The similar headress as brides- maids. She carried a basket of coral, sonya primroses with white miniature flowers - streamers accented with sonya and coral primroses. Best man was Mr. Douglas Riekard, and the ushers were Messrs Bill McCullough, Bill Wright; cousin of the groom, Darreil Barrett, and Don Wright, brother-in-law of the bride. Ring bearer was Robert Rowe, cousin of the bride. A reception and dance was held at the Newcastle Town Hall, where the bride's mother received the guests in a formai, coral chiffon gown Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 20, 1978 with matching cape and a corsage of peach, silk roses and white star flowers. She was assisted in receiving by the groom's mother who chose a formai gown of ,sandalwood jersey and a corsage of beige and brown silk roses. Leaving for a honeymoon at St. Pete's Beach, Florida, the bride wore a three piece grey suit with a mauve and grey corsage and matching flowers in her coiffure. Mr. and Mrs. Wright are now residing on Arthur Street, Newcastle. Postal Service Over Christmas The Christmas Holiday schedule at Bowmanville Post Office is as, follows: December 25th, 26th and January lst - Ail Services Cancelled. Saturday, December 23rd - Rural Route Deliveries only; - Parcel Post as required; - other- wise normal Saturday service. Reverend G. Corvers united in marriage Tilly Bouma and Ralph Aardema, on Saturday, October 28th, 1978, at 5 p.m. in Maranatha Christian Reformed Church, Bowmanville. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. G. Bouma, Bowmanville and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. K. Aardema from ]Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Aardema are now residing in Peterborough at 123 Dumble Avenue. Photo by Astor Studio. Sehool ,Board Kept Cost Low In a comparison of per pupil costs by sehool boards across the province, the Northumber- land and Newcastle Board of Edularetienroment.s pqut Lookingatth compt bards for 1977 at te elementary spenthorebtanlaorhumne laddNewcastle.tesitet LogAtcompariomofbrdgte Cy ad Eizabth hurcleycosts per pupil for 1978 itr and taffatfouty1 oar at the elet ent,43arsevel eeathatre o 4 pnore ninstruc ianï2 3ay thne St W. Bownnvland budgted mre fortransporta- taion Iioo total expendi,4 M{) VAN BELLE YOUR CHRUsTrMAS FLOR AL Shoppes Delight everyone on your Christmnas list with an un- forgettable gift! Send the * FTD Season's GreeterR' Bouquet-gaily decorated * with mhini. gift packages, f estively arranged in FTD's exclusive marbleized pedestal boWl. Caîl or stop in to make your gift selections today. We send living, loving holiday gifts almost anywhere, the FTD way. We really get around ... ~ for you! SEND ONE ... TAKE ONE HOME' OUR FTD SEASON'S GREETER BOUQUET A LIVING, LOVING HOLIDAY GIFT Sýe 623-4441 579-1118 728-5159 623-1888 A~ COURTICE OSAWA WEST OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE Highway 2 0292 King Street NORTH 31 King Street Yes, we are West 1FI24 Simcoe Street West o pe n. N ew Garden Centre North addition wiII be and NWOE an nexi Floral Shoppe Floral Shoppe NWOE VAN BELLE NOW OPEN 9 a.m.- 9 p.m. SATURD AY UNTIL 6 p.m. lUk[gât - 'Pakkeh6l3kddilig On September 2nd, 1978, at 3 p.m., in Newcastle United Church,, Reverend David Spivey united in marriage Viola Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parker, and James Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wright, ail of Newcastle. The organist was Mrs. Stanley Payne, and the organist Mrs. Arlene Ayre. Given in marriage by her parents the bride wore a formai gown of white jersey which featured a high neckline, sheer yoke, an empire waist, and long, slim sleeves ail highlighted with silk Viennese lace. A full length mantilla veil formed a cape trimmed with Viennese lace, and she carried a cas- cade of Sonja and white prim- roses with white star flowers (ail silk). The bridai attendants were the maid of honor, Miss Jacqueline Adamis, brides-. maids Mrs. Donald Wright, sister of the bride, Miss Wendy Ayre, Miss Karen Duffy, and the flower girl, e boards budgeted more. 2 At the secondary level, >_there are 38 county boards that operate secondary j systems. 0f these, Northumberland and New- r castle has the seventeenth largest enrolment. 4 In comparing actual costs 1 per pupil expenditure at the secondary level for business 7 administration in 1977, -Northumberland and 3 Newcastle ranked lowest - 37 boards spent more. For instruction, 32 boards spent more and 20 spent more for transportation. In total expenditures, 28 boards spent more. Figures show Northumber- land and Newcastle at the bottom end of the scale foi budgeted costs per pupil for business administration at the secondary level in 1978. In the- field. of instruction, 32 boards budgeted more per pupil at the secondary level for 1978 while only 19 budgeted more f or transportation. 0f the 38, 27 budgeted more than Northumberland and Newcastle for total expendi- tures. Leuter Io Editor Dear Editor: SYou have a teen-age gentle- man in your community whomn I wish to commend on his courage, determination, swift- ness and fortitude - for it was those traits in this eighteen- year-old boy that saved my life and that of my 11-year-old son.' Andy Jarvis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jarvis, Hampton, was driving home from work at Courtice Specialty Steel in Scarborough, early Saturday a.m., Sept. 23. He was driving on Taunton Road near Audley Road sideroad and noticed two over-turned cars, both aflame., He courageously crawled in my overturned car, stuck my feet through the window, then pulled both my son and me out through the broken window. I publicly wish to thank hlm for his concern for others, his outstanding determination to work fast and for risking bis life for our safety. Andy took the time to visît me at the Ajax Hospital on two occasions and wcnt to see Kurt at Toronto Sick Children's Hospital as well. And, often it is said that today's teenagers are going to "pot". This one is NOT! 1Ithink this shy, reserved teenager deserves to be called a real gentleman, a pride to bis community and he'hl be a friend of mine, forever. Thanks Andy! Mrs. Harriet Holton Sherry Lee Wright, niece of primroses, accented with the bride. The maid of honor beige and brown bachelo r and bridesmaids wore buttons - the streamers had sea-foam green tiered gowns sonya primroses with of polyester jersey, with miniature white flowers. matching capes and flower at The flower girl wore a shoulder uine. Their hair sea-foam green jersey gown pieces were Lily of the Valley wîth ruffle at hemline accent- tînted sea-foam green' and ed at waist with white Val lace sonya. They carried nosegays which also trimmed her of coral, sonya and white matching cape. She wore a iThe staff and management of Artistic Barber and Beauty' Salon Iwish a Merry Christmas to ail their f friends and customers! We are proudi to introduce to our staff Trudy Russell. 1 arn pleased to be back to serve ail my frienIds and customers. 4 Please call or drop in.4 We stili have appoint- 4 ment openings- for Christmas and New Year's. Gift certificates4 are available Un any amount. With 6 hair stylists we can serve y !ou better and f aster. Artistic Barber & Beauty Salon 233 King St., E. 623-2931 m m m m - - m m m m M M MI M »ý» M',