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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1978, p. 15

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Congratulations to Cathy Kloepfer in securing a nursing position at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. Cathy did ex- ceptionally well in ber nursing training by winning first class honors. Emery Srith bas been having health difficulties and was again taken to the Civic Hospital on Saturday. We wish hirn a speedy recovery. Accidents seem to be tbe trend during ice periods. Fred Hackenburg bad the misfor- tune to bave bis leg badly tomn witb a snowrnobile tbat skid- ded, wbile be was inspecting tbe ski area. We trust it will beal witbout too rnucb pain or complications. We're sorry to bear Mrs. Winnie Strong bad tbe mis- fortune to fali and bas injuries wbicb we bope will soon beal. 'Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan bad a scary p eriod wben tbeir fur- nace exploded dislodging tbe pipes and scattering soot througbout the biouse. Tbis is a sad and difficult situation especially for elderly people, wbo are strugghing to rernain togetber in tbeir own borne. Tbe Elemientary Teacbers of Victoria, County are plan- ning an Open House for Mr. Bates, wbo was scbool super- visor in Victoria County Scbools for a number of vears and is now retiring fmom bhis office. Retired teaèées are invited to attend tbis reception on Dec. 20 in The Curling Club moins. We, who womked under Mr. Bates's suD)ervision. me- member with great respect, bis guidance and co-operation and we wish Mr. and Mms. Bates many happy years of retirernent. .St. PauI's Anglcan Rev. Waînwright expessed bis and bis wife Eudora's heartfelt tbankyou for the 'love sbown to thern by the Pamish in David's Ordination to the Piesthood - to all who offemed their prayers, to al who sent their good wishes, to those who travebled fmom Cavan and Manvers Town- ships to the Ordination Ser- vice in Toronto'. He spoke of this mroning's epistle Romans 15, and said to note bow often "rejoice" is mentioned. The Jews were of Ismael, and were a chosen goup as God chose a man fom Israel to be His Son and they weme to present Him to others on eath. Gentiles means "Other Nations", and often Jews today speak of the Gentiles in a prorogative manner as tbey have forgotten the, mission that was Riven 1< k Shopet .1 a i l V," ý 1 DKSTRA'S DELICATESSEN FOOD MARKET Your Christmas Food Shopping Store WE HAVE TURKEYS! eti* -MEAT PLATTERS AND CHEESE TRAYS Everything for your Holiday Entertaining.' FOR YOUR GIFT Fancy Fruit or Food Basket Ranging from $7.00 t. $35.00 We wiII make if to suit the occasion. ENJOY A FREE COFFEE WhiIe Tou Shop Thors., Fr1.,, Sot. At DYSTA'9SFREE PARKING' DELICA TESSEN OFF FOOD MARKET QEE 73-77 KING ST. WEST 623-3541STE' them, but we too, must1 be careful of the same thing of undermining people. They tmied to keep the law but failed, because they tried toi do it on their own strength instead of God's and becarne self-rigbteous - a wamning to alI Christians. Are we resting, on our rigbteousness and not mecognizing the power of God? Those who put their lives in Jesus's hands recognize bow limitless they are in them- selves. Jesus is our strength, our righteousness, our good- ness, because we run out of tbings in ourseives. We shouldn't condemn those out- side the church, instead it is our responsibility as Christ- ians to present Jesus to others and offer the good news to others as weli as show by our lives that Chmistianity reigns' in us. High single score in the Ladies' bowling was won by Beulah Robinson with a score of 260 and runnem-up was Vicki Campbell with 250. High double and munner-up was won by the same ladies. Beulah with 489 and Vicki had 434. Mm. and Mrs. Allan Fuller of Toronto visited with Gladys' parents, Mm. and Mms. Leon- ard Driver last weekend. Mms. Leonard Driver had the misfortune to faîl and receîved many painful bruises. We trust she will not suffer any complications. The annual Christmnas party of the Bethany Church Choir was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Jennings, now residing in, the village of Bethany. Aftem a short rehearsal time for the forthcoming Christmnas events, an enjoyable time was had with Termy Staples at the piano. Christmas