4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 15, 1978 SHAW'S Several from Shaw's attended the recent 4H Awards Banquet held this year at Maple Grove United Church. Tom and Sally Barrie attended and Tom, as presi- dent of the Club Leaders Assoc. was chairman for the evening. Gerald, Shirley, Janet and Bruce Brown were also present and Janet assisted at the piano for the opening and closing ceremonies. Don, Gail, Jim and Romona Rickard were on hand to present the Ceresmore Farms Award to Barry Van Camp and Jim presented the Lions Club Pnize. .Others attending from this community were Calvin, Dorothy and Kevin Crago; Sam and Bob Turner; Doug, Ethel and Greg Wright; John Ayre; Gordon, Doreen, Keith and Glenn Barrie; Bill, Diny, John, Evelyn and David DeVries; Rod and Marlene Stork and from* Sask. Rod's parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Stork. John DeVries was one of the guest speakers for the evening. He spoke on and showed slides of his trip to Nova Scotia as Ontario's delegate for the 1978 4H exehange. Mrs. Margaret Bragg attended the November meet- ing of St. Paul's U.C.W. Unit 2 at the home of Mrs. Margaret Jeffries,* Town, early this month. The guest speaker was Mrs. Kay St ephens who spoke on her receit trip. Several from this community enjoyed the Happy Daze Revue - Showtime '78 by the St. Paul's Players recently. 1 The Shaw's Ladies Group met at the home of Mrs. Elmer Cox last week. After catching up on their visiting the ladies made plans for their December meeting to be held at King Gardens this year. We are pleased to report that Elmer is coming along well again. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCalded, Scarborough were recent visitors with Tom and Sally Barrie, Jessica and, Katy. Ross, Thelma, John and Stan Lane accompanied Muriel and Doug and wee Sara Woods of Hampton to James and Barbara Lane's at Rich- mond Hill last Sunday. Kevin Crago participated in the Queen's Guineas Class with his Maine-Anjou steer at the Royal Agricultural Fair last Thursday. Congratulations to the Lloyd Ayre famîly who were especially honoured at the Royal last week for their faithful attendance every year since the beginning of ýthe, Fair. Country Roads Nursery School News Country Roads Nursery Sehool has re-opened in Maple Grove Church. The children are all very excited about going to, nursery school, and the teachers are excited about the new premises and the new class of children! They miss Shaw's sehool but are working hard to give Maple Grove that "homey"' look and feeling. Debbie Howe is back as Assistant Supervisor, and Alice Inwin and Lydia Smit are also working with Mrs. Tordiff. Any old friends (or new ones) that are in the neighbor- hood are welcome to drop in and say hi! The children from Newcastle Nursery School and Day Care Centre invadeci Crago's pumpkin. patch around the big day - just in time to pick out a Jack-O- Lantern. From all accounts they had a great adventure, and are looking forward to the next time. OBRITU ARIlY A member of Tinity United Church, she had in former years been a playing member of the Bowmanville Badminton Club, and had taken part in many operettas and concerts presented in the town hall. Left to mounn her passing are her husband Stu, daughter Sandra (Mrs. Lloyd Stainton), granddaughten Suzanne, grandson Paul, and a brother,' Winton (Bill) Bagnell. Rev. E. Schamerhonn officiated at the funenal and committal services held on Wednesday, at the Morris Funeral Chapel. 