2o, The Canadian Statesmaln, Bowmanville, December 20, 1978 Section Two Dear Santa How are you? 1 arn glad Christmas is coming. It is my favourrite holiday. 1 like al the decorations that we put up. But the thing I like best is when people open presents that 1 gave them and that they are happy with them. The things I want for C hristmas are: a camera or a watch. Please do flotforget momh and dad and my sister. Love: Melanie Bull grade 3 1978 Dear Santa, How are you? When you go to one house and a boy is bad What do you give him? A rotton egg or a, rock~. On christmas eve? 1I will leave you eight carrots and two cookies and a glass of milk Now I will tell you what I really want for christmas. 1 wouid please like Das and a barbie star travellor and Bonkers please. 1Thank you Lisa Shuiga Grade 3 Dear Santa! How are vou? 1 arn fine and some day 1 will get to see my friend Jo-ann and her baby Robert. But when 1 get there I think it wiii be fun, because there is snow up there. And now 1 will tell you what I wish for o.k. I should like a real camera and Baby this 'n that. love Susan-Chatelain. 1 arn in Grade 3. 6th Dec 1978 St. Nikolaus Dear Santa. I want a skidoo and a minny bike that can go a 500 mile"s pr hour and if you do bring then. I want a Handa 100, I want a T.C.R. racing car trak and 4 more things: a sterio for my room and a TV for my room and a pair of speakers and a desk and a CB Leiny 40. Grade 2*+3 Blain Wease Dear Santa How are you? How are you feeling? My Sisters were very good. I want a T.C.R. a camera and a punching bag a star wars set a star wars record player, and two walki-takis 1 arn sure I can't have ahl of this but maybe one big thing. Love Preston Gr 2 Dear Santa: how are You, feeling? May I please have a ski-doo or sornetlhing from themickrons I hope you have a safe trip. I will leave cookies for you My sister is very grumpy like most girls, and I try to help my Mom and Dad. South C. Gr. 2 +3. - LWVctovek CUkddtitg At City Hall, Calgary, Aiber- ta, on Saturday, November 25th, 1978 at 3 p.m., Judge R., Hanslo united in marriage Diane E. Westover, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bates, Il Flett Street, Bow- manville and James Douglas Snider, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Snider, Picton. Given in marriage by her parents the bride wore a- formai gown of ecru siik polyester with a rnatching chiffon, waist length cape. The g own was designed with a V neck and a gathered waist. Wearing a real flower head dress, she carried a matching bouquet of goid, bronze and white baby mus The matrornof shonor was Mrs. Sandra Sellers of Bow- manville, who wore a formai gown of paie chocolate brown silk and carried a bouquet similar to the bride's. Letters to Dear Santa-. Ho(w are you? Are youi 0k? Did you havea lovely time 1 wish 1 could please have sorne toys. Could 1 have an easy bake oven and some toys like dolis. I sould like some colouring books. and white skates and maybe babT This and that. 11 y frorn Alice Love Santa Marry Marry 1978 Christmas Santa Dear Santa, How are you today? I am fine. 1 will be nice to my sister. and 1 try to make her happy. please may I have - an easy bake oven and kim ... a littie car. I have been trying to help my mother do the dishes. Love Laura Grade 2 Dear Santa How are you feeling. I try to be good to my Sister. 1 try to do my work in School.! I arn seven years old I wish that I could have a stuffed dog andi a cat and I would like the baby this and that. Love Lori Grade 2 1978 6th Dec. Wed. Dear Santa, How are you? I arn fine. What do you give a boy or girl if they are bad? 1 will try to put sorne cookies on the table. Could I havesome of these things? A watch, stuffed Paddington Bear, Game, Camera, Good Puppy, a box of crayons, a barbie a typerwrit- er. My family is so happy that they can't wait! Love Carole Backler Grade 3 West Courtice Dear Santa How are you? I try to bç good to my brother and sister. 1 arn seven years old. lis Rudoif coming this year. I would like a Death star space station, A Tie fighter and a Landspeeder, A star wars game and strecharm strong and strechmonster. I arn sure 1 can have one big thing. Love Scott Leitch. Grade 2 Dear Santa How are you? 1 arn fine! I don't think it's going to be a white Christmas, do you? I arn in grade 3, 1 arn 8 years old.j I would like a kiss record and a Abba record. My Mother wouid like a pair of slipper's. Good bye for now - Susan M. Grade 3 Dear Santa Claus 1 arn going to be good. I wish 1 can have T.C.R. and stretcharrntrong. I wish I can get a record player too. Love David Grade 2 Best man was Mr. Dale Foster, brother-in-iaw of the groom. The groom chose an ecru coiored suit with brown trim and 'the best man a chocolate brown suit with an ecru shirt. At the reception heid at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Jobst (nee Lydia Bates) the mother of the bride wore a formai gown of pale blue and white polyester knit with a waist iength cape and a white orchid corsage. Mrs. Lydia Jobst assisted receiving the guests and wore a formai gown of paie blue, and a corsage of white carnations. Leaving for a honeymoon in Banff, Aberta, the bride wore matching pale brown siik siacks, dress top and a corsage of orange carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Snider are now residing at 5325 26th Avenue, 5.W., Cagary, Aberta. ýanta Cla us 6th, Dec ., 1978. Dear Santa, How are you? 1 arn fine!. 1 am in grade 3 and rny teacher's name is Mrs. Kelly. I would like a tipwriter. I world like a game. I hope you have a very, very, good! Chrismas. Merry Christmas Santa. love Tammy . Qinn. Dear Santa, How are you feliing good?. -. Are you tired of ail your trips? Santa hear is what 1 really want, (race track T.C.R.), or a camera or a gane or a miny bike. I know it mite be to much but mabe you could give me one thing. I an 8 year's oid. I an in Mrs. Kelly' class grad three. Love Troy Neill. 