BÏURNHAM- Gonaon and Faye (nee Nicholson) are happy ta announce the arrivai of their son Jonathan Gardon, 8 Ibs. 4 ozs. at Oshawa General Hospital on Decemben 13, 1978. ,A brother ta Andrea, Jason and Ashley. Many thanks ta Drs. Lindsay and Invine and maternity staff. 4-1 LIVING - Steve and Nancy (nee Weîsh) are proud ta announce the safe arrivai of a son, Eric Arthur, 5 Ibs. 8 ozs. Thursday, January 18, 1979. Proud 9.ra ndparents are Mn. and nrs. John Living, Bowmanville and Mn. Paddy Wel sh, Wil1benfonce. Than ks ta Dr. Ewert and matennity f on nurses. 4-1 MOORES - Andrew is pleas- ed ta announce the arrivai of his sisten Julie Ann Marie, Sunday, Jan. 21 at 1: 10 a.m. weighing 6 lbs. 13 ozs. at Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville. Proud(parents are Gary and Diane Dobbs) . 4-1 WOODS - Garnet and Kathy are pnoud ta announce the arrivai 'of their first born, a girl, Shelda Marie, 7 lbs. 12 oz., January 8, 1979. Pnoud grndparents are Mn. and M ns. Abraham Sol, R. R. 6, Bowmanville and Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Woods, R. R. 3 Port Penny. Special thanks ta Dr. Rayman and nurses at Oshawa General Hospital. Mn.and Mrs. Paul Farrana, Bowmanville are ploased ta announce the engagement of thein daughter Val enie Jane ta John, son of Mn. and Mrs. Ted Coatham, Orono. Wedding ta take place this sumrmer.4-N Mn., and Mrs. Gerald Mackey of R. R. 6 Bowman- ville are pleased ta annaunce the engagement of thein eldest daughter, Sandra Goorg ine, to Jack L. Mc Eathran, son of Mn. and Mrs. Lindsay McEathron of Boulter, Ontario. Wedding ta take place Apnil 21, 1979 at Carlow United Church, Bouter, Ontario. 4-1- CAIN -Alvery Lee (AI). In Bowmavill on vThursday, January 18, 1979. Alvery Lee (AI) Cain in his 85th year. Beloved husband of the late Jennie May Wood. Dean father of Peggy (Mrs. Robent McCal- lum); Audrey (Mrs. Claire Raglan); and Gerladine (Mrs. Harold Dawson) ail of Peter- borough; Jean (Mrs. Walter Woodward) of Bowmaniville, Glen of Lindsay and Ray of Victoria, B.C. Also survived by eighteen grandchildren and two grea t-g rancdchi Idren. Loving brother of Barney, Fred, George, Jim, Jack and Margaret (Mrs. Wilson) ail edeceased. Rested at the Mckey Funeral Home, Lindsay, for complote funenal service in the chapel on SaturdayJmntar 20 at 3:30 p.m. Inte Brnt River Cemeteny. 4-1 FITZROY _- Mary. At Memorial Hosp ital, Bowman- ville, on Satunrday, Janua ry 20, 1979, Mary Watson of 16 Ashdale Crescent, Bowman- ville, beloved wife of the l-ate James Fitzroy, dean mother of Mrs. S. Hawrychuk (Donna), Mrs. C. Shanrfon (Joan), Mrs. D. Trickett (Rheta), Mns. J. Rabbins (Thelma) and David and Kenneth. Rested, at the Northcutt Elliott Funenal Homo, Bowmanviîle. Funeral service, Monday evening. Interment Glendale Memorial Gardons, Toronto. 4-1 N GAMEY - Ethewyne abi At Memonial Hosiiital, Bow- manvilie on Wednesda y, Jan. 17, 1979. Ethelwy ne Ga mey, late of Orono, aged 97 yeans. Wife of the late Col. J. C. Gamey and dean mathen of Glenn (Mrs. Hary Lycet) Cobourg, dean g randmothen of Gamey Lycett, Part Hope, g reat gnandmather of Andrea Lee and Dean. Rested at the Barlow Funenal Home, Orono. Services was hield Friday at 2 p.m. IntermentOnanao Cemeteny. 4-1 GEDDES -AtOshawaGenern ai Hospital, Sunday, Jan. 2lst, 1979, John Gecddes, 27 Jane St., Bowmanvilile, in his 62nd yean, beloved husband of Helena Barrett, dean brother of Isabeli Gould, James, and Elsie (Mns. Vernon Mc Kenzie), Part Hope. Service was held in the Morris Funenal Chapel, Bawman- ville, on Tuesday aftennoan. Interm ent Bowmanville Cemetery. 