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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1978, p. 12

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Canadian Statesman CALL - Keith and Linda (pee Flintoff) wish to announce the arrivai of their new son Adm Wesley William, 8 lbs. 11/2 ozs. born November 16, 1978 at Mernorial Hospital, Bowrnan- ville. Proud grandparentsare Mrs. Margaret Flintpff, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. William Caîl, Newcastle. Many thanks ta Dr. Cunning- harn, Dr. Anfossi and matêrni- ty staff. 48-2 LOCKE - Ryan is pleased to announce the birth of his ba by sister Erin Valerie, Novem Der 24, 1978, weighing 8 lbs, 12 ozs. Proud parents are Bob and Shawn. Grandparents are Jack and Audly ,Ledly, Newcastle and Stan i nd Lillian Locke, Oshawa. Our great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Russell and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Locke, Oshaw a. Special thanks ta Drs. H.B. and John Rundie and len7on and wonderful maternity staff. 49-1 ASHTON - Thomas Gord on altCaîgary, Aberta on TuDs- day, Novernber 28th, 1978 in his 72nd year. Beloved hus- band of. Hazel Kenne y, beloved son of the lateCyus and Louise Ashton, dear brother of Eva - Mrs. ýB. Power, Cookstown, Annie - Mrs. Les Taylor, R. R. 2, Biackstock, Ro, R .R. 2, Blackstack. Service was held in St. David's United Church on Thursday. lnterment Calgary, Alberta. 49-1 CROCKETT - At Memor jal Hospita I, Bowmanville, on Saturday Dec. 2nd, 19718, Violet W. Hayes, wife f tie late Isaac Crockett, in her 81sf y ear, dear mother of Eiieen, Eowrnanvi lie, and Bill, New- castie, laving g randmofher of Christine, Rebecca and Steven. Service was held in the Morris Funerai Chapç , Bowmanviile, on Tuesday afternoon. Inferment Boyv- manville Cernetery. 49-1 N DeGEER - Edna (néee Taylor), beloved' wife !of Walter DeGeer, Richmolpd Hi1, passed away, on Mond4y, becember 4th, 1978, at lhe Richmnond Hill Hospital. Dea r mot her of Tom of Toronto, a id Jirn of'Vancouver. Funerai service wiil be held ) n Thursday al 2 p.m. at i Morley S. Bedford FuneraI Home, 159 Eglinton Aven e, W., Toronto. Inrmetont Pleasant Cernefery. 49-1 N FOWLER - John Richard (Dick). A member )f Bethoven Odd Fellows LodgD, No. 165, Brooklin. Suddenly at the Oshawa General Hospitý'l on Sunday, Dec. 3, 1978, in his 81sf year. John ii~ Fowler of Brooklin. Beioved husband of Grace FowleIr. Dearfather of Lillian (Mrs. V. Johnston) of Niagara Faîls and Poreen i(Mrs. Sandy) çf Newcastle. Dear brother of Wilfred of Hamnp ton, George and Leonard of Bowrnanvili ?, Ella (Mrs. Waiker) of Lindsay, Rena (Mr;~. Rodaiers) of Newcastle. Loyi- ing grandfather of sevEn grandchildren and thrEee at the Carson Funeral Homye and Çhapel, 79 Baldwin S. Brooklin. Funeral service wa s held in the chapel, 2 o'cloc(k Wednesda afternoon. inter- ment Jnion Cernefery, Oshawa. Odd Fellows service was held Tuesday evenîng. 49-1 GREEN - At Mernorial Hos pital, Bowrnanville, on Friday, Dec. 1sf, 1978, Edwarl R. Green, R. R. 2, Orono, a eçi 42 years, beloved husban dof Elizabeth (Betty) Green, dear father of Wanda, Cobourg, Richard and Derrick, loving son of Muriel and the lat.- Angus Green, dear brother cf Gardon, Kirkland Lak, Water and Stanley, Hunt- ville, Neil, Timmins, Ad~ (Mrs. Vince Arney), Cobalt Dora (Mrs. Todd), Toronto Elsie (Mrs. M. Valentino), Port Perry, Trudy (Mrs. J. Dearness), Bobcaygeon, andi Edna (Mrs. W. Kiers), Kendal. