Letters to Santa Cia us Mon. Nov.2 Dear Santa,v.2 I want Night glow and a Tarron and a Stretch Monster and a a electric fire engine noA Batteries and some leggo and and a Drumset. John Kovacic Dear anta, Nov. 27, 1978 Il have brown hair and blue eyes. 1 arn seven years old. My name is Meesha Lynn Ed- miondson. Would you please give me lite-Brite and Hungry H1ungry Hippo and a record? Have a Mérry Chistmas Santa Claus. Meesha Lynn Edmondson Nov. 27, 1978 Dear Santa How are your elves? Do you really fly away in the air? I've been a good boy. My narne is Travis Stel please can you bring me a 0*2 night glow and a policeman set with handcuffs, badge, and keys. How is Mrs. Santa? Your friend, Travis Stel Dear anta, Mon. Nov. 27 .< I was good this year. Would you please bring me Super- man and Pulsar? Your friend, Glenn Murdoch Mon. Nov. 27, 1918 Dear Santa, My narne is Jason Mac- Donald. I arn 7 years old. Are you ready for Christmas this year? Please can I have a shift control car? love Jason Nýov. 27, 1978 .... . Dear Santa, Can I have a Streh Arrn set ~ 'Q Can I have a hungry hippo for Christmnas Can I have a night glow for Christmnas? There is a lot of snow how is Mrs. Santa Clous. Lv Vance sutherland Mon. Nov. 27, 1978 Dear Santa Claus, 1 arn 7 years old. Are you feeling okay? 1 arn feeling okay. How is Mrs. Claus? How are the elfves. Why does Christmas corne so soon? IU want Lite-Brite for Christmnas and a record. Your friend, Melissa Harness. Dear Santa Please cani I have terron-and night glow. How is Mrs. Santa. xoxoxo frorn todd young to Santa. W Nov. 28 1978 Dear Santa, 1 have been a good girl al N year. How is Mrs. Santa? I arn fine. My narne is Sara Lee. I live on 90 Liherty Street. 1 would please like a record and a Lte-Brite. With love Sara Lee Henderson. Mon. Nov. 27, 1978 Dear Santa, Please bring me a set of walkie taîkies and some srnall toys in my stocking. l'm 7 years old. frorn Bryce MEBain with love oxox Tues. Nov. 28,1978 Dear Santa I was good this year. 1 hope i you corne. Did you know My rnormy is going to have a baby. How is it in the Toy Shiop? How is Mrs Claus? Do your reindeer really fly9 Can 1 please have Terron energizedî Spider Man. With love Kevin Jay xxxooo ,Monday, Nov the 27, 1978 Ty name is1Ere MabeIl.z