4-1iN PARRISH - On Sunday Januany 2lst, 1979. Ait Burnaby Genenal Hospital, Burnaby, B.C. Eleanare Joyce Wight, beioved wife of Ralph Parrish, loved mothen af Joan (Mrs. Steven Cabbold) London, Ont., Robent and David, Burnaby, dean daýu gtern of Mns. Charles t , Bowmanville, sisten of Jean (Mrs. Allan Williams) Las Angeles, and Aileen (Mrs. Nelson Osborne) Bawman- ville. 4-1 PORTSMITH - Suddeniy, as the nesult of an accident, Friday, Jan. l9th, 1979, Rali5h Portsmith of Newtonville, in is 23nd yean, beloved husband of Susan Bickell, loving father of Tammy, dean son of Howard and Violet Potsmith, Newcastle, brother of Robent, Lynn, Susanne, Judy, Darlene and Shelly. Service was held in the Morris Funenal Chapel, Bow- manville, on Monday aften- noan. Interment Bowmanville Cemeteny. 4-1 N ROBINSON - Suddenly at Cobourg, Tuesday, Jan. l6th, 1979, Harry Robinson, R.R. 4, Cobourg, aged 60 yeans, beloved husband of Emeline Robinson, dean father of Robent Harve y and Viola Jean (Mrs. J. Vandenveen), bth of R. R. 1, Onono, also loved by 7 Sra ndchildren, dean brother of flan, Goçloich, Robet, Bobcaygeon, and lia (Mns. Widmeyer), Mooefield. Service was heid in the Morris Funenal Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Friday aftennoon. Spring interment Orano Cem eery. 4-iN TA IT, John - At Bawmanville on Tues., Jan. 16, 1978, John Tait of,80 Habbs Drive, in his llth carn Beloved son of Elsie and oulas Tait. Dean broth- er of Elaine. Rested at the Nothcutt Elliott Funeral Home, Bawmanville. Funenai service was 7:00 'clock Thursday evening. Cremna- tion. 4-1 N CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanviile HOSPITAL .and AR RANG EM ENTS Floweing Plants and Cut F lowers 12-tf J1uneral liim 1VHO LI 1, -F ULN ES S ÛER N SERVCE Service ta yaur needs .. . aur fi rst cancern. Sa that yau wiII be relieved from worry and detail. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 Morris Funeral Chapel ESTABLISHED 1881 4 DIVISION ST.623£548 BOWMANV ILLE X3 4 O Twa OFF STREET PARKING AREAS RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 l& 73 Ontario Street Ii no..M Port Hope, Ontaria WORKMANSHIP * QUALITY LiA 3W High Quaîity at L Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5"1~Ié Homne885i ,4 Z=_ BAKER - In loving memory of a dean husband, father lnd grandfather. A. John, who passed away Januany 28, 1978. Thaug h absent, you are very near. - Lovingly remembered by June and family. 4-1 BENTLEY - Jack. In lovi-ng memary of my dear husband who passed away Jan. 23, 1974. in the graveyard softly sleep- i ng, Where the flawers gently wave, Lies the one 1 laved so deariy, In a silent, lonely grave. He wii11 neyer be faorgotten, Neyer will his memory fade, Tender thoughts will aiways linger Around t hegrave whene he is laid. - Sadly missed, neyer forgot- ten, Ede. 4m1 BENTLEY - Jack. In loving memony of aur dear father and grandfather who passed away Jan. 23, 1974. Dad is such a special word, A word that brings ta minc, A bigwarm smile, a helping hnd, A way of being kind. Devotian ta the family, A word of patience fao, - Dad" is such a special1 word Because it stands for "you". - Sadiy rmissed by Edie, Richard, John, Ron, Barbana and gnandchiidren. 