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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1978, p. 11

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Great Improvements to Building Since Jack Millers Timze times of job shortages, one cannot guarantee that every- one who becomes educated will get a good job. You can however almost guarantee that any young person who doesn't get an education will not get a good job. And when the job market expands in the future who's going to get the uod for those new jobs? - the grade 9 or the 10 dropout or the grad? Something which is bard for young people to realize is that life bas many routines. It's flot all excitement. There is not too much exciting about eating, sleeping and driving to work. This is true about everyone's life. In view of this fact it stands to reason that it is not desirable to have a boring job on top of aIl this if one can avoid it. Yet every year many young people in this country sentence them- selves to a lire of dullness by dropping out of school early. A goodly number of girls are amongst this drop out group and it seems such a shame. For the first time in the bistory of women, the doors of opportunity have been opened somewhat and they slam them shut on themselves by leaving scbool early. If one were to ask me the question, "do girls need an education?", my answer is quick and clear. Yes, tbey need an education and they need it like neyer before. A Mp~gn.oro l~'rram The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. December 27,: 1978 i Bowmanville Man Dies. in Accident Early Saturday Keith John Williams, 33 of 2 Carruthers Drive, dead at the scene. He was alone and no other Bowmanville died early Saturday rnorning when vehicles were involved. This picture shows the his car Ieft the road and struck a driveway cu]vert damaged vehicle after it was removed by Bob's According to police, he was eastbound on highway Towing, Maple Grove. Mr. Williams is survived two at about 12:55 a.m. when his car entered' the by his wife and two children. north ditch at Tobley's Rd. He was pronounced Recently, Jack Miller brought in a picture taken a a Jury & Loveli Drug Store, with the James Of his late father Jack's barber shop way back in Insurance Agency office to the lef t. Old timers wil] the 30s, complete with barber pole and several recali the earier structure on King St. East, but steps leading to the entrance. The other photo will have problems relating it to the preseni shows the same building ýtoday, about to be opened modernized structure that has been lowered tc ground level. Staff1 members ýof Me morial Hospital found themselves in an unusual situation on Wednesday, Dec. 2th when their noon meal was served to them by members of the board and the hospital administrator, decked out in chef'sý hats and Educa.tiOn With Tieriry ,»HawU»kins Ia the United States a total ;clude medicine, bio chemis- -f 208 people are being traiaed try, astro phys'ics and elec- . astronauts. 0f the 208 trical engineering. Tbey are a trainees, six are women. That very higbly educated, bighly may not seem like many, but skilled group of women. They of course there neyer were did't get this exciting, chal- any before, 50 it's obviously a lenging and highly paid type of major break through for work by dropping out of high women. school. These women worked Whether or not the training hard and obtaiaed the training of womea to be astronauts is a needed to open the doors to a break tbrough is not the world most people only hear concera of this writing. The about. point I waat to draw attention Not every girl can get a to is completely different. I doctoral degree and not every want to point out that of the six girl can be an astronaut. Not wom enw hoki Doctor Of every girl needs to do this Medicine degrees, three hold even if it were possible. But Doctor .of Pbilosophy degrees there are a couple of things and one holds bier Masters which she can and should do. degree. Their sPecialties in- .First she should realize tbat aprons. The Statesman photographer caught them in a quiet moment, waiting for more hungry customers, from left to right, Lloyd Down, Mar- jorie Couch, Dick Elston and John Pogue. the doors to excitîug careers for women are more open than ever before. Let's not, of course, kid ourselves that al