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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1979, p. 16

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16 The Canacian Statesman, Jowmanvlle, January 3,, 1979 D AD IIN DEADLINi Tue oon FOR CLASSIF'IED Tues., 12. noon,,» 23-3303 FIRTH - Randy and Trudy are pIeased to announce the arrivai of their son, 'Scott, brother of Krystina, in Oshawa Generai Hospital, Friday, December 22nd, 1978. 1-1 KENTNER - Gilbert and Betty are happy to announce the safe arrivai of their son Mark Richard, 8 ibs.* 10/ ozs. in BowmanviIIe on Monday, Dec. 18, 1978. Proud grand- p rents are Merril1 and G ladys Henry of BowmanviIIe, and Edna and Josephi Kentner of Oshawa. Speciai thanks to Dr. Sylvester, Dr. Hubbard, and maternity staff. 1-1 WHITE - My name is Scott and I would like to thank Santa for bringing my baby brother a littie earIy. His name is Tirn David. He was born Dec. 19th and was 8 Ibs. 31/4 ozs. Our U roud mommy and daddy are ave and Sandy. Aiso proud g randparents are Mrs. Paumie Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon White. I would like ta give speciai thanks to Dr. Hubbard and the wonder- fui nurses in Maternity. Mrs. Jean Rutherford wishes to announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of her daughter Anne Loui se Rutherford to Bryon Kenneth HoweIis, son of Mr,. and Mrs. William HoweiIs, BIackstock. The marriage to take place in St. Paul's U nited Church, Paris, Ontario, January 5, 1979. 1-1 AVERY - Ruth. Suddeniy, at her home in Manha ta n Beach, California, on December 14, 1978, Ruth Marty n, widow of Milton F. (yarnk) Avery. Age, 76. Sur- vived by a brother, John F. Martyn, and a sister, Carol Colvilo, both of Bowmanvilîo. Predeceased by sister, Mary Carpentor, and brother, Gen L. Martyn. Arrangements by the White and Day Funerai Home, Manhattan Beach. WILLIAMS- SuddonIy, as the resuit of an accident, Saturday, Docomber 23rd, 1978, Kelth John Wiliams, Bowmanvi1Ie, aged 33 years, beioved husband of Marie Conlon, -1oviri father of Collette and Kelly, dea rson of John and Violet Wiliams, brother of Vivienne and Davidi, ail of England. Son-mn- iaw of Susan Conion, brother- in-iaw ýof Arthur, Gerrard, James, Collette and Sharron. Rostod at the Morris Funorai Chapel, Bowmanville. Requiemn mass was held in St. Josoph's Church, Bowman- ville, on Wodniesday mornig Interment BowmanviIle Cometery. 1-lN KE RSEY -Sydney Reginald. In Ioving rnemory of a dear brother, brother-in-Iaw and uncle who passed away January 8, 1978. ,Thn ,wefeeI mostdeeply r eha rdest th!ings to say, Dearest brother, we love you In a very special way. If we could have one lifetime wish. One dream that could corne true, We'd pray to God with ail our hearts For yesterday and you. If wehad all1 the world to give, We'd g ive it, yes and more, To hear hîs voice, see his smile, And greet hlmatthedloor. - Always ln our thoughts and sadly missed by brothers, sisters and familles. 1-1 KQROPATWA - John. In loving memory of a dear husband, fther and grand- father who passed away January 7, 1978. The year cornes with deep reg ret, t brings a day we will neyer for get, In our hea rts you will always stay, Loved and remembered, day bv day, Memories are treasures no one can steal, Death is a heartache no one can heal. Life must go on we know it's true But its flot the same since we losty u, You I eftusq uietly without goodbye But memories of you Dad will neyer die. - Lovingly remembered by wlfe Elsie, children Loveine and Don, Iris and Ron, Ben and Diane and grandcchildren. < 1-1 ROBERTS - At Oshawa Generai Hospital Wednesday, December 27, 1978. Bertha Mason formerly of Bowman- ville