4-1 PATERSON - In lovîing memory of a dear wife and mother, Ona Irene Paterson, who passed away January 25, 1972. We are sad wîthin aur memony Lonely are aur hearts today; For the one we loved so dearly Has forever been called away. We think of her in silence No eye can see us weep But many siuent tears are shed When others are asieep. -Lovingi remember by Sdy andKen. 114-1 PATERSON - In ioving memory of a dear mother and gnandmother, Ona Irene Pat- erson, who passed away January 25, 1972. No one, knows how much we miss yau No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered. Since we aost you Life has neyer been the same. ln aur hearts yaur memory Sweelytender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of yau. --Always remembered by Heather, George and family. 4-1 RAHME - In laving memor y of a'dear father and grand- fal;ier Thomas (Russell1) who pase away suddently on January 2th, 1978. There is a iink death cannot sever Love and remembrance last forever. - Sadly missed by daughter Doohson-in-law George 1and grandchildren Debby, 1Jlm, Cathy and Steven. 41 STURGEON - Thomas. In laving memory of a dear father and gnandfather who passed away Jan. 22, 1977. lt's true what they say That ti me does heip To heal the deep, painful wounds left by the death of a lovedaone But time will neyer make us forget Your loving smile. your help- fui hand, your kind advice For those things that were vou Dad, we will neyer torget. - lwys loved and, remembeedb y 'daughter Alianah, son-m- law Stephen and granddaughter Kristina. 4-1 Floral Crea fions '"Flowerswith Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Holidays Boy. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 FLOWERS, BY JACKMAN Bowmanville MaN Phone 623-3365 ' PROMPT, COU RTEOUS SERVICE FOR AIL YOUR FLORAL NEEDS VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery f0... Oshawa - Bowmanville Anea Phone 623-4441 The family of the late Hazel F. Myles wish to thank relatives, friends and neigh- bars for floral tributes and donations and many acts of kirdnesses shown ta us in the Ioss of a dear wife, mothe'r, grandmother and great grand- mother. Special than ks ta Fossetta and Aif, Dr. McKenzie, Memoriai Hospital, Rev. Basil E. Long and Marris Funeral Chapel. Calvin My'es and family 4-1 N I wauld like ta thank friends and relatives, Dr. McKenzie, nurses an 3rd floar, Newcastle Public School staff, the Orono .O.O.F. and Rebekah's for cards, f lowers, fruit and visits while in Memorial Hospital. Bruce Myles 4-1 N The family of the la te Fabian Mounitjoy wish ta. express thanks ta relatives, friends and nelighbors for their lovely flarai tri butes, dona- tions ta Participation Hause and many acts of kindness during aur recent bereave- ment. Iva Mauntjoy and family 4-1 Sincere thanks toalal friends and neighbours for the many cards and acts af kindness which eased the burden for me during my convalescence. A special thanks ta the doctors and nurses of 6G at Oshawa General1 Hospital for the cansiderate care they gave me. Elgin Taylor 4-1 I would like ta thank ail relatives, friends and arganizat ions for ail the, beautiful flawers, cards, gifts and phone calis during my stay in Memariai Hospital. To Drs. Sm ai, Ewert and Anfossi an O. R. staff, sincere thanks. Also toalal nurses and staff on third floor for their kindness. Grace Murdoch 4-1 My sincere thanks ta family, friends and neighbars for gifts and cards received during my stay in haspital, alsa than ks ta Drs. Ewert and Ugray and nurses on 4fh tioar, G wing, Oshawa Hospital. S