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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1979, p. 7

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Adventurers Try i 9th Century Living schedules. Eating and dlean- ing also took longer. But they soon realized that the simpter tife of the 19tb century was more relaxing and self - satisfying. "Nowadays despite having shelter, food and electricity, you're not happy. You want more. While we were at the Establishments we found we were content with the basics," Scott said. The onty problem they encountered was trying to hold down their regular jobs while carrying out the experi- ment. Each working day they had to make the transition from the l9th century f0 the 2th century and back again. "We didn't think the clothes would be that important but they were. For example, the stop clothes had no pockets and no zippers. The wind blew rîght through the cloth. They weren't waterproof. When it rained, and it did of ten, we got very wet. When we tooked at each other it established the right atmosphere," Scott pointed out., To wash, fhey boiled wafer overthe fire and, with snonee accumulation of grime away. They washed their clothes once. "But once was not enough," Scoftt says now. Spare time af night and on weekends was spent chopping wood, whifflîng, wrifing. journals and leffers, playing the recorder and guitar and walking. Scoft acfually walked the historic Penetanguishene Road from the Establish- ments to Barrie, a distance of nearly 40 miles. He wanfed to experience a ltf le more of the l9fh -enfury and to do somefi ±îýg thaf the original EstaktIishment inhabitants woiId have had to do. He also tried to improve his skitl in tetting time by the stars. Lt can be done to wîfhin three hours of the accurate fime, he says. One morning near the end of herstay Jim and Scott awoke fo find a thick fog blanketing the site. Nothing was visible beyond a few feef. "Whaf if we walked down f0 the other end of the site and the 2th century wasn't there?" Scott asked. Jim responded -with a chuckle - a chuckle with a and soa , "serapea" te ay's nervour ring to it. Curtains for those Antique Fitled Rooms Throughout American an- tique periodicals you'll see ads for curtains such as "Country Curtains" from Stockbridge, Massachusetts and "OÎld Cotony Curtains" in Westfield, New Jersey. But you don't have to import curfains to add the finishing touch to your an- tique-filled rooms because three Barrie housewives can sell fhem to you. They began their mait-order business almost two years ago and cal if Puella Interiors Inc. which is derived from their names - Pat, Ulle and Aileen. By Mary Ann Warkman They were fired of "volun- feering their lives away" and wanfed work thaf paid fhem but which fhey could do af home. Canadiana Curfains was born when the fhree gof together fo decorafe an older home housing the offices of a law firm. They had f0 import the curfains fromn a U.S. firm but fhey decided fo begin their own mail-order business in Canada. The women employ seamstres'ses who also work in their homes. Paf Soufer, a former feacher, is married f0, a den- fisf and looks affer the 77 King Street 'East Bowmanville The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvitle, January 3, 1979 7 manufacturing end of the The curtains look charming business, on windows as seen fromn the Ulle Palmer, a lawyer's outside and on the inside they wife and formerly a physical tend themselves beautifully to education teacher, handles the rooms furnished with an- books and the legal dealings. tiques. They- can also be Aileen Carroll, a potitical washed which is an added scientist and also a lawyer's plus. As the Puelta catalogue wife, enjoys a second income says: to help fake some pressure off "For generafions, similar cur- her husband. tains graced the windows of They borrowed $3,000 to our loyatist ancestors and begin buying fabrie and weathered the test of time and machines. Finding machines pocket book. And today, our f0 sçw ruffled'curtains took home sewers provide the three months. They managed same lastîng quality of years to gef one 30 year old machine ago. in storage at a Toronto firm. For a free, iltustrated Polyester Cotton that brochure, write to: Puella In- doesn't need ironing and the teriors Ine., Box 833, Barrie, counfry look of unbleached Ontario, M4M 4Y6. mustin is used for the durtains which come in a variety of styles and sizes. White and eggshell are the colours available in polyester cotton. Varlous widfhs of ruffles are availabte as wetl as trims in open fringe, woven fringe and Irish lace. Tab curtains will be PARTICIPA TE the next type offered, in a paf- ferned maferial, which can be hung from rods as fuît lengfh curfains or cafe style. Pc7TlII(J&UUIIP' values Ef fective at Bowmanville Store Only for Scott Wilson bathes at wash stand in one of the dwellings at the Historie Naval and Military Establishments. Water was hauled from Peneta nguishene Bay, several hundred feet away. Penetanguishene -For three weeks this faIt, two modern young adventurers experienced tearly l9th Century life without central heating, running water and other amenities today's socie- ty takes for granted. It ail started when Jim MacMillan, àn education programmer, and