MARMORA 4W396 Weil built, gracious home. 5 large bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, large foyer with walk-in closet. Garage & circular drive. $66,000. Dorothy Moxley, (613)962-9248, Toronto LUne 868-0774 or (705)653-2574. GARDEN LOT AND HOME 4W407 n the city. 1 acre lot plus a good home on the lot can be buiît on. Everything goes for $47,500. Elvin Carr, (613)962-9248, Toronto uine 868- 0774, or (613)966-1805. TRENT RIVER-$58,000 4Tr366 100' waterfront, good docking area. A, year round, 3 bedroom bungalow approx. 1,460 sq. ft. Full length deck overlooks river. Wel landscaped lawn. Fred Beckett, (613)962-9248, Toronto Line 868-0774, or (613)395-2418. LARGE OAIRY FARM 84001 347 acres, more available, with 2 houses, 2 barns, 2 silos, 275 tile drained acres. Stable cleaner, silo, unloaders, bulk tank, cattle, machinery. Quotas available. Bill Sutherland, (613)962-9248,. Toronto Line 868-0774, or (613)395-3050.i 14 ACRE HORSE FARM 4T373 4 year old side split, 3 bedrooms, rec roomn with fireplace, well decorated. Attached garage. 4 acres wood, balance. workland. Asking $59,000. Fred Beckett, (613)962-9248, Toronto Line 868-0774, or (613)395-2418. 119 ACRES 4G184 Farm home, land mostly workable with 20 acres bush. Plenty of water. House under renovation. Asking only $43,960. Johann Kyte, (613)962-9248, Toronto Line 868-0774, or (613)966-7189. FAR MS-DAIRY-BEEF-CROP BV003 We have several large farms availaîbe.The price is right, the sol is good. Buildings are excellent. Caîl for your choice: MOIRA RIVER COTTAGE BV004 New cottage facing river on Sugar Island near Tweed. Boating area close to Stoco Lake. Drilled well, bath & septic, hydro. Asking $24,900. W. A. Sutherland, (61ý)962-9248, Toronto Une 868-0774 or (613)395-3050. HIGHWAY LOCATION 16T1 00 BOBCAYGEON AREA 16T94 with commercial zoning makes this 3 Sensibly priced 3 bedroom bungalow on bedroom home with large, fully insulated large rural lot. Fulldepth basement, single car accessory building a fantastic buy for starting garage. Only $42,500. MLS. a small business. $45,000. Sue Lambert, (705)738-2327, Toronto LUne Dick Taylor, (705)738-2327, Toronto Line 368-4392, or (705)738-2675. 368-4392, or (705)738-2147. BOBCAYGEON 16W108 3 acre estate type property. 4 bedroom brick & frame home. Family room 15'x26', 2 fireplaces. Barn 30'x30'. Realistically priced at $69,900. Dick Taylor, (705)738-2327, Toronto LUne 368-4392, or (705)738-2147. ON TRENT SYSTEM 16T110 This two bedroom cottage has glassed-in porch, 3 piece bath. gasfurnace plus garage and dry slip boathouse. Asking $30.500. Jean Detior, (705)738-2327, Toronto LUne 368-4392, or (705)657-8092. BOBCAYGEON AREA 16T 14 2 bedroom waterfront home. 3 piece bath, well, boathouse, quality furnishings. Excellent fishingl Only $35,500 with terms. Norma Lonig, (705)738-2327, Toronto Line 368-4392, or (705)738-2438, iÏ!À~IFC-9 Tel: Bobcaygeon (705) 738-2327 Toronto Li ne <416)368-4392 /FAK49 Main1 Si. Nort -i àEýý[ FRAM