r Nimta tt I,Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Sympathy is extended ta Mr. and Mrs. H. Portsmith and family on the death of their son, Ralph, the result of a car accident west of Newtonville early Saturday morning. To his wife Susan and daughter, Tammy, Newtanville,- we express sincere condolences. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parker received word that his yaungest brother Murray of Fredericton, New Brunswick, had passed away. On Monday, Donald and Velma flew ta Fredericton, returning home on Saturday. Sympathy is extended ta the Parker family. Mr. and Mrs. Rab Griffin, Graf ton, entertained her parents, Frank and Eva Hoar ta, Sunday dinner an the accasion of their birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bandstra, Rôbbie and Eddy of Vauxhaîl, Aberta, recentiy spent four weeks in this area virkiting family and friends. Two days after their return ta Vauxhaîl, their chosen six-week's aid baby girl came ta live with the happy family. Miss Judy Powell, Brock- ville, and Miss Barbara Bow- man, Sarnia, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Seird De Jong hosted a-party in honour of nephew Tom Couch who celebrated his twenty-first birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper, Oshawa, were Friday night supper guests of Mrs. Kathleen Kimbali. Mr. and Mrs.' Jack Kimbal, Part Granby, were callers. Mrs. Louise Jase entertain- ed the Ladies' Euchre Club last Monday. S Mn. and Mrs. Ranald Hope held a birthday party on Sunday in honaur of daughter Michelle. Special guests were Miss Beth Hope, Biackstock, and Miss- Donna Meraw, Bowmanville. ,Grandmother Betty Brown spent the week- end witb the Hope's. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chiswell, Cambridge, spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Don Murdoch, Kars, were Saturday callers with the Wades. Mesdames Athea Laking, Lena Graham, Helen Lycett and Kathleen Kimbaîl were entertained to Sunday dinner at the home of Mrs. Doris Trimbie, Bowmanville. Mrs. Margaret Rudman was co-hostess. Mrs. Kate Sieep, Toronto, returned home on Saturday after spending a couple of weeks 'witb Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Powell and family. Dr. Susanne Grenneil, one of aur local dentists, is a patient in Memoriai Hospital, Bow- manville, as the result of injuries sustained in an auto- mobile accident last Wednes- day. We wish ber a speedy recavery. THE MARCH 18 ON! many physically disabled men and women need your help ... please give as much as you can ta: Abiity Fund Please givo generously. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Burley, Scarbarough, were Saturday evening supper guests af Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clarke. 1Miss Sandra Kean and Mr., Gary Johnson, Ryerson students, spent the weekend at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Van Dusen, Thornhill, were Tuesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley. We understand some local Guides enjayed the weekend at the Ganaraska Camp. Grandchildren Lorraine and Justin Scott. Little -Britain. s ent last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Wood,. Oshawa, spent Saturday even- igwith his mother, Mrs. Wifred Wood. Congratulatians ta Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gienney on their 45th wedding anniversary this week. Birtbday greetings ta Karen Lee Wright and Orena Megit. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Wood- hams, Scarborough, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley were Thunsday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldread. Last Thursday afternoon the Newtanville W.I. members met at the home of Mrs. Madeleine Buckley. Mrs. Buckley entertained the ladies with a slide presentation and talk on Hawaii. Mrs. Grace Toms and Mn. Fred Wind are patients in Memorial Haspital, Bowman- ville. Senior Citizens' Meeting On Thursday evening, Jan. 18, the Senior Citizens held their first meeting of 1979. Mrs. Queenie Fletcher con- ducted thé business period, with officers for '79 being President, Mrs. Queenie Fletcher, Vice-President George Buckley, SeeQreta-ýr TreasurerMrs. May Burley;1 Sunshine Secretary Bertha Fisher, Card Conveners Tom and Alecia Spencer, Lunch Committee Louise Jose, Kay Kimbaîl