,Vutcýman, Now is the time to plan your special function, group dinner or family gathering at THE CAPTAIN'S TABLE ... a warm inviting room with, soft lights, candlelight, a profusion of fresh poin- settias .-. . a glistening tree, festive music... a gingerbread house with candy treats for thri eveythngto make your visit a memorable one. Whether it's a businessmen's luncheon or dining by candlelight you and your friends wiII en/ .o y the great atmosphere. . . the superbmeals from the kitchen of Chef Peter Flanagan ... our very special Fam i/y Corner to keep that budget in mind. .. also agreat sa/ad bar. To keep the pace lively, stay longer and enjoy Our PRISMS DISCO LOUNGE where you can try the Iatest disco steps ... Corne early- stay Iate. Remember reservations are requested so book early book now. Telephone 623-3373. HOLIDAY DINING ROOM HOURS CHRISTMAS DAY 12 NOON - 9:00 p.m. NEW YEAR'S EVE 5 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. NEW YEAR'S DAY 12 NOON - 9:00 p.m. RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED FOR SPECIAL HOLIDAY MENU. Prisms Disco Lounge open Wed., Thurs., Fr., Sat.. 8:30 p.m. to close. Dining Room open daily 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. 4&ý__MOTOR INN M Liberty St. S. of 401 623-3 373, Bowmanville lst Enniskillen Cub Mothers R aise Funds at Mail Many gift items made by the mothers of lst Cubs. These ladies were on duty, from left to right Enniskillen Wolf Cubs were presented for sale at Pat Drysdale, Arlene Rowan, Bey. Van Doys anc1 Bowmanville Mail on Saturday to raise funds for Rena Adams. the various activities such as camp of their young, Oshawa Symphony Will Perform- The Pirates- of, Prenzanee with Choral Society, Special Guests< Corne and enter the world of pirates of the Barbary Coast. The music from the "Pirates of Penzance", a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, will be performed by the Oshawa Symnphony Orchestra with special guests, the Osha- wa Choral Society. This con- cert will be held, Sunday, January 21, 1979 at 8:00 p.m. in Eastdale Auditorium.' "The Pirates of Penzance" is an enthralling story of notorious pirates, involving love, hate, greed, jealousy, al the emotions which make this a classic operetta. The entire production should, prove to be an exciting entertainment pack- age when joined together with the pre-concert dinner at the Holiday Inn. The dinner is a service offered to concert- goers only. So eat, drink and be merry and corne to the Pops 2 concert on Sunday, Maple Grove W.I. Christmas poern. Mrs. C. Maple Grove W.I., U.C.W.1 Russell and Mrs. P. Melntyre and a large number of guests sang 'Love Came downy at met in the C.E. Hall on Dec. Christmas' and !'Mary's LuI- 7th at 6:30 p.m. for a pot luck laby'.- Mrs. A. Vandergaast supper. gave a bit of history about Mrs. A. Vandergaast, W.I. three of our Christmas sym- Pres. was in charge of the bols,' namely the candie, the evening. After the singing of tree and Our greeting cards. grace, all partook of a The "candie"ý represents sumptuous casserole and fan- Christ as the light of the world. cy dessert meal. The "tree" is likened to Christ Mrs. V. Bryant, Hampton 'being the treeI of life. The District President of the W. . greeting card" started in the brought greetings and read a l9th century when postage poem 'Christmas Glow' writ- was cheap. The sale of ten by a 16 yr. old girl from the Christmnas Cards became Prairies. Ail the ladies intro- commercialized in 1860. duced themselve and said a A collection in aid of the littie about any of the offices Salvation Army Christmas they held either in W.I. or fund amounted to over $53. U.C.W. We ail enjoyed more singing Christrnas, carols were en- of Christmas Carols. Mrs. M. joyed with Mrs. C. Russell Brooks, U.C.W. President con- leading and Mrs. W. Laird at ducted a couple! of contests the piano. The Christmas which provided mach laugh- Story from the Bible was read ter. Mrs. C. Soutter on behaîf by -Mrs. H. Prescott. of the guests expressed thanks Mrs. Wm. Polak read a to the Maple Grove ladies January 21, 1979. For tIckets please contact Saywell' s Leather Goods, Alto Music and the Symphony office in the Arts Resource Centre (directly behind City Hall) at 579-6711. If interested in thie pre-concert dinnet- at the Holiday Inn, please con- tact Karen Caspell at the above number. ncrý,.299; DEAN W e O AV E.ar OSHAWA REDCRS 576-1220CR S Chargex Blood Donor NORMANS ENTERTAINMENT Zenith SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS TELEVISION - STEREO MODULARS RECORDS and TAPES BOWMAVILLEMALLOSHAWA 623MN-VLLEMAL 555 Rossland Rd.E. 62.F30-5Mon., Tues.,Sa. 9-,306 Mon.Fi. :3-9Wed.,Thurs.,Fri. 9:30-9 "Vour One Stop Record Shop. Cable Channel 10 4 Big Gomes Every Wednesday Grand Prize Winner: Mrs R. Shody, Oshawa. Mrs. P. Baîey, Oshawa; Miss A. Pudel,,Bowmanvuîle; Mrs. R. Mosal, Oshawa; Miss C. Mitchell; Mrs E. McNeil, Oshawa; J. White, Oshawa; Mrs G. Roberts, Oshawa. startmng af 6-30 p.m. Bingo Cards Avoulable ot ALEX MCGREGOR DRUGS MR SURMARINE 5 King St. W i.KngSI.E. FOODWORTH'S VARIETY & GROCý NORTH-END MARKET Hwy. 2, Cout o. 101LbertySI.N. FRANKES CONFEC TIONERY TUTTIE'S VARIETY 43 King SI. E.87Onaro S. GISELA VARIETY SMOKER'S and GIFT CORNER 27 Second SI.B.owmnnv e Mal LIBERTY BOWL LIMITED THE SUBWAY PIZZERIA Base Line Rd. E.KngSt.E. JEFFREY'S SUPERETTE Liberty Street South Cards 501, each -or 3 for $1.00 r King's Garden Restaurant and Tavern '"Specializing in Chinese Food"' Place your orders now- for Take-Out Service to your Telephone 623-4255 We'Il coter to any number of people. Open New Year's- Eve N Open New Year's Day.' OPEN, CHRISTMAS DAY DINNER SERVED FROM 4:00 P.M. 73 King St ast Bowmanville, ~Cýris tma1s at -tfhe Ti m e Fry i nS, %6 do