aged 92 years. Wife of the, late Oliver Roberts. Dear mother of Evelyn (Mrs. O. Elford), Oshawa. Jack, Bowmanviiie, Kaye (Mrs. G. T. Marshall) Vancouver, and Norman, Oshawa. Loving g randmother of Ian, Scott and Peter Marshall, Lee Ann and Mark Roberts. Dear sister of Charles Mason, Oshawa. Service was heid in the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanviiie on Friday afternoon. Crema- tion. 1-lN SNIDER - Water. At the 'Oshawa Generai Hospital on Monday, January lst, 1979, Water Snider in his 8th year. Beioved husband of Addie Nichois. Son of the late Frank and Melinda (McAdam) Snider. Father of Mrs. James S. Ambrose (Vivian) of Zion, Donald C. Snider of Brace- bridge. Brother of Mrs. Westi ey Babcock (Aima) of Verona and Russell Snider of Verona. Grandfather of Gayie, Suzanne, Robert and Brent Ambrose. Resting at the Armstrong Funerai Home, Oshawa with complete f unerai1 service in the chapel Wednes- day, January 3 at 3 p.m. THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE Your thoughtfulness for others 15 our f irst COflcerfl. We wiIl arrange for charitable foundation donations (such as Heari or Cancer Society) to be acknowledged any- where in Canada with the appropriate acknowledgement card present on thesame day, with the other tributes. This is part of our service to community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 Morris Fune rai Chapel SIMPSON MEMORIALS Monuiments - Markers -- Inscriptions 49 Lavinia Street Port Ho pe 885-6434 IWIHOME APPOINTMENTS MV GLADLY ARRANGED 41 - RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Estabîished 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario LiA 3W High Quaity at Reasonable Pricos Phone 885-5216 Homo 885-5222 W!OIKMANSHIP -QUALITY s. Mrs. Sarah James wouîd like to thank ail those who sent cards and letters during the Christmas season. 1-1 1 wouId like to express my sincerest thanks to my family, relatives and friends for their kindness and concern shown whiie in hospital and since coming home. The Iovely gifts, cards and visits were much appreciated. Speciai thanks to the doctors and nurses at the Port Perry Hsia rvilia Henry Thank you to our many former BowmanviIIe ne ighbors and friends for the Mass cards, prayers, fIowers and donations to the Winona Clarke Memoriai Fund and aiso my former hockey pals. Speciai thanks to Mrs. E. Vanson, Mrs. Ted Carke and Mrs. Bob Rogers. I wouId like ail my f riends to know how happy andproud I was to be thehusbandof this great lady Winona. -Bil Carke and famiIly. EAR PIERCIP $8.00 (no appointment Necesý Plus 10 per cent off purchase of earrings release slip. Hooper,'s Jewell \L'd. 29 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-5747 BE A BIG SISTEI Volunteers are neededi area tu be a friend ta aged 7- 17, who are ini of supportative relation CALL- SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOt at 728-7525 CARNATIOI FLOWER SI:I 33 Division St., Bowmat 623-7141 HOSPITAL and SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTS Flowering Plants and Cut F Iowers FLOWERS E JACKMAN Bowma nv 11lIe M Phone 623-3365 PROMPT, COU RTEOUS SERVICE FOR( ALL YOUR FLORAL NEEDS .Bev's Floral Creations "Flowers wth Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays.and Hoidays Bey. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 il-tf S"F lowers Sa y It Best" VAN BELLE DAI LY Dlivry to... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf f INE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARK ERS Look for this seèa1, lt's your RO[ nte e OF STAFF-ORD B ROS. LTD. D~Aeal Stafford Brothers Monu ments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E.- Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 Orono Country Jamboree Sunday, January 7 - 2:00 p.m. Orono Town Hall. Country music with a touch of Blue- grass. - Fantastic Opportunity COU PLES DO YOU HAVE ... 1. 12 to 20 free hours evenings and weekends? 2. A good car. 3. Ambition and integrity. 4. Desire to earn Big Money. WE HAVE... 1. A solid company in business over 67 years. 2. Unlimited earnings potential. 3. Free Training. 4. Conventions to foreign lands. 5. Management openings. Caîl 579-0840 for -appoint ment for more facts. Sorry - no information given over the phone.514 NG The winners of the sary) Mitcheii's Corners Home and :f first Schooi Afghan Draws were iwith Mrs. Parkinson, Oshawa, Mrs. Bowhey, Hampton, Mrs. Hers Macko, Hampton. 1-1 B. M.H. A. Booster Club hockey pool resuits for December 23rd: Winner of the first goal George Michelson. Wînner of thel at aoal Mr. Strong. Resuits for December 23-tf N 3th: Winner of the f irst goal Ev Kennett. Ticket seller for the last goal Jim Houston. Winners of Br. 178 Legioný in this Lottery Draws No. 49 and 50, girls Dec. 2th and Dec. 27th, 1978. need Dec. 2th Winners: lst Prîze - iships- $750.00 Ticket No. 2027, Miss M. J. Tubb, Oshawa, Ontario; 2nd Prize - $150.00 Ticket No. lUSE 1039, J. R. Miller, Bowman- ville, Ont.; 3rd Prize - $100.00 Ticket No. 1331, John M. James, Bowmanville, Ont. 26-tf N Dec. 27th Winners: lst Prize - $750.00 Ticket No. 1133, Bruce Fitzgibbon, Bowmanville, N Ont.; 2nd Prize - $ý150.00 Ticket op No. 1049, J. G. Parenteau, Bowmnanvîile, t. 3rd! Prize - $10000 Tickei Nlo. 1176, Jimi invilie Firth, Bowmanville. This concludes the series of 50 Draws during 1978, whereas total prizes of $50,000.00 have S been awarded to Winning Ticket holders. Tickets are no being soid on the 1979 Lottery which commences January 3lst, 1979 with Draws being S heid monthly on the last Wednesda y of each month throughout the year. Prizes 12-tf are being increased, due to monthiy Draws, with 5 Winners monthiy with Prizes ly totaiiing $2500.00. Tickets are imited to 1250 for this draw - and it is hoped that ail tickets wili be soId by the end of AalI January. You may get your ticket by caiiing 623-5769 and orderin g your ticket which wiii be deivered to you. - 1-1 DEKOKER SIOSF UBEEF U$1.35 ib. WCut1 frozen and guaranteed. Order now. 983-5894 Orono 725-4245 Oehowa 40-tf N TALISMAN Flea Market. Antiques - Stamps - Jeweliry - Wang-Pottery - Brass- Ha nd n itti ng - Refinishing Caning. Minwax Products. tpen 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Satudays, Sundays and Hoidays. Lots of parking. Free admission. 11/2 miles north of hyw. 2 at Newcastle. 41-TF J. WAINWI "«The Q- Enniskillen, Ontario LOB IHO Have A Good Day WEEKEND SPECIAL MIXED BOUQUET ta brighten your room. (Murns and Carnations) $3.99 50 LBS SUNFLOWER SEED Reg. $14.50 NOW $13.49 CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division Street BOWMANVILLE, ONT. '71 SKI DOO OIy mpic 399. $385 or best offer. P hone 623-5150. M-1N REPOSSESSED 25" RCA Lowboy, $398. $4 weekiy rentai purchase starting Jan. '79. KRAZY KELLY'S 350 Wentworth St. E. OSHAWA 571-1412 45-tf N APPLES- CIDER WILL DELIVER Ph. 623-3699 H. PEL No Sunday Sales 48-tf N KRAZYI KRAZY SUPER 26" Zenith Spanish console, siashed to $688, $6.50 weekiy starting January. Phone tonight, one-hour delIvery.j KRAZY KELLY'S. 350Wntorth St. E., 571-1412. 45-tf N 1977 TNT 440, Free Air, $1200. Phone 263-8455. 1-lN SELLING OUT Complete Woodworking Shop 10" heavy duty radiai arm saw compiete with ail accessories. 10" band saw, 6/" =ie and planer, 1ch.p. router ndaccessories includ- ing dove tail fixture, one complete mechanic's t ool set, upper chest and roli cab, Herbrand anld sonme Snap-on tools. Phone 1-786-2025. 