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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1978, p. 14

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14.The Canadian Statesman. ]Bawmanville, December 6, 1978 BEHANY The 4-H Achievemeat DaY 'beautiful1 indeed. The was heldat the Blackstock' God has given us ta 51i Recreational Centre and aine- life with us - beautiful teen members froin Betbaay friendly people. He i ase co-ipete tb curse vided us with the Bible. unmder the capable leaderssbi given us laws as ta how of Marie Kerr and Loraine behave best for us.1 Prestoni. Their subject thb given us tbe Haly Spir: semînar was "Essential Edi aur Coinfoster. He ha! ibles". Larrie Sisson Won her us prayer ta comai Cduaty Honours and Cheýyý with us. He has givent Preston won ber Pro4ncîaî Days ta enable us to i Hognours. Congratulations witb Hiinjfe bas psmv girls and leaders! wt rpes on raud ,gseat-grandparents tbe churcb and His Io arqe Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wite spared not bis own Son since tbe arrivai of Jeanifer aliowed Hum ta be ir Joan, a beautîful baby girl of spit at and aailed to ti Mr. and Mrs. Ken Slack, af and stili wben we're w Peterborough. Grandparents He stili loves us. We dc arle Ms. and Mrs. Haig thîngs we're asbamed Bote l sAgia He's stili for us. The Je St. iPaus Anglcan eaer blamed for the crucifi Philp Wislo, la reaes, Jesus,Pontius Pilate is to6k Romans 8 as bis text and ed, Judas is biamed,1 delivered a most encousagîng are just as responsible sermon. Paul's epistle ta tbe deatb as tbey were and 116mans' is a reminder that one is ta blame becaw Gôd is continually for us - if aeJss pt et God 'is for us wlio can be of us.' What do we Iý against'us. Thase wba don't feas? Jesus knew wI, know Crîstianity believe it to was tested that we waul bt a test and that it is similar temptations too.He kns ta a contract and we have to ger, He knew tears, HE perýfosi in a certain mannes, agoay, but He also kne bt this is not so. Look at ail He is always pictured the gifts God bas given us- seriaus pesson, yet He M first of ail tbe creatian - the most jayful persan. He world Gad bas made is lie nall a11 hndanc a ANNOUNCEMENT Wayne McRoberts COMPLETES MOTO RTRUC K COURSE Wayne McRoberts, of Roy Nichols Motors Ltd. recently completed a specialized motor truck application training pro- gram, Daug Ferguson, Sales Manager an- nounced today. Developed to specific factory requirements, the course encompas. sed the industry's mosi advanced procedures for matching trucks to job demands. In recognition of his proficiency, Wayne Mc. -Robets was granted a -Certif icate of Comple. lion by Truck Marketing Institute of Carpinteria, Califarnia, an accredited memnber school of,,the National Home-Study Council. Having had 6 years of experience at, Roy Nichols Motars Ltd., Wayne McRoberts is the Truck Salesman ta see at Roy Nichais Motors Ltd. ipeople iare Mis i, godly, has pro- e.He bas w we can He bas irit ta be is gîvea .unicate us Holy be apart mided us imunian, love. He n and He mocked, àe cross mlaoving da maay d of but Jews are fixian of is blain- but we efor His id yet no use God ifor lave have ta ren He ild bave new an- le kaew iew joy. ýd as a was tbe le kaew and the ;parate ve. He nstantly ig coin- Wl jay of it. Notiag can se us froin tbis great lai finds us and He's com looking for this laving ANONEME Bob Owen COMPLETES MOTO RTRUC K COURSE Bob Owen cf Roy Nichols Motars Ltd., re- cently completed a specialized motar truck application training pro- gram, Doug Fergusan, Sales Manager, an- naunced today. Developed ta specific factory requirements, the course encompas. sed the industry's most advanced procedures for matching trucks ta job demands. ln recognition of his praficiency, Bob 0win was granted a Certif ic4'tea of Completion by Trwià Marketing Institute, of Carpinteria, California, an accredited member school of the National Home-Study Cou ncil. Bob Owen is Sales- man at Roy Nichais Motors Ltd. rEWS* munication - it's perfect, it's loving, it's always availabie as long as we have God in aur >heasts. We must bave aur heasts in tbe right place ta communicate witb God. Paul toa knew persecutian, but bie says "we conques" for nothing can sepasate us froin the love of God la Christ. As Christians we shouhd semeaiber God is