Happy New Vear to all readers! May you have a healthy, happy 1979! Senior Citizens The Golden Stars had an enjoyable "after Christmas" meeting when Margaret Wright presided in the absence of the president. Many were interested in filling applications for the summer vacation at Halibur- ton. Ms. Bobbye Gnay will be speaker at the January 24th meeting when she will give details regarding this holiday. She will collect the applica- tions at the meeting. Senior citizens who wôuld be interest- ed in this week's summer vacation, may attend the January 24th meeting and receive first hand infor- mation. On Thurs. evening, Jan. 18 approximately twenty mem- bers expressed a desire to attend two plays at the Guild Hall presented by the Theatre Guild, Peterborough. Since we are chartering a bus if anyone would like to attend and help fi11 the bus, we would be glad to have you. There is no charge for the play and onlv a dollar each for the bus, so phone 277-2604 or 277-2107. Seven tables of euchre were played and high scores were won by Rhea Jordan and Tom McKellar and low scores were Mildred Syer and Gertie Clark, who played as a gent. Next meeting will be Jan- uary lth. Levi and Helen McGill were very împressed with their week's holiday trip to Jam- aica, as the climate was most invigorating and pleasant. Heather and Steven were home for Christmas with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rey- nolds had as guests for Christmas - Mr. and Mrs. Tom Badluck and family of Ponty- pool, Mr. and Mrs. John Chailice and family of Bailie- boro, and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Termina and family from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jack- son entertained eighteen guests on Christmas Day when Mr. and Mrs. Monk from Stroud, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McGill of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Termina and famiiy of Toronto. Mr. and Il UImavi iie - oz-; II Bawmanville compact 2 bedroom bungalow wif h new plumbling and wiring. North area close to school, asking $42,500. Bowmanville attractive 3 bedroom home, 11/2 baths, sunken family room off kitchen with fireplace, sliding doors fo patio, attached garage. f300d area close f0 schoot, hospital and shopping, asking $59,500. Bowmani[Ie area - 2 storey 4 bedroom home sifuated on 1 acre lot, has separafe dining room and attached garage. Five minutes to downtown, asking $50,000. Newcastle- new 3 bedroom brick bungalow being com- pleted with attached garage, broadloom and cushion floor of your choice, and beautiful mature trees on the large 69' x 130' lot. Cati for information. Newcastle - 3 bedroom bungalow with ample storage areas, paved drive, garage and hedged back yard. Asking $52,500. BETHANY STARK VILLE Mrs. Chas. Reynolds of Beth- any, Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Ryley of Bethany, Mrs. Vanet- ta Jackson and Colleen and Mr. John Snushail of Bethany were guests of the Jackson's. The Monks and. the Ter- mina's spent a few days with the Jackson's. Belle Smith spent Christmas and four days' holiday with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Clîfford and Michael in Toronto. Although Emery is recup- eratîng from'a two week stay in the hospital they were able to have the family home for Christmas Day - Mr. and Mrs. Barry Smith and family of Millbrook, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Smith and family of Bethany. Mrs. Violet Carr spent Christmas and a few days' hliday with Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Carr and family at Picton and Mrs. Marie Gil- mour and two sons of Weston. The Christmas Eve mid- night service was well attend- ed at St. Paul's Anglican when the church was filled to capacity. Rev. Wainwright anld Rev. Dyer conducted the communion order of service and the choir led in singing the many Christmas carols under the leadership' of Eudora Wainwright. Mrs. V. Ritchie, Toronto, spent the holiday week with the W. McMahon's. Mid-week visitors with the McMahon's also included Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McMahon, Rexdale, Mrs. Ruby Mc- Mahon and Mrs. Beatrice Beckett from Saskatchewan. Mn. Bill Sheen spent a few days in Toronto, but due to ili health had to return home for an interview with his doctor. We trust he will enjoy good health.' STOP BOTH DIRECTIONS FOR A SCHOOL BUS AVAL FINANCING, LIV. COMPLETE MORTGAGE SERVICES 54C Centre St. N. Guy PoIIey Richmond Centre Mortgage Broker Oshawa 576-4883 Dunwoody Llmited Trustee in Bankruptcy Suite lA 57 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa L1H 7L9 Phone 576-3430 P.O. Box 516 123 KING ST. W., NEWCASTLE 987-4733 623-4439 SKI BUFFS - Why not locate near Bethany ski slopes. We have a custom built bungalow on large landscaped lot <1 70' x 300') with massive wall to watl fireplace in living room for just $51,900. MOVE Up AND OUT - To an attractive backsplit just 4 years old, near Newtonville. There is room to move both in- side and outside this 3 bedroom beauty. Come and check out the well finished rec. room and attached garage. Price is $55,900. SKIERS' DELIGHT - Owningyour own 3 bedroom alumin- um bungalow on a large lrped lot, just minutes (rom 2 ski his. Won' l ast ai only $40,900. COME AND SEE - this il room century home on il.99 acres in good community with lots of aclivilies righl al your finger tips. Fishing in private creek, 30 x 80' barn for animal loyers plus lots more. Asking only $119,500. COUNTRY PARADISE - on this property with 2 creeks, small orchard, above ground pool and an il year old brick bungalow plus loo many extras to list. A must to, see at $1 55,000. Several familles. attended church services on Christmas Eve in their respective churches. Mr. and Mrs. Clîfford Fonk visited Christmas Eve with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bamsey. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk, Tanya and Peter visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Cam Olesen, Jay and Jennifer, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Foster and Mark were Christmas Morning Brunch guests of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foster and Gien,. Campbell- croft. Mr. and IVrs. Jim Souch and boys spent Christmas Day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Weekes, Gore's Landing. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Far- row, Mr. Doug Farrow and Carnie, Mr. Walter Farrow, ail of Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Skip Currier, Port Hope and Mrs. Lorraine Crawford, Oshawa were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Farrow and girls. Christmas' Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jîm Stark were Mn. and Mrs. Grant Silvester, Julie and David, Sarnia, Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Hailowell, Michele and Scott, Canton and Mr. and Mrs., Ted Stark and Christopher, Knoxville. Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robin- son were Mr. W.R. Prouse, Mr. Charlie Prouse, Mr'. and Mrs. Meville Samis, ail of Port Hope, Miss Noreen Prouse, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Austin, Kevin and Char- lene, Wesleyville and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Foster and Mark. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Scott, Miss Georgina Scott and friend of Oshawa were Christ- mas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Todd and boys. Mr. Olek Sadiwynk, Peter- borough was a Christmas Day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bretteil and famiiy. members of hen family on the sudden death of John. Funeral services wene heid Wednesday aftennoon from Nothcutt and Elliott Funenai Home. Rev. A. Tizzard conducted the funenai service. Miss Catherine Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Keith Farrow and family spent Christmas Day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fice, Oshawa. Mr. Peter Westheuser spent Christmas Day with his brother Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westheuser and family, Mill- brook. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lynn, Kevin and Heather spent Christmas Eve with her father Mr. Robert Wilson, Toronto. On Christmas Day they visited Doug's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Lynn, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Cook and Rupert, Toronto spent Christmas Day and the foilow- ing holiday week with Mrs. John Layng and Dyana. Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy spent Christmas Day in Toron- to with their son Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murphy and family. Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and famiiy were Miss Norma Hallowell, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hailowell, Michele and Scott, Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Liew Hallowell and Mr. Jim Hailoweli. Mrs. Warren Carson and Wilson spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Barton MacNeil and famiiy, Oshawa. Mn. Pat O'Boyle, Oshawa spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Craig Woods and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch spent Christmas Day with their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Andy VanDurnen and boys, Cavan. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Nesbitt and famiiy, Newcastle spent Christmas Day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Farrow and family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barton and Mrs. Olive Sexsmith ail of Bowmanviile spent Christmnas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Todd and family. SChristmas Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Larny Sinclair were Mr. Bill Bickle, Newton- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd and Anne. Christmas Day noon dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson,. Ross and John were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Robinson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Robinson and fam- iiy, and Mn. and Mrs Bill Robinson and family. At_ suppertime, their guests were Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen, Newtonville. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Robinson and family were Christmas Day suppen guests of her parents Mn. and Mrs. Frank Guy, Port Hope. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Robinson and family were guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott, Camp- belcroft on Christmas Day. Mn. and Mrs. Rob Robinson and famiiy were supper guests of her parents Mr. and Mns. Les Peck, Newtonville on Christmas Day. Christmas Day noon dinner guests with Mn. and Mrs. Raiph Bamsey and famiiy were his mother Mrs. Freda Bamsey, Welcome and Mn. and Mns. Brenton Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bamn- sey and family wene Christ- mas Day suppen guests of her parents Mn. and Mrs. Angus Deschamps, Welcome. Christmas Day guests of Mn. and Mrs. Clifford'Fonk and family wene Mr. and Mns. Edwin Ruthven, Port Hope, Mr.and Mns. Jim Mackey, Toronto, and Mns. Edna Dobson. Aiso Mn. and Mrs. Brenton Farrow joined them for supper. Christmas Day guests of Mn. and Mrs. Bert Trim were their family, Mn. and Mrs. Ed Rowe, and Tiffany, Newton- ville, Mn. and Mrs. Chanhie Trim and Merrilee, Bowman- ville and Mn. and Mns. Raymond Tnim, Pontypool. Christmas and Boxîng Day guests of Mn. and Mrs. John Cantwright and Christophen were Dr. and Mrs. Hinton, Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Whitely, al of Toronto and ber parents HAMPTON spent a' couple of days at Christmas time with her niece and family Mr. and Mrs. Dan Keane and family in Scar- borough. Mrs. Margaretta Stevens spent Christmas with her daughter and family and Mrs. Hellebust and family, Mr. Hellebust being away to his home in Norway. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Therteli spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Silver- thorne of Cobourg. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Evans and family on Christmas were his brother and wife Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Evans of Pontypool. On the Saturday before Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ther- tell, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Therteli and family, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Evans and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Therteli and daughter were at a Christmas celebration at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Knapp's at Newtonville. Christmas visitors with Miss Helen Boyd were Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer and Mr. Stan Palmer from Elizabeth- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Clough and boys from Bewd- ley and Mr. Charlie Bishop. Mrs. Eleanor Foster spent Christmas Eve with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Foster of New- castle and had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carruthers and family in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott spent the Christmas weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Elliott and famîly at Maple Leaf. Mr. and Mrs. George Brew- er and family spent a few days during the Christmas week in London visiting Mrs. Ethelda Williamson and other rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little and Lynn held Christmas and had their family home. At the card party last Friday evening there were nine tables in play. The prizes went to the following: High lady - Brenda Lowery, low lady - Bernice Milligan; high gent - Roger Downes, low gent - David Thrower. The 50-50 draw was won by Barry Downes. The next card party will be in two week's time - January l2th. The Scarlet Chapter held their annual meeting in Ken- dal Orange Hall last Wednes- day evening with' 27 present. There were guests from Bow- manville, Victoria and Ontario South. The in-coming Worshipful Commander is Mr. Russel Brown and the Deputy Commander is Mr. Fred Griffeth. Rev. A. Tizzard's Sunday morning message was entitled, 'A Perio d', taken from John 16:13 a very fitting message for the ending of the year 1978. Mr. Ron Frank was at the door. The flowers in the church were in memory of Mr. John Thompson whose funeral was last Wednesday. First thing 1 would like to mention to everyone is, the Sunday morning hockey dance on January 6th atNewcastle Hall, everyone ' welcome, tickets may be bought at the door, try to attend and have some fun. Firth's 5 - Cowan's 1 Well it looked in the first game like Firth's have come out of their slump, and Cowan's went into theirs, but you can bet Barry and Tim will soon try and remedy this, scoring for Cowan's only goal was done by Nick Wind, assist went to Oshborne and Brown. For the Firth's Meat Men they played like they were a whole new team, compared to the last three weeks, in which they couldn't do anything right. The big shooters for Mr. Jack Gibbs died Tuesday morning. Sympathy is extend- ed to his family. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gibbs were guests at the 5th Wedding Anniversary cele- brations of Mr. and Mrs. Austen Larmer in Bowman- ville on Friday December 29th. Twenty-one-antd-a-haif tables were in play at the Friday night euchre party. Resuits are as follows: lst Lionel Byam, 2nd Lena Gra- ham, 3rd Laverne Clemens, 4th Helen Thompson, sth Robert Glanville, 6th Sally Thompson. Ladies, low Beatrice Lowe, Gents low Cecil Hubbard. 