e BALSAM LAKE - $54,900 14T316 SPACIOUS LIVING 14T313 3 bedroom, 4 season cottage.ý4 piece bath, Plenty of room f0 expand in this il room stone fireplace, good dock, excellent home near Coboconk. Only $26,900 with haîf swimming. down. Lloyd Taverner, (705)454-3313, Toronto Line Lloyd Taverner, (705)454-3313, Toronto Line 366-6377, or (705)454-8964. 366-6377, or (705)454-8964. BRICK BUNGALOW-$44,900 14T301 Country living with city conveniences in this3 bedroom modern home on 2 acres near Coboconk. Finished rec. room. Minutes from school, churches & docètor. Lloyd Taverner, (705)454-3313, Toronto LUne 366-6377 or (705)454-8964. WATERFRONT HOME-$42,500 14T226 In the village, located on the Trent system. Ideal for the person who enjoys boating& fishi1ng. 4 bedrooms, full basement plus wet boathouse. MLS. Lloyd Taverner, (705)454-3313, Toronto Line 366-6377, (705)454-8964. SAVE ON FUEL-$36,900 14T310 Wood burning stove in basement of this 3 bedroom bungalow sure saves the dollars. 4 piece bath, 200 amp. hydro, electric heat. Nice treed lot, 1/ mile to store. John Worsîey, (705)887-2512, Toronto LUne 366-6377, or (705)454-3313. HOBBY FARM 14T309 Three bedroom bungalow on 16 scenic acres with both road and lake frontage. lnsulated garage, workshop, drive-in basement and much more. Asking $64.900. Gary Plummer , (705)887-2512, Toronto Line 366-6377, or (705)454-3313. SAND? BEACH-$26,500 14T305 2 bedroom furnished cottage in beautiful setting on the Guli River. Minutes by boat from Moore's Lake. Lloyd Taverner, (705)454-3313, Toronto LUne 366-6377, or (705)454-8964. LUXURY CUSTOM BUILT 14T25 4 bedroom bungalow on wooded 5 acre lot. Walkout to patio from indoor pool and family room. Sauna, 3 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces, wet bar, games room. $99,900. Lloyd Taverner, (705)454-3313 or Toronto Line 366-6377. WOODED LOTS - $4,990 14Y152 Situated in the county of Haliburton on picturesque lake. Westerly exposure, size ilOxilQO'. H-ydro available. Low down payment, good terms. Choice of two. Albert Lageer, (705)887-2512, (705)454-3313 or Toronto LUne 366-6377. PROVINCIAL PARK AREA 14Y146 Wooded lot with deeded access to Balsam Lake. On year round township road. Asking price only $1 3,900. A CHOICE LOCATION 14Yl5l Beautiful building lot 200'x300' with drilled well and covered with mature maple trees. An ideal setting for your new home. Easy terms, $12,90Ô. Lloyd Taverner, (705)454-3313, Toronto LUne 366-6377, or (705)454-8964. KINMOUNT AREA 14Y126 Howland Pines. Two retirement lots with mature pine trees, 100' frontage by 400' depth. Priced at $6.000 with terms. GOODERHAM AREA 14Yl25 Wooded lot with access to Irondale River. Panoramic view for miles. A real bargain at $3,900. Norma Hamilton, (705)454-3313, Toronto Line 366-6377, or (705)438-3035. FC-12 With 20 offices to serve you throughout South Central Ontario. FC-12 ýl 'V' F'R A 14É