bias and prejudice against women is gone and that the career opportunities are wide open, That would be a naive assumption, but uonetbeless opportunities are better tban ever and the fact that more womeu are holding important jobs lu a wider and wider range of careers is proof of that. In view of this fact that excitiug, interesting and well paid careers are potentially available to women, a girl of higb school age should set a career goal for berself whicb is lu keeping witb the age we live ln. If she wauts to follow a traditional career, okay, but she should do it because she wants to and flot because she tbougbt tbat was all that was available for ber. The second idea a higb schooi girl sbould be aware of is the need for a decent education. Those exciting careers are open to all young women but without a good education tbey might as well flot exist. One does not uecessarily ueed a uaiversity degree to enter an exciting career but it is the, young women wbo become reason- ably well educated who will get the iuteresting jobs at al levels. The good jobs go to the grads and that's true wbether one is maie or female. In tbese Imi n isterial By Rev. R.C. Hopkins Tbe proceediags after the birtb of the child Jesus were no differeut than for ail other Jewish boys. His parents followed the requirernents of the law in respect of circum- cision and bis preseutation at the Temple. When lie was for- ty days old Joseph and Mary brought hlm to the temple, and made the ritual offerings according to the law, showing their thauksgiviug to God for the birth of this boy and redeeming him as had been the custom ever since their people's deliverauce from Egypt. They offered simple gifts from poor folk, but given with tbankfuluess that God bad so blessed them in this fir- st-bora. We stili preserve something of this ceremouy lu our Christian form of infant baptism lu most of our chur- ches of today. Thougb a common form of ritual for all Jewish parents, this, particular occasion was made doubly sigaificant by the baby's recognition through Simeon and Auna. These two very old people were iudeed tsaints who had been living for tsome time with an INWARD HOPE. They lived for the time when they. would see the coming, long-expected Messiah, believing that lu some way they would know hlm whea tbey saw hlm. Simeoa at least baunted the temple daily lookiug for a revelation, aud it was bis faith that lbe would see the Lord's Christ wbich had kept hlm alive far beyoad bis allotted time. On this day Simeon in- deed recoguized the babe Jesus as hie was brougbt to the temple. Luke records that hie received Jesus into bis arms and blessed God - "for'mine eyes bave seen tby salvation. " This was followed by Simeon's propbecy regarding the future, who was "set for the falliug and risîng up of many ln Israel." Auna also added bier voice to Simeou's, ad-' dressing wboever would listen to bier as they passed by. The parents took notice of these things, while possibly others thought of these two old people as cranks who la their old-age were waudering in their miuds. Simeon and Anna had found their great hope fulfilled la Jesus. Mary and Joseph must have taken note and rememn- bered these words la the years far ahead, thought at the time they would not understand just what Jesus would be led to do and to be. The inward hope of the aged ones was boru of a close touch with God as they poudered upon His ways. Even tbe priest at the ceremouy faîled to recoguize anything unusual in this cbild, for bis life was so full of daily duties that may have become monotonous and habituai, tbus excluding the insights of the Spirit of God whom lie served. The Christmas celebration that has just been observed bas certainly affected each of us in some way or another. Some may be satiated by the feastiug and gift-giving; others may have pondered the eterual significance of the bir- th of the Saviour. Some have perhaps lost their inward hope because of the stifliug pressures of daily living. Look at the childreu of today and fiud your hope lu them. PRIVATE SALE Recreational Property- 10 acres 5 miles fromf Hwy. 401- Bowmanville. Just off New Scugog Rd.