'Board Chairman C.H.S. Valedictorian Louise Van Camp, now a student at Guelph University, is pictured here being congratulated by Mrs. Yvonne Christie, Chairman of the Durham Board of Education who was recently acclaimed for another term in office, Principal Gordon Paisley looks on at left. FIRSTTIMEEVERAT WvIlLSON'S FURNITRURE 36 Hour Christmas BIitz STARTS WED. NOV. l5th ... 12 NOON TO 12 MIDNITE THRDANOV. l6th ... 12 NOON TO 12 MUDNITE. FRIDAY NOV. l7th... 12 NOON TO 12 MIDNITE. ALL MERCHAN DISE IN STOCK SPECIALLY REDUCED FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BUYING FURNITURE FOR CHRISTMAS? LET WILSON'S DO IT! FREE LAY-AWAy FREE DELIVERY BUY NOW AND SAVE DISCOUNTS UP TO 60% 1-2 pâm. Wed. Blitz Speclal Uphostered Hastess Chairs s9.95 8-9 p.m. Wed. Blitz Speclal 2 Piece Corner Sectional Livingroom Suites. Plump foam cushions, seats and backs. A $599 value, Don't Miss It $399. 7-8 p.m. Thursday Blitz Speelal 5 Piece bedroom suite by Electro- home Decorator Fruitwood Finish. Dresser, Chest, Headboard and 2 nite tables $799. i I 2-3 p.m. Frlday BiItz Speclal Kitchen and Dinette Chairs Chrome and Coppertone 8-9 P.m. Frlday BliItz Speclai 3 Place Bedroom suite. Modern Design, Pecan LARGE SELECTION 0F QUALITY BEDCHESTERFIELDS. TRADITIONAL DESIGN BY SKLAR. Durable cover, foam cushions, double sire mattress, valance. . .BLITZ SPECIAL Finish. Double dresser with tili-mirror, double size ful panelbed, chest of drawers. Wilson Special .... $259. Plus, this hour onIy - a double size quilted .mattress. 99.0 Wlth this suite $375. WING BACK HIDE-A.BED BYSIMMONS. Rust-Brown Herculon Caver, Foam Cushions. Double Bed ... BLITZ SPECIAL............................. ............. $399. CORNER SECTIONAL WITH BED. Attractive Brown & Beige Caver in combination of Plain and Check. Reversible Foam Cushions. Conlains Double Size Matress. CHRISTMAS BLITZ ................................................. $799. DININGROOMS YOU'LL BE DELIOHTED WITH 7 PIECE GENUINE OAK DININGROOM SUITE. Mediterranean Stvling. Buffet, Hutch, Oval Table, 3 Cane Back Side Chairs, 1 Arm Chair, Velvet Seats BLITZ SPECIAL................................. -................... i899. ELEGANT FRENCH PROVINCIAL 9 PIECE DININGROOM SUITE. Large Buffet and Hutch, Oval Table with 2 Leaves, 5 Side Chairs and 1 Arm Chair, with Cane Backs'and Silk Brocade Seats, Fruitwood Finish. CHRISTMAS BLITZ.......................................$1348. 9 PIECE ANTIQUE WHITE DININGROOM SUITE BY ELECTROHOME. Includes 4 Section Buffet and Hutch, roomy Oval Table, 4 Side Chairs, 2 Arm Chairs, Velvet Seats. Value over $2500. CHRISTMAS BLITZ....................................... 1888. GENUINE PINE BEDROOM SUITE. 9 Drawer Triple Dresser with Hutch Mirror, Double or Queen Size Cannonball Bed, roomy Door-Armoire, 2 Nite Tables. CHRISTMAS BLITZ . . . . . .. . .. ...... . .. . .. ... .. .. .. .. $1198. GENUINE WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE. Heres quality. Solid construction, modemn design. Triple Dreser, 5 Drawer Chest, Queen Sire Headend, 2 Nite Tables. C HRISTMAS BLITZ .... m.... . . .. . .................. .. .. .. . .. $648. MAPLE FINISHED COLONIAL STYLE BEDROOM SUITE. Double Dresser with Framed Mirror, 4 Drawer Chest, Double Sire Spindle Bed. C HRISTMAS BLITZ . ........................... . .. . ... .. . .. .. . $288. CHRISTMAS GIFT TALL BOOKOASE WALL- ALL VINYL RECLINER SUGGESTIONS UNITS. CHAIRS AND LARGE VINYL Party Cart, Curio Cabinet, Shelves, Doors and Bar-Desk. SWIVEL ROCKERS Wall Clocks, Chairs, Carpel, Rosewood Finish. Sel of 3. paintings, ail reduced for our BLeg. $557.. $88 CHRISTMAS BLITZ. CHRISTMAS BLITZ $438. BIZRC....18 PIECE DîNETTE SETS IN MODERN LIVINGROOM PINE OR MAPLE FINISH. LARGE SELECTION 0F TABLES BY 0M Oval Table has Arborite Heat CEDAR CHESTS FOR E-LECTROHOME. and Stain Resistant Top, CHRISTMAS. Solid Wood with Mirrored Chairs are ail wood. E ISOSD T Glass Tops. Reg. to $199. FROM .... . . . 