12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 3, 1979 Intended for last week) A service of lessons and carols was the order at St. Paul's Anglican on Sunday when Layreader, Philip Winslow officiated and he said it was a time of praise, thankfulness, fellowship and joy. The choir, in a most pleasing manner rendered a number of carols, such as People Look East, Song of the Crib, Up, Good Christian Folks and Listen, Eastern Monarchs, Rocking Hymn and The Infant King. Chris Wood rend Isaiah 9:2-7 on Christ's birth and His kingdom foretold. Marion Wood read St. Luke 1:26-38 of The Angel Gabriel visits Mary, Philip Winslow - St. Matt 1:18-21, St. Luke 2:1-7, Loraine Smith - St. Luke 2:8-30 - The Shepherds go to the manger, Helen Fry - Matt 2: 1-lion The Wise Men are led by the star to Jerusalem, Belle Smith - ýSt. Luke 2:22-33 on Jesus is taken to the temple and Simeon. Euchre wînners at the Cavan card party were: high lady - Geneva Newell, high man - Charlie Wilson, low lady - Isabelle Wilson, low man - Frank White. Prize for birthday nearest Christmas Day was Cora Sbarpe. The Cavan and Monaghan Senior Citizens were treated to a delicious beef dinner by the j Millbrook Chamber of Commerce. A most enjoyable program was presented with plenty of humour in their talented way. St. John's Church, Ida, held a, successful pot luck dinner on Friday evening andon Sunday evening they had a Christmas Carol service. Christmas Carol Service The United Churcb was beautifuiiy decorated with a tree, two red poinsettias and one white iighted candie. Carrying lighted candies the choir from St. Paul's, Anglican and the United Churcb sang astbey ascendet to their places in the choir loft, as Terry Staples accompanied tbem at the organ. Mr. Graham weicomed the choir and congregation and expressed regrets that Rev. Wainwright had other com- mitments and could ;not attend. Mr. Graham spoke on The Wise Men. 0f ail the various incidents in the accounts of Jesus Christ's birth this strange matter of the coming of the Wise Men is most incidentai. We see them coming on this strange quest and bringing gifts and yet it also bas a human interest. Why do we cail them Wise Men? I wonder if we face it practîcally and consider tbis happened many years ago, stili we caîl them Wise Men, but why? First they were diligent when they saw the star and foiiowed it. They set off for the Temple in Jerusalem, where Herod bad bis palace and there they sought the King. Sureiy they'd find Hlm in this royal city. They asked, "Where is the King?" and they must have been disap- pointed, but they went on seeking and when they found Him they knew Him. They were not deceived by the swaddling clothes. How easily we are discouraged and disap- pointed, but wise are they who BETHiýiANY iEWS' seeketh and findeth their Saviour, their King. We should not be content and turned, aside until we find Him as a personal, loving Saviour. Again the Wisemen bad an object for their worship - wisdomn makes room for worship. These. men worshipped and if we 're wise we wiil too. What is worthip? Is it just a form? Worship means acknowledging the worth of. Do we really worýhip, especially at Christmas time9 God asks us to worship. Santa Claus is being seen all over the world even in pagan lands. Using Santa Claus is not worsbipping God. These Wise Men feil down and worsbipped the baby Jesus. The Wisernen showed wisdomn by giving. Churches need money but the giving of money is often a salve for our conscience. Tbe theme of all God's work is giving. He gave His life as a ransom -wbat do we give? There is only one gif t that is acceptable and that is ourselves for His glory. What can I give Him? Think! Give Him your heart. Present your body as a living sacrifice acceptable unto, God which is our reasonable service. The Wisemen worsbipped, the Wisemen gave! We are sorry to hear Mrs. Weston Hutchinson is confined to the hospital. May she have a speedy recovery. Mrs. Audrey Ambrose met witb a painful accident as the resuit of a f aIl on the ice and is taking treatments at the Civic Hospital. We wish her quick bealthy resuits. Mrs. Margaret Neals bas been ailowed to go home from GE 5ý xc >,z!,ý,.