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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1978, p. 7

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One of the majorette corps taking part in tbis year's Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade is looking for recruits. Tbe Osbawa Kinsmen Camaros bave been in exis- tence for one year and bave already won the Ontario Novice Corps Cbampionsbip as well as several other competitions including the Scarborough Blossomtime Festival and the Bluewater International Festival at Port Huron, Mchigan. The instructor for the corps is Lee Ann Roberts, four-time winner of the Miss Majorette of Canada titie. Girls in the junior and juvenile corps are from tbree ta 18 years of age. For further information, phone 723-9177. Members of tbe McMullen family bave immortalized their name in print witb tbe production of a bard-caver family tree book. Tbis impressive genealo- gical chart of tbe McMullen family tree took tbree years ta research. Beginning James McMullen Seni. Irisbman who came ta C during tbe 1820s, the traces tbe births and deî four generations of the fi Where possible T1 (MeMullen) Quarry, (McMullen) Adams and (Adams) Mothersill included photographs ol family member, makirx chart much easier ta f Blank pages follow brancb allowing each f to continue the tree witl own information. The Oshawa Cboral S whicb started 25 years. the Bowmanville Chora iety are holding a Bir Wine and Cbeese party Gregory's Cburch Hall, coe St. N., Osbawa on F: November l7tb at 8 p.] former and present mei are welconle ta attend furtber information,l 623-5518. Mr. and Mrs. Georgeé1 /texs$o witb Concession Street, West, re- ior, an cently attended a dinner and anada dance at the Oshawa Golf cbart Club, where Mr. White receiv- ýaths Of ed the National Quality award 'amily. presented by tbe Lif e Under- hielma writer's Association of Cani- Lois ada. J Lyrn have Tbe number of clients un- of eacb employed and registered for ng tbe work at the Canada Employ- folow. ment Centres in Ajax, Whitby each and Oshawa for the month of family October totalled 10,673, con- h their sisting of 6,546 femahe and 4,127 male clients. ociety TOC ALPHA is holding its ago as 22nd annuah Cbristmas Con- al Soc- ference on December 27-30, rthday 1978; TOC ALPHA is a at St. province-wide youtb organiza- 1Sirn tion run by youth wbich rriday, promotes alternatives toaa m. Ahi ifestyle dorinated by alcobol =bers and other drugs. The fun-fihhed d. For conference, this year at the phone Prince Hotel in Toronto, is open toalal those 14 ta 21 years of age and wilh involve over White, 500 young people frarn ail over Ontario. This year's theme is "ipositive use of life skills and experience", and bas sessions on a wide variety of topics concerning ife and living in today's world. Ia one kindergarten, class "The Baha'i Faith is not a 'new religion', but 'religion renewed', which providos the only pos. sible basis for a mutual understanding betweon religion and f ree fhought." -H. Dreyfus, -Frenc Hisrian last year, the pupil wrote the following recipe of bier rnother's as hier favorite dish. She bas two steaks. She cuts Up some kind of meat. She doesn't give me fat. Yuk. My dad cooks it on tbe barbecue. He puts on some kind of sauce. Its s0 bard to get out. He gives tbree shakes. If it cornes out alrigbt - just one shake. I ate a middle-sized piece. It's juicy. Anotber student gave a recipe for biscuits. One spoon sait, one spoon flour, one spoon sugar, two pounds catsup. She cooked tbern for five minutes. Tbey were bot. I ate one but I didn't like tbem. Next Tuesday at the Maple Leaf Gardens tbe Ontario Cup '78 International Gymnastics competition will be beld. Elfi Scblegal, will be replaced in this event by Carmen Alie, 15, of Montreal, as Elfi is suffer- ing from tendinitis in botb knees. Roald Nasgaard bas been appointed Cbîef Curator of the Art Gallery of Ontario., Mr. and Mrs. C. Boyd Siemon, Niagara Falls, visited their aunt, Mrs. A.E. Billett, Cburcb St. on Monday. Mrs. Jean Siemon, Burling- ton attended the funeral of Mrs. Stuart Candier on Wed- nesday. On Wednesday, Nov. 8, Bill and Eîleen Demeter, celebrat- ed tbeir 3tb wedding anniver- sary. In tbeir bonor, a surprise open bouse was beld