j ~euz nu z ~ reettup BEST WISHES for a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR ta aur relatives, f riends and neighbars. Bill and Myrtle Alexander Ta aur friends and neighbars wha have been sa thaughtful and kind, we wish yau ail'a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. Earl and Agnes Prescott 51-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR ta aur relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fitzpatrick (nee Moorey) 51-1 We wish alaur friends and relatives SEASON'S GREETINGS with a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a,' HAPPY NEW YE AR. Edith and Laverne Clemens Hampton 51-1 BEST WISHES fer a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR ta aur relatives, friends, and neighbars. John and Carol Mui r Dave and Betty 51-1 The lst Maple Grove Cubs and Leaders wish everyane in Maple Grave, and alilather Cub packs and Leaders, a VE RY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW VEAR 51-1 To aur relatives and friends a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Garnet and Hilda Mutton 51-1 We wish a Il aur relatives, friends and neighbars avery MERRY CH RISTMAS a nd a HAPPY NEW YEAR AIf and Betty Brown To alaur friends and neighbors MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW VEAR Dick and Tillie Bedard 51-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR ta al aur relatives, friends - and neighbars. Liz and Guy Pol ley 51-1 i wish ail mv frîends and relatives a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW VEAR Laverne Orchard Hilsdale Manor 51-j We sincerely wish ail aur relatives, neighbaurs. Ta aur f riends, relatives and neighbars CHRISTMAS GREETINGS and wishes for every happiness naw and in the NEW YEAR Lloyd, Sandra, Suzanne and Paul Sta inton 51-1N SEASON'S GREETINGS ta al My friends, neighbars and relatives and MAY PEACE REIGN' ON THE HEARTS 0F ALL. Grace Smith 51-IN Ta al aur relatives, friends and nei hbars a V ERY M ERRY CH RISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR ElIsie and George Morris 51-1 We would like ta wish al aur relatives, friends, and neig hbaurs a MERRY C HRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Si and Helen Trewin 51-lN Toal aiour friends aid and new warm wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR TOO The Adams Family Bruce, Diane, Brad, Kevin and Jeff Ta my friends, neighbars ,and relatives, my wishes and thoughts will be with them as usual at CHRISTMAS a nd NEW YEAR'S Eva Farrow 51-1 We wish ail aur friends, neig hbars and relatives a M ERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Don and Betty Bishop and family 1 51-lN I waulId like to wish relatives, friends and neighbars a VERY M ERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Lanson Milîlson 51-1 Cliff and Stella Peth ick wauld like tawish their relatives, f riends and customers a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HEALTHY NEW YEAR 51-1 SEASON'S GREETINGS ta a il friends and relatives. BEST WISHES in the NEW VEAR Andrew Nesbitt 5i-lN We wauld like ta wish a Il aur friends, relatives and neig hbaursa MERRYCH RISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR John, Heather, Lisa and Marcy Lyle 51-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS a nd HAPPY NEW YEAR tai ail my friends, relatives and neighbars Nance Colmer We wauld like ta wish al aur friends, relatives and neig hbars a MERRY C HRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Clarence and Shirley Stainton and family 51-1 May God's lave surraund yau ..at CHRISTMAS and aîlways. The Herrons Grant, Helen, Peter, Lynda and Paul 51-1 1 Wauld like to wish mv friends and neighbors a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Do ris Holroyd To ail my friends and relatives a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Sarah James 51-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR ta our famnily, friends and neighbaurs. Joe, Diane, Scott and Lisa Rekker. 