1Many beautiful floral tibutes and donations to the Heant Fund wene received in hier memory. Internment Bowmanville Cemeteny. THERE ARE LOTS 0F REASOiwNS * UWHY YOU'LL D Prices effective thru Saturday, November lBth, 1978 at the A&P Stores listed in this ad only. We r.serve the righito limit quantities te normal, family requirements! SA VE 18c - AlVarieties PASTA s 2-lbI pkg ACTION PRICEDI -Reg. Price 97ý lr SA VE1c BORDEN YOGURT- 175 1t5b ACTIONS PRICEDI 5! Ou g. Price 39ýJ Thin, Process Cheese Slikes Actil KRAFT 16-oz pkg SINGLES I.0J JANE PARKER - SLICED OUR REGULAR PRICE 69. - SAVE 10. Raisin Bread 16.ozl1oaf 59< OUR REGULAR PRICE 53c EACH BUY 2 - SAVE 27C Green Giant, Fancy, Whole Kernel (12-f 1-oz) or Cream Style Nibets Corn î4îoz tin2f0r79< OUR REGULAR FRICE 1.29 - SAVE 20c LIQIJID (PLUS VALUABLE 20c OFF COUPON ON LABEL) 128-fl-?x 1.0 Javex Bieacn Plasti. jug1m FABRIC SOFTENER OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.99 - SAVE 40ce F leecy 176-fI-oz plastic jug 2.59 GREEN, LAVENDER, PINK, WHITE, YELLOW, BLUE OUR REGULAR PRICE 75c - SAVE 16c BOX 0F 200 SHEETS Kleenex Facial Tissue 59< LIBBY'S, FANCY ACTION PRICED! 19-FL-OX TIN Tomato Juice 3îforî.QQ STUART HOUSE FoilVVra VJ 12-inch by 50-foot roil 1.09 KRAFT SALAD DRESSING ACTION PRICEDI Miracle Whip32lza 1.29 BETTmER AT A&P! You'II Do Better with A&P's "ACTION PRICED" Specials 7fflQSAVE 24<)" Martins - Pure A&PPLE JýUICE 48-f -oz tin- ACTION PRICED! SOur Reg. Price 93< 1% ,You'II do better with A&P's POULTRY SHOP Red Hots, Dutch Treet or Ail Beef New Zealand, Whole or Butt Haîf Primno N%,0&ANK ff SCHNEIERSL8FRO.E8 MORTADELLA WIENERS Vaac »AB LEGS l b (HuBmb AâP, SLICED Side Bacon 1lb ,vuc pac 1.58 BEEF & PORI( Burns Sausages Ib1.28 BURNS, PRIDE OF CANADA,, SLICED, BOLOGNA, MAC & CHEESE, CHICKEN, LUNCHEON 12-OZ V1AC PAC Cooked Meats 1.28 "NEW" BURNS PRIDE 0F CANADA, BEERWURST, SUMMER, SALAMI, PEPPERONI 24-OX PKG. Sausage Sticks, 2.59 MAPLE LEAF, SMOKED, COOKED, PICNIC STYLE Pork Shoulders 'I 1.38 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, REGULAR, THICK SLICED OR HINT 0F MAPLE Side Bacon i" MAPLE LEAF Sausage Meat MAPLE LEAF, BABY WAXED Bologna Chub N-!ovemheris NA TIONAL FISIIMONH-l HIGHLINER, FROZEN Co-d Fish & Ch SEA BUOY, FROZEN Battered Sole HIGHLINER, FROZEN Cod Fish Sticki jj520-ex 1.28 lb.79 1ozpkg 1.78 lvac pacl.68 I-LB VAC PAC ROLL. 1.39 SHOPSYS VACPAC Corned Beef Briskets blb .98 PICG 0F 4 - 2-OZ POUCHES SHOPSYS, CORNED BEEF OR Pastrami, 1.78 SHOPSYS, SLICED, ALL BIEF Bologna 1-lb va PRIMO '6.29 Pepperoni Sticks ac pac 1.49 VAC FAC OF 2 lb2.29 AE&P is a Deli So in stores with Dfi- Cooked Ham 1/2.1b 1.15 SNADA PACKERS Pastrami Eye' v11b.60 SHOPSYS Beef Salami ' 1 b11 pQwýYou'l do better with A&P's &GARDEN SPO'~ Ïon Priced! Jcy, New Crop Dozen Canada Fancy, Ontario, Crispy Juicy, 3-lb bag ~9 I Pick of the Crop, Ail Purpoe ORANGES YuÂ'ruAPPLES NO. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO, YELLOW COOKING Onions 2b bag29< NO. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO, ECONOMICAL & NUTRITIQUS Carrots 2-lb bag 29< NO. 1 GRADE, CALIFORNIA, CRUNCHY, SWEET, EMPEROR Grapes lb 69< Ne. 1 Grade, Ontario, Green, Large Sire, Crisp Firm Hoads Cabbage head 39< CALIFORNIA, SWEET EATING, PICK OF THE CROP Honeydew Melons each 89< EASY TO CARE FOR - AVAIL-ABLE IN MOST STORES Rubber Plants 6inchPo499 You'l Do Better with A&P's ECONOMY CORNER 1-Ply - Blue, Green, Pink, White YeIIow Bathroom Tissue -lSWAN'S DOWN pkg cf 4 rvous I.0 [OurRieg. Price Blue, -White,,YeIIow, Green,,Orange K LEEINEX TOWELS pkg of 2 rllis 994 ' urReg. Price1.29 Ij Assorted Variefies - Jumbo Size 2.5-lb Tin Tie Bag BISCUITS I. e7' DINNER Kleenex Napkin S pkgof 8 NESTLES, Il VARIETIES ACTION PRICEDI Souptime Mixes ..v.59< HOSTESS - REGULAR, DIP, B.B.Q. OR $ALT & VINEGAR Potato Chips 225 pkg 89< ORANGE FLAVOUR Tang Crystals3 p4oz:n ACTION PRICED! Tetley Tea Bags BABY DILLS, BREAD & BUTTER OR SWEET MIXED MrlnI n Prka ACTION PRICEDI 1 109 PKG Cf 1.44 3.4 +'9 24-FL-OZ JAR JET (PINK) 64-FL-OZ PLASTIC BTL. CONTAINS RICH BRAZILIAN COFFEES - INSTANT 1 00Z JAR II IIfI ~ LJ> %. zâI LENS, APPLE ACTION PRICEDI 9.5Z PKG OF 3 ENYS Luquid Detergent 1,09 8& O Clock Coffee 39FaorCytl 9 THE BEST- COFFEE COMES IN A BEAN AT A&PI CUSTOM GROUND IN REINHARDT'S THE STORE WHEN YOU BUY IT . .- NOT BEFORE 1-LB BAG11 ASSORI' ED VARIETIES Rem C r leCffe2* 9 VInegar, 160-fI-oz plastic jug 1.19- Ideal Vegetables u4z ~1O m ___j 1 j 1.27 ks 1 1 il