4 The Canadian Statesrýian, Bowmanville, December 6, 1978 Letter Santa Dear Santa Cla My name is l'am writing th: you that I love you what I want First thingy your self what Secondiy then children ail o' Now for the orq of me writing. ' nitegown and h( ing top, baby case. love Ei three ye 24 West * Bowma Dear Santa Cla I arn 3year, mommy is writi: want everythin mas. Most of ail doîl, dishes and cook with moni Merry Christn ail your helpers Thank you. Julie Cc R.R. b Newcastle, LOA1 Dear Santa Ciat 1I arn 6 years one. I've been a mommy and da thetime. 1 go tc would like a toy( set and a truck. « you Santa on CI at my home. The of cookies and you. Thank you. Jason Cc R.R. 1N Newcastle, LOA il Dear Santa, How are you? I Christmas I woul Tuesday Talor, Sew Perfect Sem and the Barbie Set. I promise]1 and listen to my &ry not to figi brother. Bye foi Yours ti MIchelle' Newcai 49 Par Bowman Dear'Santa Clau Thank you for you gave me last may I have this humner drag sti train and a stre Aiso an Arm3 Spiderman. It woi have R2D2 and I Wfing figlter to your reindeers. I best. On Christn leave you some couple of cookiE have been good time. Hope you1 Love Jasoi 49 Parý Bowman Dear Santa Clau My name is Ch 1 arn three yearç like to say thank3 things you gave n have been a go helped my Mon dusting. I will lea cookies, and a di juice on Christn Please Santa bring me a tumt dolis bouse, and would also likea a Mickey Mouse, amn 7. Your friend, Dani Dear Santa, I have been a gi year. How are you Mrs. Santa? 1IloyE Some people don' you, but I do. AI Rub-a-dub Dolly. With 1ovi Melanie Kay Merry Chrisi Dear Santa, can 1 set and a giove a] Scott Edmondson rs to lauseCorn-ýe on,,uOWfl to iR&P', his letter to telr you. And to te i M% it for Chrstmas Ouudtt111111 you should getm m you want PLAN HEAD FO ýn look after theBA lver the worl 't I would like a* .ousecoat, sp- M _ _ __ _, sr i VRAT' doil and sujU ~~ Prices effective thru Saturday, E M'U ED t rma WICOUPON BELO0W ONL Yu!~ December 9th, 1978. IlMU ears old %o--_________ Beach We reserve the right to limit quantities anville g Our Reg. Prkce 59c - SAVE 20c 16-oz loaf ta normal family requirementsl BusSt n ilFarms, SIiced 1) rKr39aa ila1 9 '5~~& &ld Mo 3ÏfDA'IV rie39 SOFT ng for Christ 'M ' Lm l, I want a nev en FacNbo [ a toy stove té BRAN is an excellent source of natural food fibre. Mei M Fnc liy. BRAN BREAD provides twice the amnounit of bran TOI4P0 TR D TI NMRG R NEa mas Santa and found in 100% whole wheat bread. TM R 'BRAN BREAD provides excellent eating qualities i oburn because of its uniquely moist taste and appealing JU CECO FE 4 aOntarioteur IHO 't ri 1.2048-fl-oz a a old in rade ePowderedti 1good boy, for adyMost of lazgý o bedearl Pink, White, YeIlow, Aqua, Pumpkin Hopmng to see Df hrstmas Eve OrRg rc >Wt opnBw ROYTALE ' are wilI be lots 'tER E T l milk out for'tD T R E TRgPrcTOLSt ~~o 3 6 litre O O' Oburio A&P i"S a Poultry Shoppkof' 'HO 'tbox - - _ _ _ _ _ Limit 2 boxes Our Reg.2 oli -~per customner @V.7au[1 SAViE8 arn fine, For 'tal 0cl Amazatron, MLI ýwing Machine III SBaby