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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1978, p. 5

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Congratulations to Ken Terry of the Goodyear Can- ada, Bowmanville Plant, who recently completed 35 years service with the company. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wight, Edmonton, Alberta were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hammond and family, Church St. While here they visited with friends and relatives, attended the 50th wedding anniversary of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Osborne and a birthday cele- bration for their uncle Mr. Frank Prouse, P.ickering. Mr. Robert Noble has just returned from a two weeks stay in Waikiki. While there Mr. Noble took a 900 mile plane ride to all the Hawaiian Islands, took a boat ride around Pearl Harbour and also other points of interest around Waikiki and Honolulu. Mrs. R. Robson, Duncan and Robert, of Oakville, spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bagnell, Scugog St. Saturday visitors with Mrs. A. E. Billett, Church St., were Dr. and Mrs. H. V. Slemon, Toronto, and Sunday visitors were Master Jesse Billett, Prescott, Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Billett and daughters Helen and Kathryn, Bramalea, Ontario. Mr. Maurice Richards has returned from a week long business trip for General Motors in Flint, Michigan. Next month a mini election with voters eligible to choose a regional chairman will be held. Allan Pilkey will challenge Chairman Walter Beath for the position of chairman. Councillors in this area are not committing themselves to declare their choice as yet. The official opening of Whitby's Senior Citizen's apartment block was held last Friday night, although some tenants moved into the $2 pluen.623-3303; million, 105 unit building last Mrs. Liz Smale, Michael and April. Jason, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smale, Paul and At a recent meeting of the Melissa, Oshawa; ,Mr. and Durham Region Canadian Mrs. Ioan Smale, Oshawa; Institute for the Blind, Mrs. Les Smale, Bowmanville Advisory Board, plans were were Saturday luncheon made for the upcoming blind guests with Mr. and Mrs. bowlers' tournament to be Maurice Richards and family. held during White Cane Week 4 1.Mr. and Mrs. Russell Candler, London visited his Mr. and Mrs. Percy brother Mr. Stuart Candler on Wright and Valerie, Oshawa; Saturday. BLACKSTOCK Men Curlers are needed for the Blackstock Ice Arena. Any man wishing to curl on the Blackstock ice on Monday evenings should call Roy McLaughlin; if the shift work is a problem, a partner could be found from the opposite shift schedule. The Blackstock Nursery School met on Tuesday even- ing in the Nursery School Room at the Recreational Centre. Everyone chose a hand puppet to decorate for their child's Christmas stock- ing. Mother's interested in attending the Nursery School Christmas party signed a passed sheet. Jo-Anne Russell announced that the Christmas party is to be held on Tuesday morning, December 19th, instead of the 22 as previously planned. It will start at 9:00 and end at 11:00 after Santa has had a chance to talk to each child. Because of the added membership two new volunteers were added to the telephone committee, JoAnne Swain and Lynn Cawker. Kathy White gave a report on the Playground, which as everyone noticed had come a long way from the drawing board. Gill Bull informed the membership of her need to resign her position as presi- dent because of the upcoming move. Vice President Chris Rollo moved up to President and Margie Wray won a close vote for the office of Vice President. Secretary Jackie Danter presented Gill Bull with a small token of appreciation, from the organization. Several girls *t. jaut'a MINISTER: Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M.Div. ORGANIST: Mr. D. Dewell Sunday, November26th, 1978 11:00 a.m. Sermon: "MESSAGE FROM THE UNKNOWN PROPHET" NURSERY: Parents are invited to bring their pre-school children to our modern "Play and Learn" Nursery. Chur ch at Division St. Off ice 623-3138 SUNDAY,SCHOOL CLASSES 10 a.m. - Age Group .-9 years and older 11 a.m. - Beginners, Kindergarten, Primary B & B Bunch meet at 9:15 in Church Parlour (2nd and 4th Sundays) Age Group - 15 to17 years 11. A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE Sermon title "More Than a Game" No Confirmation Class Nursery Care Provided A Warm Welcome for Everyone 2 p.m.- The Hi C's invite all interested teenagers from the congregation to a teenage Grey Cup Drop-in Day, in Church Hall. Please bring your own snacks. 