for us in ail tbings if we aiiaw Hum ta be neas. Good morning, Lord, Annthp-r lovelv day. Help me ta keep it sa, Deas Lord, I pray. May no sinali,' caseiess word Or deed of mine Let fali a sbadow there To spoil the shine. Na act of kindaess Thougbtlessly undone Make dimn this lovely mosn- ing's Bright, dlean sun. Help me ta keep this day As good as new Till at its close I give It back ta yau. Recent visitars with Ms. and Mss. W. McMaban include Ms. and Mss. Harold Morton and Mss. Lillian Fallis of Ponty- pool. Grandview Elemeatary Scboi The winners in the poetsy and Essay Contest sponsosed by the Royal Canadian Legion are as follows: Categosy 1 - Essay - lst prize - Tracy Hull, Milibrook High, 2nd prize - Connie Thextan, Millbraok Higb; Category 2 - Poemn - ist prize - David Cosgrave, Gsandview Public, 2nd prize - Julia Thiele, Grandview Public; Category 3 - Essay - lst prize - David Cosgrave, Graldview Public, 2nd prize - Leej Day, South Canvan Pub- lic. Prizes and cestificates will be gîven at tbe Public Speak- ing Contest in February. Congratulations, Students, who spent rnany houirs plan- ning and camposing in this effort, and this is a splendid idea for a Remembrance Day psaject. Grandview News Report On Friday, Nov. 24, a "French Day" event was held at Grandview, wben the pupils taking the French course pasticipated by dressing ap- prapriateiy and wearing un- usual type French bats. Mss. Mannanen held a cantest in each classroom for the most unusual bat. Those wbo won were Trina Smith of Room 2, Tara Green of Roam 3, Dean Curtis of Room S, Mike Dwyer of Room 8, Alison Scott of Room 9, Lana Kiriakou of Raam 6, Jody Malcolmn of Room 7, Carolyn Kennington of Roomn 10. Congratulations toalal wbo took part in thisproject. Grandview Scboal bas made oves one bundred dollars on the fund raising prograin of Kraft V.P.C. symbols. 11 hn the ladies bowling on Nov. 27 higb single was won by Anne Northey witb a score of 237, and runner up was Beulh Let us help you, "WRAP Up, Your Christmas Shopping! Cozy Slippers and Winter Boots foür ýhe Whole Family! ELLIS mSHOES "Bowvmanville 's Compete Foo twear Headquarters" Robinson with a score of 224. Anne won the high double with 449 and Beulah was runner up with 377. Grandview School There was an unusually small attendance at Grand- view for the movie on Friday night. The showing was a Walt Disney filmn "The Littlest Horse Thieves. " Report Cards! This year Grandview has a new method of evaluating the pupils' progress, but Mr. Capeling is famniliasizing the parents witb their contents. Parents of the primfary division have had their interview, and Tuesday evening was for the junior division parents and on Nov. 28 theintermediate division is recagnized. We wish the pupils much success with their tests, and that the new report cards, will produce stronger incenti'ves to reach a higher goal in their educational effort. In preparation for participa- tion is a tournainent at LE. Weldon for grade seven and eight pupils, teains are being chosen frain the different house leagues to play volley- ball at variaus gaines. Say Cheese!! School photo- graphs are being seceived for another year. Pupils, and parents appreciate these pic- tures especially in later years. The Men's Scottish Rite Choir psesented inany enjoy- able numbers at an evenin2 service at St. John's, Ida, when Rev. Dyer and Rev. Wainwsight had an interesting prograin. Fifteen inen of the Masonic Lodge of the Peter- borough area basn-onized with a number of the famniliar hymns with varied interpreta- tions of then., The ladies of St. John's congregation served a delicious lunch and a tiine of fellowship was enjoyed with othe ineinbers frani the six parishes and the choir.' Roberta and Bonnie Larmer of Fraserville are known by a number of us ln this asea and we wisb thein both a speedy recovery froin their tragic experience in the Rochester Holiday Inn fire. Our syin- pathy is extended to the bereaving familles whose re- latives lost their lives. Best wishes for a speedy recovery is extended to Mrs. Bob James, who bas recently undergone surgery. Also sincese wishes for gaod health to Ted Spenceley, who is in the Civic Hospital. Get well, soon, Ted!! Mrs. Mildred Bristow and Mrs. Ina Palmer spent the weekend in Peterborougb witb Mrs. Rboda Johnson. Senior Citizens Minutes were read