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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1978, p. 10

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--Sjatesman,_Bmýmanville, Nove ber -29. 1978 10 The Canadiau ;U 4;' un =ï Y Ný ta .', . . . . . . . . . . Maple Grove W.I. The Navember W.I. meeting was held in the CE. Hall at 8 p.m. on the 2th due ta local elections in hall on the l3th. Mrs. A. Vandergaast, Pres- ident welcoined the ladies and read a poemn "In Remem- brance". The Summary Day for the Senior Course Neediepoint will be held at Maple Grave on Dec. 6th at 1 p.m. The new 4H Course will be Accessories the final touch" and the leaders school wilL be Jan. 23 and 24th at Maple Grove. 'Essential Edibles' Achievement Day for the present 4H course will be at Bowmanville, High Schoal, Dec. 2nd at 10 a.m. Final plans were made for aur Pot Luck Supper with U.C.W. on Dec. 7th at 6:30 P.m. Mrs. H. Cryderman gave the Good Neighbours Report. Mrs. G. Moffatt gave her report of the Area Convention held in Toronto on Nov. 9th and lth. Mrs. H. Eewes, Convenor for Educatian was in charge of the following program. The Motta 'Education is nat merely the road ta, earning a living, it is that which makes living worthwhile' was cam- mented on by Mrs. Wm. Laird. She said 'Children develop knowledge and skills before school during their first 5 years. Teachers, family, friends and playmates all help ta expand aur knowledge. We learn by reading, listening, BOWMANVILLE ORONO 623-3393 983-9547 COME AND SEE THE VALUE IN BOWMANVILLE - You'il ho surprised aI the elbow room you can have in thîs 4 level backsplît modern desîgn.ý Quality materials go fogether f0 mako this 3 bodroom home special in every way. Listed al $66,000. Ask for Jean Driscoîl or Mary Pike. ROOM TO GROW - 10 ACRES.- 0f land in Pontypool area. Ideal for horse loyers. Good haro wifh plonty of hay storage. Solid brick 3 hedroom bungalow, noaf dlean and a must ta 500 if you are lookîng for ýa country home. Asking $81,900. Caîl Joan Driscoîl or Mary Pike. SPANISH NIGHTS - $44,900 - This very unique Bowman- ville home feafures cathedral ceilings wîtb surrounding balcony, Intorior s cdone in a combinat ion of stucco, cedar, barn boams and ant[iie brick that must be seen. 3 bed- rooms, separf i', !ning room, brick bar & indirect lighting in largo living rom Jut ised, so dont wait. CalJoanne Swadron. A STOREY BOOK CHRISTMAS Yours in tbis custom home in Newcastle village. Convenience kitchen approx. 20' x 14' has 1 wall done in Angostone, FormaI living room and down a 10w stops f0 S, fantasfic family room with corner freplaco. Lovoly freed double size lot. Must ho seen. To viow caîl Kellie McDonell. Pricod al 569,900. JUST REDUCED - $59,900. will buy Iis 2 storey brick custom homo on .92 0f an acre just outside Pontypool. Acf now and you will be the proud.owner of Ibis unique home. Cal Bill Whyte. BLACKSTOCK - 10 WOODEO ACRES - Country living is a pleasure on this beautîful acreage wîfh plonfy of frees and year round sfream. 2 bedroom home makes this properfy ideal for soasonal or year round living. Asking $58,000. witb terms. Cal Bill Morrîson Sr. for defails. 2 ACRES - $57,900. - 4 bodroom bungalow located just E. of Newcastle. This homo is'a must te see. Cal Bill Whyto. BOWMANVILLE - Shopping now for your new homo? Compare thoso values, A tidy 4 bedroom split levol home, oavod drive, fenced yard and patio. Ail for just $43,900. wifb terms. CalBill Morrison Jr. BOWMANViLLE - EXCEPTIONAL VALUE - Solîd 2 sforey 4 hedroom home with 1112 hafhs, family ronm with fireplace, fully broadloomed, double, attacbed garage and complotety fenced yard. Asking $66,900. with terms. Caîl Bill Morrison Sr. for details. BOWMANVILLE - $46,90 0. - Buys this roomy 4 bedroom Semi wth a large 1014%O/ sf Mtge. Close to aIl conven- oences and has largo oaf-in kitchen, roc room and completely foncod prîvate yard, CatI Barh King for appt. f0 înspoct, DETACHED - $41,900. - This spotlessý 3 bedroom home on a 165' lot is close to schools in Bowmanville. Your opportun- ity fo buy is now, s0 calBill Whyto, PARKWAY CRESCENT - Attractive 3 hedroom bungalow n quiet area of Bowmanvîllo Atached garage, mature frees on large lot, inishod roc room and 3 pce. bath in hasement. Askîng $57,900. Terms, Caîl Jan Oudshoorn. HOUSE IN THE PINES - CAMPBELLCROFT - On over 2 