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Monday atternoon. Crernation. Dona- tions f0 Ontario Heart Foundation would b~ appreciated. 49-1N FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Look for this seai. R r\ It's your guarantee of permanence. 6 S STAFI-OR D BROS. LTD. DeaorI Stafford Brothers' Monuments LIMITED Box 133 3i8 Dunjdas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 OnDecember 9, 1978, Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Pingle, 189 Church St., Bowmanville are celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary, and their family are inv iting their neighbors, friends, relatives and acquaintances to an afternoon tea f rom 2 to 4:30 p.*m. in the Trinity United Church, Sunday School Hall, Church St., Bowmanville. Best wishes only. 47-3N The family of, Harvey and May McGill cordially invite relatives, friends and neigh- bours ta celebrate with them the 5th wedding anniversary of their parents, on Sturday, December 9, 1978 from 2 to 5 p.m. at Hampton United Church Hall. Best wishes only. The farnily, of Norm and Bernice Mai1rs, Nestleton, wish to extend an invitation ta friends and neighbours to help them celebrate t heir parents' 35th wedding anniversary at a dance at Nestleton Communi- ty Centre on Saturday, Deember 9, beginning at 9 p.rn. Best wishes only. McALLISTER - Sadie. Sud- denly at Memorial Hospital, Bowrnanviiie, on Thursday, Nov. 30, 1978, Sadie Burtch of 61 Wellington St., in her Bth Sear, beloved wite of the late amuel McAllister, dear mother of Mrs. Mary Cawker and Mrs. W. Wright (Violet). Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funerai Home. Funerai service was held Monday morn i nterment Bowrnan- ville eetery. 49-1 N McGILL - Alvin Russell. At the Peel Memorial Hospital, Brarnoton on Wednesday, November 29, 1978, Alvin Russell McGill, in his 86th yea r. Beloved husband of Mabel Minerva Woods. Dear father of Orlin, of Brampton, and Harold, Birmingham, Michigan. Grandtather of Lorraine (Mrs. R. Souchuck) of Windsor, Cheryl (Mrs. W. Bieber) of Warren, Michigan and Wayne of OakviIle. Great 9 ranfather of Jererny, Robin, coft and Timothy Souchuk. Rested af the Mackey Funeral Home, Lindsay. Complete funeral, service was heid Frida y Decem ber t at 2 p. ritermnent at Cartwright U-nion Cemetery. 4- FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville MaIl Phone 623-3365 PROMPT, COU RTEOUS SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL NE EDS AL LIN -In loving memory of my son Cyril Wes ley who passed away December 2nd, 1974. He has anchored his soul in the haven of rest He will sail the wîde seas no more The fempest may sweep o'er the wlid stormy deep In Jesus he is sate evermore. - Lovingiy remernbered by his mother, Elsie. 49-1 BROCK - In 1ovingrnmry of Lillian Brock, wh o passed away Decernber 9th, 1967. Tirne speeds on, eleven years have passed Since death its gloorn, ifs shadows, cast Within our home, where ail seemed bright, And fook tram us a shining light. We miss that light, and ever will, Her vacant place there is none tofili. Down here we mourn, but not in vain, For up in Heaven we wil11 meet aga in. - Always remembered by the farnily. 