ILew-IsWoad- The famiiy of the late Harold (Hap) Gardon Gi wîsh ta express aur sincere thanks and appreciation fan the many acts of klndness shown durinq aur recent beneavement in the ioss of a ioving husband, father and gran dfathen. Special thanks ta nurses, iab. de pt., Drs. Anfossi and Long af Bowman-, ville Memor'ial Hospital for their excellent cane and atten- tion. Alsa ta Rev. J. Petens and A. Amacher, Marris Funenal Chapel, Jenusalemn Lodge No. 31 and ta the ladies who senved lunch faiiawing the service. Man y thanks ta thase who donated ta the Ontario Heant Foundation, the Canadian Cancer Society and Participation House Project Durham Region and those who gave floral tributes in his memory. Your kindness and sympath y are more deeply apprecîated than any words of thanks can even express. Beatrice Gi and family 4-1 The family of the late Mrs. E. M. Gamey wish ta thank al their friends and relatives who gave salace, sent flowers, donations and cards and gave assistance in any way in this timeof sonnow._Special thanks ta Nel Gar, Castie Nursing staff, Memonial Hospita , Bowmanville, nursing staff. Barlow Funenal Home and Max and Canal Lycett for the use of thein home. Hanry and Glenn Lycett Gamey and Mary Lycett and family. 4-1 i wish ta thank my relatives and tiends for cards, flowers and visits received during my stay in Memonial Hospital. Also the nurses on floor 1, Dr. McKenzie, Rev. and Mrs. Tizzard, Trinity Church, Bowmanviil Rebekah Lodge 125, Orono Rebekah Lodge 334 for tlowers, cards and visits. Special thanks ta my niece Lena Clysdale for ail hon cane. Ireno Burloy 4-1 j-INE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANO, MARK ERS Look for this beal1. IF'S yaun guarantoo af permanence. 0 STAFI-ORD BROS. LTD. Dlutorzg Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E.- Whitby Phono Whitby 668-3552 ÇLAS H APPLE TREES Cut your own fi rewood. Bring your own chain saw. $15.00 per treo. $30 a face cord - pre-cut, split and ready ta bunn. The aid Watson Apple archard, Regional Rd. 57 (Martin Road) and Hwy .2. Saturdaysaonliy. Ail proceeds donated Io SPLASH. 3-4N PUPPET PLAYS WINNIE THE POOH and THE LITTLE PRINCE Saturday, Fe 'b. 3 BOWMANVI LLE HIGH SCHOOL Two Performances: 1: 30 and 3:30 p.m. Tickets $2. For tickets phone 623-6364, 623-4589 or 623-4957 PROCEEDS TO SPLASH 3-3N J EN DON CERAMICS CLASSES AVAILABLE GR E ENWAR E G LAZ ES BRUSHES, etc. SLIP, etc. Studio Discounts Available 623-.3868 4-4 Children's Concert by Raffi, Eastdale Coilegiate Auditorium, ,Saturday, Januanry 27. Performances il a.m. and 1 p.m. Tickets soid at Toybox. Further information 723-6573 or 728-1203. 4-1 Meet Fred McLaughlin, you r NDP Federal Candidate at the Bowmanviîîe Public Libarary an Sat., January 27, 1:30 P. M. Folîowed at 2 p m._ b ya ý anel discussion tifled "Ja BS FOR THE UNEMPLaYED, NOT WELFARE", Panel Moderatar MI KE BREAUGH, MPP, ashawa. BINGO N EWCASTL E COMMUNITY HALL Tues., January 3Oth Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACK.PaT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS 14-1N DANCE COUNTRY EXPRESS featuring TED H ALLMAN JanuarY 27, 1979 B ROW NS DAL E COMMUNITY CENTRE (Golf Course Rd., N., Newcastle) $7.00 Couple 9-1 p.m. Couples Only Refreshments 4-1iN SOLI NA COMMUN ITY HALL DANCE Sat.,Janua 'ry 27th Ray Aveny's Orchestra Evenyone Welcome $6.00 per couple 4-1 N OILD TYME DANCING in Tynone, Old Hall Music by WILLIE and BOB an -January 27, 1979 Dancing 9-1 52.50 per persan Sponsorod by L.O.A. SUPER' friendiy while cat with tabbyish black spots and brown collar. Has been in aur vicinity for two weeks. Owner please cali 623-9101 atter 5 p.m. 41 BIG, black dag. MaIe. Very friondly. Phono 623-9292. 