{CLASSIFIED 623-33031 CTMRWL ____ ____ ne_ D RILLING LTD E A A *IM&m,,PmÂ~ 1,M PONTYPOOL, ONT. B'OWMANVILLE - 2 btdroom home. $240 monthly. linmediete possession. Pey own utilities. Celi 623-7661. 3-1 N ONE bedroom apertment in adu;t building. $165 month. 623-2453. 3-1 IN Bowmanvllle, dlean, one bedroom apartment, living romr, dining room, kitchen- ette and bath, upstairs in smalI quiet apartment build- ina. Centraly located near buses and schools. Avai lable eebruary, 1. $180 monthly includes heet, pay own hydro. Phone 623-4805 after four. 3-1 THREE bedroom town house wîth garage, $300 month. For information caît 623-6342. 3-1 N TWO bedroorn apartment in Bowmanville, carpetted, appliances, available immediately. Cal P. Currie 1--63-1131. 3-3N ONE bedroom apertment. Avaieable February 1. Heat an~d parking included. Phone 623-4387. 3-1 COMMERCIAL, f ree parking, Main Street, Bowmanvil Ie location, -good exposure, one room 1 l'x 12, $30 weekly; one room 16' x 12', $40 weekly; rent one or both. Air condi- tioned, ail utilities paid. Cali 623-7661. 3-1 N ONE bedroom apartment in Oshewa, heet and hydro and appliances included. Available Merch lst, $236 per month.,For information cal 571-1448. 3-1 FARM house near Hamp ton, $275 a mnonfth Aval lable ,lmmedietely. Phone 263-2988. 1 3-2N THREE bedroom apartment, heat fridge, garage and gar- ,en, east of Kirby. Phone 728- 6609 or 725-5618B. 2-2N BUILDING FOR RIENT Formerly occupied b ONTARIO MOTby LEAGUE Si ver Street. $wtable fer office or store. Apply et vThe Canadian Statesmnan' 62 King St. W. Bowmanville or phone 623-3303 2-tf N FREE REMOVAL 0F FRZESH, DEAD and D1SABLED FARM STOCK, CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM, ,Hamnpton 263-2721 'Port Hope 885-5274 RELIABLE bebysitter to come into- my home in Newcastle area, for two pre- school children. Monday to Friday. Must have own transportation. Phone 987-4261. 3-1iN Applications wiII be received for CARETAKE R of Newcastle Community Hall Up to and" 1cîdig Monday, January 22nd 1979 6 p.m. Pleese apply, stating qualifications and salery expected, to: Box 531, Newcastle, Ont. LOA 1 Ho PAPERBOYS- GIRLS Several routes for THE CANADIAN STATESMAN are available. - Martin, Roser, Alonne - 27 - Su papers gcuog St. -20 paperzi -WellI ngton St. 12 papers - Iina's Court- 16 oaoers -Lawrence, Waverley - 20 papers If interested, please cal 623-3303 FULL time! Part time! Your time! High income goals. Call between 4 and 6 p.m. 623-9302. 3-tf N COMPAN ION for elderly lady in Markham district. Live in. Age 55 - 65. Light duties. Char woman kept?. Reply to Advertiser 799, c-o The Canadien Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvil le, Ontario Ll C 3 K9. 3-1iN MANDERLEY Turf Farms requires a working field foreman. Successful applicant must have agriculturel experience, reasonable mechanical knowledge and be prepared to accept the responisibility for day to day field operation. For further information caîl Larry McCordick et 1-797-2588. 3-1iN The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Edmcation inyites applications for the lollowing position BOWMAN VILLE HIGH SCHOOL 1 -AUTO MECHANICS TEACHER (This is an occasional teaching position) Please apply in writing stating quelitifications and experience to: Mr. E. W. Wolff, Principal, 49 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvi le, LiC 2 L8. e *â 'Ihe Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education invites applications for the position of ,,USTODIAL FOREMAN-FOREWOMAN 'byties include in-service training and eveluation of custodial 'Sfàff, supervision of custodial pro gram, interviewing of job applicants and recommendations for hiring. The successf ul applicent will1 have an estebli!shed background in abour supervision, md ludin g interpretation, understanding, and application of Collective Agreements. Current Saîary Range:, $12,953 to $16,038 per ennum. Applications in writîng wl b e received by the undersigned until 4:00p.m., Mo ndey January 22, 1979et 834 D'Arcy Street North, P.O. Bo 470, Cobourg, Ontario, K9A 4L2. James A. Bird Business Adm in istrator and Treasurer St. Ma rys Cernent Co. requ ires a HEAVY DUTY EQUIPMENT