49-1 GILBANK - Mldred. In loving memnory of a dear oher and grandmother who passed away December 7, 1975. She is gone but not forgotten And as dawns another year In our ionely hours of thlnking Thoughfs of her are aiways near. Days of sadness wil corne o'er us, Many think the wound is healed But fhey littie know the sorrow That lies in the heart concea led. - Sadi y missed by Keifh, VineyVvian, Anne, Lois and familles. 49-1 HAY - D.F. In loving mernory of my grandmother who passed away Dec. 7, 1977. - Alwas rernembered and sadly missed. Leslie 49-1 N NICHOLSON - In lovinq mernory of a dear son and brother, Stephen Kennefh Nicholson who passed away sudden y Decernber 7, 1972. Lovîng you was easy to do, Lasing you was much harder Six vears have oone since you've been- here But the memories linger tram year to year. - Lovingly remernbered by Morn, sîsters and brothers. 49-1 PANAS - In Ioving rnemory of a dear father, Michael Panas, who passed away 6 years ago, December 2, 1972. o live in the hearts of those We leave behind, is not to die. - Lovîngly remernbered by son Bill, daughter Helen, and familles. 49-1 SIMPSON MEMORIALE Monuments - Markers - Inscriptiori 49 Lavinia Street Po rt Hc 885-6434 HOME APPOINTMENT. GLADLY ARRANGED RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street M.- ~ Port Hope, Ontario WORKMANSHIP- QUALITY LiA 3W3 High Quality at Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 Home 885-5222L s ns i wouid like fa fhank friends and relatives for gifts, cards and visits whiIe a patient in Mernorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Special fhanks to Drs. Frimer, Singai and Cunning- hamn and a great big thank you fo the staff for the good meals and outstanding care. Last but nof least thank you f0 Dr. Frirner's receptionist. Norman Brown The famiîy of the late Horace (Ace) Pitt wishes ta thank friends and relatives for their acts of kindness, cards of syrnpathy, beaufiful floral tribufes and donations to the heart fund, special thanks to the neighbours of Brownsdaie and rny sisters, Rev. Spivey and Morris Funeral Chapel. June and Family 1 would like to thank Mr. Morley Watsoný and staff of Bowrnanville Public Utilities for arranging a wonderful retirement party for me. Thanks to aIrIwho carne and everyone who helped in any way to make this such a mernorable occasion. The binoculars, camera, purse of rnoney, the lovely meal served by Mr. and Mrs. Chittick and the whole evening wiil be a treasured rnemory. Bert Sta pl eton The-farnil y of the late Terry Donoghue wish to express their sincere thanks to friends, ne ighbours and relatives for the lovel y floral tributes, cards and dona tions to the Cancer Society, at the time of their recent bereavement. S peci al thanks ta the Morris F uneral Chapel, Rev. Peters, Dr. Ewert and nurses and staff at Mernorial Hospital. Ab, Betty, Paf and families. The family of the late Sarah 1. (Sadie) McAllister wish ta express heartfelt thanks and appreciation to ail neighbours, friends and relatives for their many expressions of kindness and sympathy, floral tributes and charitable donations. Special thanks to Mrs. Mary Harvey, also Dr. Lon, Dr. Murphy, nurses and sfaff of ernergency and intensive careý unit, Bowrnanville Mernorial Hospital. To Rev. E. Scharner- horn and Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Violet Wrig ht and farniiy, Mary Cawker and farnily. We would like to sincerely thank Haydon Community for the loveiy gift presented to us recently. Season's G reetings to ail. Bill and Kimn Potts ~ "F Iowers ÀSay If va . Be st" VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery ta ... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 "Flowers with Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Holidays' Bey. 579-5Q21 Ruth 623-7259 il-tf CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowrnanville 623-7141_ HOSPITAL SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTS Flowering Plants and Cut F Iowers REWARD St. Bernard Dog Rust and white, brown nylon lope collar, Newcastle license la2 no. 2190. Answers ta "Krissy- .s Anyone knowing of a dog answering this description please phone 987-4594. 41-1 491N IRISH Setter, fernale, Lberly north area. Phone 623-6067. ALL black maIe terrier, stubbed laul, dog lag, no. 506, reward. Phone 723 1990, 49 IN ANYqNIE hatving informalion about ihreemisig aIlle, pleasçr cali Durhinm Regfional Po1i ce. $500 re-W, r d. 49-1 N SIAMESE Sealpoint, maie, 24 tf mnediumn size, north end area. Reward. Phone 623-7502. Splash Trip of the Month Draw December9- 2 p.rn. - BowmanvilleMall. 49-1 Old Tyrne Christmnas mnarket. Crafts by local artisans. Sf. Paul's Church, Port Hope, Friday, December 8fh, 2 fo 9 p.m.; Saturday, December 9th, 10 a .m. to 5 p.rn. Afternoon tea Friday SOc. Supper available Frida y 5 ta 7 p.rn. $3.00. Sandwich bar on Saturday. 49-1 MOVIE WALT DISNEY'S Dumbo BOWMANVILLE LIBRARY Sat., Dec. 9th 3 p.m. Admission: $1.00 Preschoolers: 75C 49-1 DANCE COUNTRY EXPRESS TED HALIJAN De cem ber 9, 1978 B ROWNS DALE COMMUNITY CENTRE (Golf Course Rd. N., Newcastle) $7.00 Couple 9 -1i p.m. Couples Only Refreshments 49-1 N SPLASH APPLE TREES Cut your own fi rewood. Bring your own chain saw. $15.00 per tree. $30 a face cord - pre-cut, split and ready to burn. The old Watson Apple Orchard, Regionai Rd. 57 (Martin Road) and Hwy. 2. Starfing November 4 for 4 orS5 Saturdays only. AIl proceeds donated ta S PLAS H. 47-ff N' Dustworks Ceramics is having a Christmas show and sale at 69 Andrews Road, Orono, Saturday, Decem ber 9, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Everyone welcorne. 49-1iN Christmnas Dance in Kendal Orange Hall, Saturday, December 9th. Sponsored by Orangqe Lodge. Music by the "Additions". Everyone wei- corne. 149-1 GIGANTIC Yard Sale- Barn fSale - Garage Sale - Saturday, December 16, 10 a.rm. Antiques, cutters, carts, hundreds 'of antiques, household articles, tools, house plants. At the farm of Steve Liptay,' Haydon, in conjunction with auction sale of orchard equiprnent, antiques and fruit stand accessories frorn the farm of Ralph His, Enniskîllen. See Auction Sale listing in this paper. Refreshments available. 49-2N TENDERS FOR, STEDMANS STORE R ENOVAT IONS 15 King Street, West Bowmanville, Ontario, Sealed Tenders wili be receiv- ed ai the office of DAVID A.G. MILLS, ARCHITECT, 378 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario, until 3:00 . TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1978 , Drawings and specifications wili bc available an and atter December 4, 1978 tram the office of ihe Architect upon deposil ot a certified cheque in the arouni of Fl FTY DOLLARS ($50.00) made payable bI he Archieci. Drawings and specificalions will be on display ai ihe Oshawa ConsIruclion Exchange. Tenders wili be accepled subjecl lo the approva I et auiherilies having jurisdic- l ion. The lowesl or any lender nel necessariiy accepied. 