-i. W4m.ý 14E ýC;ý..1 lu -c.ý n .1 à the hospital for Çhristmas, so we hope the change will be good medicine for ber. U.C.W. Meeting The Christmas meeting of the U.C.W. was held at the home of Mrs. Jeanne MeMahon. The president, Georgie Scott read a tbought "We too often love things and use people; We ought to use things and love people. " Correspondence consisted of a tbank you note from the Junior Class, and an invitation from the Pontypool U.C.W. to attend their pot luck luncheon. A letter was read regarding parcels to Angola and requests for stamps for the leprosy mission, also thank you letter from Presbyterial for the splendid response to the fall and spring rallies, the Bursary fund, the Harriet Christie Memorial Fund, and Anduhyan Home for Indian Girls. A donation was sent to tbe Alcobol and Drug Concern, and a layette is to be made for the Angola request. The Junior Class of the Sunday Scbool was commend- ed for sending a donation to Compassion, and the -small classes for their birthday box for a foster cbild. Mrs. Bentley bas offered ber services as a Sunday School teacher and Susan Jarvest as attendance secretary. A gift was given to eacb child for the Christmas party, and the children took part in the White Gift service. Thank you notes were sent to Charlie Palmer for two Christmas trees and it was decided that candles for tbe sanctuary for the Christmas season be brought. The program consisted of Cbristmas readîngs and lively Cbristmas carols directed by Ruth Jennings, and she explained how a number of our Christmas carols came to be written. In the ladies' bowling this week Janice Jenkins was bigb lady with a score of 216, and runner-up was Gertie Clark with 215 for high single. High double was won by Gertie Clark with 378 and runner-up was Bunny Ambrose with 361 as a score. Sympatby is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harold White in tbe passing away of Jane's motber. Mrs. Stinson bas been a patient in Extendicare for some time. In the Senior Citizen's bowling Gertie Clark was bigb lady witb 411, and runner-up was Jessie Ellicott witb 304. Higb man was George E. Clark with 372, and runner-up for men was Earle Parrott with a score of 331. Bowlers witb scores over 200 were: Belle Smith - 300, Muriel Parrott # 292, Mary Fi 'ney - 289, George W. THIS WINTER i WILL... 1:1SKI CI SKATE []TOBOGGAN E SNOW SHOE E CROSS COUNTRY SKI Il ALL 0F ABOVE appear on their television screens as be presented a cheque on 'behaif of the members of St. Paul's United Church to Jim Poulson, the, program's master of cere- monies. We understand St. Paul's Junior Chancel Choir under the direction of Allanah Coles was scheduled to appear but tecbnical difficulties in the studio prevented it. However, they did perform for the large crowd gathered at the down- town studio and received several rounds of enthusiastic applause. AIL in ahl it was a good effort by ail concerned and Partic- ipation House, Durham is another step dloser to becom- ing a reality. i r Clarke - 279, Mary Morton - 274, Tom McKellar , 269, Ina Harkness - 268, Margaret Wright - 260, Aima Pudsey - 238, Annie Sharpe - 236, Pete Borrow - 236, Irene MacDonald - 232, Viola Clarke - 228, Jean Mitchell - 224, Ina Palmer - 220, Edith McKellar - 215, Stanley Sharpe - 212, Mildred Syer - 210, Charlie Smith - 207. I placed a "quote" in my column but- evidently tbe "dollar quotation" was not correct, so I jusf wish these boys much encouragement as I understand they are work- ing. They have mucb potential so we wish them the very best in tbeir efforts to be stalwart citîzens. Two young people, Sharon and Bill Palmer, formerly of Bethany, are now enjoying their employment and living in Quesnell, British Columbia. Many of the young fold go far afield to find work and we're always pleased to hear they are happy in their new environent. Sharon, accompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. -Jack Palmer of Peterborough, were guests of Mrs. Ina Palmer of Bethany. Grandview News by Lana Malcolm The girls's and boys' volley- bail teams participated