SttingI Iwill be good lb u e.Pie12 perents -OIE MI E~~F fit wîth myY -I D Bttr itLaP' r~O 'tGRCEY UY. Famiy Pack Contains: 3 Breast Quarters, Wings & Wbole Backs Attached, 3 Leg Quarters, tuy RCR USWhole Backs Attached 3 Wings, 3 Necks, 3 Gibîet Packages f YuI oBte ihÂPs~ ' astie 'tR1lro i Pus3ebuedpstGrade "A",Eviscerated, Froien, Vec IlPac, PUFRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES I' 't 1V.litreA&P Self Basting or Swift Pre muium Deep-Batted Ma~i Leaf or Swif t ' 't I ret.btmmBTERAL A FAL M aifornia, New Crop, First of the Season ' uaît os,' INSTANT ACTION PRICIED! 2-LB TIN A E S1 fr g il er lae Hershey's ChoCoate 2.392-bE l year a speed NESTLE, Il VARIETIES ACTION PRICIED! an *fN.1GADlLFRILAG RS ED é th Monster. Cj pi Me MW I RAE, ALFORIAflAGECRen lAb ' y set, and JJUJie I kg ev s 5 9 b AUONL, AGE WET.CIS ERIE ould be neat to 7 VARIETIES CAT FOOD (340g) i12-OZ PKG eaAl2c8hetu e 9 Sta HW ar Purina Tender Vitties 79< t 6Ii .8l QUARTERS lb 2.58 r a îGrapes. Red Emperorslb7 < ' lîke Rudulph CHOCOLAT! CHIP ACTION PRICEDIlb7 ý emilk and a 1 ie.I thinkI Dare Cookies tin tiebag 1.19 Cut film Canada Grade "A" efd1% 1 most of the DETERGENT (PREPRICED) 7-Inch Cut, FIl 5 Riba OnIy*#i efwe utA& 'tLqi 4îzîsb8? P IM I ~peL u eku S I Green Peppers 5 fol.00 ' think s0 too.D o e2 8 MAPLE LEAF, REGIJLAR OR ALI. BEEF 1-bacpcATG pk kLneCre 't Fancy Cr.am Style Corn, Whol. Iernel Corn <i 2-fl-e.) SlEKS2.2 CTMpeLfSl*dRI AlilBeé,TiSef , Gric 1.16 4e s9 0 nville, Ontario Hne odP.. utGre o-Wa eas14fie ln_______________ n na 2NO. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO, WASHED A WAXED 's t 2 APSLYEDMAPLE LEAF SLICED, 5 VARIETIES tslbutbag sor0 you ' alth E TALS9 SCHNEIDERS OLDE FASIONED, COUNTRY KITCHEN C oe "as'a a13 ne last year. I ,' MAPLE LEAF, SLICED 5t euiu lo s6ic o ood girl and B nleSHM Halves l36 in oft orane HasCooked Ham 6-oz vac pac 58 ARGE J 1 11 ave you some E't OM CORNERutfff SCHMEIDERS OLDE LAIND OEESMpe , Smoked, Cookd, Picnic Style SIiced l.1.484 7~7 rkooa ge. ASSORTED, STD. 1 0-FL-OZ TIN 79a] -b avg DIhlbCElbA bia ol a a liu e e s or35 COORSH MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, REGULAR, THICK SLICED, _______________________ ' som , eoI ' > ER PATCf..-.~ ~ 2o IT0 AL BRIGHT'S ACTION PRICEDI 48-FL-OZ TIN uz y pilperage r nkof10jjcbacs MALELEA PG ùelle MilîsonV!25 DW 5U Nov. 28, 1978 WITH THIS COUPON - SAVE 20c WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON godgirl al' "New!" - A Good source of Natural Fibre 16-oz loaf McCain - Frozen, 5 Varieties Assorted Varieties ' ur elves and Sma mSaed~ NE l' re you SantaSonemili rarmsS -- uLLDE EI ' pINî9-oz cake m O M I -b U M t believe jini2-l IA4 ' ilI an ' BRAN BREAD 71) E LICI us CAKE17 PASTAS Baiser ' Lmit one loaf per customner. Our Reg. Price 59c Limi one cake per customner. Our Reg. Price 1.58 Limit one pkg per customner. Our Reg. Price 99c stmas! Valid until Sat, December 9th, 1978. V.C. Valid until Sat., December 9th, 1978. V.C. Valid until Sat., December 9th, 1978. V.C. #1082453 ' Mohav a2oo MonNov27 'to ind a blocker