The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 22, 1978 7 Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Farrow and family on the death of her mother, Mrs. Bertha Lamb, Oshawa. Also condolences to the Lewis Clarke family on the death of her brother, Douglas Langman, Toronto. Glad to repor.t Mrs. Ruth Perrin, Cowanville, is at home following surgery in Oshawa General Hospital. Patients in Memorial Hospi- tal, Bowmanville include Miss Flossie Graham, Mr. Fred Wind, Mr. Ernest Alldread and Mr. Eric Clarke. Mr. William Lake, Sr. is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. Ross Embley is in Kingston Hospital. The Santa Claus Parade in Bowmanville last Saturday was one of the many happy events of the day. We congrat- ulate the Newcastle Guides on their Jack-in-the Boxes float. Two other happy occasions attended by mnany Newcastle and district folk were the Sth anniversary reception at Trin- ity United Church, Bowman- ville in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, Bowmanville and the 6th anniversary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beatty at Elizabeth- ville Church. ,Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Henry, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago enjoyed the CUPE 1206 Christmas Dance and Buffett at Grafton on Saturday night. Members of the Newcastle Horticultural Society are plan. ning their Christmas Show for Tuesday evening, November 28th at, the United Church Sunday School Hall. Affer the THANK' to the 109 King St. E.Te Newcastle, Ont. Tl pot luc supper, Mrs. Anna- belle Riekard, guest speaker, wiil entertain with slides. Frid9y evening supper guests of Mrs. Kathleen Kim- baIl inéluded Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kmball, Port Granby, Mrs. Marguerite Cooper, Osh- awa and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Norton.ý Mr. and Mrs. Stan Powell visited ýon Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shetler, Osh- awa. Newtonville W.I. held their meeting last week-at-the home of Mrs. Olive Henderson. Membe ' rm ecsle who attended were May Burley, Gladys Wood, Madeleine Buckley, Rachel Dennis, Ellen Duxbury, Amelia Lancaster, and Florence Ferguson. Newcastle Senior Citizens enjoyed their regular meeting last Thursday. Lucky at cards, were Mrs. Grace Toms, with the most lone hands, high lady R chel Dennis, low lady Iva Farrow, high man Harold Harris, low man George Buck- ley. Two hand-crafted wooden gifts, made and donated by Harry H-odgson, were won by Mrs. V.olet Osborne and Mr. Charle.ý Cowan. On I unday afternoon the Senior Citizens of the sur- rounding district were enter- tained by the Great Pine RidefKnsmen and Kinettes at Oro ro United Church. A lovely programn and lunch were g'-etyenjoyed. On 11riday Mr. and Mrs. Albert P earce visited Mr. and Mrs. G ordon Britton, Bally- duff. Mrs. May Scott, Bramp- ton, w ho was visiting the Britton,'s returned home with (fOU Electors o ardi Please accept m eartfelt thanks for your trýmendous support given to me in electing me as your local Co ncillor for Ward 111.1 I wiIl represent ai areas of Ward 111, and I ask that: you keep in touch with me so t at we can work together for t e better- ment of ail. l i must say a spe< You to ail those ki unknown people who hard on my behaif. !i Thank rown and uvorked s0 Mii nce re ly, KolthD. Barrj ANNC phone 987-5366 the Pearce's for the weekend. On Sunday they visited broth- er, Albert Fowler, a patient in St. Joseph's, Hospital, Peter- borough. On their return, dinner was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pearce, Viki and Kirk, Beth- any. Misses Linda Williams and Dae Fanis and Mrs. Pauline Storks 'spent the weekend in Blind River helping Miss Candy Storks get settled in her new apartment. We congratu- late Candy on her new position as supervisor of social service in that area. Mr. and Mrs. Seird DeJong, Derek and Tammy and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrod spent Sunday in Toronto. Saturday evening, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Woodhams, Scarborough, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tinling, Mississauga. The Scott's spent the weekend then with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Newton, Hamilton. Saturday visitors with Miss Marjorie Clemence were Dr. and Mrs. John Westlake and family, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Bll Cal visited recently with Mr. and Mrs.,Keitha Caîl and new grandson Adam, Bowman- ville. Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Caîl were cousins Ted and Litha Storms, Markham. The Call's are looking for- ward to the homecoming of daughter Joan Stopher, Car- son City, Nevada, for three weeks next month. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gor- don, Lisa and Julie were Sunday guests of Mrs. Gladys Pacey and the Hooey family.. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brown, Peterborough, were Sunday callers with her mother, Mrs. Pacey. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott, formerly of Oshawa, spent two weeks with their cousin, Mrs. Pacey and the Hooey family. Last Tuesday they left for the winter in Florida. We extend congratulations to a former Newcastle resi- dent, Mr. Archie Bernard who was a successful candidate in the Flesherton elections and is now Councillor there. Mr. Jon Bennett, Peterbor- ough, vîsited on Friday with his grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer, Miss Brenda Magee and friend, Flesherton, were Friday caliers also. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thomp- son, on the death of their daughter in Ottawa. Birthday greetings to Rick Pearce, Delann Chard, Reta Embley, Sandra Kean, Nellie Spencer, Frank Gray and Jeremy Wight. On Friday, Nov. 17, Mrs. Gladys Brown, wife of Clinton Brown, passed away at Osh- Ciosed Mon. Tues.-Sat. 9:30 a.m..5 p.m. Sun. 12 Noon-4 p.m. awa General Hospital. To her family and friends we extend our sincere condolences. The Powell family were also bereaved of a family member, Mr. Lewis Laverty, husband of Edna Powell. The funeral was Monday, Nov. 20, at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa. Anglican Church News The theme of Services in St. George's Church was Behold the manner of God's Love. We are not able to see God face to face, but we can see how he loves us as we look at Jesus' life and his work with people both in the Bible and in the world. A duet, Though I feel my Weakness, was sung by Jenny Park and Wayne Linton. At the Young Peôples' meeting in the evening, plan- ning continued for the Bazaar on Nov. 25th. They were much encouraged by the donations received. Plans were made for the Youth Service in 'the church on December 3rd. Warren Tait hosted the Fellowship Club for a session of bowling. Plans were laid for the pot luck Christmas meet- ing on December 3rd. The club FEditor@: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201, supports a girl in Mexico for her education and they are assisting Wardens of the Church by a donation of a ventilator fan for the kitchen and a movie projector. Reverend Allan Haldenby attended a'meeting at Geneva Park of the Executive of the Archdeacon and Regional Deans of the Diocese., United Church News On Sunday, Nov. 19, at Newcastle United Church, Rev. David Spivey titled his sermon who cares about whom?, based on the story of the rich man and Lazarus. The vraver for the week is, Lord Christ, let my sight by such that I see ail men and women as brethren to be loved, Amen. The evening unit of the U.C.W. are holding their Christmas meeting on Mon- day, Nov. 27th at the Manse. Newcastle Community Bowling Youth 125 and Over D. Ziestsme 148, B. Smith 159, R. Bentley 132, R. Wannamaker 156, B. J. Cox 187, P. Willems 144-162,, P. Hole 146, D. Chard 187-154, P. Knapp 178-173, K. Martin 158-125, G. Couvier 158, S. Webb 128, K.ý O'Boyle 126-146, W. Couch 129-164, A. Stere 171-220, T. Oke 203, T. Gregg 127, J. Beam 139, K. Rudman 131, B. Fisk 133, V. Maki 138, B. Crockett 166-190, K. Tordiff 129. Laqh at 200 and Over Ladies D. Neal 251, H. Couroux 226, J. Miller 218, 1. Brown 206, M. 'Wade 207, J. Holmes 205, M. Pierik 230-257, P. Kidd 215, L. Bull 261, T. Langstaff 201, A. Langstaff 229-274, B. Major 220, M. Major 210. Men's G. Cowling 260-228, J. Gra- ham 227-224-250, K. Cowling 248-259, J. Clapdorp 220-206, T., Embley 229, GI. Murphy 209, E. Taylor 221-250-247, B. Lewis 215-213, I. Fanis 220-202, B. Bicknell 219, W. Flintoff 207, J. Ward 224, R. Sutcliff 222, B. Farrow 255-255, M. Henry 229-226, D. Brown 224-222, R. Loseby 244, G. Forget 201-235. Thursday Mixed K. Southern 229-202, J. Worr, 227-201, R. Forget 207, J. Forget 215, F. Forget 227-235- 245, B. Forget 214, B. Glanville 267, R. Worr 273-294, E. Glanville 216. Friday Mixed T. Embley 213-206-212, H. M. Munro 248, M. Pearce 207, MacDonald 219, B. Caîl 217, H. Caîl 221, B. Madill 230, N. Madill 231, M. Henry 219-239, L. Willems 214-203, T. Sluymers 215, L. Pearce 233-204, R. Good 223- 253, A. Pearce 212-200, J. Turnbull 206, H. Niekolson 229, R. Couch 223-294, T. Couch 226-202, T. Ton 208. Poil' Hope Beats Welter Frank's PoeeWes6- 5 Walter Franks Major Pee ,Wees travelled to Port Hope Nov. l7th and were on the short end for a 6 to 5 score. The Toros' goalscorers were Scott Heard with three goals and one assist, while Roger Hornsby and Gord Rogers scored singles. In the past two weeks this It'sour IstAnniveisary! Drop in and see our Christmas Gift Selection and receive afree gift. ~UfLrb'0O~it.