51-1 The real Christmas feeling That warm frendly glow Comes from greeting the people We're happy to know! MERRY CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Jim and Jean Firth 51-1 To aur relatives, f riends and neighbaurs we wish ALL THE BEST in this FESTIVE SEASON Ma ur ice, Mary An ne, Linda and Brett Richards 51-1 We wish aur friends, relatives and neighbors a MERRY CHRI STMAS and a HAPPY, PROSPEROUS and HEAL.THY NEW YEAR Sincerely, Sheldon and Rena Pethick 51-1 Toalal my relatives, neighbours and friends, including the Editor and staff of The Canadian Statesmnan sincerely wishing you a Il the PEACE and JOY of the CHRISTMAS SEASON. GOOD HEALTH and HAPPINESS in the NEW YEAR Violet M. Gilmer 51-1 To aur many friends, relatives and neighbaurs aur sincere wish for a VERY MERRY CHR ISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Smoke y and Marion Hayes 51-1 I wauld like ta wish my friends and neighbars a MERRY CHRISTMAS ANDA and a HAPPY NEW YEAR and GOD BLESS YOU ALL. William Morley 51-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR ta al aur friends, neighbars and relatives. Gabriel and Helen Kovacs Judy and Louise Ta ail my friends a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Sophia Kovacs MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR toall my relatives, friends and neighbaurs. Bill Hesson 51-1 John and Jane Ble rem a and Rob and Ruth Forbes wish aIl their neighbors and friends a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR 51-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR ta ail laur friends and relatives. Pat and Vince Prout To ail my friends, relatives and neighbars a MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR L. A. Squair Wishing friends and neighbors a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Mary Penwarden and family 51-1 SEASON'S GREETINGS Ta Yau and Yaurs. Alice Richards Orono 51-iN SEASON'S GREETINGS ta friends and relatives. Mol ly and Bonnie Ma i rs 51-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR ta aur custamners, relations and friends. Ackerman Excavating Ernest and Marion Knapp and famiIy 51-1 I wish ta extend a MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR ta ail my relatives and friends. Farewell Blackburn 51 -1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR Marie and Russeil Tabb 51 -1 i take this apportunity ta wish my relatives, friends and neighbars a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Wes Martin and family 51-1 Best wishes for a' MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR ta ail aur friends. Bill and Marg Lawrie 51-1 SEASON'S GREETINGS far a VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ta ail my custamers. Helen's Tailor Shop 34B King St. W. Bowma nvillie 623-2741 51-1 A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR ta ail aur friends, relatives and neighbars.. Cla rence, Merle, John and James Avery 51-1 CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Ernest, Berta and Bert Werry wish ta extend heartiest CHRISTMAS GREETINGS ta ail their relatives, neighbaurs and friends, and wish for ail a VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW VEAR 51-1 A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON ta al1 my f riends, neighbars, and relatives. Stu Candler 51-1 We wish'aur relatives, friends and neighbours a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR John, Valerie, Karin and Stephen Clancy Ta al aur relatives, friends and neighbours a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Nyhl and Sonny She.ehan Tc relatives,, friends and neighbars we wish yau a MERRY CHRISTMAS ànd a HAPPY, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Wayne, Pat, Penny, Paume and Jeffery Beckett Ab and Anne Piper extend SEASON'S GREETINGS toaail their relatives, friends and neighbars. 51-1 Warmest Wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS and HA PP I NESS in the NEW YEAR Jim and Anita Nickerson MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR ta my friends, relatives and neighbars. Aisa Thank Yau for al the cards i have received. Lola Freeman 51-1 SEASONIS GREETINGS toalal my relatives, friends and neighbars. Ethel Mutton 51-1 Mrs. W. Vaneyk wishes ai l her friends and neiaihbors a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR SEASON'S GREETINGS ta alil ur relatives, friends and neighbors-. Norman, Joan Avery and family. We wish all aur famnily, friends and neighbors a BLESSED CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR Mr. and Mrs. 0. Bandstra, R. R. 2, Newcastle 51- We want ta wish aillaur friends and neighbo rs a BLESSED CHRISTMAS and a VERY HAPPY NEW VEAR Mr. and Mrs. A. Ta îsma 4, Nelson St., Apt. 106 Bowmanviile 51-1 Ta aur relatives, friends and nei ghbars a V ERY M ERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Harry and Mabel Wa de 51-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and, HAPPY NEW YEAR Joan and Keith Feruson and fa mi1ly 51-1 Ta yau and ail whom you hald dear, a JOYOUS