Scott Wilson, an historicéal research- er, began reminiscing about their summer experiences as costumed interpretive guides at the Historic Naval and Military Establishments. Located in Penetangui- shene, the . Establishments re-create an era of Canadian history when Britain main- tained naval and military defences on the Upper Lakes. The historie park, withi recon- structed and restored build- ings, is operated as a visitor attraction from late May to Labour Day. "Lt would be great if we could live at the naval establishment as sailors did in 1820," Jim suggested. That * WHY'PAY MORE *SAVE ON PE * FOR ALL 1FUEL OUL' m 517 DUNDA ÉT. I Telephone Today PopCourte started it. They approached the site officials and got the go-ahead. "The management people approved the experiment be- cause the information we coltected would be valuable in devetoping inferpretive pro- grams." Scott recatis. Donning 19f h century British navy slop clothes, they selecfed a fwo-room log struc- ture as their home for the experiment. The fireplace would serve for bofh cooking and heating. Modern con- veniences, sheets for example, were lef f behind. Jim and Scott used 10 blankets befween fhem. Each used two f0 cover their straw mattresses and fhree to cover themselves. For 4he~ first while, the days were warm., However, towards the end, temperatures dropped to below freezing during 'Me might They allowecl themselves certain fhings that probably would not have been avait- able, fo ordinary sailors. For SA V' FOR HEATING IUM QUALITYI :UIELo YOUR M ,NEEDS EAST WHITBY ! Cali Colleot 381- 9 sService example, they had untimited candles - approximately two were used each night - writing paper, quill pens and ink, beds rather than hammocks, and good food rations. "We fried a muskrat which a friend gave up and it tasted like to boftom of a bog," Scott says. Aparf from that, they stuck to the sorts of food the navy would have supptied- satted beef and pork. beans, some fresh meat,' chicken, eggs, oatmeat, ship's biscuits, moderate quantities of stouf (beer), tea, cocoa and grog (one haîf a pint of rum and water daily). "Actually we couldn't handle the grog ration so we dropped if," said Scoftt. It took them fhree or four times longer to prepare food compared tf0 foday's BUSI NESS DIRECTORY Accountancy WILLIAM C. HALL Be. Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 D. V. SNODDON 212 Liberty St. North Bookkeeping and TSX Service Business: 623-7950 R e si d ence: 623-7309 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 118 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 JOHN P. WINTERS Chartered Accountant 23 Silver St. Bowmanville 623-9461 W .J. H. OGN Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 Dental DR. ANGUS M. B LAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.rn. t,9 p. m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 PATRICKG. DEA DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 36 King St. W. 623-4473 Office Hou rs. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fni. 8:30 'til 5:00 Chiropractic PRO DUCE 0F U.S.A. Sunkist Navel Oranges DOZEN PRO DUCE 0F U.S.A. FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS Red or White Grapefruit SIZE 48's FOR 7 CHOP ECONOMY PACK (2 RIB, 4 CENTRE, 1 TENDERLOIN PORTION) Fresh Loin Pork Chops WHOLE LEGS, HOCK REMOVED-à FrshPok $1, Roasts LB.I MAPLE LEAF, SLCED 158 Freshl Leg Pork IR MAPLE LEAF i LB. Wieners PKG. 1. 28îj MAPLE LEAF PURE PORK OR ALL BEEF 1-LB.S~ Sausages PKG.13 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED 16 OZ S. ) Bologna PKG. MAPLE LEAF, 3-LB. AVG. $ 0 Corned-Beef Brisket LB .1.800 MAPLELEAF 12OZ $91Q Tenderstrips PKG.z 8 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED4x OZ$15 Corned Beef PKGS 1m MAPLE LEAF, Blood Pudding Rings LB.11.48 LAWRENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractij 270 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, DC Chirpractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office-Hours: By appointment LEONARD JAY, B.Sc., DC Doctor of Chiropractic 96 Oueen Street Bowmanville Phone 623-9297 ______HOSTESS HALVES OR SLI CES 28 FL, Cheese or Barbecue Ardmona Peaches DZTIN79 Crunchits or 1l50-g Cheese Sticks PKG. %1 IGA, CHOICE 14 FL. 0%0%c Dessert Pears oz.TIN %3 IGA 28FL AO Choice Tomatoes OZ.TIN 4 t PLAIN, WITH MEAT OR 14-FL. WITH MUSHROOMS DZ. JA R5 Ragu Spaghetti Sauce 5 1 CAPRI '12OZ Luncheon Meat TIN 89" LIPTON Chiciken Noodie OF2 Mix 2ENVs-88e DERBY, MEAT MIX, BEEF CHUNKS OR BEEF STEW 14TO 15- 9Ole D)eluxetDog Foods DZ.TINS K% HERSHEY, INSTANT 2-LB $ l Chocolat. Drink MIX IN' 1.99 100,FT, ROLL rOà IGA Waxed Paper CUTTER BOX%#%#~ HOSTESS Pretzel Twists or 225-g PretzeI Sticks PKG. 5 POWDERED 6- ABC LITRE Detergent Vaseline Intensive 400-ml SA 3 Car. Lotion TUBE 1. OILY OR NORMAL 350 mi $.j G.. Shamnpoo PLASTIC BTL.u~ DISPDSABLE79 Cricket Lighter EA. 0% BLACK DIAMDND 12OZ SI Mozzarella Cheese PKG." .5 MAPLE LEAF, REGULAR WRAP, PROCESS Cheese 1$4 39 Slices PG 1V3 3-LB. AVG. rresn PorK $onRat LB. OPEN DAILY MON., TUES., SAT. 9 6 WED. -FR1. 9 a.m. -9 p. SUN. 10 a 5m.- 5pm. Delivery in Town 62ý3-4161 --- mmwýý le, 5.ýSPAGHè+, i> É: AD Y.CUT MAC,ý,'O N 1 ... . ...... -ta - . . . . . ......

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