hoe hydrauiic log loader, (Cherry Picker) gas engine model 380 rnounted, 10 lgand lumber trailers, 1970 Trail-Can, Fruehauf tandem load trailer, tandem lst lead f iggy back, 2ndi back trailer, andem axie 38', chip van, 4 axie - 36' long trailer. Fruehauf tri-axle plggy back 1 log train. Can-Car back trailer, King Tandem 25 ton, single axel, float top tra lier, 5 antique cars. 1947 Buick Roadmaster sedan, 1940 Buick Super Sedan, 1936 Packard model 120, 1928 Model A Ford coach, 1933 Plymouth coupe. 2 house trailers, McGinnls 14', 14' homemade trailer. Terms t cash. No reserve. Sale at 11: 00 a.m sharp beginning with t smaIl items, garage equip- ment and sawrnill equipment. For complete listing or f urther 1 nformnation, contact Carl t HlIikson, auctioneer, Reaboro,r Ont. Phone Lindsay S 705-324-9959. 46-2 BLACKSTOCK n Block Parents and any b interested citizen wishing to b become a 'Block Parent' are L asked to attend a meeting, l tonight, Wednesday the lSth of C November at 7 in the Cart- ] wright Central Public School y Library. l Doree VanCampwas p Phone Andy 623-9379 Robert Van De E 22-tf PAINTING was decided to cancel the Joey Van Quartet for the October 1979 dance and change to Disc Jockey and a Hallowe'en- Costume dance on October, 27th. Members also planned a 'Hard Times Dance' for somfe-ý time ini March and the Sprilng Dance with the Joey Van Quartet to be held on Aprit 28th, 1979. The O.N.O. were asked'W they would sponsor the Oshawa 'Concordia Group oi Sunday, December 3rd with a' $150. quarantee and $50 rentai fee, the request was declined, by a majority vote. A motion was made to buiy 200' stainless steel forks, fcor the Recreational Center, imiï; mediately. Final arrangements were: made for the Dorreli weddine on December l6th. June Wilkinson is in charge ofte Dorreli catering plans. The roll call was ,well answered with an unwrappedý Christmas gift for the Nursing Home in Port Perry. It was also made a: motion to purchase a subscription to the Country Guide and Ideals to' be sent to the Nursing Home if they are not already receiving them. The O.N.O. Christmas meet- ing will be held at Joan Graham's in December. Dor-, een and her group served a tasty lunch and t he meeting was adjourned. There was a Board Meeting: of the Blackstock Nursery: School Inc. on Monday even'- ing, Nov. 6 at the home of Gilt, Bull. The meeting was called,' on a twofold purpose: to" decide on the course of actioni needed. to replace the position-, of President, as GilI Bull will' be moving as of Dec. lst te another city, and to make- changes and amendments t6 the Constitution. In a final vote it was decided- that the Vice President, in thisý case Chris Rollo, should assume duties and title of the- President, in the event of e mid-term, departure. At the' general meeting,' on Nov. 14,1 nominations will be taken ta., fill the void of Vice President, which will be brought to a vote: at the December meeting. The Constitution now states that members of the Board of Directors will be asked for their resignation following an" absence of three consecutive meetings. Board of -Directors have 'been added to the, telephone list if their namneâ had not already been included,-. In the temporýary absence of the President the VicePresi- dent will assume aIl duties of' the President during that1 time. The secretary bas been assigned the responsibility of' mailing out the participating schedule. Yearly voting of officers will take place at the last general meeting after nominations for each office have been approved and, prepared by the executive- committee, voting by secret- ballot. The new officers will, assume duty on 'the 3Oth of June. Cartwright High School Commencement The Recreational Centre: in, Blackstock. was packed on-' Saturday night, Nov. 11, at e for the Cartwright High Schoolt Commencement Exercises - Out of the nine students: presented honor1 graduation- diplomas, there were siX, Ontario Scholarships: Cyndy. HIogg, Joanne Malcolm, Defr MecLaughlin, Janet Parsons,' Louise Van Camp, and Peter )uivesteyn. Mr. G. Paisley gave the', introductory remarks after~ the singing of 'O Canada' and then introduced the Chairmair of the Durham, Board of. Education, Mrs, Y. Christie,' Katie Schmidt, President of the Student's Council, made remarks on behaîf of the' Student Body. There were a staggering number of prizes, bursaries, ;nday, Nov. 12, for the 197W naduating class and their- ýrents. Guests at the dinner: ,cluded Mrs. Y. Christie,- Irs. Pat Procunier, teachers., id staff of the Cartwright,; igh School, Student Council- :ecutive and 1978 graduates- ith their parents.

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