148. BLITZSPECIAL. $79.95 CHRISMAS L1TZ28. OUR CHOICE LOVE SEATS. Contemporary Tuxedo Design, Attractive Hîgh Grade Velvet Cover, Balloon Foam Cushions, Valance. BLITZ SPECIAL. .188. 4. RECLINER CHAIRS WITH HEATERANOVIBRATOR., BLITZ SPECIAL - . $18 8. STUDENT'S DESKS. Large Assortment of Maple, Pine, White, Arborite Top and Map Desls. Ideal Christmas Gifs ... From ......978. CHINA CABINETS. Walnut and Pecan Finish. Glass doors, solid doors and drawer. CHRISTMAS BLITZ' I 99. SERVING DU RH AM REGION 44 YEARS VELVET SWIVEL ROCKERS. Large Selection of Designs. Al reduced for Christmas Blitz. PRICED FROM... 148. MODERN LIVINGROOM TABLES. Chrome Bamboo with Smoked Glass Tops. Set of 3 a .. .. .. 258. ight High Holds Commencement Exercises ~~at On Saturday night, Blackstock's Community Centre was jammed for the annual Cartwright High School's Commencement Exercises. Show here are the honor graduates, front row, left to right, Anita DeJong, Louise Van Camp (Ont. VALEDICTORY ADDRESS By Louise Van Camp We're done! Scbaol's out! It's a great day ta be alive! Friends and graduates: It wasn't long ago that those chants resounded tbroughaut Blackstock, tbeir farce pro- pelling summerbound students down the steps af Cartwrigbt Higb School. For some of us it was the last time. Yet tonight, it is not without a tinge of sadness tbat we realize an era in aur life, however smnall, bas came ta an end; only ta be dealt witb now in the reflection of aur memnories. What of those years we spent atçC.H.S.? From "Initia- tion" on, we embarked inito some of the best years of aur life. (EVEN IF WE DIDN'T KNOW IT AT THE TIME). On the first day what otber scbool provided a compulsory tour of the boys' locker room and a free beauty treatment of baby ail, powder, lipstick and tomatoes. There we were,. selling toilet paper an the four corners of Blackstock for twa cents a sheet! We remember visiting Moon Shot Rock at Terrace Bay, staying "in the jail" in Ottawa, Winter Carnivals that got rained out and garbage collection trips ta scenic Cartwright Dump. No, it can't be said tbat we totally disregarded the saying "we're not here for a long time, but a good time"! In fact, one of the major concerns in Cbemistry last year was ta devise an experiment ta decide wbetber Rolaids did in'fact consume 47 times its weigbt in stomach acid or not. For some reason, unknown ta us, this was something the teacbers seem- ed desperate ta know. (Could it be that they felt scbool witb us was a gas?) Scholar), Deb. McLaughlin, (Ont. Scholar), Janet Parsons (Ont. Scholar); back row, Ed Wygerde, Joanne Malcolm (Ont. Scholar), Peter Duivesteyn (Ont. Scholar), Cyndy Hogg (Ont. Scholar), Doug. Larmer. Who says small schools don't bave it! We bad it all .. . from smorgasbord dining to scholastic acbievement. Cart- wrigbt may have bad fewer doors - but they were open doors, not only if you had a problem or needed someone ta talk to, but doors open to INVOLVEMENT. The only prerequisite for the Glee Club was enthusiasm. The House Plays always had room for more actors or make-up artists. We entered field day, flot for personal gain, but