at their daugbter's bouse Debra Morr- ison on Nov. il. Tbeir son Peter, along witb tbe otber daugbter Sberill, bier busband Bob and tbeir two cbildren Chris and Robin, flew borne from Edrnonton, Alberta. Friends and relatives from the Midland area, down to tbe Hamilton region, and even from Syracuse, New York, arrived to rnake tbe party as real success. The occasion was in appreciation, respect and love we bave for Bill and Eileen. We wisb tbem at least another 30 years of success and bappy married life. Pamela Coîrner, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Colmer, Wellington Street, Bowman- ville bas received Tbe Robert McLaugblin Gallery Scbolar- sbip from Durbam College in recognition of Acadernic Achievement in tbe Design Arts (Grapbic Design), Year By The Rev. N. E. Schamerborn St. Paul's United Churcb Lincoln Steffans, in bis autobiograpby described a dramatic moment at the Paris Pence Conference in 1919, Clemenceau, the Premier of France said, "Gentlemen, I bave beard you talk about a permanent peace. You say yau want a pence to end l wars. I would like ta know whetber you mean that." When the other members nodded tbeir heads he said, "We, the dominent powers will bave ta give up aur empires, tear down the tarrif walls, free aur colonies, and open up tbe world. " Theother beads of state shook tbeir heads and told bim this was flot quite what tbey had in mi. Then Clemenceau, the tiger of France as he was called said, "then you don't mean pence. You want war." This same theme is expressed in Dostoevski's novel, "The Brothers Karamazov." The prosecutor gives the-indictment when he says of a man an trial, "He cari be carried off bis feet by noble ideals . .. if tbey need not be paid for." Everyone wants pence. It's the price of pence we are nat prepared ta pay. t is ensier ta hate war than it is ta recagnize and hate within ourselVes the attitudes and sins tbat lead ta war. True pence, that ever- abiding pence does nat just mean cessation of hostilities between armies and nations. t means the quality of mind and spirit that cames frorn a rigbt relationship witb God. This is what tbe Apostle Paul mneans wben be writes to tbe Romans saying, "Therefore, being justified by faitb, we bave peace witb God." Jesus told the parable of tbe Prodigal Son ta illustrate tbis trutb. It was only when tbe wayward son carne to bimself, wben be saw bimself for wbat be really was, tbat be went borne to change bis life completely around and peace and joy filled tbe fatber's bouse," . . . and tbey began ta, be merry." If we are ta bave a true peace then it follows that we as individuals n'eed ta see ourselves for wbat we really are. We are children of God and if we are ta be rigbt witb our Creator tben we need ta, be rigbt witb wbat be bas created. We need especîally ta, bave a rigbt relatiansbip witb aur fellowman. Gabriel R. Manson wrote concerning five levels of life. "On the first level men say, "We bate you, and we'l lMI you! That's extermination. On the second tbey say 'We bate you, but we'll use you.' Tbat's exploitation. On tbe third tbey say, "We don't like you, but we'll leave you alone.' Tbat's toleration. On the fourtb tbey say, 'You are different, but we know your wortb.' Tbat's appreciatian. On the fifth and bigbest level tbey say, 'We appreciate you and will belp you ta realize ahl your latent powers and capacities.' Tbat's develop- ment." That is alsa tbe prîce of peace. Tbat is tbe foundation stane of al buman relation- sbips. Our nation today is facing troublesome times of testing as there are tbose wbo seek ta cut apart tbis great land and divide its people by language and culture, by geograpby and politics, by race and by religion. Our town is divided on issues of arenas and swimming pools, of power stations and senior citizens bousing, of politics and reli- 'ion. Let us flot allow these contentious issues to separate us. Let us look beyond tbe issues ta ses bebind tbem men and women created in God's image and out of that let tbere corne a new awareness and a new respect for eacb otber. I close witb the tbougbt expressed by Fatber Frank Mihelic in bis prayer at last year's Remembrance Service Ield before the Cenotaph in Bowmanville. "Let us remember not only the war dead, but ail tbat wbicb begets