last Saturday in a tournament at ILE. Weldon. The girls won 4 games out of the 8 played defeating Dunsford, Lady Eaton, Fenelon Township and Ops, and were defeated by Mariposa, Fenelon Falls, St. Mary's and Woodville. Tbe Grandview girls showed extreme effort and co- operation and were finally in fifth place, although all declared a most enjoyable day. Due to many of the boys baving to attend hockey, tournaments, one of the girls played on the boys' team to complete the outfit, and the sportsmanship shown was outstanding. Barry Challice chaired- the Junior, Intermediate Christ- mas program. The grades 4 and 5 choir, under the leader- ship of Mrs. Kennington, and accompanied by Mrs. Scott, sang a number of Christmas songs. The poem "The Boy Who Laughed at Santa Claus" was dramatized by the grade 5 pupils, under the direction of Miss Dettman. Jimmy Miller and Mark Kenny playéd on an organ and Ann Armstrong gave a piano selection "Merrimoppets for Cbristmas" by the grades 5 and 6 drama club was humorous, as the merrimop- pets, a group of old toys, came to life. A French skit "Uln Cadeau. de Noel" bv 2rade 7. under Madam Mannomnen's direc- tion, shows how the children are being given the opportuni- ty of a French education. Mr. Luty directed a play "Santa Claus and, the Mouse" with grade 6 pupils. Mr. Riel, with costumes designed by Mrs. Russo, and presented by the Intermediate Drama Club was entitled "Whatever Happened to Good Old Scrooge? " David Cosgrave and Bll Kiriakou gave a guitar duet, and Lana Malcolm accompanied by her guitar rendered two Cbristmas carols. The Senior Choir took some musical selections from the movie "Grease" - This was directed by Mrs. Carew and accompanied by Mrs. Scott. This was a most enjoyable evening and many thanks is extended to all wbo partici- pated and also the staging crew. The first semester of the year concluded with class- room parties, exchange of cards and gif t, skating parties and a film "Snowball Powdered DETERGENT 12 litre box ~Our Reg. rce6.59 JANE PARKER, SLICED, OUR REGULAR PRICE 36e 100% WHOLE WHrEAT'OR CMACKED WHEAT <SAVE 7c) Brown Bread 24oz lof49ý JANE PARKER (OUR REGULAR PRICE 79c) (SAVE lOC) English muffifl5pkg of 669ý JANE PARKER (OUR REGULAR PRICI 54) (SAVE 1.5c) Hamburg cBuns pkgf839ý TEA BAGS ACTION PRICEDI Tetley Tea pkg of44 349 CANADIANA 24-FLOZ JAR Marmalade 24fl-oz ar79ý A&P, Fancy TOMATO JUICE 4859l ozti f ACTION PRICEDI R.ady-to-S.rve, Assorted Varieties HEINZ, 5/99i BY5 SOAV E 25~ GROUND IN THE STORE WHEW YOU BUY IT ... NOT MEORE! Red CirclecoFFEE 1-lb bag 2.99 FABRIC SOFTENER (OUR REG. PRICE 3.59> (SAVE 30c) D ow fly 3 litre plastic bottle 3 2 DETERGENT ACTION PRICEDI lVory LIQUID 32-fi-oz plastic Wt 1 3 LIPTON, ASSORTED VARIETIES 63/-OZ PKG Casserole Bases 79ý BIG BEAR, PLASTIC Garbage tBags Pkgof1o59ý No. 1 Grade, Finest Quality, Bake, Boil or fry P.E.I. laPOTATOEýS 2Ib.9 No. 1 Grade, Ontario, Sweet, Nutritious Carot 5-lb cello bag 69f' No. 1 Small, Ontario, Yellow, Cooking Onilons 5-lb, cello bag J49,i Ail Purpose, Spartan AmPPLES cellio bag *9 A&P 15'us aountry Furm Pork Shopl Combination Loin SAVE 38f' perS FM Contains m "Our 2 Rib End P%1KRegular Chops (HOIPS, lb 1.96 4 Centre Cujt SAVE 2Oyi per lb Centre Cut Loin Pork Roast or Chops lb SURREG.I 98IPRICEI 2.18 CLIP THESE COUPONS WITH THIS à tmCOUPON::G PEGULAR I ui àGAY LA, INSTANT, SKIMMED 1 3LSPK TOMATO i owdered MîIk Il ei 0 Limit one pkg. par customer. Valld until January 6th, à Limit on. btl. 1 979, with a minimum $5.00 purchase, excludling : : 979 with a cigarettes & this product. V.C. a cigarettes & th Bmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmm l'r mmmmumm SAVE 3O0' per lb Country Style Pourk 'JSpacmreRKibs lb 168R 168 PRICE SAVE 1,50 WITH THIS à S COUPON à OUR OFF REGULAR 32-FL-OZ BTL* nz- Ketchup per customer. VoIid until January 6th aminimum $5.00 purchase, ,xcluding* is product. N. 638 E Prices effective through Saturday, We reserve the right to limit quantifies January 6th, 1979 to normal family requirements! You'lid beterut &P! HC'SAVE 6Os) (SAVE IOý f ARISTOCRAT, Pork LUNCH EON MEAT i 2-oz tin 99 , 4..'- 4' s