because were were active Alicats, Oopiks or Tgers. C.H.S. gave us mucb more tban the diploma we received tonigbt and the factual educa- tion it symbolizes. When we learned to bandle the agony of exams we gained an insight into coping witb stress in daily life. Tbrougb managing the Students' Council, the Year Book and other activities in the community we attained leadership and organization. As we matured we learned to live witb each other and to respect tbe other person's point of view . In a six room scbool you couldn't bide from anyone for long! Th ese gifts of involvement,' leadership and socialization are intangible gifts that we must not neglect in aur future communities. Who do we have to thank for these valuable gifts but a diligent' staff wbo, over the last five years, did their best to instili some knowledge in us, tempered witb patience, kindness and understanding. It neyer failed to amaze us that Mr. Ashton always seem- ed ta clear the mud out of mnath.. . that the debates witbh Mrs. Taylor on Canadian Unity were sa successful that Mr. Fletcher could spend hours describing an intricate basketball manoeuvre toaa roamful of sweaty boys... that Miss Sheen would invite Congratulated by' taken with Santa. FR£eE PARKING Behind!O0w Galleries The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 15, 1978 5 us to ber home to cook ber a on my roommate's wall at gourmet supper - and trust Guelph. It is a picture of a us to decipher the recipe - IN young boy walking down a FRENCH! ... that Mr. Scott lane and the caption reads "I would neyer run out of jokes. don't know where I'm going (Wby the Grade 13 girls but I'm on my way! " Althoôugh pushed their lab tables up to we're at a turning point and the front of bis class, we may eacb of us has different, -lever know . . . the horizons in sigbt, we will leave- "cbemistry" just wasn't here tonight with the know- there). And there was Mr. ledge that, the successes and Paisley, tbe one person we failures, Iaughter and tears, could count on to find a, Latin and frustrations and friend- derivitive in wbatever we sbips we bave created during were studying. Eacb of the our years at Cartwright High teachers was very special to Scbool will always be alive in us in their own way. On bebaîf the playgrounds of our mind. of the graduates may I tbank Sotaehrtndfcth yourn ailfo yudr keendper- future with -courage, deter- sevrane nd ndestndig. mination and some of that Looking back over the good old Cartwright SPIRIT! years, tbey seem like one kaleidoscope of warm Graduates of,'78, I wish to memories wbich alternately tbank you for the honour of bubble to the surface. But addressing this last farewell leaving Cartwright did leave and may I wisb you the best as us witb some unanswered you realize your future goals. questions: Will Albert Failey "May the road rise up ta meet ever conquer the Nabanni yau, May the wind always be River? Will Miss Musk-Ox at your back, May the sun 1977 ever receive ber pulp log shine warm upon your face, from the Wistlestop parking May the rains fail soft upon lot? And perbaps more your fields, And, until we meet important, wbat does the again, May God hold you i future bold for us? the palm of bis band." (Ah Ol0 This brings to mind a poster Irish Blessing) Thank you. ~rorma d.eath-wdefying act. stop -gmomlang Give Heart Fund M $anta <C1faus is '\,-Omtnj to the BurgerBîus in Bowmanville Saturdayr, Nov. l8th f rom 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. B ring the kids and have a polaroid 'pic ture