acres wlth large kitchen, family room with wood burning stove, attached garage. Ail very socludod for $49,900. Cal Bill Turansky. A TOUCH 0F THE UNtUSUAL - Is tound everywneîo fhroughouf fhis Century brick home. 5 acres oi land wvifh Hwy No. 2 frontage. Close f0 Bowmanvîlle. Asking $1 65,000. Cal Mary Piko. Ri-al Estae Serviîce travel and experience. We need to have patience, learn to be considerate of others, learn the dignity of work. We must be able to accept praise, criticism and ta discipline ourselves. We have to learn how to educate ourselves to make living worthwhile.' Mrs. H. Eewes introduced Mary Fitzgerald who had worked on Medical Records in Hospital and then decided she wanted to try something different. Mary had volunteered to go ta Santa Domingo in the Dominican Republic with the Christian Medical Society. She showed slides and commented on the, work done on the eye glass project that she worked at. Many questions were answered by Mary following this.. Mrs. C. Swallow moved a vote of thanks to Mary for sharing hier experience with us. The Roll Caîl 'Namne one thing you have learned from the speaker's talk' was given, showing a lot of information 'gathered from Mary's slides and comments. Meeting closed with the repeating of the Collect in unison. Lunch of sandwiches and pickles, tea and coffee were served by the group in charge. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ed. Milîson and Cathy were weekend house 2uests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trafford of Kitchen- er. Mrs. C.B. Tyrreli is now residing in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamn- blyn visited their son and a* * * MILLBROOK AREA - îust west of Hîohwav 115, 3 vears old 6 room custom buîlt brick home lîvîngroom with large brick tirenlace. extra large lot. low taxes. Priced at $51,900. PONTYPOOL AREA - 88 acres wooded land with possible gravel deposits. Excellent investment, Prîced at $60,000 feýrms. LINDSAY AREA - 200 acre farm, 150 acres workable, balance b-ardwood bush, Barn set up for sow!hog operat ion Owner anxious f0 soul For gualîfîed buyer large mortgage available. Priced at $1 49,000. BowmanvIlle - 623-3911 1BOWMANVILLE - compact 2 bedroom bungalow with new plumbîng and wrîng. North area, close f0 school. Askîng $42,500. BOWMANVILLE - 2 sforey 4 bedroom semi wifh 1112 bafhs, affached heafedi garage, sliding doors fo patio & cedlar fenced back yard, asking $49,900. NEWCASTLE - 3 beqdroom bungalow with ample storage areas, paved drive, garage & hedged back yard. North east area, asking $52,500. NEWCASTLE - 3 bedroom bungalow wifh rec room &, ire- place, sifuafed on nicely landscaped & fenced lot, asking $58,900. NEWCASTLE - new 3 bedroom brick bungalow with atfacbed garage, broadloom & cushion floor of your choice now being built on large 69' x 1301lf withibeautiful mature trees. Truly well construcfed, Caîl for more information. BOWMANVILLE - 3 bedroom home with 1112 batbs, sunken family room & fireplace, sliding doors f0 patio, aftacbed garage, asking $59,500. Good area, close f0 school & shopping. daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tamblyn and family and ather relatives and friends over the weekend. The Orono United Church Women's Executive held a meeting on Monday afternoon in the Friendship Room. On Sunday at 7:30 p.m. December l7th in St. Saviours Anglican Church 'Tidings of Great Joy'. Plan to attend. 1Heather Social Club Annual Bazaar on Saturday, Decem- ber 2nd afternoon in the I.O.O.F. Community Hall at 2 p.m. At Orono United Church on Sunday, November l9th at the regular morning service Rev. Basil E. Long, B.Th. baptized Michael Robert Best, infant son of Ronald H. Best and Joyce A. Grundy followed by a luncheon at the home of Michael's erandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Best. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grundy, Miss Edra Best, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Best and their children David, Jo-Anne, Jayne, Lynda and Michael, Mr. Bob Hounsome, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jones and two sons Michael and Drew, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Jones and son Jamie, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Gimblett of Leskard., On Sunday, December lOth the Children's Christmas party will be held after the regular morning service at St.Saviour's Anglican Church. Elizabethville Church services were held as usual. Mrs. Doreen Wilson, a student assistant was our speaker. She spoke on "Pray- er". The choir sang an anthem and we were pleased ta see Mrs. Carof (Nancy Walker) in the choir. Mrs. H. Quantrill was at the door. Next Sunday Rev. W. Kennedy will be back with us. Our W. I. has been postponed from Dec. 5tb ta the 7th. It will be held at Mr. and Mrs. Ross Beatty's home. Our needlecraft held a- nother meeting on Tuesday afternoon and evening sa that ail would be able ta attend. Achievement Day is the 6th of Dec. at Maple Grove. On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Dekoker, Sunderland while there they and Mrs. Dekoker, visited Mr. Geo. Smockum in Lindsay hospital. He is Mr. Dekoker's farm hand. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrill First Birthday Nov. 29th Andrew Kristian Asaro was one year old on November 29~, 1978 and seems quite happy about it. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Asaro, Bowman- ville and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Walker, Toronto. were at the agricultural din- ner at Greenwood Towers on S iturday evening. Mr. Robt. Westheuser and Mr. Larry Manders attended the Maple Leafs hockey game on Saturday night. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew on the birth of another grandson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Trew, Cobourg. Those attending the Fid- dler's contest in Port Hope were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew, Mr. and Mrs. R. Beatty, Mrs. C. Beatty and Mrs. H. Muldrew. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer had Mr. and Mrs. Sam Minnis, Whitby; Mrs. R. Crombie and boys on Sunday. Mrs. Alvin Trew, Millbrook was with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Beatty on Monday. PONTYPOOL Readers are reminded of the Blaad Blitz promoted by the Manvers Kinsman Club. Vaur donations of blaod might save sameone's life. If interested caîl Dave McReelis immed- iately - phono 277-2064. Mrs. Margaret Wright spent the past weekend in Peter- borough with friends, Mrs. Nancy Shearer, Daug and Diane. Norman Brawn's card play- ing friends from Ballyduff will be glad ta, hear that he is progressing favorably in Bow- manville Hospital and expects ta be home soon. Tom and Darrell Badluk returned on the weekend fram a hunting expedition in North- ern Ontario. They came home empty-handed. The Manvers Arena Auxil- iary holds regular monthly meetings on the first Tuesday ,at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is welcomne. The Auxiliary is a real going concern with spec- ial events planned for the near future. Show your support by attending the next meeting - Tuesday, December 5th, 7:30 p'.m. in the Manvers Commun- ity Centre. The executive of the auxiliary is Pres. - Peggy Staples; Vice-Pres.- Leah Ryley; Secretary Lynda Sytnyk;ý Treas. - Carol Finney. The stork arrived with very little warning at the home of aur neighbaurs -,Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burkinsky, on Wednes- day marning. Sue Pleadwell answered her next door neigh- bour's caîl for assistance immediately but by the time she arrived a 6 lb. 10 oz. baby girl had arrived on the scene with considerable help from. a rather excited father. An ambulance was called and mother and daughter were whisked into Oshawa Hospital where bath were found ta be very healthy. Father Paul received cangratulations ga- lare on a job well done. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sharpe Edmond Vanhaverbeke, President of Edvan Realty Ltd., Newcastle is pleased ta announce the appointment of Virginia Dillon as a Real Estate Sales Agent. Virginia has passed ail the required government courses. She is fuîly qualified and experienced to assist in ail Reai Estate matters and would weicome your enquiries. Office-987- 4733 or 623-4439, Res.