5:30 p.m.. Hi C Pot Luck Supper won small treasures during a Chinese Auction and the school received the proceeds for new records. Tuesday evening the Seniors met once again for the weekly card party, with 22 tables taking part, winners were: 1 - Will Forder - 94, 2 - Ella Bowers - 83, 3 - Meta Swain - 81, 4 - Dorothy McDiarmid - 80, 5 - Dorothy Archer - 79, 6 - Laverne Clemens - 78, and low Alymer Ploughman. Block Parents met at the public school library on Wed- nesday evening. Clay Shaver, president, was informed that Port Perry would like to be included in the organization so plans are underway to change it to Scugog Block Parents Association. Pat Irvine is in charge of a committee to prepare a float for the Port Perry Christmas Parade, please call her if you are available to assist her. If you wish to become a Block Parent contact Clay or Gail Shaver to obtain an applica- tion form. Ellen Martyn and son, Luke, of Sudbury, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn while Ron attended a convention in Dallas, Texas. Couples Club met at the bowling alley in Port Perry on Saturday evening with nine couples taking part. The 'Best' and the 'Worst' bowlers were given gag prizes at the social time held at Vern and Cheryl Vogel's after the bowling activity. There will be no activity in December, but new members, Jim and Liane Colmer of Robinglade near Seagrave, will be planning a group sleigh ride for January. Over 400 gulped down a hardy.helping of pancakes and sausages at the Pancake Breakfast held on Sunday at the Recreational Centre in Blackstock. The Windowglaz- ing Fund Committee Head, reported that close to $500 profit was realized from the Sunday venture. The next project will be the cutting of Christmas trees that have been donated to the Commit- tee, contact Walter Wright if you have a chain saw and could lend a hand on Saturday. Paula Lishman of Lishman and Associates held a Fur Fashion Show in the ballroom of the Chateau Frontenac at Quebec City to celebrate the Grand Opening of Paula Lishman's Boutique in that city. Gloria Atkinson, of Smith Woods, spent the past week at the home of her sons, Pete and Patrie in Brampton. Dave Barr says 'hello' to the people of Blackstock from Barbados where he is suffer- ing with the 90 degree weather while building an Airport, he says he'd rather be curling. Çurling Club held a meeting on Thursday afternoon in Blackstock. The Women's Curling is in need of a few more players both on Monday afternoon and Tuesday after- noon plus a list of rovers, call Donna Kyte if you are interested. Mixed Curling will be starting on the 5th of December, if interested, call Barb Byers or Joan Graham. The Nestleton Community AESTHETIC VIEWS on BAHA'l FAITH "A religion of peace is what we always needed, and in this Baha'i, is truly the religion of more peace than any other." -Luther Burbank Santa Visits Bowmanville Mall One of Santa's many stops during his visit to Mall. He'll be at the mall regularly during the Bowmanville Saturday was the Bowmanville weeks before Christmas to meet all his friends. NEWTONVILLE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGill and Mrs. Shea, of Bowman- villle, were supper guests Wednesday of last week, with Mrs. Lena Clysdale. Well, the big election is over, finally, and we offer congratulations to the winners and condolences to the losers. Now, we are waiting to see what great changes and im- provements, (if any) are going to be made in our administration! Congratulations to Sylvia Ruegger, who competed in the "All Canadian Girls' Contest" held in Vancouver, recently, winning the bronze medal for placing third in the "Ontario Girls' Open". The first six girls in this class, each won a gold medal, so Sylvia along with the other five is qualified to enter the "World's Champ- ionship Contest" to be held in Ireland in March providing they keep up their present training. Our best wishes for her continued success. Quite a few of our local people attended the Shiloh Bazaar, Saturday afternoon as well as the 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin in Trinity Church, Bowmanville, Saturday even- ing. Our best wishes to the Martins! There was a large attend- ance as usual, at the Annual Commencement Exercises in Clarke High School Saturday evening and we notice several local students who were among those receiving awards. Miss Darlene Elliott received a scholarship from The Women's Auxiliary of the Bowmanville Memorial Hos- pital presented by Mrs. L. Ayre, also the Orono Weekly Times Award for the highest