MEC HAN IC The successful applicent will possess several years experience in the repair and maintenance of heavy diesel powered equipment, along with a complete set of tools. A license issued by the Ontario Ministry of Labor, or a certificete of epprenticeship related to this trade will be an asset. Pleese apply in wri ting to: St. Marys Cernent Co. P.O. Box 68 Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3K8 3-1iN SOntario Hydro PLANNING SCHEDULING TECHNICIAN ONTARI10HY DRO'S DAR LINGTON GE N ERATI1NG STATI1ON requires e technicien with a Grade 12 (technical> and several years experience In field construction in areas of planning and scheduling. Prference wilI be given to e community college graduate in civil, construction or industriel technology. Tlte successful candidate will carry out planning, scheduling and related ectiviies such as take-off, construction methods cleyelopment and cost analysis for various segments of the construction project, under the direction of an engineer and-or seplior technicien. Darîington is located between Oshawa and Bowmanville on Lee Onterio. Qilalified applicants should forward details of their education arîdeéxperience, quoting File No. 17-CS-9 to: Stbffing Officer, Ontario Hydro, 700 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1X6. 3-1 BECOME A BIG BROTHEI Phone 623-6646 MATURE babysitter for, month old, 3 to 4 hours ad to 2 days a week. P 623-5082. 18-YEAR OLD FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE seeks FULL or PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT CALL 623-5846 ASI< FOR LORI 3-1iN Phone for * appointment aAnniversary, 0. Weddinq.and Family Portraits In Dur Studio, Vour Home, oron Location 78 King St. W. Bowmanvilîe 623-2404 2-tf N RELIABLE woman wilIl do housecleaning in Bowmanville area. References if necessary. Phone 623-2018. 3-1 RELIABLE housekeeper, painting' odd jobs. Caîl Jane 1-786-2451. 3-1iN WILL do odd jobs, cleaning basements, garages, etc. Phone 623-9253. 3-1 WHYTE'S UPHOLSTERY Have your chesterfieîd and chair professionalîy upholstered. For free estimate cali RALPH WHYTE 623-5252 CHAINSAWS SHARPENED *-FILING and JOINTING William' "Bihl" Roy 263-8430 3-2N SIGNS Caîl Randy 623-3017 or 623-3909, ,6 Ref rigeration and 499N- Appilance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers ePH+ONE BERT SYER dailht Days .............. 623-5774 Phone Nights............. 623-3177 3-1 N Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpentry, Renovating AIU General Repars REASONABLE RAiYES 263-2288 27-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs of ail types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf JACK BUJRGESSý DIL BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43 - Bowmanvilîe 30-tf 705-277-2504 FARMS - COTTAGES Industrial and Commercial PUMP- INSTALLATION 51-tf Ron's Floor Care Commercial and household cleaninq. Dry foam rua and carpet shampooing. Wax re- mova i, waril washingd. Ron TurcotTe 623-7966 Bowmanviîle Glass 143 Wel11ington St. 623-3410 Specializing in Cash & Carry glass, mirrors, aluminurr products (siding and doors) 28-tf N SNOW PLOWING RALPH FRY 623-7888 Bill's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Mon. - Fri. 8:00- 5: 00 Sat. 9 -12 noon Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 9-tf N GORD SIMPSON SNOW PLOWING Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario SE RV ICES Painting 623-4265 Paperhanging 3-1iN Ca rpentry Remodelling D & R General Repairs CUSTOM Interior Exterior F E NCIN G 14-tf CUSTOM CHAINSAWING M. BooksPhone Orono M. Books983-5005 or 983-9627 CARPENTRY 1 1-tf R EMOD ELL ING CUPBOARDS - VANITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 10-tf AIl kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. BowmanvilIle 623-2756 13-tf WATER Wells bored, 30 tle. Ward's Well Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Represente- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-tf DRY WALL FINISHING PLASTER REPAIRS Spray Stucco Celimngs S1Painting- - WALLY'LUCYK Orono 983-5518 Corneil's Auction Barn Friday, January 19 1at 7p.m. 3 miles east of Little Briteiri or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay-Little