- 983-9714. e2van REAX TO left for Florida on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Aif Johnston also left recently for their southern winter home - just one word of caution Aif - stay clear of the pickle jar. On Saturday night Daug and Chris Pingle rented the Ponty- pool Community Centre and hosted an evening's entertain- ment for the Pontypool Gener- als of the Lake Scugag Softball League. Music for dancing was supplied by Bert Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Zralka were in charge of the refreshments. During the evening presenta- tions were made ta - Gerald Fallis, player of the year, and ta Brent Fallis, mast valuable player of the year. The first trophy was donated by the Pingles and the second by coach Keith Dewar and wife Dorothy. On behaîf of the Pontypoal Generals, Laverne Brown presented Doug and Chris with a toaster aven. Joanne Finney celebrated her birthday at the dance on Saturday night. During the evening she was presented with a birthday cake. She also received a very pretty neck- lace from a fond admirer. The Pontypool U.C.W.'s Christmas Pat-Luck Luncheon is ta he held on Wednesday, Dec. l3th at 12:30 p.m. in the Pontypool Community Centre. It had been previously plan- ned for Tues., Dec. l2th in church. REALTroR S623-4428 181 Church Street REAL ESTATE LIMITEU o m n il BOWMANVILLE. This clean 3 yrý old 3.bedroom semi with dining area and 111 baths also has patio doors from large M liingroom fto backyard, paved drive and basement is panelled Asking$42,500.00. NEW HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Two 3 bedroom bungalow semis fully carpeted, combîned living and dinîng- room, full basement, electric heat. Very large lots with many other extras in home, Asking $41,900. In Millbrook. VIEW 0F LAKE ONTARIO - Just east of Newcastle is Ibis 3 bedroom bungalow, with beaufiful fireplace. On a large lot 100 x 150. Listed at $54,900.00. LIBERTY ST. NORTH- Lot îust listed tor $26,000.00, irregular shape with 70 toot trontage, Vendor will hold mortgage wîth good down payment. Caîl us tor turther details. LUXURY LIVING - Decor is superb, country lot is beautifully landscaped for the superior 3 bedroom home with rec room încludîng fireplace, diningroom with walkout f0 cedardeck, ktchen bas buîlf in dishwasher, 5 piece and 2 piece bath- rooms, double garage, On Bellwood Dr., minutes from 80w- manvîlle. $79,900.00. W REALTY LTD. BROKER 123 KING ST. W., NEWCASTLE 987-4733 623-4439 NEED A LITTLE HELP? If you have $4- 5,000.00 fo put down, and want payments ot approximately $250.00 per month, thon give us a caîl on this 8 room home presently beîng usedas income property. Double garage is an ideal wo rkshop. Asking $49,500. MUST BE SOLD- Ove'r 2,000 sq. ft. n Ibis 5 level back- split. 3 baths, 1i12 f ireplaces, 2 walk-outs, enormous master bedroom and double attached garage on large lot in Orono, are just a tew of the features and if's only $66,900. Be sure and see t1lis one ROOM TO ROAM- This 1,800 sg, ft. sidesplit bas 22 acres of level farmland wîth if in the scenic Kendal Hilîs. tl s wel bulît, well insulated and has a full Hudac 'home warranty. 4 bedrooms, a family room wîth patio doors, and 2 full baths are only some of the features of this fine home.Eull price $89,900J. We cao arrange financing. NEWCASTLE BUI LDING LOT.- Over an acre, near down- fown. Asking $25,000. Join Our Club. If you're 60, or more, you're eli- ing. Free Chequing Privileges lets gible ta join our Victoria and Grey you write as many cheques each "6 AND A ýDAY" Club. Just look month as you desire, without at ail the advan- charge. Safety tages that are _______________ Deposit Boxe pours free for as littie as when you're a $3.00 per Member. Pre- year. Deposit mium lnterest By Mail with Rate earns you an extra 1/2 of f ree postage paid envel- 1' %' interest opes. No- over regular i'i Charge Trav- savings account ellers Cheques interest. Monthly Drop in and see lnterest Payments us today or if you tele- from your Guaranteed Investment phone us, we can send you com- Certificates can be automatically plete information. If for some rea- credited ta your account when son you Can't drop in to Victoria- you have a minimum of $5,000 in and Grey Trust, aur Manager Certificates invested for 1 ta 5 would be happy to corne to your years. Free Cheques for the ask- home. Contact our branch manager: VCO 1 W.L. DATEMA hlMAND REY 68 King St. E. -ANDGSI Bowmanville Om TRUST' 623-2504 Since 1844 IN REAL ESTAT.E *.and done nothi ng about it? ÇYORD BARNES 1 wi iI give you an hour or more ofmy time to try to help you decide. CALL ME ANYTIME 623-6622 1623-6860 Opportunities in our Bowmanville Office. 30 OFFICES T O SERVE FAU TU CPaAOd lALOl YOU BETTE-R

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