Christmas visîtors with Mr. Clemence and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin and Ewart Clemence, Oshawa, Fred, Lake Shore, included enjoyed Christmas Day with Mr. Stanley Taylor and Mr. Dr. and Mrs. John Westlake Alvin Taylor, Courtice, Mr. and family, Kitchener, and Mrs. Ralpb Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hodsoll, Colleen, Frankford. Ottawa, spent Christmas with Mrs. Louise Jose ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Graham. Douglas Wade, Oshawa, to Christmas visitors with Mr. Guelph Christmas Friday and Mrs. Harold Harris where they were overnight included Mr. and Mrs. Bill guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ferguson and family, Jose and Brian, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Mrs. Nellie Spencer spent Harris and girls, Oshawa and Christmas weekend with ber Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Harris and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. family, Kingston. and Mrs. Archie Bernard, M. ad Ms Philip Terry and Tara, Flesherton. Barchard, Stony Plains, Mrs. Bessie Dean enjoyed Aberta, spent Christmas Christmas with ber daugbter holidays witb bis parents, Mr. and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Ed Barchard. Mrs. Gamey Lycett, Andrea and Minnie Cutler, Strathaven Dean, Port Hope. Nursing Home, enjoyed With Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Christmas Day with ber Flintoff on Christmas Sunday daughter and son-in-law, Mr. were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne and Mrs. Ed Barchard. Flintoff and boys, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jose Mrs. Bob Wilson and boys, and family and Mrs. Louise Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jose enjoyed Christmas Floyd Kelly and Leanne, dinner with Mrs, Chapman Bowmanville and Mr. and and Clair, Kirby. Mrs. John Wight, Jeremy and Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Staple- Julie. ton, Ricky and Beverly, Ajax, With Mr., and Mrs. Lorne were Wednesday guests of Mr. Johnson for Christmas dinner and Mrs. Alec Martin. were Mr. and Mrs. B. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rumbles and Krista, Norwood Metrailler,. Ajax, spent and Mr. Gary Johnson who is Christmas Day with bis holidaying from Ryerson. parents Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Archie Glenny Metrailler and family. and Edward. Miss Mariorie Mrs. Edith Uglow Carveth 8sU Ul * YOUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVEI * HEADOUARTERS FOR CARS Ir é% 4x .0AT4x The ar hatthiks- t'sa tuck Ie Itl aesm 8m dl in 4x4 BAT 4x4ailbli 0 CIOO AE I ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 thSa htinkeS iat ruck. I Westii hae8sme18 mdl died on Sunday, Dec. 24tb and the funeral was conducted on Thursday. Another lifetime resident of the village bas passed on. We extend best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Willian Kean on their recent wedding anniversary. Christmas Saturday visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Alec(Martin and Greg inciuded Mr. and Mrs. Alex Holdeak, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Don Martin, Newtonville, and Mr. Tom Martin, Bowmanville. Birtbday greetings ta Carolyn Garrod, Audrey Sunday, Theda Bedwin, Wilda Johnson and Kaye Quinney. Mrs. Bessie Dean enjoyed Tbursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dean and family, Oshawa. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred on their 4lst wedding anniversary, on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tomlin- son, Belleville, were recent visitors with Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Burley, Donald and Spencer, Wingham, enjoyed Christmas with bis mother Mrs. May Burley and uncle Arthur Clarke. Mrs. June Pollett, Peter- borough, visited last week with ber aunt, Mrs. Rachel Dennis. Mrs. Rachel Dennis spent Christmas Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alden Pollard, Oshawa, and three days with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pollard, Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Martin and Gregory, spent Christmas Day in Toronto witb bis sister, Mrs. Joyce Binbam and family. Witb Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes on Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holmes, Steven and Lindsay, Streetsville, Mr. and Mrs. Don Holmes and Shannon and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Saundercock, Julie and Jamie. Boxing Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes were ber aunt, Mrs. Alice Wilson and daugbter Audrey, Cobourg and daugbter Jean, St. Catharines. Christmas Day visitors with Mr. and, Mrs. Walter Hager- man were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hagerman and Pamela, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jeffrey, Bow- manville. Other Christmas visitors included Mr. and Mrs. John Stutt, Liz and Darren, Don Milîs. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gaines enjoyed Christmas day in Bowmanville with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Roberts and family. Mrs. Ina Whitney spent Christmas witb ber daughter -AJOYCE KENNEDY'S, SPECIAL SALE ½/*½O/ 0F F Sale Staris January 3rd *SEASONAL DRESSES *COATS *SUITS- *PANTS' *JACKETS *SKIRTS *SHIRTS *SWEATERS *SCARVES *BELTS *HATS *LOUNGEWEAR ALTERATIONS EXTRA Ample Free-Parking 58 Rossland W. at Hortop. 571-0787 L Hours Mon.-Thurs. - 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Fr1. 9:30.- 9 p.m. Sat. 9:30 - 6 p.m. JOù Y CE K ErtTNNEDlYm, and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Russel- Wiggans and family, Oshawa. Miss Flossie Graham is now a resident of South Haven Nursing Home, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. James Murray visited recently witb Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Murray, Oshawa. Patients in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville include Mr. Fred Wind, Mr. Ernie Alldread and Mr. Eric Clarke. Mr. Ross Embley is a patient in Kingston General Hospital. Anglican Church News There were celebrations of Holy Communion, at the Services at the St. George's Cburcb on Sunday morning, December 3lst. Christmas was related ta the New Year as the birtb and life of Jesus brougbt new life to the world and can bring new hope and understanding ta the people in each age. At the Coffee Hour after the eleven o'clock service, Jenny and Eric Park were honoured for their work in the cburch and wished every success in their new home. United Church News Sunday, December 3lst, was Confirmation Day at E.ditof s: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Newcastle United C'hurch. YThose professing their faith were Miss Janet Pruner, Gary Schmid, Glen Schmid and Jack Chard. Mr. Charles Cowan, on behaîf of the Elders, presented each new member with a Bible. The prayer for the week is: Lord, as I stand at the brink of a new year, may I, like Paul, put behind me the things that are passed and strive to reach the goal you set for me. Flowers in the cburch were from the funeral of Mrs. Edith Carveth and eigbt-year-old Christy Zwaigenbaum whose funeral Rev. David Spivey conducted in Toronto on Saturday. The Tadpole groups resume again this Thursday. Unit Two of the UCW meet this Thursday- afternoon at 2: 30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Kay Kimbaîl. STAIRKVILLE 1 Mrs. Dorotby Trim visited Mrs. Ada Carson on Monday afternoon. On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim visited Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Simpson, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruth- yen, Port Hope visited Tues- day evening with Mrs. A.H. Dobson. Miss Ruth Gibson, Bowman- ville was a supper guest Monday with Mr. and Mrs. BiLL 15% OFF ALL LIGHT FIXTU RES IN STOCK BuildaWls do-it-yourself electrical supplies A complete selection of quality produets. 10% OFF ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES IN STOCK Household Copper Wire .36o Meter .34* Meter .54* Foot .35* Foot Rails of 10, 20, 30 mater Rail of 75 meter Stove Wire 8-3 Dryer Wire 10-3 142 - POWER-SUPPILY CORD FOR DRYER 10/3 wire with ground and piug. 5 li2 ft. long 5.88 142A - RANGE POWER SUPPLY CORD 813 wire with ground and plug. 6 112 ft. long 6.88 Four Conveniernt Self-Serve Locations Shop in Compete Indoor Comfort Use your Chargex or Master Charge or open a comvrment revolving Charge account Dimmer Switch Save on electric bis Dial the brightness you need - create moods with lighting. Replaces standard single pale wall switch in minutes. 600 wats. lvory colour. Sale price . 4 aci Above prlces are Cash & Carry Furnace Humidifier wili cut heating costs and protect your health and furniture Thats right.. a home with proper humidity re- quires less heating. And, just heating cold air in- creases its dryrtess plus its ability to, steal moisture from you and your home. Protect your family tram dry skîn and cold symp- toms, and keep your plants and furniture from drying out. Install a Wait-Skuttle furnace humidifier today. Wait-Skuttle features a cîuality stainless steel case and fully automatic finger- tip hurnidity controi. Fluorescent ight fixture White enamelled steel trame 4à" long. Holds 2 tubes. Tubes extra 1499 a. Fluorescent tubes and ight bulbs sold sepa- rately. Refined engineering for minimum maintenance and- long lite. $6 3,88 Hot Water Heaters with controlled current An automatic thermostat turns on ourrent only when needed f rom these corrosion- reslstant, glass-llned hot water heaters. A thlck blanket of insulation retards hat loss.