Britain Rd. 9 piece diningroom suite, washstands, oak buffet, antique dressers, oek chairs,, drop leaf table, press back rocker, churn, cutter, 4' x 8' pool table, stereo, Dominion piano, hall seat, RCA Victor portable and console TV's, Moffatt refrigerator, Atlas epartment, size freezer, Aladdin lamp, 71/2 h.p. Ford riding Iawnmower, '72 Ford Maverick (certified), 1968 Dodge 400, (certified), 1971 Dodge 2 ton, cab and chassis (certified), plus many more antiques, furniture and house- hold items. In case, of inclement weather, sale will be held following Fridav night. Don Corneil, auctioneer at R. R. «I, Little Britain 705-786-2183. 3-1 Auction Sale Saturday Evening January 20 7 p.m. At Pethick's Auction Shed, Haydon, 1 mile eest of Enniskillen. Large quantity of furniture, good chairs, chesterfields, tables, wooden coal stove, washing machines, other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash or casheble cheque. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 3-N Saturday, January 27 12 Noon Furniture and Antiques Auction sale of antiques, furniture and household effects - the property of the estate of the late Mrs. Cerrne Read will be held at the Wilson Auction Barn, 11/2 miles north of Uxbnidge to Beaver Rd., then east to first farm. (Sale held inside - heated barn.) Electrohome colour TV, chesterfield end chair, 9 pc. dining roomi suite, ginger- bread dock, flatback cup- board - glass doors, antique chests of drawers, antique dressers, bedroom suite, kitchen suite, freezer, refr eretor, electric stove, Maytag washer, lamp tables, captain chair, antique high chair, quilt frames, oil peint- ings, piano stool, severel antique tables, antique side- board, antique picture frames, rugs, f ireplece tools and screen, lamps, many other antiques and household effects. Also tools in.cluding M-F No. 12 yard trector with mower, snowblower, and roller, aluminumn ladder, V iarden hose, electric rimmers, several lawn, ornaments, metal shelves, garden fools, etc. Sale et 12 noon. Lunch available. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Lfd., Uxbridge, Ont. 416-852-3524. 3-2 (Our fireplaces do not smoke) CHIMNEYS CLEANED Orono 983-5606 51-tf REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique. Free pcku p and delivery. FREE E STIMATES PHONE 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton48tN J. WAINWI "The 0 Enniskillen, Ontario LOB iHO Have A Good Day CASH for goid, silver, coins, guns. docks, jeweilery, dîshes, furniture, crocks, ý ainfings, seaiers, appliances, riendi y Fiee Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf 623-2551 BYAM PLUMBING & HEATI-NG AND AIR CONDITIONING NEW WORK AND RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES Village of Tyrone, R.R. 5, Bowmanviîle 263-2650 50-tf N 'IHTLTD. R rMeat" BILL HENDERSON Owner (416) 263-8072 USED Furniture and Ap- p liances. Paddy's Market, Hempton 263-2241. 26-tf SIX cylinder Chev motor. Must be in good shape. Phone 623-5196. 3-1 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf I.: Chris Rollo thanked ail who helped on the Playground, which is now completed. It, was decided to send Elmer ,Lee and Doug Russell a gift for covering the Nursery tables wîth arborite. Chris ann<,unced that a question- naire will be mailed with the newsletter to, determine if the -record files are up to, date on participating mothers. The medical certificate must be obtaiiied yearly and the TB test once every two. The announcement of the new directors, Carolyn Morton and Chris Cliff to fll the vacancies of Paula Lishman and Beth Schryburt. Wednesday morning class will be going skating from 10:00 to 11:00, mothers should AM GIANT PUBLIC AU CT IQN Saturdav, Jan. 20 10a.m. Ritson Road and Hwy. 401 (Oshawa Market Place) Over 40 good used cars, trucks, vans, 4 x 4, snow plow, '76 Corvette, ail makes and models upf to 1978. $10001s of $ $ $ wor~ of garage equip- ment, automotive supplies, tires, batteries, etc. Also six snowmobiles, some trailers, 3 color T.V.'s, chain saw, office files, pop cooler etc. Selling out Jan's Garage LimiteF. Don't miss this one!!!l Terms cash or $100 cash deposit, balance in three