and Helen Nesbitt. The remainder of the evening was enjoyed piaying cards, with winners being igh Lady, Mrs. William Milligan, High Man Bill Morley, Low Lady Neta Alldred Low Man Hilda Henning. Lunlch was provided by May Burley, Harry Collin- son, Ellen Duxbury, Louise Jose and Iren Rinch. Newcastle Nursery Schooi and Day Care News The children at Newcastle Nursery School and Day Care Centre have been havmng a good time mi ail this snow! Those children who went skating Tuesday morning really had a great time! Most are quite goad and those who are just learning gave it ail tbey had. We can be found every Tuesday marning from ten ta eleven at the arena. Many thanks ta ail those parents that turned out to beip die skates and guide the littie ones around the ice. This week Miss Van Niejenhuis has begun a French programme with the seniors. Thy seem quite wiiiing ta meet the challenge and are enjaying the speciai class. Mrs. Stone and Mrs. Fetherstanhaugh have been engaging the children in exercise activities on those days that are tao cold for outdoor ventures. Murphy the Molar has been a tapic of conservation and songs lately. Any day now, we are anticipating a visit from Mrs. Keatly, the Dental Assistant 'with the Durham Regional Health Unit. Anglican Churcb News Services in St. George's Anglican Church had a theme of a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Rev. Alian Telephone 987-4201 À Haldenby took his text from the neading of the week, I Peter, Chapter 4, verses 7 - 11, and followed the subjects of Pray, Love, Share and Serve. The choir sang Gad Be In My Head from the Sarum Primer as the Graduai. Mrs. Jenny Park sang the solo, He Wipes the Tears. St. George's is undergoing redecorating at this time, sa the congregation had ta move around in their seating, because of the scaffolding. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell were Conveners for the Fellowship Club i the evening at St. George's. Mn. and Mrs. Ron Locke were elected conveners- for the coming year. Names were drawn for those putting on programmes for the caming year. Mr. Don Wilde, Oshawa, showed a fine set of slides and gave a talk about his trip ta the Holy Land and the Medterranean. Plans were made for the catering for the congregational meeting held after church next Sunday. The Young People's meet- ings have been cancelled on account of examinations. United Church News On Sunday, Jan. 21st, Rev. David Spivey titled his sermons, Jesus said Fear Not. If your heart is filled with the Lord, you will have no fear. Mr. Wayne Blackburn read the second scripture., 1 John 4 verses 16 -21. The Prayer for the weekls: O Lord, surprise us with unexpected joys and help us ta use hardships and trouble ta contribute ta aur growth as Christians. Toys in good condition are requested for the Nursery Roam. The Annual Meeting is Sunday, Jan. 28 with pot luck lunch beginning at 12 noon. On Sunday afternoon the Couples and Familles Club enjoyed a Snaw Par.ty .after which they returned ta the Sunday Schoa1l for lunch. Jan. 17, 1979 To the Editor; On behaîf of the Newcastle and District Mrena Fund Raising Committee we would like ta give you a repart of aur goals reached during 1978 and aur objectives for 1979. During this past year the citizens of Newcastle along with the fund raising committee have work- ed very bard ta obtain the funds needed ta pay for aur. côsts of the arena on your behaif. At times it seems that it is an unobtainable goal but after you read aur report, l'mi sure you wili realize bow close it is. Fund Raising for 1978 Praceeds for sale of Lottery tickets $75,385.00 Minus prizes of 11,100.00 Car Show 668.25 Aug. 13 Beef Barbecue 2,000.00 Aug. 26 Barbecue Dinner 1,586.30 Pancake Breakfast 385.00 Walkathon 2,291.71 Summer Fiesta at R. B. Rickard 2,090.00 Paper Drive 386.50 3 Ail Expense Trips. 1,888.00 Officiai Opening Draw 461.00 Donations of $500.00 and aver Newcastle Lian's Club 15,352.72 Rotary Club 2,000.00- Royal Canadian Legian 2,500.00 Junior Chamber of Commerce (Bawmanville) 1,000.00 U.A.W. Local 222 1,500.00 Durham Rye Assac. (Piedged $25,000) 10,000.00 J.A.S.C.O. 1,500.00 Goadyear Co. 1,000.00 Marris Funeral Home 750.00 Melville Jones 3,000.00 Ceresdale Fertilizer Ca. 750.00 Pine Ridge Park Co. 500.00 Newcastle and.District SINCE 1917 THE BIOGESI EVENT NEXT TO THE ROSE BOWL No question as to the answsr. The answer to that - It's MURRAY JOHNSTON'S ½h YEARLY SALE of the finest men's wear to be had ln this area. Thi~s sale is NOW IN PROGRESS at the aid stand.