Carols and Chmistmas songs were sung with enthusiasrn, the old piano responding to Terry's mnagic touch. Santa made a caîl too and distributed gifts and kisses (to the ladies!) On, behaîf of the choir Allan Beer presented a gift of a lovely tmay to Ruth and Tom Jennings, wishing them many happy yeams of living in their new home. Those present were - Mr. and Mms. Allan Beer, Mm. and Mrs. Eaml Weatherilt, Mm. and Mrs. Wilmer Graham, Mr. and Mms. Temry Staples, Carolyn Porteous, Jeanne Mc- Mahotn, Neliy Michel, Diana Rowan. Mm. Graham and bis choir gives a comdial invitation to al to attend the Carol Service at the Betbany United Chumch on Sunday, Dec. 17 at 7:30 p.m. St. Paul's Anglican choir will be taking part along with Rev. Wainwright. Corne along and sing the well-loved Christmas camols with us. Womens' Institute Vamied moli-cail answers were giîven to the question "Wbhat is or was your most treasured Christmas gift?" Maumeen Preston presided over the Bethany W.I. Christ- mas meeting and Carobyn Porteous read the minutes and tmeasurer's report. Maureen thanked all the ladies for their donations and help at the bake sale and the lunch for the McGill sale. It was decided to give a donation to the United Church for the use of the basement for the bake sale and to the A.C.W. for the use of their coffee urns. Aftem visiting the Arc In- dustries (retarded) this surn- mer, the Institute felt a donation to the handicapped would be appreciated, so a generous arnount was allotted. Linda Pfob, in ber talented and most intemesting manner, presented the program for Family and Consumer Affairs by using a story and applying the Christmas Camols (sung by the members) to correlate interesting. Ruth Jennings expressed appmeciation to Georgie Scott who so generously for so many years bas opened ber home for Institute meetings and on behalf of the members pre- sented ber with a card table. Santa arrived in the person of Frances Jackson and gifts wvere distributed to the "eager recipients." A delici ous, lunch was ser- ved and Margaret Jarvest, thanked the group and expres- sed the pleasure of the group for the splendid program offered. Senior Citizens What a marvellous evening! This was the comment of BETHANY NEWS many seniors who met for a delicious Christmnas party for whicb the Anglican A.C.W. catered. With turkey and all the trimmings and with a true friendly Christmnas spirit, 87 Golden Star Senior Citizens participated in this happy event. Before the dinner and before grace was given by Rev. Wainwright, Margaret Wright on behalf of the Golden Stars presented Belle Smith the president with a beautiful poinsetta plant and then Alma Pudsey, the convener for the December pmogam also presented the president with another beautiful plant. Belle voiced hiem appreciaton for their tboughtfulness and felt she was not worthy of such graciousness. Aftem dinner a short meeting consisted of Christmas cards from Joe and Gertie Rajski and Ms. Bobbye Gray and God - speed for better heaitb was extended to Ernery Smith, Derene Clark, and Ivan El- licott who are in the bospital and to Winnie Strong, whom we'me sorry to hear is confined to hem bed due to injuries from a faîl. SThe Haliburton Fun Olym- pics was received and 19 members signed up to go for a holiday for six days and five nigbts Irom July 26th to July 3lst., Theme will be bowling on Jan. 2 as usual and shuffle board concludes for the winter on Dec. lSth. Aima Pudsey thanked the A.C.W. for the appetizing dinner a'nd the splendid ser- vice. Rene Smelt president of the A.C.W. replied and tbank- ed a nuznbem of the Senior Citizens who helped by supply- ing extra pies. While the tables were being cleared carol singing was enjoyed under the leadership of Ruth Jennings with Lillian Fallis at the piano and as an extra treat Audrey Gilmour accompanied on the vioin. Tables and chairs were moved back and many enjoy- ed some round and square dances with Audrey Gilmour on the violin and husband, Victor, with the spoons and Lîllian Fallis and Alma Pud- sey on the piano. Stanley Wright called for the square dance. Sixteen tables of euchre and one table of bridge was played. Top prizes were won by Beulah Forrest and Mil- dred Braithwaite and low prizes went to Mrs. Etta Robinson and George E. Clark. For winning