6th, Dec. 1978 St. Nikolaus. Dear Santa, How are you? I arn fine! I arn in grade 3. 1 have got twin sisters. They are both il1 and both in grade 6. They are 3 years older than me. Our Mom and Dad are both stij, young. I have been selfish sometimes but I will try not to be. I will be good! My sisters want a watch and so do 1 and 1 aiso wish for a Stuffed Paddington Bear! I think my rnor and dad wish they had a new oven and a dish washer. I wish I had a dog or a cat Ithink awouid lîke acat! Best Wishes Deanna Barnes xxoo xo! 6th Dec 1978 St. Nikolaus Dear Santa How are you I hope you will give ail of the toys wiek for I shouid like a TCR race track and a toy motor-bike and a toy ski-doo and a pair of pants and a shirt thamk you. Love Terry Dear Santa How are you I arn fine and I will- try to dlean my room. 1 wish for a watch and a camera. 1 hope that you wil have a good tme going home. My brother wishes for a game too. A Merry Chrristmas to you. Grade 3 Love Judith Dear Santa, How are you today How many toys do you have? May be 1 couid have a quik change machine. 1 wîil be good in School. Love Danny Shrisda Dear Santa, garde 2 + 3 1 arn in 3. How are you. 1 an fine. The snow has gone but a little bit. At school we have a Christmas calendar. Every day we open a door. What I would like for Christmas i: Big Butty horse or Star Tariver or Eaton's Flower Shop is ready to help you deck those halls! Philadendron, Boston fern and Swedish ivy are greening. Poinset- tias are in full f Iower. Hang- ing baskets. Let's do some- thing Christmasy for you. PLANTS, DEPT. 480 Soup tureen just waiting 10 be fiiled with the specialty of the ýhouse! High.gloss ceramic f rom llaIy in warm beige with brown - ' bocomplement any table. Tureen, lid, ladie and plate, 38.50 the set. You're sure to beý among the firsl to be invited to dinner! A robe is a robe is a robe - unless'it's a Vanity Fair. Deep, deep wrap. Twin pockets. And colours to light up the morning. Wine, blue, red or spice in cotton- and-polyester velour that feels 50 nice to get next to. Tell her she can wash it - you may even get an extra hugl Sizes S., M., L. Each 55.00. L0UNOEWEAR, DEPT. 209' An original plece of art shaped and signed by art. ,,/ ,~.ists of the Canadian norlh. Cool t0 the touch, warm in ..... feeling and rich in exper. ience. Reflecting in colour the vitality of 'this Arctic land. Come find a master. piece for someone you love - that wiil endure ________________ for al l ime. Prices range from 31.00 to 7 8.00. OIFT SHOP, DEPT. 218 Hand it: to hlm, he's a nifty dresser. But something he doesn't have we'll wager is a pair of Hungarian Tannimnpex Suede Gloves., Handsewn in reverse lamb- skin suede leather. Pair 28.00. MEN'S PURNISHINOS, DEPT. 228 A bit of the new soft shoe sox when they're int the let's - kick-off - our - shoes routinie. Sneaker topped and cushioned soled in stretchy cotton-and-nylon. White with navy, gold- colour, green, blue or red print in one stretch size. Pair 4.00. MEN'S FURNISHINOS, DEPT. 228 Let him tie the knot in a nifty zodiac tie - and think of you. Over-all pattern with his birthday sign in navy or brown acetate. And just think- you won't have to worry about size. For just 10.00. MEN'S FURNISHINOS, DEPT. ~28 Security blanket for noses 'cause noses need cotton when they're man- sized noses. Twelve hem- stilched hankies, packaged in a homespun baie of cotton - 10 make him feel secure, even with the worst of winter's head colds. Package, each 7.50> - and Onyai Eaton's. M'SFIJRNISHINGS, DEPT. 228 A touch of glass from ltaly. Sparkling serving pieces for c'heese, em- bossed with names of some of the best - Gouda, Roquefort, Bri e, etc. Great gift for a cheese-loving host or hostess. Plate with grips, 12.50 *ach; cheese tray with handie, 21,50 each and smal cheese plates at 5.50 *ach. CHINA, DEPT. 252 Games kid& play, along with. huggy stuffed animais, dolîs that cuddle, bikes and. trikes and trucks that dump. A treasure of toys for ail the smiall boys and, girls you know - find them wilh one quick trip 10 Eaton's Toyland. And don't forget those 'Corgi' match- box cars 10 tucký inside theïr sokns TOYS, DEPT. 227 Kodak Coiorburst 100 Instant Camera. Auto- matic motorized print eject- ion and exposure control. Uses fiipflash or electronlo flash. Uses Kodak Instant Print Film PR10 for instant color pictures. Eaoh 34.85. CAMERAS, DEPT. 5 12 Boxed chocolates. The perfect 'solution for your "what - 1o - gel.- the - hosl.- or- hostess"l problem! You can choos 'e f rom our sweel selection of Laura Secord chocolates. Laura Secord, assorted 1-1b. box. Box 4.25. Laura Secord, thin minIs, 7-oz. box. Box 2.25. CANDIES, D!PT. 214 ~EATO N'S~o is Santa's Store CHRISTrMAoS STrORE HOURS: Open Wedne'sday, Thursday, Friday 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.