- east of Hampton. Trout stream, Iawn with trees. Asking $38,000. Mortgage available. Phone 623-2480 anytime. Associationj surely that future will be bet- ter in their hands than the present has been in ours. Simeon and Anna had lived out their lives in very dark days. One historian writing of that period before the birth of Christ states: "So utter was the nations need of Him that it was feit His advent could no longer be delayed."' Only sixty years before' Pompey had conquered Jesusalemn. In- surrection and persecution followed, blood flowed. Then Herod ruled as a puppet of Rome. His was a reign of terror; though he rebuilt the temple he was hated by the people. Yet here were these two living out their lives with a great inward hope in their hearts - and they lived to see that hope fulfilled. Let us carry forward from Christmas that same inward hope. In the darkest days God will justify the coming of His son, whom He sent. Someone bas written: "Be not afraid in the inward hope. It lives in beauty and the hand of God slowly awakens it year by year ... it is an Immortal and its name is Joy." Yu'I T score time ~~ when you are a RED CROSS Blood Donor Jaycettes Donate Toystoý Salvation Army Bowmauvllle's Jaycettes re- cently turned over to the Salvation Army the toys and groceries tbey had collected in the community during the mouth before Christmas. Hlere, about 14 boxes of Christmas goodies are handed over to Captain Doug Lewis of the Bowmanvllle Salvaijion Army last Wednesday. They were distributed to needy familles this Christmas. From left to right are Gail Speuce, chairman of the, toy 62 JACKMAN ROAD BOWMANVILLE, ONI LlC 2C9 (416) 623-6023 W H.Clipperton & Associates LUI. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS 1 fo r Morfgages - Capital Gains Tax Purchase and Sale Expropriation - Estate Values IT. lnvestment Analysis ~3 ~ . a a I '623-4428 181 Church Street BOWMANVILLE - This Jackman Rd. bungalow featurfes. 4 bedrooms, basement pool room, play roomn and possible large rec.' room. Also garage and 2 drives. Ideal for large family. Asking $52,900.00. JUST LISTED - in the Millbrook area is a raised Tudor style bungalow with aftached garage, rec. room wîth slidîng doors and large ivingroom witb slicdîng doors bo balcony. Ail on 1 112 acre and -14 mi. from Hwy. 115 for jUSt $47,900.00. WHAT ABOUT NEXT SUMMER? - We have a country sidespîlit with a fanfastic inqrounid cernent pool. Beautifuîîy finished familyroom with firepiace foi those Winter evenings now! Many, many extras, this boautifully landxr-aped property is well wortb tooking ai. ON 1 ACRE - This 31, yr, old bright cbeery sidesplit bas 3 bedrooms, diningroom, livingroom with bow window, family- room and gieaming hardwood floors. About 23 mi. tram Bow- manvilie: Onty $47,900.00. POSSIBLE COMMERCIAL USE - On King St. Newcast le. 3 1 bedroom aluminized 1 3 bedroom aluminized 1112 storey home, large kitchen, separate dining area and double garage. Only $35,900.00. and $2500.00 down. ant chairman; Heather Moroz Jaycette Doresideat aad Captain Lewis. Toys and food were donated at boxes set uio lu grocerv stores in Bowmanville, at the Stedmaus departm eut store and the Bowmauville Maîl. Iu Newcastle Village, several stores also donated a place Company where the toys couild be dropped off. DIRK BRINICMAN (,7 Scug og S-le Bowmanvllle a 623-3621 State Farm Fire an( Casualty BOWMANVILLE ORONOý 623-3393 983-9547 BOWMAN VILLE - MUST BE SOLD - Red brick 3 bedroom bungalow witb attached garage, Large living room, finished rec room, 3 & 4 pce, bath. Locafed in quiet residentil area. Fenced yard. Asking $57,900. Cali Jan Oudshoorn.: CUSTOMIZE YOUR NEW HOME Choose your broad- loomn and color sobemes. This quaiity buli 1750 sq. ft Bow- manville 2 storey features main floor family room witb tire- place and balcony, sliding glass doors from lower tevel future rec. room, 3 extra large bedrooms, 3 batbs, loaded wifb- extras. Located in Executive area. $72,900. Cali Joanne Swadron. BOWMANVILLE - Attractive 2 storey 4 be'droom home with 112 batbs, family room with fireplace, tutly broad- loomed, double attacbed garage and completely fenced yard. Askig $66.900. wtb terms. Cati Bill Morrison Sr. for details. BOWMANVILLE - Attractive 3 bedroom spit entrance, bnalow wtb 2 extra rooms n basement. Asking $52,500. Cail Bill Morrison Sr. for defails. Coasi to Coa-s Real Estate Service FREALTOR 0 I. «T R LREAL ESTATE LIMIlTEDj M. "-Ir IL i ,3mmmmm»ý

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