41 TAN and white (Trigg) hound, temale. East of Blackstock aroa. Guy Guthrie 623-5036. 41N B. M. H.A. Booster Club Winnors for Januar2th, Winner First Goalua chard Krackenburg, ticket seller for the ast goal Joe Sweet. Next pool January 27. 4-1 FENCE posts - 8 ft. leng9ths, ail widths. Phone John Si kma 1-786-2153. 4-2N '71 SKI ROULE S400 twin 30- h.p. Excellent condition, new track. '70 Matoski, 28 h.p. single., Double bed trailer. $800, campiete. Phone 623-7135. 4-1iN SPY and Courtland apples. Reasonable prices, aisa will sharpen chain saws. Roy Orchards. Phone 263-8430. 1 4-2 N FINDLAY cook stove, gaad condition $400. Phone 263-2684. 4-1 DRY shavings, alsa seasaned f lrewood. Phone 728-6852 affer 4 p.m. 4-1 CHILD'S maple desk. 40" x 17" x 301/2", like new. Call 987-4237 Newcastle. 4-1 N PULLETS ready ta lay and roosters. $3.50 each. Baby bassinet, best offer. Phone 263-8884. 4-1 WOODEN windows, assorted sizes, make an offer. 623-2284.- 4-1 DOWNHILL skiis, 2 pair, man's and ladv 's, includes bindings, boots and pales. Good condition. Best offer. Phone 623-2715. 4-1 BABY carniage, like new, blue, canverts ta stroiler, playpen, walker, tramner. Iea sanable. Phone 623-2715. 4-1 1972 YAMAHA 433, good condition.,Cail 1-786-2884. 4-1 N 5 h. p. SNOW thrower, gaod condition. Phono 623-7470. 4-1 TWO small ail stoves. $30 each. Phone 1-983-5458. 4-1 N SKATE sharpening machine, floor modol, $600. Phono 623-4754. 4-2N PONTY POOL FOODMASTE R Specializing in REP BRAND BEEF FREEZER ORDERS -Best Quality at the Lowest Pnice FREE DELIVERY CALL rOi LECT 9'83-5846 or 705-277-2178 DOUG PINGLE 4-tf FIRE PLACE WOOD 623-4550' 4-tf N CRIB and mattress, gaod condition, $40. Phono 987-5472. 4-1 N ANN UAL REMNANT SALE (odlds and ends) Somne large yandage Whyte's Upholstery Sat 4 Canlise Ave., Bowmanville 623-5252 4-2 SNOW PLOUGH, brand new, nover used, ail brackets for GMC mounting. Phono 725- 5668. 4-1 N REPOSSESSED 20" RCA XL100, $17 monthly, $4 weekly rentai purchase stanting Jan. '79. KR AZY KELLY'S 350 Wentwonth St. E. OSHAWA 571-1412 45-tf N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, youn one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf APPLES- CIDER WILL DELIVER Ph. 623-3699 H. PEL No Sunday Sales 48-tf N KRAZY, KRAZY SUPER 26" Zenith Spanish console, slashed ta $688, 56.50 weekly starting, January. Phono tonight, ane-hour delivony. KRAZY KELLY'S. 350 WentfNorth St. E., 571-1412. 45-tf N APPLEWOOD for sale. Cut your own. $12 per tnee. Phono 263-2501. 4-1 17 ft. GLEN-L cabin sailbaat with Mercury outboand. Sleeps two, excellent condi- tion. Phono 987-4511. 4-1 N DUAL 8 movie- camera and projector, like ilew. Phono 623-9135 aften 7 p.m. 4-1 VIKING stove, white, good condition, must be soi d by Jan. 30, 1979. Asking $65. Phono 623-6483. 4-1 N OSHAWA Antique Gun Collecton's Show and Sale, Kinsmen Community Centre, 109 Coibanne St. W., Oshawa, Ontario, Sunday, January 28, 1979. 9 a.m. ta 1 p.m. Ladies' silver dollar dnaws. Admis sion $1. Ladies fnree. 