the most lone bands Beulah Forrest won the prize. St. Paul's-A.C.W. A delicious rnost appetizing lunch was prepared and served by our two ministers' wives, Eudora Wainwright and Ina Dyer,, when the combined A.C.W.'s of St. Paul's, St. Thomas and St. Mary's met at the rectory. Rene Smith, the St. Paul's president, thanked the visitors for meeting with us and thanked the two ladies for the beautiful lunch. With Loraine Smith at the piano the camol "Little Town of Bethlehemn was sung and Belle Smith read the scripture besson from Matt:2. Marion Wood conducted a contest when we were asked to compare our villages Bethany and Millbrook with the viliage of Bethlehem and noted theme is very littie difference despite the span of- nearly two thousand years. King Street West Telephone 623-3541 B0W ma nvil le Marion then read a story Fisb and Mrs. Sinclair tb< entitled Betblehem cornes to main scbool kindergarten pre- London and spoke of a srnall sented their version of "Thi girl who wanted a gift s0 Christmas Nativity". badly, even thougb it was to go Recitations were given by to tbe bospital for sick Sberry WiIlis, Terry Anne cbildren. Perdue, Micbael MacDonald, Rene Smelt read some Tom Steadman, Kevin Fin- passages frorn tbe Newsletter, ney, Danny Evans, Timmy the president's letter about the Spearing and Denise Rupert. Conference in Winnipeg entit- Tbe Yelverton kindergarten led ý'Wbat do you do more under Mrs. Bolton's direction than otbers?" Wbat is the sang "Tbe Gingerbread action of Christian people and House" and "Thirty-two feet what effect does it have on and Eight Little Toes". others. A f ilmn "Guess Wbo's Selections on the piano were Corning to Breakfast? " was played by Julia Cosgrave, sbown. Wbat is our mission Seobharn Meneely, Deirdre what is our response? Meneely, Glenda Capeling andi Tbe Peterborougb deanery Cheryl Capeling, JimrnMy Sbep- therne was "Togèther in ton, Micbael Duncan, Sherry Christ we serve." Sutcliffe, Sally Locke, Cathy Marion Wood, the new West. deanery director, sent greet- Recitations were given by ings through the Newsletter, Trina Smith, Dougie West, and said it is always exciting Kendra Stephenson and Lisa to celebrate a bitbday and Milnes. especially the, birthday of The grades 1, 2 and 3 draina Christ. Sbe said bow neces- club, under Mrs. Staples' sary it is to maintain a direction, presented "Cinder- response between A.C.W. ella". members and directors and Madarne Mannoven direct- try to be the churcb in action. ed a French skit and a Frenchi Wbat role can we play toward song by grade 1 and 2. our teenagers? She concluded The Grade 4 drama club, witb tbe poem, "Don't walk directed by- Mr. Tburston and in front of me, walk beside me Mrs. Fletcher presented 'Meet and be rny friend." Miss Stone Age', wbicb was a Cards of thanks are to be prehistoric beauty pageant sent to the &Yirls who belped with a modemn twist.- witb the Sr. Citizen dinner. The grade 1,2 and 3 choir Flowems will be bought for directed by Mrs. Foulkes and the altar for Christmas and it accompanied by Ms. Sisson was decided to store old sang "The Christmnas Alpha- A.C.W. minutes for historical bet" and "He's got the Whole value. World" "Away in a Manger" Mrs. Harnilton, president of and "Unto Us a Child is Millbrook A.C.W. thanked the Born". hostesses and the Bethany Carols were sung witb the A.C.W. expressed desire for audience participating. furtber union meetings. Bus patrol students are a Ina Palmer will bost the means of safety for pupils January A.C.W. meeting. riding on tbe buses and An exchange of cookies was awards are given to those wbo made and plates for the contributed to this safety Bethany shut-ins witb assort- activity. Brian Sarginson won ed cookies and srnall jars of a gift certificate frorn Mc- jam and marmalade were Donalds and Rodney Arni- made. strong won at another date Grandview News which makes botb boys elig- The Grandview auditorium ible for the award of the was filled to capacity when rnonth. parents and friends gathered Last year a Grandview for the Junior and primary student, Jay Grove, was the children's Christmas concert. Bus Patrol of tbe Year Winner Masters of cerernony were ini the Victoria County. Tracy Calderone and Ellen Manvers Council Notes Jones. The Inaugural Meeting of Under the direction