standing in Year 5 English, presented by Mr. R. Forres- ter. Miss Marilyn Ogden received The Stutt's Pharm- acy Award presented by Mr. L. Lunn, also The Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation District No. 49 Award, presented by Mrs. L. Greenwood. Our congratu- lations to all successful stu- Centre Committee is sponsor- ing a Christmas party for children, ages up to 10 years, who are living in the Scugog area. The party is free, and children are asked to bring a wrapped gift that would be suitable for a child of their own age and sex, to exchange. It will be held on December loth at the Nestleton Commu- nity Centre from 2:00 - 4:00. Children will enjoy a sing-a- long led by Debbie Nappin and a Bethlehem play. A magician has been hired to perform for twenty minutes, refreshments will be served and of course an appearance by Santa. Mothers are encouraged to attend, any special assistance to be volunteered should go through Valerie Nappin, the chairman of the event. Walk a block.Today. dents and best wishes for continued success! Mr. Harvey Burley of Belle- ville, was a visitor during the week with Mrs. Agnes Burley and Sunday visitors with the latter included Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burley, of Bridgenorth Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, Newcastle, Mr. Nelson Sex- smith and Mr. Gordon Smith of Port Hope. Newtonville Women's In- stitute met at the home of Mrs. Olive Henderson, Oct. 15 and President Bernice Milligan welcomed all and opened with the Ode, followed by the Mary Stewart Collect. Minutes of previous meeting were read by Secretary-Trea- surer Jean O'Neill and ap- proved. Our afghan was awarded second prize at Orono Fair and was sent out to Toronto. Plans were made for the card party, prizes, etc. were arranged for and plans were also made for the coming "Fun Fair" to be held in the Church Hall. A motion was passed to re-invest our Deben- ture. There were sixteen mem- bers and six visitors present. The special speaker was Major Bill Clarke and appre- ciation was expressed to him as well as a gift to the Clarke's who were celebrating their Wedding Anniversary. The "Fun Fair" was paid for by the District and the President expressed thanks to all the members who helped with it, as well as with the card party, at which $64.65 was cleared. Amelia Lancaster was thank- ed for bringing a plant to Mrs. Milligan. The motion was passed that in future when a member reaches the age of 80, she will be remembered with a plant. A card has been sent to Mrs. Gladys Brown, who is said to be improving in Oshawa Hospital. Sharon Buttery re- ported an the work of the 4H Club. Eight Seniors and two Juniors are taking this course, and a group for Seniors is being formed. Their project will be sewing, Hats, Scarfs, etc., and any girl or boy who is twelve years of age, is eligible to join. Leaders are needed. Samples of needlepoint work were shown and admir- ed, eight members are taking this course at present. Sum- mary Day, for that will be held December 6th in Maple Grove Church at 1 p.m. Anna Hughes was congrat- ulated on her group, Morrish Institute having won first prize on their afghan among the 14 shown in Toronto. It was decided to wait until after Christmas for a final decision regarding our afghan. May Burley's group presented the program. Olive Henderson read a poem "Sharing", and the roll call - "Your views on the present day education" was answered by the seventeen present. The motto, "Fill your mind with memories that will make, nourish and culture your thoughts for later years", was given by Anna Hughes. Guest speaker, Mrs. Joan Murphy was introduced and gave an interesting account of the program of the group, "Community Care", to which she belongs, starting in a small way, with volunteer help, it has grown, so that now they are well enough equipped to look after senior Citizens. A small charge which they can afford, is charged for driving them to and from appoint- ments, or looking after daily chores. She told of the new Clinie in Oshawa, "The Stroke Clinic" where there is a system of Rehabilitation of those having had strokes and therapy is taken. As there are some handicap- ped people among the Senior Citizens, wheel chairs are used and a special conveyance for these is needed. "Partici- pation House" helps. People are driven to Princess Marg- aret Hospital, regularly. One hundred and fifty-four volun- teers are on file and eighty- seven clients asked for assist- ance this month. Bowmanville High School have eighty volunteers on hand and anyone proving unsatisfactory is reported and the name is taken off the list. Mrs. Murphy received a hearty hand clap of apprecia- tion and a donation of fifteen dollars for usein this worthy cause. Lunch was served by the group and an expression of appreciation made to the hostess those is charge of the program, etc. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Iva Farrow. Mrs. Leone Lane and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton were in Peterborough Satur- day evening attending the musical program presented by "The Liftlock City Chorus" as part of "Barbershop Har- mony" to which Mr. Barry Lane belongs. All reported a most enjoy- able evening. Lena Clysdale and Jim Adams were the greeters at our Church door, Sunday morning, and once again, we had a full choir, who sang, "Walk On, Walk On." The theme of Rev. Tizzard's sermon was "Back To The Drawing Board", leaving us, as usual, with food for thought. Sympathy is expressed to Mr. Clinton Brown and family in the passing of Mrs. Gladys Brown, whose funeral is being held, Monday at 1:30 p.m. at the Morris Chapel, Bowman- ville. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer included Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer, Kim and friend Tammy Innis, Mrs. Bea Jones, and Mr. Raymond Gilmer of Islington. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 22, 1978 5 SHAW'S Sincere congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cox, who this week are celebrating their 56th Wed- ding Anniversary. We would join in wishing them continued good health and much happi- ness. We, in this neighbourhood are really pleased to see Reg Brock out touring the com- munity on his tractor. We do admire his courage and spirit. Do keep up the good fight Reg. Most families of Shaw's attended the 17th Santa Claus Parade in town last Saturday and we're proud to say at least two of the floats had their beginnings in this community. Little Alan Rickard spent a few days last week with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Doug Williams at Missis- sauga. Mrs. Sally Barrie enjoyed a day last week with her sister, Faye, in Toronto. They had as their supper guest, Miss Nancy Knox, who also attends University in Toronto. The Killeens also enjoyed supper with Rosemary and a visit with the girls at their apart- ment. Bob and Ethel Hendry have recently been in Edmonton to attend a family wedding Before leaving Alberta, Bob visited Fort McMurray to view, first hand, the oil developments in that area. Gordon and Doreen Barrie, Ross and Thelma Lane and Aileen Turner enjoyed the card party at Solina last Friday evening. This evening was part of a talent money project of Eldad United Church and was well support- ed. OBITUARY RICHARD JOHN PERFECT A graduate of Durham College, Richard John Perfect, aged 31, died on Saturday, November 4th, 1978, in Bowmanville. He had been ill for one year. Born in Bowmanville and educated at Bowmanville Public and High Schools, and Durham College, he was the son of Marion and Richard Perfect. A resident of Bowmanville all his life, he had resided at 140 King St. E. He was employed at Spectrum Drafting and Researèh Ltd., Oshaw- as a draftsman. Left to mourn his passing are his parents Marion and Richard Perfect. Mr. Perfect rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, followed by cremation. Many donations to the Canadian Cancer Society were made in his memory. Interment BowmanVille Cemetery. ce, DUTCH TREAT offers you A FREE REG. SIZE COKE, GINGER ALE, ORANGE, SPRITE OR COFFEE with any CHICKEN DINNER CHICKEN SNACK FISH 'N' CHIPS or get a FREE MILKSHAKE WITH A SPARE RIB DINNER. Offer good until Nov. 29178 For Faster service why not phone ahead? DON'T FORGET TO TRY OUR HOME MADE FRENCH FRIES! 136 King St. E., Bow. 623-6787 Angician Q14iurth SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1978 8:00 a.m. - Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. - Morning Prayer and White Gift Service Guest speaker from Holy Trinity Church in Ajax on "Parrish Vitalization." 6:00 p.m. - Pot Luck Supper for youth 7:30 p.m. -"ORION" Singing group from Markham Bring a salad, casserole or dessert, yourself and a friend WEDNESDAY 9:30 a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION, laying on of hands for healing. Sunday School and nursery care for your children. ARCHDEACON TOM GRACIE Temperance at Queen 1977 Sunbird This little beauty has a sun roof, bucket seats and console. A gas-saving V-6 motor, automatic transmission. Lic. LJ0208 ......... $4395.00 Telephone 623-2586.

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