Section Twa The Canadian Statesman, G]orc ou 0 Frozen Eviscerated Utility or Grade B YO f1 UNGUà TU RKEYSi 10-14 lb. size 8 Save 215e lb. c BEST BUY Frozn EvscertedOur Reg. Price $1 .28 GRADE A YOUNG TURKEYSI Over 20 lb. size LB. 9 Save 30e~ lb. BEST BUY Part Skinned MAPLE LEAF TENDERSWEET HAM1.4 Whole or Shank Portion BETEU Bluebird grand Or Eg. ric $1.2 Picnic Style OrRg rc 12 SMOKED PORK SHOULDERS 5-7 lb. size LB.98 Save 30e lb. BEST BUY Fresh Our Reg. Price $1 .58, LEG 0F PO RK ROAST Shank or Butt Portion,, Fresh Ontario Pork LB1.13M Save 30elb. BEST BUY Swift's Sem! Boneless HAMS 12 lb. avg. size LB. .. BEST BUY Thawnd EjayOur Reg. Price $1. Save 32C* pk. BEST BUY Fozeand in Brne HiOuner Reg. Prce $.28 BLAE COOKED Save 32epkg. BEST BUY Shoe in n aeH n e Our Reg Price $68 LARGBEA SaVe 30*Pkg BEST BUY Frozen Eviscerated Canada Our Reg. Price $1.68 GRAà&-DE A CORNISH HENS 'I S 23 oz. upsize L . 1 Save 30e IL BEST BUYl Our Reg. Price $1.58 Fresh LEG 0F4 n PORK ROASTS K ButPortion, FehOtroPrLB.UWm Sav 24~LB. BES3 BU Swift's LAZY MAPLE SAUSAGE MEAT 1 lb. pkg. Save 30e pkg- Our Reg. Price $1.84 Swift's Premium Sliced or LAZY MaPLE SI E Bt sA ClO N 1 lb. pkg. Save 215e pkg. ALL MIRACLE FOOD MART STORES OPEN UNTIL 10:00 P.M. WED. - THURS. - FR1. DEC. 20,21 AND 22,1978 SATURDAY HOURS AS POSTED IN STORE. -CLOSED- CHRISTMAS AND BOXING DAY DECEMBER 25 AND 26,1978 A LL PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC. 20-26, 1978 IN BOWMAN VILLE MALL, 243 KING S. E.-WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. I*PLUS A VARIETY 0F LARGE SIZE~ FRUIT AND VEGETABLES, OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRIES, DRIED FRUIT, NUTS U$ SHELL, AND POTTED PLANTS. Amn ail Canadian\1Company Bowmanville, December 20, 1978 il Letters to Santa-Cia us 23 Jane St. Bowmanviiie Dear Santa How is the elves and Miss Claus. What I want for cristmas is Good Puppy, Pink Panther, Trucks, Shirts, Pantas, socks, I arn 2 years aid Santa and MY new brother Jason is Printing this letter to you santa and He is 7 years aid. He bas been my brother for Four months. my other brother is brad. Please bring them some thing nice. With Love From AdAm Vacheresse Dear Santa; 1 am only 2% years old sa Mommy is writing my letter. 1 have your pictures al aver the fridge. I try ta be a good boy. Please bring me same new cars or trucks. Wiii yau aiso put a candy-cane ini my stocking? Lave Jason Haar R. R. 2, Pontypoal, Ont. LOA iKO Miss Ki! Colwell 6 Carlisle Avenue MI Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 1W5 Dear Santa: My name is Kim Colweli. I arn aimost six 'years aid. I have tried ta, be a good girl and beip Mommy around the bouse since my new sister came. Her name is Tanya and she is 9 montbs aid. Please couid you leave a Barbie dol and some Barbie ciothes for me. My sister would like a riding tay and a littie clotb book. Tanya and. I are going ta leave some lunch on the table for you and the reindeers. Love fromn Kim Coiweli and Tanya.' Dear Santa My name is Tammy Robin- son. I bave one brotheër Jeffrey and one sister Julie. Tammy: would like a barbie car, a camera and some clothes for Donny and Marie. Jeffrey: would like an animai ta ride on, P.g's. Julie: would like a dot ta dot book, a red phone and baby this'n that. We'li be here this year for Christmas. Your friends Tammy, Jeffrey and Julie Robinson Dean Santa, I am 2 years aid and would like a hockey stick, belm-ut and skates so that 1 can play hockey witb Uncie Glen and Daddy. Ryan Campbell 20 Orchardview Blvd. Bowmanvillie Dean Santa, This is the letter for the toys. I want. 'Quick Change, Machine'! I, want a, play tugbaat, a play bow and arrow and a steal play racket and a play fishing rod., chris Raby. Dear Santa I bave been a good girl. Wouid you please came ta aur bouse this year. My sister Angela and I have try as best as we can. I wouid like a record player a neclace and Leatarts my sister wouid-like some Play Dae. I hope you bave a merry christmas. Love Melissa and Angela Bnignal 12 Durham St. Bowmanviiie Ont. Grandpop. They don't bave a fireplace but I wiil leave the front door open for you. Couid you piense bring me Miiky the Cow and a Lego set. I will leave you some miik and same of my Great Graiidma's homemade coakies. She is a goad cook! Thank y'ou and Merry Christmas ta yau. Love Julie Lynn 23 Jane bt. Bowmanville Dear Santa: How are yau? For Christ- mas please bring me an army set, matchblox part, a red typewriter, a dant game, a hockey shirt withi a "B" on it, a pencil sharpener, a flash- light, a radia and a blue record player. Love. Brad I will leave you cookies and milk. Our Reg. Price $1.54 RED HOTS â 1 lb. pkg. î i Save64~kg. BEST BUY .- RACLEa .ý.KO-LIDAY STORE HOU RS [BJEST BUY- 1 Save 20e IL