and beads, and she carried a bouquet of white and peach silk flowers. The matron of honor was Mrs. Joanne Wood, sister of the bride, and the bridesmaids were Carrol Bedford, Toronto, sister of the groom, Dianne Wood, Oshawa, sister of the bride and Janice Leake, London. They wore identicai formai gowns of peach with floral capes., Best man was Mr. Jerry Hayes, Oshawa, and the ushers were Mr. Dennis Malley, Bowmanville, John Stephenson, Penetanguishene, and Stephen Bedford, Ponty- pooi, brother of the bride. At the reception held at the Centennial Hall, Bowman- ville, the groom's mother wore a formai gown of blue polyester with a matching lace coat, and a corsage of, white and blue silk roses. Leaving for a honeymoon in Jamaica, the bride wore a three piece dark brown wool suit, with dark brown acces- sories. 85 Goodyear Retireas Enjoy Annual Christmas Dinner at St. John's Mr. and Mrs. Bedford are St. John's Parish Hall, on Associaton Christmas dinner. now residing in' Bowmanvilie Monday morning December There was a good turn-out of at 5 Lambert Street. lltb was the scene of the 85 members, witb Archdeacon annual Goodyear Retirees Tom Gracie gracing the head Lergal roferuss;,iLoPn RHo-noris Retiring;*Judge Ron Baxter cPed~o~d - cwood CtAieddtng -Archdeacon Tom Gracie solemnized the marriage of Deborab Lynn Wood to Micheal James Bedford, on Saturday, November 4th, 1978, at 3 p.m. in St. John's Anglican Cburcb, Bowman- ville. The organistwas Mrs. Evelyn Marchant.. The bride's father is Mr. Eric Wood, Oshawa, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. James Bedford, R.R. 1 Pontypool. Given in marriage by ber father, the bride wore a formai gown of white, design- ed witb a lace beaded bodice, witb the skirt forming a chapel train, and long sieeves. A matching Juliet cap beld a fingertip veil edged with lace By Kay Mann Over 150 members of the legai profession gathered with their wives at Greenwood Towers last week to wisb Senior Provincial court judge Ron B. Baxter a long and happy retirement, and the resuiting evening was fiiled with warmth and good fellow- ship., Judge Baxter's retirement begins officially January 31, 1979, but lhe will, finish his FThe staff and management of Artistic Barber and Beauty Salon wish a Merry Christmas to ail their friends and customers! We are proud to introduce to our staff TrdyRusseli. 1arn plea sed to be back to serve alil my f riends and customners. ..........Please call or drop in. We stili have appoint- ment -openings for Christmas and New Year's. Gift certificatos are available in any 4 amount. With 6 hair stylists we can serve you4 bette r and f aster. Artistie Barber & Beauty Salon 233 King St. E. 623-2W 31 7' "SYOUR CHRISTMAS" Shoppes VAN BELLE: JUST RIGHT FOR THE DINNER TABLE "Flowers brin g Joy to the Our 8 Designers wil be delighted to des ign your Christmas Floral - ~ Arrangements NOTICE Yes .. . our Courtice store Is open as usual. Weather permlttlng, we wiIi have aur new addition open next week. To give you a prevlew of what we Mill have in the new show- room,,there wiil beas massive 16-foot, oid-fashloned firepiace, surrounded wlth gifis and~ f lowering plants. A new section, whlch we cail the 'Greenhouse" wilI be complete wlth V ail your favorite small plants, hanglng baskets, etc. Two new sections wilI carry pottery N silk, dried and a large array of Christmas plcks for the do-t-yourseifer. Watch next ,veek's ad for special announcement. SCOURTICE OSHAWA WES1 r OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE Highway 2 0292 King Street NORTH 31 Kip Street ~ Vas, we are West' 1124 Simcoe Street est open. New Garden Centre North addition willi be andF NOW O E open nexi Floral Shoppe Floral ShoppeOP N VAN BELLE NOW OPEN 9 a.m. - 9-p.m. SATURDAY IJNTIL R n m. career as a judge in Cobourg Provincial court at the end of this year. The guests were welcomed by Mrs. Mary Simmons, court administrator and Justice of the Peace.Mrs. Simmons said, "This is a sad night for our courts because we are iosing one of the province's finest judges, and for our office, because we are iosing a 'super boss' and our best friend." Grace was said by the judge's spiritual advisor Rev. Peter Wyatt,' Port Hope Unit- ed Churcb. Head table guests introduc- ed by Mrs. Simmons were His Honor chief judge and Mrs. F. C. Hayes, Toronto. His Honor judge and Mrs. J.C.N. Currel- ly, Judge H. A. Rice, associate chief judge, Miss Greta Lato, executive assistant to the chief judge, Judge and Mrs. R. B. Baxter, A. A. Russell, deputy solicitor generai and Mrs. Russell, Crown Attorney Geoffrey and Mrs. Bonny- castle, and Rev. Peter Wyatt. His Honor judge J.C.N, Currelly, senior county court judge for area five, gave a humorous account of some of the eariier cases which Judge Baxter tried, and toid of the first time he met Judge Baxter in 1941. Judge Curreily said Judge Baxter is endnwed with courtesy and respect which hie carried tbrough the 37 years be served the courts. Provincial cuff links were presented to Judge Baxter by deputy solicitor generai A.A. Russell, and a small token to Mrs. Baxter., Twenty-five years after he had graduated from Osgoode- Hall in the