rac S IFe FSokd Our Reg. Price $4,35 CANNED HAM 84 1-1 /2 IL tin3m Save 815eor 19% BEST BUY Banquet Frozen Our Reg. Price $3.69 FRIED CHICKEN Z 2 lb. pkg. BES9BU Coronation Our Reg. Price $1.09 BREAD &9 BUTTER PICKLES 24 fi. oz. jar Save 1 O BEST BUY E D. Smith GARDEN COCKTAIL 28 fI. oz. bti. [Save 1 O or 1 2 c Our Reg. Price 791p BESTU a s e Our Reg. Price 47e~ sec BEST BUY Our Reg. Price 1.-25 1.19qÀonh BEST BUY Miracle Food Mart Processed Dr Reg. Price 87e CREAM CHE'Oc 8 oz. pkg. LSave 8* BEST BUY Mira Mart Pure from Concentrate Our Reg. Price $1.49 CHILLED m ORANGE JUICE 64 f1. oz. btl 18 SaveO4lBEST BIy Dempster's' Our Reg. Price 78e ITALIAN ,a ROLLS (Avalable until Dec. 30 only) e c Save94*or11% BEST 3UY ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE D EC. 27-JAN. 2.,1979 IN BOWMANVILLE MALL, 243 KING ST. E. - WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. ALMIRACLE FOOD MART STORES OPEN UNTIL 10:00,P.M. WED. - THURS. - FR1. DEC. 27, 28-and 291978 OPEN UNTIL 6:00 P.M. SATURDAY DEC. 30,1978 EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE POSTED IN-STORE OPEN SATURDAY 8:00 arn. DEC. 30,1978 - CLOSED- NEW YEAR'S DAY JAN UARY 1, 1979 CHEKOUT Product of U.S.A. NAVEL12 ,0 ORANGES Product of U.S.A. Our Reg. Price 89e~ Canada No. 1 Grade CELERY H EARTS es Save 21 or 22% BEST BUY Product of U.S.A. A~VejmjSHIMP ~q BEST BUY LESSI@ q ~ Statesman, Bowmanville. December 27, 1978 13 *~ Pontypool Fresh Our Reg. Price $1.58 LEG 0F PORK ROASTS Shank portion, Fresh Ontario pork L Bi 1 Save 40e IL BEST BUYi Frozen Eviscerated UTILITY GRADE YOUNG DUCKLINGS 3-5 lb. size Swif's Premium Sliced or Our Reg. Price $1.84 LAZY MALE E SI-DE BACON 1 ILbpkg.la% Save 26e pkg. BEST BUY Frozen in Bnine l-ighliner Our Reg. Price $6.28 LARGE COOKED LOBSTERS 5 9 Savge 3 k. BEST BUY Selon Frozen Our Reg. Price $6,98 Our Reg. Price $1.08 LB.esc An ail Canadian Company (Intended for Last Week Master Michael McDuff of Oshawa is spending a few I hIolidays with bis grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Propp. Congratulations to Alex Joncas wbo had a birthday last week. We hear tbat Alex really celebrated. This Sunday, December 24th, the cbildren of the Sunday Sebool are taking part in the service. They are preparing a brief program. We were ail very g lad to see Violet Anderson, S-uperinten- dent of the Sunday Sehool out on Sunday. Violet bas re- covered ber voice !very weil foloing er oper ation. Leta Ford left on: Tbursday to spend tbe holiday season witb ber sister in Pertb. Fran and Jim 'Rateliffe recently flew to Tbompson, Manitoba, to attend Fran's sister's, wedding.'i Higb bowlers in 'tbe Teen Bowling League on Friday nigbt were David .Fallis 221 and Randy Finney 196. Higb doubles were Randy Finney witb 343 and David Fallis-witb 332. There was a good variety of bot and cold dishes at the U.C.W. pot-luck luncheon held in the Pontypool Community Centre on Wednesday. Appro- ximately 4o members and visitors were present to par- take of tbe goodies. Dorotby Dewar, U.C.W. president,- opened the luncheon with a word of' welcome and the blessing. Ail ladies were asked to identify tbemselves. Following tbe meal a sbort prOgram was enjoyed. Pro- gram was as follows: Wel- Reading - "Treasure Boxes" - Jessie Fisk; Play - "The Great Christmas Present Mystery" - Deana Smales, Dorotby Turn- er, Donna Bryant; Reading - "The Night Tbat Was" - Yvonne Fallis portraying the shepherds; Play ý- "To Market, To Market" - Frances Van Wieringen, Joan Jeffries, Margaret Murpby; Contest on Christmas Carols witb win- ners Nettie Aiken and Carole Quirk. All enjoyed in singing "We Wisb You a Merry Christmas."1 Nine tables of eucbre were played in Ballyduff Com- munity Hall on Friday nigbt. Winners were Ellen Brown, Mildred Britton, Ina Cain, Bruce McGîll, Norman Brown and Mabel Preston. The next euchre will be .beld on Fni., Dec. 29tb. We are very sorry to bear that- Alvin Olan has IrOturned to Wellesley Hospital, Toron- to. His stay there is indefinite. Murray Porter is out of bospital and is presently recuperating at the borne of a friend in Peterborough. An Atomn Tournament was held at the Manvers Arena on Saturday. Eigbt teamns took part. Tbe Manvers Atoms, coacbed by Terry Kyle and Matt Muller, and sponsored by Don Laforge's Cross Town Cleaning, reacbed tbe: finals by defeating Little Brîtain and Peterborough. At the end of the regular championsbip game Manvers and Keene were tied 1-1. Keene scored in sudden-deatb overtime to take the Cbampionsbip back to Keene. Mark Noden of the Manvers teamn was presented witb tbe Most Valuable Player Award. The Little Britain Atoms defeated Omemee 3-0 to take tbe Consolation Tro- phy. Good crowds were on band for the tournament. On January 13th an Old- timers Tournament is planned for tbe Manvers Arena witb a dance at night. Tbree draws are being made for lst: Full size quilt, 2nd Ceramic wasb set and 3rd a baby quilt. At this time I would like to wish a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to John James, the Statesmnan staff, the readers of the vote after holding a bearing on decertification early this montb. A date for the vote wilI be arranged for a time agreeaýble to alI parties and it is expected tbat the vote would take place either this week or next. The contract between members of Local. 12219 at St. Marys Cernent and tbe company expired this week. In an article published Tuesday, December 19, the Oshawa Times reported that sources at the St. Marys plant feit the vote will be 85 to 95 per cent in favor of severing ties with the Steelworkers. i Frozen RICH'S RICH WHIP 8 1l. oz. ctn. .Save8Eleor 17% Frozen Dessert Topping COOL WHIP 1 litre ctn. Save 15e MIRACILIEIS HOLI DAY- "STORE HOURS Anr-1