6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 20, 1978 Celebrate 65th Wedding Anniversary On December 9,,1978 Mr. and Mrs. Water T. Pingie, 189 Church St. ceiebrated their 65th wedding anniversary with open house in the Trinity United Church Sunday School Hall, Bowmanvilie, with their 7 children, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pingie, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pingle, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McRobbie, ail of Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pingle, Woodstock, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. Benny Swenson, Aliston, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Spicer, Ottawa, Ont., and Mrs. Reginald Buer, Tampa, Fioida, who flew home in time to surprise her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Pingie were pieased with the numerous relatives and friends,'coming from far and near to make it such a memorable occasion. Messages, teiegrams and plaques of congratulations were received from Her Majesty The Queen, tjhe Premier of Ont., Mr. Wm. Davis, delivered in person, to their home, by Sam Cureatz M.P.P. for Durham East. Alan Lawrence M.P., Northumberland and Durham Leader of Opposition Joe Clark, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, Mayor Garnet Rickard and the Council of the Corp. of the Town ofBowman- ville. U.C.W. Group No. 5 graciousiy provided the delicious and bouritiful lunch with Mrs. Harold Hammond in charge. Mrs. Oscar Pingle, Mrs. Ron Pingie, Mrs. Bruce Pingle and Mrs. Thomas Goudy poured tea and their grand. daughters and nieces served. Several arrangements and bouquets of flowers were received, inciuding a plaque made of yellow sweetheart roses from their 20 great grandchiidren,' also a stereo from their grandchildren and great grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Pingie are biessed with thein 7 chiidren and families, including 23 grandchildren and 20 great grandchiidren. To compiete the evening Mn. and Mrs. Pingle took their family out to dinner. SHAW'S We Weicome to our com- munity, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lansing, who necentiy moved to their new home on the Providence Road. We trust they will enjoy country life after the excitement of living in Oshawa. Miss Patti VanMeer. of Attawapiskat Hospital, Jamesà Bay, spent a week recently, with ber parents, Ray and Eleanor VanMeer. She bas now returned to her work and will be ceiebrating the Christ- mas season there in much the same way as we do down this way. Patti finds the work both interesting and challenging and thonoughly enjoys the role that the hospital personnel must assume in such a remote area. Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Camp- bell recentiy accepted an invitation from Mr. W. Kay, Resource Teacher at the Bnock High School, Canning- ton to show the film on Participation House in that School. The students thene, were very attentive and inter- ested in this project. Partici- pation House will actually be iocated at the opposite end of the Region for the Cannington people, and for this reason, it is not too weli understood. Severai students have since volunteered for the upcoming Telethon which has a base in Cannington. These volunteers are much appreciated. Congratulations are extend- ed to Ivan Bail, who recently won the Pringie Trophy at the Oshawa Camera Club for his photograph entitied Doorway. Jim and Teresa Legon, Peterborough, Paul Scott, Newcastle, Dennie and Dave Donevan and Glenn and Ann Quinney attended the Neil Diamond Concert at the Buf- falo Memorial Auditorium on Tues., Dec. 5th and returned on the Wed. It was a fabulous concert, and Mrs. Quinney reports it was a complete. seli-out. Among those from Shaw's who enjoyed the Band Concert at the High Schooi last Tues. were the Geraid Brown fam- ily, Mariiynn Dow and John, Jessie Mostert and Caroline, Margaret Killeen and John David, and the Walter Hend- rikx family. The Shaw's Ladies' Group entertained their husbands at King Gardens iast Wed. at their annual Christmas dinnen. There were sixteen in the group and they thoroughly enjoyed the fine dinner and gracious service. Afterwards they ail went to the home of Charlie and Vera Downey, Town, and spent the afternoon in visitîng and'some good games of euchre. Mr. Harvey Aiken, Ponty- pool spent a few days last week with his daughter and her family - the Killeens. He also enjoyed seeing, the High Schooi and hearing the young people in the various bands that played in the concert. It was nice to hear that Mrs. Mildred Quinney now of Town, bas just returned from a ten day visit to Florida. While there, she stayed in Orlando and enjoyed the usual sight seeing tours to Disneyland etc. Congratulations to June and Bill Bragg on the arrivai of twin grandchildren to Anna and Barry in Toronto Wo- men's College Hospital iast Wed. evening. The babies, a wee girl and boy, arrived after a thrilling 12 minute ride by helicopter from Bowmanville to Toronto. We wish them al the best. Gordon and Doreen Barrie attended the Annuai meeting of the United Co-operators of Ontario at the Royal York Hotel iast week. Attending the Bowmanviiie P.U.C. Christmas Dinner