- Installation ls easy because no vents or long plplng runs are necessary. Just install the heater near Ils point of greatest use. Installation Instructions lncluded. Your choice: Rheem 40 gai. hot water heater Cascade '40' 40 gai. hot water heater $1 0agg$1 07a69 Surface Mount Fluorescent Fîxture White enamel steel frame. Complete with Clear styrenie diffuser. Holds 2 tubes 48" long. rapid start. OSHAWA 100 Bond St. West Mon. to Fri. 9:00 Sat. to, 5:30 728-1617 WHITBY 223 Brock St. N.,, Mon. to Wed. to 6:00 Thurs. & Fi. to 9:00 5"0 668-6821> 48" Fluorescent Tubes Fluorescent lightng is over 5 times as efficient ès Incan- descent ighting. Stock-up on 48" fluarescent tubes at sale prîces. 1 cash & Carry 1!! COURTICE Bloor St. E. of OSHAWA Mon. to Wed. ta 6:00 Thurs. & Fri. ta 9:00 Set, ta -5:30 728-1611 PORT HOPE 'l16 Peter St. Mon. to Thurs. to 5:30 Friday 'tii 9:00 Saturday 'tii 4:00 The Canadian Statesman, 8owmanviiie, january à, ii 13 Ross Todd, Cathy and Robbie. Mr. Bruce Robinson,,son, Stephanie and Deanne, Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Far- Garden Hill visited Saturday Bowmanville were Sunday row spent Tuesday in Toronto with Mr. Gordon Robinson. supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. and called on Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Roger Downes and Mr. Bob Foster and Mark. Jim Gilbert and boys in the Barry Downes, Kendal visiteci On Sunday afternoon, Mr. afternoon. Stra vnn with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bamsey and Congratulations to Todd and Mrs. Bob Foster. family visited bis brother Mr. Sinclair, on having bis, poemn Mr. and Mrs. Bill Trim and Mrs. Ross Bamsey and published in "Snoopy News" - Oshawa were Saturday suppe' Patrick, Port Hope. the paper of Kirby Public guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch and School. Trim. boys were Sunday supper Happy Retirement to Mr. Rev. and Mrs. Aubrey guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mult John Murphy who retired Tizzard and Mr. and Mrs, Wannan, Kirby. fromn General Motors, Oshawa Wallace Bougben, Newton- Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell on Dec. 22nd. ville were Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mrs. John Layng visited visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Peters, Welcome spent Christ- Tuesday with ber mother Mrs. Morley Robinson. mas Eve, Christmas Day and Dyer, Toronto. Boxing Day at Deer Lodge, Miss Beverley Caswell, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Todd, Haliburton. Peterborough and Mr. Leslie Cathy and Robbie were Satur- Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy Caswell, Belleville are home day noon dinner guests of Mr. spent Christmas Eve With al from school for holidays with and Mrs. Joe Barton, Bow- their family at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. manville. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Murphy Brian Caswell and Jeff. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Woods and Erin, Bowmanville. Miss Debbie Brettell, Trent and family held their Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Farrow University, Peterboroughb s mas on Saturday wîth ber and girls were Christmas home for holidays with her mother Mrs. Rory O'Boyle, Eve supper guests of ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whitby. parents Mr. and Mrs. Skip Bretteil and Susan. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Currier, Port Hope. Miss Michele Hallowell, Brian Caswell and family Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bou- Canton and Miss Beverlev attenided the Caswell Christ- ley, Mrs. Dorotby Stark and Caswell visited last week witý mas party at the home of Mr. Mr. Wayne Stark spent Christ- their grandparents Mr. and and Mrs. Keith Caswell, Port mas Eve at the Open House Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Hope. held at the home of Mr. and On Tbursday evening, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert West- Mrs. Craig Woods and family. and Mrs. Jim Stark attended heuser and girls visited Satur- Christmas Eve visitors witb the first birthday party of day and Sunday witb ber Mr. and Mrs. Brenton'Far- their grandson Master Christ- parents Mr. and Mrs. H. row were Mr. and Mrs. Don opher Stark, Knoxville. Thickson, Elizabetbville for Cochrane, Kirby. Saturday evening visitors Christ as dinners. Christmas Eve visitors witb with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph On unday afternoon, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch and Bamsey and family were Mr. Ada Heallowell visited Mrs. boys were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Mrs. Robert Bouley and Edna Dobson. Thertell, Todd and Tanya, Mrs. Brenton Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hender- Orono. Ele @Lctrical Week at 1 1 1 -mi m a