49-1 FREE! PersonalMake-up BY APPOINTMENT Phone 623-9302 49-2 N EAR PIERCING $8.00 (no appointment Necessar y> Plus 10 per cent off frst purchase of earrings with release slip. Hooper's Jewellers LtM. 29 King St. E. Bowmanvi île 623-5747 23-tf N BE A BIG SISTER! Volunteers are needed in this area to be a friend to girls aged 7 - 17, who are in need of supportative reîationships. CALL SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE et 26-tf N DOG, shag9y, black and brown, tool h gh, oid, 2 collars. Found King and Temperance area. Taken to pound. Used ta cars. 49-1 DEADLINE FO R C L A SSI FIIED Tues., 12- noon Phone 623w3303 Christmas Film Night Tuesday, Dec. 12f h 7 - 815 p.m. (approxirnately) Su ifablef oral lages. BOWMAN VILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 623-7322 49-1 TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE Christmas Dance Safurday, Dec.,9f h $5 per couple Tickets at door 49-1 N TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE New Year's Eve Da nce Sunday, Dec. 31 $25 PER COUPLE INCLUDES HOT BUFFET TICKETS AT BYAM'S STORE Seating Reservations, Caîli263-2086. 49-4 N One Parent Families Association BOWMANVILLE CHAPTER meet every Wed. -8 p. m. BOWMANVI LLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance St. Mem bership open ta ail single parents. Custody of your children not a requirement. Phone 623-5440 623-2874 48-4 St. Joseph's, Bowmanville N EW YEAR'S EVE DANCE MUSIC BY SAPPHIRES 9:00 - 2:00 $20.00 per couple HOT BUFFET and RE F RESHM E NTS Cail1623-5196 or 623-2825 46-3 N -O e -o.......... CHRISTMAS trees, Scotch pine, and spruce. Phone 263-2589. 49-1iN SAW mandel and 3 saws. Phone 263-2589. 49-1iN POOL table, includes every- thing, asking $150. Phone 623-3122. 49-1 N FOUR radial tires on Rally rirns, 14". Best offer. Phone 623-4358. 49-1 APPLES, PEARS, CIDER 3rd residence east of Pine Ridge School, south side of Concession St. Phone or Visit Our Farm L. J. Bisschop 623-7231 - Mon. through Fni. affer 5:00 p.m. or Sat. 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. 49-6 Mixed Firewood $35-½/ TON LOAD DELIVERED 623-6371 49-3 ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaner with powerhead and ail tools. $125. Phone 576-3947. 49-1iN FIREPLACE wood, hard- wood, split and dried, $90 - 1/2 ton pickup load. Phone 987-5298. 49-1 N CUSTOM made, f ireplace screens. We wîli also repair old screens. Newcastle Block Ca. Phone 987-4444. 49-1 N TWO D7-14 snow tires and rirns rounted, $35. Phone 623-3680. 49-1 -i ALLIS Chalmers Model "B"- tractor, complete tractor mounted snow blades, hydrauiic wood splitter, 30" buzz saw and 6' sickle rnower, like new, $2500. Phone 1-705-786-2862 after 5 p.rn. 49-1iN ANTIQUE French doors, sol id oak, bevelled glass, excellent condition, $50 a pair. Phone 623-4518. 49-1iN q1978 MOTOSKI Sonic 340cc. -Excellent condition. Phone 1-983-9718. 49-1iN TWO Skidoos - Skiboose, '71 Olyrnpic and '69 Nordic. Phone 623-5704 atter 5. 49-1 MIXED baled hay. Also map le fireplace, wood. Phone 263-2675. 49-1 THREE, ten speed bikes, 2 ladies', 1 mnan's. Brand new. Ideal Christmas gifts. 623-7167. 49-1iN STORM doors, manufacturing agent having clea rance sale of varlous colors and sizes of top uine doors. Aiso second hand doors. Call 623-6828. POLARIS5 SNOWMOBI LES Sales - Parts - Service KAMPING UN LIMITE D 1405 King St. E. Oshawa - 728-9942 Hours: Mon.