- 8 Slmcoe Street North ln DOWNTOWN OSHAWA. -6 //~ta 8 SIMCOE ST. N. cÇoiton (OSHAWA) JJLnittc 725-4511 DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SQUARE Chamber of Comme Cnd. Imperial Bank Commerce Total Maney donated and above Total money raised 1978 Pledged for 1979 Durham Rye Association Lions Club of Newcastle Goodyear Ca. Grand total Toti of ,erce 500.00 Amount Paid ta the kaf tawn $120 '000.00 1800.00 Balance on hand $10, 170.74 Sa now you can see our goal 1 $118,194.51 of fund raising completion in ,d not iisted 1979 is very reai, and. you are 11,976.23 ahl part of it. Ail the little jobs have gane tagether ta, make up $130,170.74 a very big achievement for a very smail community. Do yau realize that per-capita a $15,000.00 sirnilar amount was raised in Oshawa it wauld amaunt to 5,000.00 $7,500,000.00. This village bas 1,000.00 taken -on major projects - befare and nover failed and il al $21,000.00 looks like you're gaing ta be 151,170.74 number one again. Our monthly meetings which take place on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 in the town hall are open and you are more than welcome. We have made plans for 1979 but our ideas are limited to the twenty-five people on the Committee, and we are sure there are people out there with good ideas aiso, and we wauld like ta hear tbem, What we need most of ail .is your time, and know- ledge. We have had roughi. times and good times, we have had compliments and criticism, but no one has given up. If you stop ta look at it, if you heard nothing at ahl, you would know no one cared. I would like ta mention a word, on the support we have had from aur local businesses and Lions Clubs. We would 0 really appreciate your support 4 of the Lions Club pro jects, they have certainly helped us realize the goal of a new arena, and remember I'm sure that s many Lions have neyer used aur arena, but stI have supported us very generously. Our merchants also assisted us in every way possible, and riwe ask you ta support them as.Compietion in 1979. Carol Berney S on behaif of the Newcastle t and District Arena Fund Raising Committee. P.S. We have two projects Th, coming upon us the same clay towards the end of April and we will need all hands on deck. You will be hearing more. shortiy. Newcastle Community Bowling Youth - 125 and Over J. Beamn 157 - 217, K. Rudman 171, P. Pfuffer 160, B. Fisk 125, P. Hale 135, D. Zietsma 136, B. Knapp 128, M. Malette 137, C. McLuhan 145, B. Couvier 140, P. Willemns 217 - 150, P. Hole 170, P. Johnson 154 - 138, G. Couvier 143,, R. Hoogkamp 128 - 145, P. Knapp 175 - 183, W. Couch 163 - 163, A. Rawe 143, S. Stere 14i, A. Stere 133, T. Oke 161 - 218, M. Northern 130 - 130, J. Beard 125, K. Pierik 140, B. Crockett 169-135. 200 and Over Ladies M. Pierik 212 - 214, P. Kidd 214 - 206, G. Henry 234 - 222, B. Major 222, M. Major 237, T. Langstaff 234, A. Langstaff 264, R. Kelly 211 - 236, 1. Brown 257 - 239 - 210, S. Foster 201, D. Neal 202, D. Mercer 202 - 2o8 -210, K. Mercer 222, D. Walker 241. Men E. Taylor _213 - 216, G. Cowling 232 -2ï6 - 241, R. Loseby 247, J. Graham 202, 1. Fanis 220 - 241, P. Gardner 262 - 205 - 228, W. Flintoff 216 - 245 - 223, G. Murphy 306, R. Sutcliff 227, B. Farrow 230 - 24 - 252, M. Henry 209, D. Brown 226 - PIUumbing ee k at Prices in effect until February 3, 1979 c r1 nAi 'King Size Y Kitche Cnte Sink Ensemble For King-size familles, a king-sze--sink -ensemble, complote with removable hardwoad cutting board. Plus, Waltoc's beautiful .Eite' single-contral mix- ing faucet with swivel ac- tion spray aerator. Outside dimensions 18" x 31". Bowl size 14" x 16" x 7". A beautiful buy at Rd3118P 94"5 Belwood Vanitie Classic Style ln And4ue White Constructed tram warp and dent reSistant particle board and fînished with a durable finish. Doors are moulded f rom styrene. The 18" vanity s 16/" deep, 1 door. The 24" unit is 183/4 deep, 2 doors. Top and faucets sold separately. 18" wide 4995"b 24" wide ABS PIpe Durable, lightweight pipe coments together. Use for drainage tram sink, tub. toilet or iaundry. Sold in 12' longths in 2 diameters. 