days. 3-1 N Blackstoelk Many familles in Blackstock are getting a lot of family fun out of the ice available at the local rink. If you haven't been on the ice yet, family skating on Sunday afternoon, 1 - 3, is a good place to start. If you're unsure of your abilities, pre- school skating takes place Wednesday morning 10 - 12 at- a much slower pace. Senior Card Party at the Community Hall on Tuesday 5evening had six winners: 1 - -Roy Werry - 93, 2 - Elwood Tripp - 79, 3- Elva Van Camp - 78, 4 - Bessie McCullough- 78, 5,'- Lionel Byam - 78, 6- A. Timms - 76, and low - Goldwin Faint. Tracey Cochrane received hier 'ail-round cord' at the weekly meeting of Guides on Monday evening. Lois Van Camp, Durham County Dairy Princess, attended the Ontario Milk 1Marketing Board Annual Meeting on Wednesday, held at the Royal York in Toronto. Thursday morning between 20 and 30 friends and relatives gave a surprise house warm- ng to Mr.n and Mrs. Harold McLaughli at their new home near the McLaughlin Pond off 57. Vern Vogel reported that on Wednesday of last week some- one knocked on his door in downtown Cadmus to ask how to get to Blackstock. The couples club will be leaving from the Schryburt home at 8:00 Saturday night for Oshawa where some will see 'Superman' and others 'Caravan' then back to the Schryburt's for a social time; any couples are welcome to join in. A diligent committee of ladies put in a long afternoon at the home of Joyce Kelly on Fri day under the direction of Jean Adams to make necessary changes in the 1979 Fair Book. Due to the increase of maie hobbies in the area, a totally new section will be drawn up for the men; which will be displayed on the stage, Fair Day. If you have any worthy suggestions please caîl Joyce Kelly or Beth Schryburt. Prize money was increased in several areas. There were a few items dropped and new ones put on. It was suggested that the qults need a better method of display and many ideas were discussed. The annual meeting of the Black- stock Agricultural Society will be Thursday, .January 25, at 8 p.m. in the Rec. Centre. Laurie McCulloch, President of Ontario Agricultural Association of Societies will be the honoured guest speaker. Anyone living in the area is welcome to attend this meet- ing and bring a friend. Lady directors are reminded to bring a dozen cookies. Blackstock Nursery School The Januar meeting of the Blackstock Nzursery School was called to order in the Nursery School Room on Tuesday, January 9th, at 8:00. The. minutes of the previous rhe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 17, 1979 13 Oshawa Preshyterial U.C.W. Hear Dr. Stanley Osborne Th send skates. Any other Nursery School children are welcome to attend if accompanied by an adult, cost is 25c. Children being sent to tbe school from now until the spring comes should. be dressed for outdoor play. It was mentioned that our licence to operate allows that no corporal punishment can be used; no aduit is allowed to hit any child attending classes. The school will be CLOSED during the March break; teachers will receive their usual pay. Judy Crawford will head a committee of Alice Waldriff, Susan Ellis and Carolyn Morton to make arrange- ments for special seminars and lectures to be sponsored by the school for the benefit of any parents, public included, to attend. Bake Sale and Bazaar plans were discussed; the February meeting ideas are to be brought on crafts to make for a bazaar. A Raffie Concert was checked into; he is booked into the spring and very expensive for a money making project. Members are expect- ed to pay a $1, fee for the mailing service as many of the stamps and envelopes have been used up. Insurance comes due in February, company rates will be check- ed and the value of PCPC Insurance and membership. The participating parent schedule was discussed in detail. The duty comes in cycles not per month and is geared to the number of participating parents within a classroom along with the number of times the child attends. Parents missing their turn without making other arrangements will be hiable for a fine of $5 which will be collected by Marg Wray who will see that the substitute parent