The Stor>y of the Sad Little Shepherd Boy One nigbt, many bivn- dreds of years ago, a littie sbepberd boy was feeling sorry for himself. Tbis littie shepherd was feeling sorry for imself be- cause he wasn't snuggled in bis bed at bore... instead, be was on a cold bilîside on the outskirts of Betblehem, trying bard to keep warm ias be helped bis fatber te nd sheep. Usually the boy's older brother went out in the ev'e- nings with the father; the younger boy bad tbe much more pleasant task of tend- ing the herd during tbe day. Then it was fun - be could run and play wîth the other sheépherd boys or tell stories of marvelous deeds. But, tonigbt the older brother was away on a visit and so the littie shepherd boy had been called upon to fui in for bis brother. "Tending the flock at night is no fun at all'"tbe young boy thought to himself as he drew nearer the fire to warm Deck the hall with bou ghs of holl y, Fa la la la la, îa la la la! 'Tsthe season to Le jolîy, Fa la la la la, la la la la! Don we now o ur gay apparel; Fa la la la l'a la la! Troll the ancient Yuletide carol, Fa la la la lça, la la la la! See the blazing Yule he fore us, Fa la la la la, la la la la! Strike the harp and join the chorus, Fa la la la la, la la la la! Foilow me in merry measure, Fa la la la la la la! While I tell of YLletide treasure, Fa la la la la, la la la la! his hands. Besides, he was sleepy! By now he would have been sound asleep in bis own bed at borne, witb bis dog curled at the foot of the bed. As it was, he feit very sorry for himself, in- deed. The boy looked up at the stars, trying to remember al the names bis fatber had taught bim. He saw tbat'one star was especially bright and tbought, "I've neyer noticed tbat one before!" He called to bis father, furtber down tb e siope. -Wbat is tbe name of that star?" The boy's father looked toward the heavens and stood, gaz- ing, for many moments be- fore he called to otber shep- berds at tbe edge of tbe flock. Tbey were ail puzzled by the appearance of the brigbt star and the littie boy feit as tbougb be bad made a discovery. From time to time, be would look up from bis father's flock to gaze at the star. It was getting barder and barder to stay awake, bow- ever, and before long tbe boy was startled by a sbout fromn one of the sbepberds. Tbe man pointed toward the heavens, where a, dazzling ligbt met their gaze. Tbat ligbt now became an angel before tbeir astonished eyes! The littie shepberd was filled witb fear . . . be bad neyer beard of sucb a tbing,, much less seen it! Even the boy's father and tbe other' sbepberds were afraid. But, the angel reassured tbem. "Be not afraid," it said. "For bebold, I bring you good news of a great joy whicb will corne to ail tbe people; for to you is born tbis day in tbe city of David a Savior, wbo is Christ tbe Lord." And the, angel told tbe awestruck sbepberds that they would find the In the hush of the Sholiday we quietly ~ Psay thanks and hope '4 Syou have a smply Swonderful holiday! you ail SAt his fime of the year,: A plentiful measure of: Management and Staff of SWarkworth Cheese House Hwy. 115and 35 M From the Staf f of M DURHAM M MREAL ESTATEM M Bowmanville M M99 King St. E. - 623-3911M looking after the mother and the tiny Infant. Speechless at fîrst, tht shepherds began to talk al] at cnce, describing to Mary and Joseph the vision of the arigels. Only the little shep- herd boy was quiet, gazing aIl the while at the infant Jesus. Later on, he would tell his fri'ends ail about it. They would listen to the story of the angels and the Babe in the manger over and over, and neyer tire of hearing it. And the littie shepherd boy would neyer tire of tell- ing that story ... and he would neyer, ever feel sorry for himself again! Babe in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clotbs. Tben, an even more won- derful sight - suddenly, tbere were hundreds of angels singing, "Glory to God in the highest, and on eartb peace among men with whom be is pleased!" Then, as suddenly as tbey had appeared, the host of angels were gone. The shep- berds stood there, dazed. At last, one of tbem spoke: "Let us go to Bethlehem and see this thing that bas hap- pened, which the Lord bas made known to us." The others quickly agreed and set about toward the town of Bethlehem. No longer sleepy, the lit- te shepherd ran to keep pace with bis father and the other shepherds. Cold and sleepiness were ail forgot- ten as he helped to hurry the flocks down toward the littie town. At last tbey came to the cave sheltering the new- born Babe. The shepherds entered that humble cave as tliough it were a splendid temple, and the littie shepherd boy did not have to be told to kneel wben be saw the In- fant, wrapped in strips of clotbs and lying in a manger, just as the angel bad told tbem. How beauti- fui the Babe was! How young the mother, smiling 50 tenderly at her Child. How devoted ber husband, Section Three A Holiday Quiz For Youngsters Do you bave the "Christ- mas Spirit?" Here's a Merry Christ- mas quiz! Fi in the blank spaces witb the letters need- ed to, speil the answer to each question. Compare your answers to those be- low to find your score. 1. Frosty the_______ 2. Green leaves in a circu- lar shape: 3. Jesus was born in the town of ________ 4. Santa lives at the The Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanville. December 20, 1978 Pole. 5. Rudolph, the Red-Nosed 6. You find these under tree: 7., Sma1I white çrystals of frozen water are ______ 8. -___ to the World! 9. A heavenly creature witb wings: 10. The Holy Child's mother, SCORE 10 to 7 correct- Full of Christmas joy! 4 to 6 correct- Fairly "'Merry." 1 to 3 correct - Needs more Christmas spirit! -ý'JIN .01 L .slJ!'O -9 .JDâpUJ. Don't Open Until January 6th In many countr ies, Christmas celebratinig con- tinues until January 6th, which is known as Twelfth Night, the feast of the Epi- phany or Three Kings' Day. Because this is tradition- ally the day that the Wise Men presented tbeir gifts to the Christ Child, many countries exchange their izifts at this time. Kids! Color the Christmas Tree! a momew le auj&4ùtma4to aid! From ail cf us ai METAL PRODUCTS ~ Simpson Ave., Bowmanville Telephane 623-5232 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M Mhs Chitm s M. e is ný.edn MMnae Santaffinof M your ehea 72n3-ome412 loveds-e an d odcer gou To the people in the Bowmanvill The students of Bowmanville High their many successful activities li your fine community support and ci made ail of these pt Merry Christr SHappy New' From Ail of the - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lie igh choo Disrict i Scool re tankfl fo in 178. e relizetih M 'O-oeratve efort hav )ossiblM nas and Year lie Highe Sch Dstct. M iScho aenthnkul fr Gin 1978inWePrealizentha Vicoe rative efts av W Christmas off ers us a jolly opportunity to wish ail the oh Santas who sbop with us a very happy holiday season. Thank you for your patronage. n oward L. lvWood Transpmort COMFORT