of Mrs. -Manvers Township Council ~~~~~' 0C ' - - Y e Bring ing old fashioned joys to warm your heurt ut Chiristmastide. Our gratitude for your support. i Grist Miii i Auction Barn NEWTONVILLE Best wishes to our many 1 M friend! and valued M eus iomers from the entire staff at M 219 King St. E. 623-448 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 20, 1978 15 e was held on Dec. 5 for the terrn subscribe to the Canadian period of Dec. 1, 1978 to Nov. Statesman, and thankyo ery Areie den o Solias ai e 30, 1980. much to those who contribute etreifhhawokds The following members con- to the Bethany news. Best farmer. He was a member of y sttut th Conci forthesai wihest achad everyone the Rural Bowling League and sttt h oni o tesi ihst ahof the Solina Hall Board. period: Reeve - George H. for a healthy, happy 1979. 1,Neals, DeputyReeve - Lomne Mrand Mrs. Wesley Mc- Surviving are his brother i- J Cutiù Concilor - ober Maon isied ecetlywith Arnott, one niece, and tbmee y Brown, James McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. George Carter of nephews ail of Solina. . Barry Pickering. Bowrnanville. Rvrn alEb ap n Reeve Neals welcorned the Rvrn alEb ap n newly elected members to TW A ton, officiated at tbe funeral d council and tbanked tbe mern- 0 1B ITiU A..It services held on Friday at the prvosCuni RNI CCLWTE Morris Funeral Chapel. Mrs. tbers of the rvosCuel FACSC ILWTE Albert Cole presîded at tbe for their continued support. Relatives, friendst and chapel organ. e A members of Council and neighbors were shocked and staff spoke briefly and look saddened to learn of the Paîl-bearers were Messrs. e fomward to a harmonious and sudden death of Francis Cecil Charles Langrnaid, Gordon J fruitful term in conducting the Wotten, aged 56, in Bowman- Cummins, Dr. Jerry Millson~ business of the Municipality. ville, on Tuesday, December Duncan Fraser, Donald Tay- y Ail members of tbe Manvers 5th, 1978. 'lm and Ken Ashton. y Council subscribed to the Born in Toronto, and educat- Floral tokens ini bis mernory Declaration of Elected Coun- ed in Solina School, he was the were received fmomr the Sonina y cil and Oath of Allegiance. son of the late Norval Cecil Hall Board, and the Rural It was voted that the and the late Mary Edith Bowling League. a D.R.O.'s be paid $40. a day , (Arnott) Wotten, and was Intemment Bowrnanville Pool Clemks $30. per day and neyer marmîed. Cemetemy. à premises ental be $35. Mile- age to be paid for pxcking up , and returning ballot boxes. The Township will pay for modation and mileage for the two new Councillors to attend >the two day seminar for new o.X k4I1 Councillorsat Omillia on Jan. É 9th and 2tb. This is a new iprogram started by the Mini- É stry of Intergovernmental . Affairs to farniliarize ne1w > Councillors witb the duties * 1 they will have. 1 Mr. Bert Riel calied on the M Council and outlined a propos-P T ed Resort Development for an >area notb of tbe two ski areas in Manvers Township. The M Council is to give tbe Develop- ment tentative approval and that the plans be submitted to ' ea the County Pianner for furt................. study and ecommendation. - 1 The Fire Chief gave the 7 Coundil a report regamding fime matters. 1 The Road Employees, the Waste Dis osal employees and the' Office Staff are to eceive a 6 per cent increase, M ilst couuinbii y to say tliauks M effective Jan. 1, 1979 and the fr same benefits to rmrain in M or olIr fricusdslilp anîd ftr st effect as in 1978. I and coittiiitîtg _ood cheecr. Lewis McGill was appointed HoeMtrltut n oi a to epresent tbe Township of Ho ey n ho ea dho da M Manvers on the Ganaraska > arc fdIIcd vith Iappbicss R.C.A. for the next current Rs Jye-Mihl temm, and bis stipend to be uane adJ ase ico supplernented by the Town- MDunadJao ship of Manvers at the rate of 'c $6 per meeting attended. m u uM The Councillor's salaries M U I A U i are to be increased by $200. MjR S MA "ký: per year, each, effective Dec. M Plumbing and Heating Ltd.M 1, 1978. Ooo-9355 Merry Christmas and aOrn-8385 M~ -, MY Crown Mountain Home-Made OId Fashioned Dutch Style Beefr Cîroquettes Great for Lunch, Snack or Appetizer NOW AVAILABLE AT Delicatessen Food Market 1 ýl i 11 Ji 1 il!'! ý 1 !Ill'; 1:1 ci i;i il 5 ýs a )f d r

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