is paid. Mothers must now sign-in when they report for duty on a large chart in the kitchen. Blackstock Women's Institute The ladies of Blackstock Women's Institute met in the Community Hall on Wednes- day, January 10. After dessert and coffee were served by Mrs. Hoskins' group, Mrs. Shortridge opened the meet- ing with a poem and welcomed all of the ladies. The Institute ode was sung and the Mary Sewart Collect repeated in unison. Role cal was answered by naming your favorite craft. Minutes of the previous meeting and the treasurer's report were rend and approved. Margaret Van Camp read a 'thank you' from Gail Shaver, and from the Salvation Army 'for-the December donation of $32. A vote of thanks was giveni to Mrs. Archer for a crib quilt which was sold at the meeting. One of the members spoke of the need to buy Canadian in order to help our country prosper. Mae Shortridge reported from the Parks Board that the Community Hall has been insulated. It was pointed out by one of the members that the park light has not been working lately, so, it will be looked into since the institute pays for its opera- tion. A request came from the floor to have a quilt quilted. Mrs. Roy McLaughlin spoke on the motto, "Grow, but not Old". Mrs. Hoskin rend the story of the Country Store by Elsie Lunan, telling of the changes in the country store from 1863-1963. There was a display of crafts Tweedsmuir His- tory Books, and Scrap- books avaîlable at unie meeting. Mrs. Hoskin demonstrated making 'fantasy flowers' using a special shaggy fun fur. Mrs. Larmer and 4-H girls once Pres. Evelyn Redpath. One motion was made and carried. Many purchases were made from an interesting book display. Announcements were, Ful Executive meeting at Pres. Marilyn Martin's home, Feb. 4, 1979, 9-12 a.m. Annual U.C.W. meeting in St. Andrew's U.C. Oshawa, March 28, 1979,9 a.m. with Dr. Katherine Hockin, guest speaker. Annual U.C.W. Con- ference, Lindsay April 3 and 4, 1979, with moderator Rev. Tuttle, speaker. Closing with title 'Opportunity' was by Vice. Pres. Bob Ann Dickson. Host church ladies served good hot tea and coffee. BE A + BLOOD DONOR 3-N Don Brooks & Son DARLINGTON General Contractor MASONRY and Customn Builder Brick, Block, Stone Phone 723-6176 CHIMNEY & FIREPLACIE S New homes, additions, altera- CHIMNEYCLEANIN G tions, rec rooms, garages, Phone 623-2176 rep4'irs of auI types, etc.25t 45-tf OXFORD Hutton & Wiggans Brickayer andInsulation Bricklayer andBLOWN METHOD Stonemnasons Mt. FREE ESTIMATES CALL THE Canadian Statesman TODAYIa 623-3303 Put some fancy foot work into your ads! The The Classifieds are in your corner when you want a real winner. A want ad is a small investment, that produces positive resuits. So, put your money on the Classifieds and you're sure to.. DIVE YOUR ROVERTISINO SOME REAL tiiJf, . ABILITY FUN-D Disabled Aduits Need YOUR HeIp please give generously. by Margaret Ashton The annual meeting of O.P.U.C.W. Executive and locals Presidents and Vice- Presidents had chosen a windy, icy day for the meeting in Westminster U.C, Whitby which 70 attended 'and had officers representing 29 local groups. Pros. Marilyn presided and led the opening worship. Rol Caîl by Sec. Joan Lett was answered by high lights from each local group. Rev. and Mrs. Banks expressed a cordial welcome' to ail. Dr. Stanley Osborne, guest speak- er, was introduced by Alice Sheffield. He gave a most educating explanation of the recent publication 'Report of the Task Force of the U.C.' AI] 16 Executive members gave brief reports also a message from U.C.W. Confer- Wa nt eid tý,.. ....... "Put yourself in the picture' An accident, sfroke, a heart attack or a crippling disease can strike anytime, as thousands of Ontarlo residents discover each year. No one is exempt from tragedy. But, if it should strike you or soirieone you love, the Ontario March of Dîmes is ready to help with its many services. Darryl Siffler, Captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs, is on the Ontario March of Dîmes' team and he asks you to john him and become a member of the team.. Please give generously when our appeal' letter arrives in the mail or when a volunteer caîls.