-Wed. - 9a.m. - 6p.m. Thurs. Fi. -9a.m. -9p.m. Sat. - 9a.m. - 5p.m. 40-9N MACS (seconds) $3.00 bushel P EARS (seconds) $4.00 bushel Feddema Orchards 263-2074 (no Sunday sales) 48-4 N DEKOKER SIESF UBEEF Wcut,I" Iw1rappedL frozen and guaranteed. Ordier 810w. 983-5894 Orono 725-4245 Oth,,wa, 40-tf N CHRISTMAS trees, retail, and whoîesale, choice pine and spruce, 5' ta 15' on 35 Highway opposite Pontypool sign 705-277-2898. 44-8N REPOSSESSED 20" RCA XL-100, $17 rnonthîy, $4 weekly rentai purchase starting Jan'. '79. KRAZY KELLY'S 350 Wentworth St. E. OSHAWA 571-1412' 45-tf N USED furniture and ap- pliances.' Paddy's Market. Harnpton. 263-2241. 33-tf HAY for sale. Good mix Alfalfa and Tirnothy hay. Phone 263-2174. 48-3 LARGE size cernent mixer. Phone 263-2330. 49-1 N '72 SKIDOO, Nordic Model 640 ER, electric start and reverse, 1450 miles. 623-5368. 49-1 N BRAND new Kirby vacuum, 22 percent off. FulIl lite-trne guarantee. Phone 623-5398. 49-1iN ANTIQUE combination buffet and china cabinet. Phone 987-5065. 49-1iN ANTIQUE dining room suite with full high hutch, beige oak, $850 or best offer. Phone 623-4250. 49-1 PORTABLE T.V., black and white, good condition, $60 or best off er. Phone 987-4383. 49-1 BEEF Hait for sale. Pedweli Farms, 987-40-78. 1< 49-1 N LADY'S full iength suede winter coat, with raccoon fur trim around hood and bottom. Size 10. Asking $85. Phone 1-786-2633 anytime. 49-1 FOR CHRISTMAS Give a gift from the past that wilI la st. GOING OUT 0F BUSINESS. PRICES SLASHED 25 PERCENT OFF House of Yesterday Antiques and Collectibles 29 Temperance St. N., Bowmanville (across frorn Bank of Montreal) Openl10a.m. - 5p.rn. Closed Mondav LARGE cookstove with oven and water reservoir. Good condition. $300. Phone 277-2413. 49-1 N McClary wood stove, warming aven, water reservoir, good condition. $350. Phone 1-983-5371. 49-11 WH EAT straw, 125 ba les at 75 cents a ba le. Phone 1-983-5371. 49-1 Good Stocking Stuffers Jhirmack Hair and 5kmn Products Acid balanced to nature ph 4.5 to 5.5. SOLD AT Kut'n'Kurl Beauty Shop Phone 623-5019 TWO ail space heaters, 1 - 100 gal. tank. Any reasonabie off er accepted, Phone 263-8810. 49-2 KING Road 3 speed boy's bicrycie in very good condition an d girl's bicycle. Phone 623-4994. 49-1 GOWNS and dresses almost new. Size 10 - 14. Reasonable. 3 pair shortie drapes. Phone 263-2248. 49-1 CH R ISTMAS TREES SCOTCH PINE and SPRUCE ALL SIZES Locatedat Bowmanville Zoo 48-4N REPOSSESSED' 2"RCA Lowboy, $398. $,4 weekly rentaI purchase starting Jan. '79. KRAZY KELLY'S. 350 Wentworth St. E. OSHAWA 571-1412ý 45-tf N PADDY'S Market now has new furniture,, appliances, T.V!'s and stereos and also used furniturie and appliancin. Will accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf REPOSSESSED - 26" RCA XL 100, full Spanish' cabinet ta fIbar. Take over payrnents, $19 monthly, $4, weekly rentai purchaseý starting January . Phone tonig ht, one hour delivery. KRA ZY KELLY'S. 350 Wentworth St. E. 571-1412. 45-tf N Bargain Hunters' Paradise Long Skirts and Dresses, for the holiday season. Children's Dress Outf its Complete Men's Wear Toys, Skates ,, Unusual Household Treasures fo r Christmas giving. ALL THIS AT The Nearly New Shop Î 131 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY.' and 73 CE-LINA ST., OSHAWA Shop da ily 9:30 -5:30 BROWSERS WELCOME Whitby store open Fridays tai 9. Oshawa store ope Thursdays' 48-3N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires,2your one-stop' radial centre. 