*1'ppe Ph. 987-5426 40 King St. E., NewVcastle Open Mon., Tue5., Sat. - 10a.n- 6 p.m. Thurs., Fri. - 10a.m. - 9p.m. ntoe insulate' and weatherpro your -ow, No matter how hard you wish, Old Man Winter is not going to pass you by. He'tl soon be here, howling around the house, blowing cold icy winds and piling up the snow. But, you can have the last laugh, if you get to work now insu lating and weatherproofing your home. Proper insulation will keep warm air inside your home Fib ergas Insulation for every application and now at a special prîce! Insulate now! Its a MUST investment for your home. A one- time job thats easy ta do-yourself, with permanent fuel saving and home comfort benefits. Merely instali the insula- tion batts between wall studs, ceiling or floor joists. Friction holds them snugly in place. A depth of six inches is recom- mended for effective attic insulation protection. Anything less in your attic and you'll be paying unnecessarily high fuel bills this winter. Fiberglas insulation is light, easy ta handle, won't rot, settie, or develop odors. It also has good sound proofing value and increases the f ire resistance of wood frame walls. Friction fit baits 15" x 48" 140 sq. fi. R-I12-31/2" 90 sq. f t. 13 9 BDL13 3 Rigid-Foam Insu lation Year-round comfort and economy in your rec room. .RMicaFil Insulation requires no special tools ... pours easily and reduces heat loss in theattic. Easy-pouring MicaFil insu- lation makes adding extra insulation ta your attic simple, dlean and econom- cal. MicaFil flows freely into ail nooks and corners for complete protection against heat loss. It levels easily ta create a uniform insulation barrier that con- serves household warmth and preciaus fuel dollars. Made of expanded mineraI vermiculite, MicaFil is dust-free and light-weight for dlean, non-irritating in- stallation. And it won't burn under any circum- stances. With MicaFil, insulating the attic is a one-time job that any do-it-yourselfer can handie in an afternoon. When you finish, just sit back and enjoy the comfort and the savings. 3 cubic foot bag covers 10 square feet, 4 inches deep. R-'20-6" 50 sq. ftL BDL $23 Save time and money on your rec room project with light-weight rigid-foam in- sulation from Buildaîl. With the proper adhesive, it instalîs like a charm and t will keep'your rec room comfortable ail year while reducing fuel costs. It won't sag or shrink due ta moisture because rigid foam insu lation acts as its own vapour barrier - another money saver! Many thicknesses in stock, at Buildaîl. 3/49.$33 Fou r Convenient Self-Serve Locations Shop in Complete Indoor Comfort Use your Charqex. or Master Charge or open a commenent revolving charge account and keep Old Man winter outside w here he belongs. lt's a one time job that's easy ta do yourself, and it means permanent fuel saving and home comfort ben- efits. We'll be happy to advise on the type of insu lation that will do the best job for you and we have a handy instruction bookiet that will make it easier than you think. We also have ali your other weatherproofing needs - storm windows and'doors, weatherstripping, caulk and caulking guns, furnace filters. Everything you need for warm, cozy comfort. Save energy and mnoney the Cellulose way Every energy-conscious consumer knows the greater the R-Value, the more efficient the insulation. Cellulose ýInsula. lion offers you a high R-Value per inch, 2"1 is equivalent to an R7 factor. With Cellulose youll keep saving on fuel bis. Pire resistant Cellulose is sale, clean, and easy to instail. It reaches intoail cracks and crevices, and covers joints to provide a uniform blanket coverage. Mr. Buildail wiIl help estimate your needs. Jusi ask. Cash & Carry basis- $ 4 Delivered, 1 24 bags -40 Delivered, 24-49 bags. $389 Delivered,,49 and up -$369 Machine Rentai 1500 Cash & Carry day (our regular price $20.00) One Bag ai R1 2 equals 36 sq. f t. 3.3"1 deep OSHAWA 100 Bond St. West Mon. to Fni. 9:00 Sat. to, 5:30 728-1617 WI-IFBY 223 Brock St. N. Mon. to Wed. to 6:00 Thurs. & Fri. to 9:00 Sat. to 5:30 668-6821 COURT1ICE Bloor St. E. of OSHAWA Mon. to Wed. 10 6.00 Thurs. & Frî. to 9:00 Sat. 10 5:30 728-161-1 PORT HOPE 116 Peter -St. Mon. to Thurs. to 5:-30 Frida y 'fil 9: 00 Sa turday 'Ii 14:-00 885-2421 Toros team hasn't been able to play two good games in a row. The defence in this game were just not there and forwards forgot to back check. Once more George Kennett had to be brilliant in goal, he must have had over 50 shots peppered at him. The team has to stop thinking as indivîduals and work as a team to be more successful. Let's hope they can turn things around this week as they play Markham on T-hurs- day and host Port Hope again on Saturday, Nov. 25 at the Darlington Sports Centre. hom 'UNCING SOMETHIING NEWIN NE WCASTLE! Gifts for ýoung and old. Drop in and say "Hello". See our fin e selection of jewellery, charms, oul paintings, importedlead crystal and antique china. IETTA'S i MMMMmq 1 ý Mill