and Dance last Friday evening were AI and Marg Quinney, Maple Grove, Dan and Ethel Hall, Orono, Garnet and Annabelle Rickard and Glenn and Ann Quinney of Shaw's. The Shaw's correspondent wouid wish ail readers a very Happy Christmas and much good heaith, Happiness and Prosperity in 1979. We would ail join in a similar wish for the Statesman staff and spec-, il good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. James. Unit 6 of Trinity Church held their Christmas meeting at St. Andrews Church Hall. The tables were decorated with Christmas candles and a Santa Claus favor at each place. After'a delicious turkey dinner, Gladys Ashton and Alne Ayre presented the Christmas Devotional in story and song.' We were then entertained by two visitors. One an old neighbour lady who waS tàking time out of her busy schedule Christmas Eve to rock in front of the firepiace and reminisce about how fortunate we had been al year. While reading the ever popular Night Before Christ- mas, who should appear but Mrs. Santa Claus. After read- ing a humorous letter she had received, she distributed a tiny Christmas sock to every- one which contained Christ- mas cake, shortbread and candy. This was followed by a refreshing glass of punch provided by the committee of June Bragg, Gladys Ashton and Pheobe Skinner assisted by Alice Beech. Those attend- ing from Shaw's were June Bragg, Ethel Wight, Alne Ayre, Aileen Turner, Heather and Doreen Barrie. School Bd. Forms Its Cominittees Membership on the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion's vanlous committees was approved in Cobourg Thurs- day night. Standing committees include finance, saiany, non- teaching personnel, trans- portation, liaison with the Roman Catholic Separate School Board, liason wîth recrçation, curriculum and safety and health. Appointed to sit on the salary committee were Bill Carman, Emmett Creighton, E. C. Parken, Harriett Reisier and AI Werry. George Cameron, D.J. Oliver, Sheila Parker and Syd Worden were named to the non-teaching personnel com- mittee. Doug Gait, George Cameron, A. McFee, D. J. Oliver, Harriett Reisler, Syd Worden and Keith Shackelton will sit on the transportation commnittee. AI Werry and George Cameron are members of the saeyand health committee. eryaiso sits on the commit- tee charged with liaison with the Roman Cathlic Separate School Board aiong with Emmett Creighton and A. McFee. Bill Carrxlan, Doug Gait and Keith Shackeiton were appointed to the committee responsible for liaison with recreation. All trustees are members of the finance .and curriculum committees. At present ad hoc commit- tees deal with nutrition, French, closed schools, Ganaraska, performance and deciining enroiment. Syd Worden, A. McFee and D. J. Oliver were named to sit on the nutrition committee. Members of the French committee are Bill Carman, A. McFee, E. C. Parken and Ian Wilson. B. W. Gibb, Sheila Parker and Syd Worden sit on the ciosed schools committee. George Cameron, Bill Carman and Emmett Creighton were named to the Ganaraska committee. Car- man was aiso appointed to the committee on declining enrol- ment aiong with Doug Gait, B. W. Gibb, Sheila Parker and Ian Wilson. The performance' review committee consists of Emmett Creighton, E. C. Parken, D. J. Oliver and Sheila Parker. Board chairman Andy Thompson is an ex-officio member of ail committees. ~Fl owers and Plants,....... e The Perfect Christmas Gift (especially for last minute shoppers!) S Give us a cal! and have poinsettias, cyclamen, mums or azaleas sent to plant Sloyers. Cut Jlowers or arrangements, especially the F.I. D. Season's Greeter wIll brighten any dinner table. Remember, we're as near as your phone and delivery in Bowmanville is SFREE. 'Gift Certificates are available CARNATION FLOe%ýWER "%'w' -YA SHOP 33 Division Street, Bowmanville 623-7141 or 623-5577 - ý M "A Very Merry Christmas to A Il" (V -I. %The Child is born! He brings us hope of Iasting peace and kindness. We're wishing you a very blessed. joyous Christmas. SMorris Funeral Chapel M and Staff Bowmanville MIay ou mitk the Chriitmas ',eas.on for ail the joy and<Fi ppiflfss il, hoIds. tI eria pleasure sfervirg y mi. From the Staff ot Durham Home Delivery Telephone 623-7228..M Let's ail sing of the joy of Christmas! From the Management and Staff of ELLIS SHOES 4King St. West Bowmanvllle Telephone 623-5941 ofMay the peace and joy ofChristmas dwell in your house and in your heart. From the Management and Staff ot Marv Annels If you're a "lasi-minute"' shopper, and your list includes quality toys < for girls and boys ... ... don't worry! You won't fin)d empty shelves ai The Toyfbo Don't worry if you stili have toys to buy, because at THE TOYBOX, we plan to have as many toys on our shelves this week as we had on December 1 st. We particularly feature stocking stuffers and reasonably-priced toys for the children on your Christmas tist. Stili at SPECIAL prices:. Wa 1k-AI ong Sesame St Gamne $2.88 Betsy Clark Doil Fargo North Decoder Game $2M 88 F.P. Adventure People Cards Ail SmaII-Die Cast Toys Corgi - Tomy - Matchbox 99, . Candlemaking Kit by Skilçraft $8388 I I Ernie Doli ,Walking Doill By Reliable 743KIN'G ST. WEST 6236266, BOWMANVILLE' ir-V ý,q