CHRISTMAS and GREAT NEW YEAR A goad old-fashianed greeting f ram the twoef us. Gordyn a nd Eli înor Brent 51-1 Ta aur many friends, relatives and neighbars we wish a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW VEAR ,Harryand Leona Farrow 51-1 Ta relatives, friends and neighbars we wish yau a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ,Winston, Anne, Don, Dave and Lori Howa rth Karen and Derrick O'Donnell 51-iN May we heartily wish a Il aur family and relatives, goad friends and neighbours a VERY MER&RY CHRISTMAS and GOOD HEALTH and PROSPERITY in the comm n NEW YEAI Ken, Atine, Sally,, Kerri and Kenny Kilmer We want tawishaillaur relatives, f riends and neighbars a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Jack, Gloria, Heather and Wenc1Y Brown. 51-1 MRYCHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR toaai my relatives and friends. Betty Brown Newcastle 51-1 We wauid like ta wish aur relatives, friends and neighbours a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Leland and Doris Mlîson 51 -1 SEASON'S GREETINGS t a ai My friends and relatives. Ethel Gilmer 51-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR ta aur friends and neighbars fram Bill and Mary Bates 51 -1 Toall my relatives a nd friends, 1wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. Harvey A. Hardy 264 King St. E., Bowmanviîe 51 -1 BilI,î Jean, Jo-anne and Judy Holroyd would like ta wish aIl aur friends and relatives a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a IdIVflIC hNEWiJ VAR 51-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR to ail our friends, relatives and neighbors. George and Helen Piper 51-1 SEASON'S GREETINGS ta ail aur relatives, friends and neighbours. Sincerely Eva and Will Stapleton 51-1 FROM FLORIDA CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS ta ail aur friends, relatives .and neighbaurs. F rancis and Doris Werry 51-1 SEASONIS GREETINGS ta ail aur custamers. Avery Masonry 51-1 Ethel and Stan Gobie wishaliltheir friends and neighbors a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR 51-1 Ta relatives, friends and neighbaurs, MAY GOD BLESS YOU AT CHRISTMAS-TIME AND ALWAYS. Kathleen Kimball 51-1 To ail aur friends and neighbours with the SEASON'S GREETINGS and GOOD WI SHES for Happiness in the NE W YEAR Frank and Mary Blunt 51-1 STORAGE available for tent trailers, hardtops, small boats and ski-doos. Phone 263-2042. 43-tf N FARM house 2 miles south- east of Newcastle, $250 month- ly, utilities. AvaiIable January l5th (flexible). Phone 987-4243. 50-2 N THREE room apartment, ail utilities, stove and fridge inciuded, $230, one month in advance. Appiy to Advertiser 794, c-o The Canadlian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ville. 51 -1N SELF-CONTAINED one bed- room apartment, stove and frîdge included, no pets, $î3ý A pply to Advertiser 795, c-co Th Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont. 51-iN AVAILABLE January 1, large home near Hampton. $275 per month. Pay first and last month's rent. Phone 263-2988. 51-2N ONE smail bachelor apart- ment in central Bowmanviile, on bus route, upstairs, 'in smail quiet a partment build- ing., Panelled living room, smail bedroom and kitchen- ette and bath. $150 monthly includles fridge, stove and heat. Pay own hydro. Phone 623-4805 a fte r 4 p. m. 51-1 BOWMANVILLE, 3 bedroom townhouse, $291 per month plus utilities. Available January 1. Cali before 8 p.m. 623-6391. 51,-iN FOUR bedroom house, partly furnished, $300 monthiy, ava ilable now. Phone 623-3984. 51-iN HOUSE, furnished, two bed- rooms, 6 months-1 year. Phone 623-6953. 51-1 TWO bedroom bungalow with swimming pool and rec roam. centrally iocaled, Bowman- ville, $320 per month. Cal 623-3826. Si-lN FARMHOUSE - 10 mi. north' of Bowmanville. Appliances included al $325 monthiy. Cali Ron Hurst, Osh: 728-7518, Bow: 623-3393. W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. Reaitor. 51-1 TWO bedroom house in Bowmanville, available immediately. $200 a month. Phonè 623-2040 or 623-7185. 51-1 N THREE bedroom house in Bowmanville. Phone 263-8845. 51-IN ATTRACTIVE bachelor apartment in Orono. $225 per mnonth includes heat and hydro. Phone 1-983-9171 and ask for Merle. 51-1 CLEAN three bedroom house, 1central, $325. Available January 15 or February lst. Phone 623-5063 after 5. 51-1 THREE bedroom apartment, heat, hydro, garage and garden, east of Kirby. Phone 728-6609 or 725-5618. 50-2 N 1THE Stonegate. Very nice 1 -and 2 bedroom apartments with view and many features in Port Hope - 885-6500. 