1-1 N UPTO 50 PERCENT OFF Men's and Ladies" Wear DESIGNER LABELS POPULAR BRANDS LOW, LOW PRICES THE NEARLY NEW SHOP 73 Celina St., Oshawa and 131 Brock St. S., Whitby 1-2N LADIES ski suit (Du Maurier), brand new, neyer been worn. Sizo 14, poppy red, black trim, thick polyester interiining. 623-7190. 1-1 PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliancos, T.V.'s and stereos and aiso usod furnituro and applilances. Wiii accept trade-ins. Paddy's Markot, Hampton, phone 263-1 2241. 33-tf REPOSSESSED 20" RCA XL100, $17 monthiy, $4 woekly rentai purchaso starting Jan. '79. KRAZY KELLY'S 350 W,4ntworth St. E OS HA WA 571-1412 45-tf N REPOSSESSED 26" RCA XL 100, full Spanish cabinet to floor. Take over payments, $19 monthly, $4 weekly rentai purchase starting January. Phone toni g t, one hour delivery. KR AZY KEL LY'S. 350 Wentworth St. E. 571-1412. 45-tf N LIGHTý LTD. Meat" 1 BILL HENDERSON Owner (416) 263-8072 THE NORTHUMBERLAND AdND NEW ATLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION TRANSFER 0F PRINCIPALS AS pecial Meeting of The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of ducation wil I be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 9, 1979Ï n the Board- Roomn, 'Arcy Street, Cobourg. T he purpose of the m-eeting ýis to review briefs which have been received relative to proposed Board poiicy covering Transfer of Principals. Time permifting, additional suggestions.from the floor will aisobe noted. 1-1 Ref rigeration and AppIlance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - MiIlk Cooîlers PHONE BERT SYER Days .............. 623-5774 N~ights............. 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf '79 SKIDOO Citation $1395. Blizzards .$2195. Everest, $1949. Tracks $85.00. Beits $6.00. Ladies' suits haif price. Open evenings. Ontario Sports, Hwy. 115, Orono. 983-5444. 50-4 Holiday and Chevron Trailers Large selection of truck caps from $259.00 installed. Camsport Trailer Sa les Highways 115 & 35, Newcastle Phone 987-5174 9-tf J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radiai centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf USED furniture and, ap- p ances. Paddy's Market. Hampton. 263-2241. 33-tf APPLES, PEARS, CIDER 3rd residence east of Pine Ridge Schooi, south side of Concession St. Phone or Visit Our Farm L. J. Bisschop 623-7231 Mon. through Fr1. after 5: 00 p. m. or Sat. 9:00 a.m. -5:00Op.m. 49-6 2000 BALES quaiity horse hay. Phone 987-4865 after 5 p. m. 52-3N Fireplace Wood ALL DRIED HARDWOOD 1Cut and Split Reasonabie. Delivered. Martin Rd. North (County Road 57) 1/2 milefirst farm on right hand side. Discount on picked up orders. 623-4550 pe J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220.' 35,T F N VITALIZINGI Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofin g on new or used vehicles. Written war- ranty. Durhamn Vitalizing phone 723-1155. 47-tf '75 TORI1NO Ford waon dark green, $2250 certif led. PhKone 623-5340. 1-IN 1978 FORD van, Econoline 150, corai rod, used oniy five months, like new, power stooring and brakes, captain chairs, AM-FM stereo, mag wheeis, privacy glass, insula- tion and waii panoliing, extra tires and rims for winter wear, iuggage rack, heavy duty shocks. Firm $8,000. Phone Orono 983-5806 after 6 p.m. 1-1 '75 BUICK LeSabre Custom, 27,000 miles, many convenience options, 40 in a Il including automatic air conditioni ng. Immaculate inside and out. 350 engine. Certif led. Phone 987-5080. 1-IN 1972 PLYMOUTH4 Satellite Sebrlng power steering, 1/2 vinyl roof. Asking $500 or best offer. Phone 1-983-5091. 1-iN 1975 DODGE Dart Sport, 360 - 4 bI. Asking $2500. Phone 623-3135. 