4-1 N APPLES, PEARS, CIDER 3nd nesidence east of Pine Ridge 'School, south side of Concession St. Phono or Visit Our Farm L. J. Bisschop 623-7231 Mon. through Fri. affer 5: 00 p.m. or Sat. 9:00Oa.m. -.00p.m. 494e THINKING of selling or buying hanses, tack, on trailens, etc.? As iivestock and equipment brokens, we can arrange your transactions on the basis of no resuits - no charge. For funthen informa- tion contact: Gladwin and Ca., Durham Road 23, South, Whitby. Phono 668-1282. 3-3N TALISMAN Flea Market. Antiques - Stamps - Jewellny - Weavinq Pottery - Bnass - Hn nittng -Refinishirig - Openg 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. $aturdays, Su ndays and Holidays. Lots of parking. Free admission. 11/2 miles nonth of hyw. 2 at Newcastle. 41-TF '79 SKIDÔOCitation $1395. Blizzards $2195. Everest, $1949. Tracks $85.00. Beits $6.00. Ladies' suits haîf price. Open evenings. Ontario Sports, Hwy. 115, Orono. 983-544,4. 50-4 REPOSSESSED 25" RCA Lowboy, $398. $4 weekly rentai purchase starting Jan. '79. KRAZY KELLY'S 350 Wentworth St. E. OSHAWA 571-1412 45-tf N PADDY'S Market now has new furnitune, appliances, T.V.'s and steneos and also used furniture and applianeë7.' WilI accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Ham pton, phono 263-ý 2241.33-tf 2000 BALES quality hanse hay. Phone 987-4865 after 5 p.m. 3-tf N i and M 'TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-TF N REPAIRS - saddles, tack, blankets, etc. alsa good selec- .tion of new and used tack. See Gladwin &Co. this calumn. 3-3N, '78 MOTOSKI Sonic 340 RV, excellent condition. Best offer over $1450. Phone 1-983-9718. 3-2N USED furniture and ap. l1ances. Paddy's Market. Sampton. 263-2241. 33-tf SPECIAL - 10 per cent off feed supplements, vitamins, and top quality blue jeans, while available. See Giadwin & Ca. this column. 3-3N SNOW SPECIALS FARM 86" DOUBLE AUGER BLOWER 84" SINGLE AUGER BLOWER USED GEORGE WHITE V SNOW ý BLOWER USED SEDORA DOUBLE V SNOW BLOWER RESIDENTIAL AC il h.p. GARDE N TRACTOR WITH 36"1 BLOWER AND MOWER AC 10h.p. GARDEN TRACTOR WITH 36" BLOWER AND MOWER AC 16h.p. HYDROSTATIC GARDEN TRACTOR WITH 42" BLOWER AND MOWER AC8h.p. WALK-BEHIND BLOWER AC5h.p. WALK-BEHIND BLOWER CAB FOR 700 SERIES GARDEN TRACIOR USEDAC10h.p. WITH 36" BLOWER AND MOWER USED AC 12h.p. WITH 36" BLOWER AND MOWER USFD AC 16h.p. WITH 42" BLOWER AND MOWER USED JOHN DEERE 12h.p. TRACTOR AND MOWER TREWIN FARM EQUIPMENT B LAC KSTOC K 1-986-4283 ALLIS CHALMERS SALES AND SERVICE AALLIS-CHAL MERS LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT 4-11 JEWELLERY COLLECTIBLE AVON BOTTLES SPRING BLOUSES Many Gifts for Your Valentine at the NEARLY NEW SHOP 73 Celina Street Oshawa 579-9595 Shopdaily 9:30 - 5:30, Thursday until 9. 4-1 N Holiday and Chevron Trail'ers Large selection of truck caps from $259.00 installed. Ca msport Trailier Sa les Highways 115 &35, Newcastle Phone 987-5174 9-tf REPOSSESSED 26" RCA XL 100, full Spanish cabinet ta floor. Take over payments, $19 monthly, $4 weekly rentai purchase starting January. Phone tonig ht, one hour delivory. KRAZY K EL LY'S. 350 Wentworth St. E. 571-1412. 45-tf N EAR PIERCING $8.00 mo appaintment Necessary) Plus 10 per cent off first purchase of earrings with release slip.. Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. 