39-tf BOWMANVPLLE apartment, 4 rooms and bath, heated, cable TV, free parking Available now. Reasonable plus hydro. Phone 623-7523 or 11-705-696-3361. 28-TF FARM house, plus garage, miles southeast of Newcastle, $250 monthly plus utilities. Available January lSth (flexible). Phone 987-4243. 50-2N Ali ldaims against the Estate of HAROL D GEORGE GILLI-NGHAM, late of Bow- manville in the Regionai Municipality of Durham, Ontario, who died on the l2th day of June, 1978, must be fil- ed with the undersigned Exe- cutor on or before the l6th day of January, 1979, after whic h date the Estate will be distributed, havingý regard only to the dlaims owhich the Executor shahl then have notice. DATEDat Toronto, Ontario, th is 1lst day of Decem ber, 1978. THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY, P.O. Box 7500, Station A, Toronto, Ontario, M5W 1P9 E xecutor. By Lang, Michener, Cranston, Farquharson & Wright, its Sol icitors herein. 50-3 -BECOME A BIG, BROTHER, Phone 623-6646 49-9 N MECHANIC or general repairman. Familiar with nursery. equipment. Phone 623-3345. 51-IN p, W CREDIT MANAGER We require experienced person to manage collections. Responibilities will include ail aspects of credit plus other accounti ng duties. Successful applicant should be experienced in handling five ancl six figure accounts. Appiy in writing to: COU RTICE SPECIALTY STEELS LTD 173 Base Line Rd. E. Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3L4 51-1 Cars for scrap and scrap CASH for gold, silver, coins, metal. We pay to haul if away guns, dlocks, iewei iery, Phone 987-5318. 49-3N' dishes, furniture, crocks, ______________________ pai ntings, sealers, applilances, Friendiy Flea Market, 23 King ANT IQU E furniture, West, 725-9783. 9-f Canadian coins, oul paintings USED Furnitureý and 1Ap- etc. Phone 623-4095. pliances. Paddy's Market, 51-1 Ha pton 263-2241. 26-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf Ref rigeration and Appliance Service Commercial and Damestiê Refrigeratian - MiIk Coalers PHONE BERT SYER Days .............. 623-5774 Nights .............623-3177. Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orano, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Ca rpenîtry Remodelling General Repairs Interiar Exterior 14-tf CATHMAR WELL DRILLING LTb PONTYPOOL, ONT. 705-277-2504 FARMS - COTTAGES Industrial and Commercial PUMP INSTALLATION 51-_tf OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemnasons Ltd. (Our f ireplaces do not smake) CHIMNE YS CLEANED Orana 983-5606 51 -tf Bi Il's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanviile, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Mon. - Fri. 8:00 -5: 00 Sat. 9- 12noan Sheet and Float Glass Seaied Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 9-tf N AN DERSON INSU LATION 623-5181 aor 579-2060 Blawn, Cellulose Fibre for Attic and RAPCO FOAM-far Wa Ils. CITY and COUNTRY HOMES 7-tf N BYAM PLUMBING &HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING NEW WORK AND RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES Village af Tyrone, R.R. 5, Bawmanviile 263-2650, 50-tf N "The 4à Enniskillen, Ontario LOB iHO Have A Good Day L'Phone for * appointment OO Anniversary, e. Weddinp.and Family Portraits In Our Studio, Your Home, or on Location 78 King St. W. Bowmanviîle 623-2404 42-4N REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Madern, Traditianal and 1Antique. Free icku p and deîivery. FREE E STIMATES PHONE 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton 48-tf N Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Bawmanville Siding - Sof fit Fascia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 FOR FREE ESTIMATE. ALSO HANDLING VINYL SIDING 3-tf N DARLINGTON MASON RY Brick, Block,ý Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf SNOWPLOWING (NO CONTRACTS PLEASE) CALL WHEN NEEDED R. FRY 623-7888 50-3 Bowmanville Glass 143 Well1ington St. 623-3410 Specializing in Cash, &Carry' glass, mirrars, aluminurr praducts (siding and doors) 128-tf N ODD JOBS YARD and BASEMENT CL EANU P RUBBAGE REMOVAL LIGHT MOVl!NG PAINTING Have truck will move. Phone Andy 623-9379 22-tf DRY WALL FINISHING PLASTER REPAIRS. Spray Stucca Ceuings -Painting WALLY LUCYK Orono 983-5518 38-tf 7 tGHLTD. -ER * aality Meat" BILL HENDERSON ownier (416) 263-8072 ge. ge. e-r ze. me. ze. me ie 2e. :e. ze. me. 2e. --e- ge. ge. ýee- zee- ge. le. le. ge. ge ýe. :e er 2e. 2e. ge. ge. ge. e.r ge. e.r ge. ge. ge. ze. je.