1-lN 1971 BEL AI R 350, automatic, $750 certif led. Phone 263-8455. 1-lN '78 PONTIAC Catalina, 9 passenger wagon, 27 options, no air, 23,000 kilometers. Phone 623-7107. 1-1 N THE Oshawa Obedience Association offers the foiiow- ing courses starting in! January. Novice and Show handiing starting in Bowman- ville, J anuary 9th and a Novice ciass starting in Oshawa January lth. For further information please cal i1576-1167 or 655-4356. 49-SN THOROUGHBRED beagle pup. Reasonabie. Must seil. 623-5715. 1-1 Equipped Beauty and Barber SalIon VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Terms: Lease or Percentage For Appointment Write: Box 196,, Newcast le, LOA 1 HO 1-IN PAIR of ladies black leather gloves with snug cuffs. Valued as a keepsake by senior citizen. Phone 623-3532. YEt.LOW labrador retriever, Blackstock area-, tatooed Ieft ear - WMT1OH. Answers to Trapper. If wherea bouts known please cali 1-986-4842. Family pet, small reward.1N THINKING of selling or buying horses, tacks, or trailers, etc.? As Iivestock and equiprnent brokers, we can arrange your transactions on the basis of no results - no charge. For further informa- tion contact: Gladwin and Co., Durham Road 23, South, Whitby. Phone 668-1282. 1-5N FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, 1CAIL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 BOWMANVILLE aparfment, 4 rooms and bath, hoated, cablo TV, f ree parking. Availabie now. Reasonable plus hydro. Phone 623-7523 or 1-705-696-3361. 28-TF THE Stonegate. Very nico 1 and 2 bodroom apartmnents with viow and many features in Port Hope - 885-6500. 39-tf CLEAN 3 bodroom bungalow, newiy decorated, central BowmanviIie, $295 monthiy. Availabie February lst. Cali 623-5063 af ter 5. 1-1 N THREE bedroom home, large living room with fi-eplace. $325 monthly. Immediate possession. Phone 623-3363.1I BOWMANVILLE - 2 bedroomn home, $240 monthly. Pay own utîlities. Available immediately. Caîl 623-7694. 1-iN ATTRACTIVE furnished bachelor apartment with wood bearns and stone fireplace in Orono. $225 per month includ- ing heat and hydro. Phone 1-983-9171. Ask for Merle. EXECUTIVE requires ba chelor apartment ir Bowmanville, furnished or unfurnished, January 5, 1979. Reply to Box 834, Adelaide St. P. O. Toronto, Ontario. 52-2N cm-- Auct ion Sale January 6, 1979 7 p.m. Pethick's Auction Shed, Haydon, one mile east of Enniskiiien. Furnîturo, tools, car carrier, washing machine, studio couch, smaii tables, garden tools, chipboard, large quantity of g un sheils. Lots of handy stuff - Te rms cash or good 'cheque. Cliff Pothick, auctioneer. 1-IN Auction Sale Stirtevant's Auct ion Hall 33 Hall St., Oshawa Thurs., Jan. 4, 1979 at 6 p.m. Modern - antique furniture, contents of a 17. room home, property f Anna Sacks, 592 SpadinaAv. Toronto, c-o Public Trustee. Two G.E. rofrigorators, round antique table, black and white 19" console T.V., RCA Victor radio, mi1rrors, oloctric broom, Crossiey refrigerator, oid fashioned sottee, electric sowing machine, hand carved wooden box, meTal KiTCflu[i cabinet, wicker chairs, antique chairs, wash stands, chests of drawers, desk, single beds, !ce box, Xonex dlock radio, oid fashioned steam press, books, lamps, antique f i ctures, magazine ack, od as hioned kitchen cabinet with ouli-out drawers, end tables, reading lamp, step ladder, rugs, trunk,- card table, dressers, antique settees, eiectric heater, number of odd chairs, miscelianeous articles that were used for making fancy dresses 50 years ago. Smal electrical appliances, pots, pans, dishes, uphoistored settoe, numerous small tables, corpiete iist not availabie at tim epof publication. Plan to attend this large