injury, and violence, and suffering in aur society today, and out of tbat remembrance let tbere be a new dedication ta God and bis will for aur lives." Eleet Two Newcomers in Manvers Voters in Manvers Town- sbip elected two newcorners ta council and returned tbree incumbents in Manday's elect- ions. Manvers Reeve George H. Neals was acclaimed ta another terni on townsbip council. Deputy Reeve Lorne J. Curtin retained bis council seat in a two-way race. Lamne Curtin palled 769 votes wbile Jayne Ciesielczk received 331 votes.0 Six persans were in the running for tbree seats on Manvers Council. The leader was Robert Brown, an incum-, bent, wbo had 656 ballots cast in bis favor. James McMullen, a newcorner to council, re- ceived 596 votes. Barry Pic- kering, another newcorner, received 543. Returns for the remaining candidates were as folhows: Incumbent Lewis McGill re- ceived 513 votes: James W. Smith pohhed 426, and Linda McLaugblin received 374. Voters in Manvers also answered a questionnaire dealing, witbh ibrary services la tbis year's municipal elect- ion. Tbe question on tbe ballots read: "Are you in'favor of the townsbip of Manvers joining tbe county of Victoria Library System at an estimated cost of tbree mihis per year on tbe tax levy?"1 Electors decided not ta join the county library system. Tbey voted 751 against it and 436 in favor. In the scbool board race for seats on the Victoria County Board of Education, incum- bents Artbur J. Roan and Edna Carew were returned ta office. They polled 915 and 506 respectivehy. Deana Smales, the cballenger for a scbool board position, received 429 votes in Manvers ý Township. The trustees , representing Manvers also represent Omemee and Emily Town- sbip. A total of 1,243 ývoters, went ta the poils in Manvers Monday. Letter to Editor Dear Sir: Welh, the election is over and I'rn really disappointed in tbe people of Bowmanvihle tbat tbey can be so ignorant and stupid. The reason I say tbey are ignorant is because during tbe past week I bave beard sucb sayings as yaur going ta vote for a "Dutcbman" or if be gets in we'Il nîl be wearing wooden sboes and planting tulips, 50 what, tbe Canadians can't seem ta run tbe country. Being of Dutcb descent, I'rn proud of it, even tbo I'm a Canadian from birtb, some- times I wonder if it's wortb it. People are neyer happy unless tbey cari discrîminate against one another wbetber it be nationality, color, or creed. I wonder wbat they would bave said if it had been a Newfie running for office. We hast this time but tbere's ahways next time, go good luick then. Yours truly Mabel (Vanstonýe) Triinble to wngicn (4t.4 Temperance at Queen SUNDAY5 NOV. l9tho 1978 8:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION "LOVE DIVINE". Wed. 9:30 a.m. HoIy Communion and Iaying on of hands for healing. Sunday School and nursery cars available for your children. ARCHDEACON TOM GRACIE Sunday, November l9th - 7:00 p.m. The Choir and Sunday School children wiII perform " COOL IN THE FURNACE" ai Si. Marks Anglican Church on Stevenson Rd. Oshawa PLAN TO ATTEND, YOU'LL ENJOY IT "6CHRISTiMAS, VOUR LIFE" So join in the fun and corne see the l7th ANNUAL SANTA CLAUS PARADE. See clowns, bands, aid St. Nick hi NOVEMBER 181h, at 10:30 a.m., si See youthere! York Steel Band wilI be performing again this year in front of the Bank of Montreal beginning ai 1:00 p.m. SUPPORT YO UR SANTA CLAIUS 1PARADE BUYA BUTTON LO0K, FOR A "LUICKY BUTTON" AND WIN A L PRIZE' mself -1978 iarp. I 1 il' /4 SUNDAY SOHOOL CLASSES 10a.m. -AgeGroup-9yearsandoider il a.m. - Beginners, KIndergarten, Primary B & B Bunoh meet at 9:15in Church Parour (2nd and 4th Sundays) Age Group - 15 ta 17 years 11.A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE LAITY SUNDAY Sermon titis "Who,.. Me?" 1:30 p.m. - Confirmation Class 3:00 p.m. - Adult Membership Seminar Nursery Care Provided A Warm Welcomne for Everyone MIN ISTE R Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A.,M.Div. ORGANIST: Mr. D. DewelI Sunday, Novemnber l9th, 1978 11:00 a. M. Sermon: "ONE DAY AT A TIME" Special music by the cast of the "HAPPY DAZE REVIEW." NURSERY: Parents are invited to bring their pre-sohool children to aur modern "Play and Learn" Nursery. -A

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