50-50 Draw George Alidred. "Happy Birthday" was sung for oct- ogenarian Mrs. Matthpws. :P PHONE 263-2132 them were Joe Huminik, J. Baker, Rick Radimaker, Mike Corneli, and Ken Vivian al with one each. In the assist department it was Dickens with a pair, singles went to Huminik, Baker, Wilson, Radimaker and Menard. "2nd Game" Frank's 7 - Spencer's 4 In this second contest of the morning it was a rough and tough penalty fi three periods of end to end hockey, Spencer's took the biggest share of penalties, and also. could have meant the difference in a possible tie or a win for them. But Frank's had a littie player with a big stick, and a sharper eye, named Rick Woolner who drove "three" big goals by Scott Burgess in the net for Spencer's, the other scorers for Frank's were Bill Prentice, Boyd Knox, Hopkins and Ray Rendell with one each. The assist for Frank's went to B. Prentice, Tony Prentice and Hopkins each with a pair, singles went to Knox, Russell, Rendeil andi Caruana. Now as for Spencer's, if they had scored every time they took a penalty they would have won the game. Scoring for Spencer's was Dave Ormiston, Joe Nowlan, Bob Howes and Jim McKewn with one each , assist went to Hooper, Ormiston, Parker, Bowen, one each, Grant Luxton with a pair. Penalties went to Luxton, Hooper and Rice each with two, singles to Ormiston, Nowl.an and Howes and Burgess making a total of ten. So this is just proof you can't score in the "Sin Bm' Misses Pat and Susan and Jimmy Woodley attended the Kingston Winter Games during the holiday week. Games sites were located in various places throughout the city. Pat acted in the capacity of a First Aid Person for several events. There was quite a few Bowmanvîlle area athletes competing. We are sorry to hear that Deloîtte Haskins±SeIIs Chatered conat are pleased to announce the admIsson to partnership of F. Alan Lawson, CA Bell Canada Building Oshawa Centre, PC0. Box 800, Oshawa, Li H 7N1 Telephone: (416) 579-8202 REALTOR S623-4428 G~ÔRG~181 Church Street REAL ESTATE LIMITED Bowmanville COZY WINTER - Sit by the huge wall-to-wall fieldstone fire- place and you'll enjoy the long evenings ahead. This Century home also has 4 bedrooms, familyroom, 2 baths. Large lot. About 20 miles f rom Bowmanville. Asking $49,900.00. EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE RAVINE LOT - 4 bedrom semi with eat-in kitchen. Livingroom overlooks diningroom. Finished familyroom and rec. room has walkout. In Bowman- ville. Asking $49,500.00. EXECUTIVE HOME ON 80 ACRES - 2,400 sq. ft. on main floor, sunken livingroom with fireplace, familyroom, 4 large bedrooms, 3 baths, cathedral ceilings, patio doors, 1,200 sq. ft. rec. room with fireplace, double attached garage. Quanset barn. Partly cleared land. Newcastle area. Only $1 29,900.00. FIREPLACE AND HEATED POOL - These are just two of the features of this 4 bedroom bungalow here in Bowman- ville. Theres a large finished rec. room with bar and stili lots of room for that workshop or children's playroom. Reduced f0 $61 ,500.00. SUPERIOR HOMES:- 1,767 sq. ft. of living space plus quality materials and workmanship add to the eye appeal of this model. There is a 4 and 2 pce. bath, roughed-in fireplace and optional 4th bedroom in lower level. Double attached garage. This home is priced at $54750.00. Open house on these Halminen Homes every weekend in the growing Ponty- pool subdivision. Sfarting at $49,900.00, four models to choose f rom! HAVE YOU THOU-GHT ABOUT, A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE *.and done nothoeng about 'it? GORD BARNES I wiII give you an hour or more of my time to try to help you decide'. CAILL ME ANYTIME 6362 623-6860 Opportunities in our Bowmonville Office. 30 OFFICES TO SERVE rA.,v RIL-OpRATO UALClYOU BETTER, BOWMANVILLE ORONO 623-3393 983-9547 BOWMANVILLE - Owner has bought and must seilI3 bedroom split entrance bungalow with 2 extra rooms in base- ment. Asking $52500. Try an offer. Catl illu Morrison Sr. to-day. ORONO FAMILY HOME - 4 bedroom, 2 storey house is situafed on a king sîzed 95' x 131 ' lot. Large kitchen with built-in dishwasher, paved drive with carporf, fuît basement. Priced to seli at $53,900. Cati Ron Hursf for details. JUST REDUCED - Bowmanvilie 3 bedroom bungalow on a 165, lot. Ail for onty $39,900. Cati Phyllis McRohhie. COUNTRY.CUSTOM HOME - 2 storey brick custom home with large kitchen, separate dining room and atfached garage. Located on almost an acre just N. of Pontypool and ail for only $59,900. Cail Bill Whyte. 2 ACRES - NEWCASTLE - 4 bedroom bungalow tocated on a major road. Asking $57,900. Cati Bill Whyfe. BUY YOUNG, AND SAVE A LOT - 1 00' x 15010ft. Close to Bowmanville. Asking $28,500. with terms. Cali Bill Morrison Jr BOWMANVILLE - MUST BE SOLD - Red brick 3 bedroom bungalow with attached garage. Large living roomn, finished rec room, 3 & 4 pce. bath. Located in quiet residentil area. Fenced yard. Asking $57,900. Cali Jan Oudshoorn. BOWMANVILLE - 4 bedroom 2 storey home with famniiy room and fireplace, 11/2 baths, fuliy broadloomed, double attached garage and compietely fenced yard. Vendor is anxious. Asking $66900. with terms, Cali Bill Morrison Sr. for detaîls. Coast to os Recal Estale Sen-ice JANUARYSEIL chair or.ceste...eld. ....tak advantage..f..ur.spe.ial discount..S...ngs. "Qu......a................ REYNOLD......S UPHOLSTERINO. EXTRA LARGE ROOMS - s fthe outstanding feature of this solid older home near downtown Orono. If has 3-4 bed- rooms and an attached garage. Can be sold with low down payments. $44,900. Cali now for defails..