sale. Terms cash. No reserve. Myles King, auctioneer 725-5751. AN DERSON INSU LATION 623-5181 or 579-2060 Blown Cellulose Fibre for Attic and RAPCO FOAM for WaIIs. CITY and COUNTRY HOMES 7-tf N Ail kin'ds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bowmanvil le' 623-2756 Phone for * * appointmhent 0 Annversary' Famuly Portraits In Our Studio, Your Home, or on Location 78 King St. W. Bowmanviile 623-2404 42-4N 705-277-2504 FARMS - COTTAGES Industrial and Commercial PUMP INSTALLATION 51-tf GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario WATER Wells bored, 30 tie. Painiting Ward's Weii Boring. Tele- Paperha nging phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- Ca rpentry phone 987-4531. 16-tf Remodelling OXFORDGeneral Repairs OXO DInterior Exterlor Brick layers and 14-tf Stonemasons Ltd. (Our fireplaces do not smoke) RnsFlo ar Orono RnsFlo ar 983-5606 18-tf Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Car entry, Renovating AIGeneral Repairs REASONABLE RATES Commercial and househoid cleanina. Dry foamn ruai and carpex shampooing. Wax re- movai, wa[I washinlg. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 263-'2288 Don Brooks & Son 27-tf General Contractor and Custom Builder D. Beers &,Sons Phone 723-6176 CONSTRUCTION New homes, additions, altera- New Homes - Renovatîng tions, çec rooms, garages, Roc Rooms repOirs 0f ail types, etc. Repairs cf ail types. 25-tf PHON E 623-2263 20-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43 - Bowmianville 30-tf DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf Hutton & Wiggans Insu lation BLOWN -METHOD FREE ESTIMATES 623-2551 USED Furniture and Ap- lances. Paddy's Markt, ampton 263-2241. 26-tf CREAM cooler - 6 can, no" Ieaks. Biackstock 986-5050. 1-lN D& R CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM CHAINSAWING Phone Orono 983-5005'or 983-9627 il-tf DRY WALL, FINISHING PLASTER REPAIRS. Spray Stucco Ceiungt Painting WALLY LUCYK Orono 983-5518 38-tf ODD JOBS YARD and BASEMENT RUBBAGE REMOVAL LIGHT MOVING PAINTING Have truck wi I move. Phone Andy 623-9379 CASH for g'0'd, sil1ver, coins, - 3uns, clocks, ewliry, dishos, furniture, cracks, ý ainings, seaiers, appliancs, - riondiy Flea Market, 23 King, Wost, 725-9783. 9-tf Cars, Trucks, Tra ctors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGH EST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence. 623-7112 4 t4 THE VISUAL ARTS CENTRE 0F NEWCASTLE located in the Cream of Barley MiII in Bowmanviile, Ontario) 1is seeking an ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK The Visuai Arts Centre wiii be hiring immedlately an effective self-starter to work on a Part-timo basis (2 working days a woek - hours tlexible) with the mombership and,,Board oftrine«Visual Arts L.ontre. uuTios incluae program aeveîopmeni, puilIcITy,l membership development, fund raising, bulding maintenance and ciericai rosponsibilities. If you are interested, please appiy in writing, inciuding a resume by January 10, 1979, to: Administrative Cierk Position The Visuai Arts Centre Box 52 Bowmanviloe, Ontario. REYNOLDS r4.JVV rL3.JINU~ UPHOLSTERING RALPH FRY Modern, Traditional and 623-7888 Antique. 1-5 Freeickuand delivery. FrEE T MATEOFOR PHONE OFR 263-2132 Brick layers and P 1 HmnonStonemnasons Lt. (Our firepiaces do not smoke) CHIMNEYS CLEANED Orono M. Brooks 983-5606 CARPENTRY' 51-tf R EMODE LLIN G CUPBOARDS - VANITIES CTMRWL GENERAL REPAIRS CTM RW L Phone 623-5566 DRILLING LTD 10-tf PONTYPOOL, ONT. TABLISHED 1881 ESI 4 DIVISION ST. 3.48 BOWMANV ILL 62,5 8 TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS -àý a a M. K. 1, maMpTon 48-tf N

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