Another $250 was added to the Splash projeet fund on Monday night when Edwin Sokoloff, Special Service Co-ordinator with Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Lilnited, presented the committee with a cheque for $250 and wished them well with the fund-raising. He is shown here at left with Ken Kelly who expressed thé comnmittee's thanks. enikle Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Warry, Orono._ Mrs. M. Horn spent tne weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Eari Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb, Bailieboro were Sat. visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeat- er.- Mrs. Norma Bradford, Miss Marguerite Wright, Oshawa were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor. Get Well wisbes go to Cory Sweet who is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Vour friends and neighbours hope you will be home soon, Cory. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill who celebrated their Golden Wed- ding Anniversary on Satur- day. Mr. Clark Piggott, Jimmy and Donni. Oshawa were I HYMET FARM SUPPLY LTD. (formerly Morton's Farm Supply Ltd.) Corne in and see our complote fine of equip. from SPErr«y+NEvvHCOLLAN'D Spromotoi' and Turnco R.R. 2 Bowmanvil le, Ontario Maple Grove Road - South of Hwy. 2 Hours: Mon.-Sat. PH. 6232279 8 a.m. - 6p.m. TO WRAP UP CHRISTMAS! j,' Sterling Silver Cha rms, including Christmas j charms, Chains and Bracelets. Humidors and Pipe Racks Solid walnut .......s$9.95-$5900 SPECIAL Solid walnut card Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family. Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, Columbus spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty. Mr. and Mrs. James Pig- gott, Bowmanville were Sun- day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family to celebrate Mrs. Piggott's forthcoming birth- day. Mrs. Ruth McGill was a Sunday lunch guest of Mrs. G. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Garth McGill and family, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGîll were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Virtue. Mr. and Mrs.Tom Boynton, Toronto were Sunday after- noon callers ofl Mr. and Mrs. Ralph %Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and James were Sat. evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McGill and family, Mississauga were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and James, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rekkar, Maple Grove were Sunday evening dinner guests of -Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekkar amci tamily, Newcastle and afterwards attended New- castle United Cburch Sunday School Concert which Scott and Lisa took part in. Youth Group were guests of Centénnial U.C. Youth Group at their Christmas Dance on Sat. night. The second Sunday of Ad- vent had 50 worshippers at the morning service. Tbe combin- ed Senior and Intermediate Choir and director Ulah Chambers gave a musical message in their anthem "Born In A Manger". In the cbildren's story they learned about the value of lighted candies and the Lighting of The Second Advent Candle was by Grant Asbton. The Minister's Sermon was entit- led "A City Without Walls". explained how the city of Jerusalem needed only God as its wall. The open border between Canada and U.S.A. is an example of confidence in God's protection. This week's notices are: 1. Sat. 10 a.m.- - 2 p.m. Plan to shop at the lst Enniskillen Cub Pack Christmas Doil Display in the Bowmanville Mail. 2. Youth Group Fun Night next Sun., Dec. 17 at 2:30 p. m. with Maple Grove Y.G. as guests. Advance Notice - Sun., Dec. 24th - 7:30 p.m. The annual Christmas Eve Service will be held in Tyr one Unite d Church. Sun. Jan. 7, '79 - New Year's Communion will be celebrated at both services. The December Meeting of Ennîskillen was in the form of a Christmas Dinner at the Acres. Mrs. R. Howe was a very capable M.C. for the occasion. Following the sing- ing of Grace. Birthday wîshes were sung for Mrs. Potts and Mrs. Lyons. Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman read the Scripture from Luke as a setting for a beautiful Christmas Devo- tional presented by Mrs. H. Kempling. She suggested that many of us have 'upside down Christmas trees' - pointing down to the gifts for self rather than up to Jesus who was the best gift of ail. She reminded each to keep her Christmas tree right side up and make room in ber heart for Jesus and be ever, sensitive to what gift each can give Him. She interspersed her meditation with ail singing the first verse of appropriate carols. Mrs. Harvey McGill and Mrs. Clarence Stainton were in charge of the party and planned the following pro- gram. Mrs. W. Griffin gave two readings "Mother's Christmas Cookies" and "Two Trains". Mrs. C. Avery, Mrs. R. Rowan and Mrs. C. Stainton gave a humorous skit "Planning for the Christ- mas Concert"'. Gifts were brought for patients at Whitby Hospital and goodies to pack boxes for the elderly and- shutins. Gîfts of money were voted to Golden Plough Lodge and Family and Children Services. Graduate Thomas Arthur Callan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rosswell Callan, and brother of James, all of Bowmanville, recently graduated from York Univer- sity with a Bachelor of Arts degree. He majored in social geography and Canadian hist- ory. Tom is a graduate of Bowmanville High School and Toronto Teachers College. He has taught the past ten years in Oshawa specializîng in the primary grades. Separate'School Teachers The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 13, 1978 i Parade Float Winners Presented with Trophy Members of the Sunday Morning Breakfast Club who won first prize with their 'Old Woman in the Shoe' float in the recent Santa Claus Parade were presented with their trophy during a special session on Sun- day at the home of Bill Cowle, 'Dell St. The special session had been called so that Carson Elliott could pay off a bet. Apparently, he'd betthey wouldn't win first prize and if they did, he would give them a lob- ster dinner. There was much more than lobster, Carson also cooked a large salmon, had crab and clam chowder as well. It was a real feast. This photo shows George Stephen of the Parade Committee presen- fin +hp winnr'r, riiai fn Gt(-nwçaiyt- ia+fn axwhin le rhh mo.hàr',-, in in+l, Negotiatetilt. VYiUiit.U O t UPIIJ ur*.At.ivlYtluuii cPJiiit.iiiuebjt. uiiiiii i Lt. at.Liui. Separate school teachers teachers. Negotiations have bargaining committee chair- the contract. enough. could vote as early as tomor- been underway since March man, Michael Nolan, bas said The Board has taken the The Board's decision on its row on the final contract offer but broke off Nov. 24. The the. teachers are willing to position that staffing is a final offer made last Tuesday from the Peterborough, Vic- teachers have been without a bargain over salaries. How- management right that could in compliance with a Ministry toria, Northumberland and contract since Aug. 31. ever, they won't accept the cost the public money if of Education directive that a Newcastle Roman Catholic Two issues which remain in Board's position that teachers teachers had to be consulted final contract offer must be Separate School Board. dispute are salary and staf- sbould have no guaranteed over it. It bias offered a "letter presented within 72 bours of The Board voted last Tues- fing. The Board is offering a right to be included in of intent" stating a non-bind- tbe teachers' request for one. day to stand by its contract 312 per cent saîary increase. decisions that would reduce ing policy of consulting the Now' it is up to the teachers to package of 21/2 weeks ago as Additional benefits bring the staff. They are insisting that a teachers before cutting staff.. decide whether to accept it or its- final offer to the 274 offer to 7.1 per cent. Teachers' staffing ratio be included in The teachers say this isn't hold a strike vote.