same ciass as judge Baxter, he came to work in the same jurisdiction where bis former classmate was the judge, said Crown Attorney Geoffrey Bonny-, castie. Mr. Bonnycastle also said that Judge Baxter had always sbown courtesy and patience as weli as common sense in bis courtroom deal- ings and showed a concern for young offenders and their rehabilitation above and beyond bis duties as a judge. As a Crown Attorney Judge Baxter was respected. He is a distinguished and much loved judge. This is not goodbye, but au revoir and bon chance, he said. He bad an ability to remove the mystique of the iaw and expIain to persons who came before the court, what was being done and why, said chief judge F. C. Hayes. He also said Judge Baxter had a lot to do with the development of the provincial court, over the years, and commented on his work on the salaries and pensions committee. The chief judge presented a scýroii to Judge Baxter from the Provincial government. The scroil read "To His Honor Senior Judge R.B. Baxter. As your friends, associates 'and admirers gather to honor you upon your retirement from the Bench, it is my pleasure to join in this weii mnerited tribute. Your long and illustrious career reflects credit not only on you personaily but on the legal fraternity and, most especial- ly, on the judical systemn of our country in which Canadians take justifiable pride. Your lengthy judicial service with the Family and Criminal divisions of the Provincial court bas been outstanding. Your interest in community activities is well noted and will long be remembered by your fellow citizens. "Your record of achieve- ment, Judge Baxter, must give you a feeling of deep pride and satisfaction. We hope that you will enjoy the years of your retirement in good beaith ý and much happiness.à" signed William G. Davis, Premier. - Port Hope Guide Man Arrested After Prolice Prursue 1Truck An Oshawa man was arrest- ed early Sunday mnorning following a motor vehicle cbase wbich began at the Bowmanville Zoo parking lot and ended on Higbway 401 between Oshawa and Bow- manville. Police said a man was arrested for theft, dangerous driving. exceeding .08 biood aicohol and faiiing to remain after a truck was pursued southbound througb Bowman- ville and onto Highway 401. The truck, a 1973 Interna- tional haîf ton, bad been reported *stolen in Oshawa. Police said that while on Highway 401 it was observed, swerving from side to side. It was finally stopped at about 2:30 a.m. Charged is Ronald Abert Cooper, 19 of 695 King St. East, Oshawa. WaIk a block.Today. table witb his presence. The Martha group, one of the pillars of the St. John's Church, catered for the occas- ion, and ail of those taking part were unanimous in their comments that it was a really great meai, and the enthu- siasm with which those aging members proceeded to dem- olish the food, just proved their comments were justif- ied. Harold Cobbledick, as Pres- ident, requested Norm Allison to act as M.C. which position Norm filled in bis usuai efficient manner, and after introducing the head table guests an d the officers of the Association, namely the Past Presidents, W. Blakely, M. *Moore, E.,Winacott,-D. Kemp and L. Plain, and the mem- The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. December l3. 1978 3 bers of the various commit- tees, F. Hooper, D.Kemp, A. Lobb, J. Popovich, D. Hannah, H., Farrow and F. Blackburn with Harold Cobbledick as President, and no doubt through a temporary lack of memory, omitting bimself, an oversight which the President quickly rectified, Norm made a small presentation to our benefactor, Arcbdeacon Biond Towers Shopping MaU 44 Bond St. W. Downtown Oshawa 576-71,521 Gracie, who favoured us with his ail too few remarks. AIl of the officers were given the opportunity to say a few words, and ail did. They were aIl of one accord, their, main theme being one of apprecia- tion and thanks to one and ail, with best wishes for the holiday season. Chairman Norm had the members of the Martha group put in an appearance long enougb to express the thanks of the Association for their efforts, an expression wbicb was loudiy appiauded by the mem- bers. President Cobbledick took time to single out one or two of the members wbo apparently didn't know that when they retired they quit work, the two in question being Frank Hooper, who ail along bas been a wonderful visitor, and wbo regards visitîng as a duty, and Don Hannab, the man wbo puts in, many extra hours attending to the ýcoffee ap- petites of the "dry" retirees. Another of our Benefactors who came in for a deluge of thanks was Betty Nichoils, and who prefers to remfain aimost anonymous. It was a great morning and the Retirees as a body wish to thank all of those who contri- buted anytbing towards it, and to wish everyone a truly Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. LersU' f n> OSHAWA "A Speciol Shop for Speciol Womnen" SQUARE THI IPTICAL BOUlIgNE IRENE McROBERT, Dispensina Optician 30 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-4477 be - - - -- -- --- - - -- . 1 %Pu- m IL. u fi. à 0 1. >.. ge. ge. zw- me. er --e- ge ge --e- ze. ge. ge. ze. ge. ge. lere-r e 1