29 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-5747 BE A BIG SISTEF Volunteers are needed1 area to be a friend f0 age= 17, who are ini osuprtative relatior CALL SIMCOE HALL SETTIEMENT HOl at 728-7525 -m NOTICE TO CREC ANDOTHERS IN- THE ESTATE WILLIAM GEORGE late of the City fOhE the Regional Mnicip4 Durham, Retired F (his residence bein gBE Lodges Nursing Homi Thornton Road Oshawa, Ontario, form( R. 2, Bawmanville, Or who died at the said Oshawa, on the 9th October, 1978, Ini Creditors and others dlaims against the Deceased or his Esta nequired ta send part and full proof thereof undensigned on or bofi 12th day of February after which date the a the Estate will be disi having regard only dlaims then received. Dated at Town of NeA th is th day of January, L. C. Mason, Q.C. 135 Wellington Street, P.O. Box 129, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3K9. Soliciton for the istratrix. Western Cana School 0f Auctioneering Canieda's finst, and fi- completeiy Canadian affered anywhene. Li undon the Trade Licensing Act, R.S.A C.366. For particulars of th course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Alb Phone 782-6215. 23-tf N in this girls need ships. USE î 9ýU. FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK- CALI MARGWILL FUR FARM Ha mpton 2631-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 '71 CUDA, 318, automatic ant,_, '53 Chev. 1/2 tan, V8, standard. 26-tf N Phono 263-2140. 4-i 1978 GMC 1/2 ton pickup 4 *wheel drive. Best offer. Phono 987-5346. 4- IN :ITORS '75 CH EV. van, 3/ ton, power 0Fbrakes and steering, V8, 49,000 OF miles. Phono 623-7540 after 7 HOLT, p.m. 4-tf N awa, in ality of armer, '71 BEL-AIR 350, auto, '65 astview Chev. 3/4 ton, 292, standard. os, '186 Phono 263-8455. 4-TN South, erly, R. 1975 PONTIAC stationwagon,. ntanio.) only 40,000 miles,,$2250 as îs. City of, Cal 623-4728 after 6. having '67 CHEV wagon, good condi- atee tion, rebuilt 283, wil certify. ficulars $300. Phono 623-2752. 41 fta the 4 are the 199 1973 CHRYSLER Newpont,,4 ýs'ts7o doon, HT, power steeringand tibuted brakes. WilI certify. $1000. ta the Phono 623-5371, ask for Bob. . vcastle, ,1979. '78 FORD Deluxe Explorer, W2 ton with cap, only 4300- ki lometens, $7900 or best affen. Cal 623-3028. 4-1 Admin- 1963 FORD Falcon mini bus, -3 excellent body a nd mechanical condition. Valuabie antique. Phono 987-4511. 4-1 N !78 DODGE van, 6 cyL. automatic, power steering and, i3da brakes, captain's chairs, sun-ý roof, many, many extras,ý Lt. $5,500 certif ied. Phono 1-786- M . 2013.4-1 N ne onhy course jjjjj .icensed Schools S1970 e next enta or 4-9 CASH for gold, silver, coins, guns, cdocks, jewellery, dishes, furnnture, cracks, ý aintings, seaes, appliances, rlendly Fl ea Market, 23 Klng West, 725-9783. 9-ffj LlSED Furniture and Ap- p lances. Paddy's Market, H mpton 263-2241. 26-tf RIDE needed, Bowmanvil le ta Oshawa and return daily starting 9 a.m. neturning 3. --0, P. M. Phono 623-9567. 4-1 WE hâve buyens Iooking fan prorperties out of town with ange lots, up ta $80,00Q. Caîl Lama Youjna 623-2529. Nucent. Realty Inc., Realtar',-579-4900ç 4-1 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 IN 5t SPECIAL Purina Dog Chow 20 kg Bag - $10.9,a' VANSTON E FLOUR AND FEED MILL King St. W. 623-5777 3-3 GOLDEN Labrador, female, ageé two, for good home, very affectionate dog Calîl 263-2665. 4-1N ONE pair of hounds. Phone 723-5817 after 4 p. m. -' 4-1 N LOOKING for good homnes,ý white (mother) caf and fourý kittens; two white, one black, and one tabby. Phone 263-2934. 4-1 N SIBERIAN husky, maIe. Black pony with bridie and alsa tack for horses. Phone 987-5346. 4-1 N, KENDAL HILLS- HORSE CENTRE, 416-797-2124 Training, conditioning, sales, lsos-Enýlish and Wiestonn- STUD SE CE Ontario Champion Halter Stallion ""ETERNAL ROTU NDA"I VISITORS WELCOME .1 1