299 Dean Av e., Oshawa. 576-1220. 465-tf APPLES-CIDER. WILL DELI-VER Ph. 623-3699 H. PEL No Sunday Sales 48-tf N DRY BAGGED S,HAVINGS For Sale CuStom Lumber & MiIlwork Ltd. BOLTON, ONT. Phone Bolton 416-857-1882 TALISMAN Fleaý Market. Antiques - Starnps - Jewellry- Weavinqg - Pottery - Brass- HadKnitting -Refinishinrg Open 10 a.rn. - 5 p.n,ý Saturdays, Sundays anec Holidays. Lots of parkin" Free admission. 11/2 miles north of hyw. 2 at Newcastle. 41-TF Holiday and Chevron Trailers Large selection of truck caps~ from $259.00 insta lIed. Ca msport Tra iler : Sa les Highways 115 & 35, Newcastle, Phone 987-5174 LONG JOHN'S AMlIflhIr- Re-opened at south-east. corner of Starkviîle, 4 miles, north of Newtonville or 2½/ miles south of Kenda1. Phone 786-2016 KRAZY, KRAZY SUPER 26" Zenith Spanish console, slashed fa $688, $6.50, weekly starting January. Phone tonight, one-ho.ur deliey KRAZY KELLY'S. 3S0W0entiworth St. E,, 571-1412. 45-tf N CHRISTMAS trees. Cut your Own. Spruce ani y. Dur ha m Regional Road 20,2 miles west Of Mosport. Phone 263-2556. 48-4N Are you tired of high heating costs? You can now eliminafe completely your present fuel bills with the ail new Brooklyn Forced Air Wood Stove-Furnace featuring e e s e e e s forced hot air fo every room in the house air fighf burning efficiency large loading door heat exchange 3 sizes aVailable, heafs Up fo 3000 sq. ff. Terms available Optional domesfic hof water coils (models Il and 111) FREE HOT WATER COILS ON ALL ORDERS RECEIVELG UP TO DECEMBER 23rd, 1978.,, KEITH BELL STOVE COMPANY Concession 9 1 mile west of Raglan Telephone Brook lin 655-3326 F irep la ce Wood' ALL DRIED HARDWOOD Cut and Split Reasonable. Delivered. Martin Rd. North (County Road 57) 1 2 rnilefirstfarrn on right hand side. Discount on picked up orders. 623-4550 49-tf N GEESE for Christmas. Order now. Phone Orono 983-5174. 49-2 N hic,$295. t20" rank fireplace, screen, grates, $100. Beef sîdes $1.29 IL cut, wrapped and frozen. Phone 1-983-9471. 49-1 N HO! HO! HO! It's House of Amber's SAVE MONEY CHRISTMAS FEATURE IT BEGINS TODAY - SO DON'T DELAY We have many ditterent beautiful items which wiIi be piaced under these sale conditions: "BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE AND RECEIVE, THE SECOND AT 1/2 PRICE"I Corne out today and see these great items you can save on for es our Christrnas buying. We're open Tue ay 9 - 5, Wednesday thraugh Friday 9 - 9, Saturda y9-5, Sunday 115 "DON'T DE LAY SAVE TODAY"' Ha mpton VIl1lage 263-2981 49-1 EXHIBIT 0F Canadian Children's 'Book Illustrations by lan Wallace Cou rtesy of the Art Gallery of Ontario at Bowrnanviile Public Library DECEMBE R 4-27 623-7322 i uerat 3'Iunie THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE Your thoughtfulness for others is our f irst concern. We wilI arrange for charitable foundation donations (suCh as Heart or Cancer Society) to be acknowledged any- where in Canada with the appropriate acknowledgement card present on the same day, with the other tributes. This is part of our service to community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668

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