and a tbank you note was received froin Mr. and Mrs. Traynor. An article written by Rev. Dyer for The Pasish Link was read segasding the splendid prograin presented to the Senior Citizens on Nov. 15 by the Rhythmn Band Choir froin West Hill and a thank you letter was read froin Mrs. Margaret Davis, wbo was the leader of the gsoup and she spoke of the super welcome given thein by the audience consistinig of Senior Citizeas of the Golden Stars, and visîtors from Blackstock and Mili- brook. Two 'bake sales wese an- aounced - the Women's Insti- tute on Dec. 2 in the United Church basement and the Ballyduff Tea and Bazaar on Dec. 9 in the Ballyduff Coiniunity Hall. The Christmnas party for Wed. Dec. 13 at 5 pin. was discussed and decided to bave the A.C.W. cater for the meal, and the group under the convenorsbip of Aima Pudsey would be responsible for the prograin. Wordhbas been received re the Olympics for Seniors at Haliburton for Golden Stars on June 26 to June 31 at a cost of $175. was announced. Any members who wisb to go must present tbeir naines to Marg- aret Wright in order that application fosins will be seceived at an easly date. A quiit was practically completed and anothes one will be put in the frames. Some blocks for anothes quilt were also hemmed. Derena Clark read a "farin- er' s" Doem whieh broueht back memaries for many "fariner retirees". Eleven tables of eucbre was enjoyed and bigb scores were won by Florrie Driver and Carl Porteous and low scores weat ta Cora McNaugbton and Lewis McGill. On Sunday, Dec., 17, the Kinsinen Club af Manvers is basting a Christinas party for ail the cbildren of Manvers from 1 p.m. ta 4 p.m. Between 2 pi.' and 4 p.m. the Pontypool Chambes of Com- merce is renting the ice for public skating for ail ages. The cbildsen of St. Paul's Churcb and the cangregatian wiil bave a pot luck supper after tbe arena- skating at apprixiniately 5 p.m. in the Parisb Hall. Ail members of St. Paul's are invited ta attend this pot luck suppes on Sun. Dec. l7tb at 5 p.rn. Dec. 17tb is gaing ta be a full day because the united chairs of St. Paul's and the United Churcb are baving a carol service in the United Churcb -- - - - dozen cookies in excbange. saine fantasi saves at key The A.C.W.'s froin St. Also the Betbany A.C.W. wili tiines ta keep the Taras la the Thomas, Millbrook, St. decorate saine plates for the gaine, ta thei defeace ta tbe Mary's, Lifford and St. Paul's, "shut-ins" with goodies at this forward uines, 'ahl of wbom Bethany will be guests of Mss. meeting. gave 100 per cent, effort ta Wainwright and Mss. Dyer at Mss. Marie Gilmaur and son accamplish thîs win.ý the Betbany sectairy for a Paul, and Shaun Williamson of This was an important gaine luncheon A.C.W. meeting on Westan, as well as Ms. and ta win by these Bantain 2 Thurs., Dec. l4tb at 12:30. A Mss. Creigbton Cars of Picton Trsadwsnaepsil "caokie-trade" will be con- and Mss. Olive Cars of Cavan roAnwamdepsil ducted, sa bring two dozen were Sunday guests of Mrss by a team effort. Keep up the cookies and vau can take two Violet Cars. good wask, you deserve it. T hursday Night Town Loague G.P.v Hooper's Jewellery "8 Lockes T.V. 8 D & RSports 8 Hunt's Photography 8 Lockes and Hunts fought to a 4 - 4 tie the other nigbt." Doug Crough put ini ail four goals for Lockes while Rick Woolner got 3 assists, Jamie Denny 2, Ted Brown 1 and Larry Creighton 1. Hunts' pointers were bandled by Larry Simpson with 3 goals and Roy Jeffers 1, John Taylor 3 assists and Bill Reid 1. The second gaine was a 2 - 0 victory for Hooper's over D & R. Hooper's first goal being scored by Ted Becker, a newcomer to the league play- ing in bis first gaine, and assists going ta Tom Nowlan and Bruce Osborne. The second goal was scored by W. L. T. Pts. G.F. G.A. 4 3 1 9 :28 21 3 2 3 9 î 29 30 3 3 2 8 '26 22 2 5 1 5 26 36 Darral Osmond and assisted by Guy Pasks. Af tes eight gaines this season the standings are as follaws. Bsantam 2 Toros When you look at this scare, it may nat inean toa much ta most people, but, ta the Taras this must mean the win of tbe year. If yaou consider that the Taras tsavelled ta Broaklin missing tbsee key players and ta tbe best of aur knowledge this is tbe first gaine Wbitby bas iost this season, sobats off ta the wbole Taras teain,

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