11/2" 3" 4"9 14, Stainless Steel Sinks Double-Bowil with Ledge Back Compiete with stainiess steel basket strainers and tail pipe. 3 hole, 21"1 x 321 No. 319 789- Single BowI wfth LedIge Back Complote with strainer and tail pipe. 3 hole, 20" x 2W' No. 301 3695 Cuftured Marbie Vanity Tops A beautifui accent with the nich looks of reai marbie ..but it is superiar in strength, imporviaus ta water and resists stains, integral back splash. laps sold separately. 1w top 4995 25" top 5995 Copper Pipe Type M- 1/j, Sm 19 a 12' lengttî Four Convenlent Self-Serve Locations Shop ln Complete Indoor Comfort ou.Sr Cagxo strCh.rgeor Faucets for Kitchen and Bath. . on sale. A. Tub and' Shower Faucet This iow priced set in- cludes. adjustabie shower head, faucet and modern lucite hand les. 9 No. 1003 3996 B. Tub and Shower Singlo-lever fixture One-hand contrai of hot and cold - a comiorta- blo mix aiways on tap. No. 8251939 C. Vanity Faucet Add sparkle ta yaur D. Single ContraI Vanity Faucet Easy ta install. No. 84521 3826 E. Dual Contrai Kitchen Faucet Complete with swing spout, lucite handles. F.No. 2103 23" FSingle Lover Kitchen Faucet Aliaws rflilung of hot and cald water with ease. Fits standard 8" centres. bath. Low priUO LUCite handles. N..8000 5101 No. 702013 iV ~ o80Ow Reduce bathroom mais- ture prObiems, quiot.y and etficiently, with an easy ta, ingtali fan. Mounts easily in wall or ceiling. C.S.A. approved. Complote With brushed aiuminum grill. Shower Cabinets A.Do-It-Yourself Problem_ Solver A showor staîl is a space saver that can salve a lot of bathroom probloms at home or the cottage. A family convenionco thats nexpisive for the had-man. Plastic 30" x 30,1, Compete with fittings COSHAWA 100-,Bond St. Wst Mon. to Fr1. 9:00 sut. t 15:30 728-1617 WHrrBY 223 Brock St. N. Mon. 10 Wed. to 6.00 Thurs. & Fr1,. to 9:.00 Set. to 5:30 668-6821 îe Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. January 24, 1979 15 ELIZABETH "LVILLE' Church services were held purchased a pair of blankets as usual. Mrs. D. Wilson and for the lire victims. Mr. Laverty, students con On Thursday the North cluctect tne service. The choir Hope Golden Age Club met; as sang. The furnace didn't corne it was too cold at the hall we on as it should, so it was rather met at Mr. and Mrs. Plooard's cool.home. There were four tables The ladies held a quilting at o uhepad. The next will Mrs. B. Wheeler's, home on be the 25th. Tuesday and Wednesday. The Mr. and Mrs. W. Terbenche quit is to be given to Mr. and and family, Port Hope were Mrs. Ken Clarke. The United with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer eJhurch Women Unit il also on Sunday Mr. andMrs. G. Fowler and Christopher, were with Mr. 201, G. Watson 233, R. and Mrs E. Fowier. Clapdorp 251, J. Clapdorp 202 - Mr. and Mms John Quantrill, 204, B. Lewis 237 - 2051- 217. Kingsville were at Mr. and Thursday Mixed Mrs. H. Quantrill's Friday R. Worr 203, J. Forget 241, night and left for home on F. Forget 203 - 217, E. Saturday. Stephens 226 - 276, B. Forget The Muldrew's and Whit- 206 - 225, K. Southern 206, R. bred's' of Oshawa were at Forget 216 - 235. Sunnyside on Saturday. Friday Mlxed Mrs. R. Westheuser and H. Nickolson 209, S. Nickol- Lesley, were with Thickson's son 203- 215, L. Pearce 255, J. on Monday for lunch. Holmes 207, T. Osmond 205, R. Mrs. J. Cann and Mms, G. Good 229 - 255, A. Pearce 272 - Palmer had operations on 204, N. Madill 214, R. Burléy their feet the past week. 231, M.B ey 201, M. Henry Mr. L. Cann and Mr. Robert 311, LE Wulllems 204, S . Webb Trew also had something done 217 - 203, T. EmIfley 215, H. M. to their feet. Munro 221, T. Cowles 205, R. Mr. H. Thickson had his Pearce 210, M. Pearce 264 - regular check at the hospital 215, M. MacDonald 211. îast week. Big Brothers Mr. W. Lewko has been Bowl for Millons coming UP moved to Hlope Haven. Feb. 10 to Feb. 17 - watch and Mr.i and Mrs. R. Mercer and ask for information at the Bryan, were with Mr. and bowling alleys. Mrs, C. Mercer Sunday night. "Cristal" Ceramic lle The real thing Your bathraom deservos the lang-iasting beauty of real ceramic tule. Imitations nover look as elegant. "Cristal" ceramic tiles camne in sparkiing colours and distinctive textures. Easy to apply yaurseif, evon ovor aid tules. Pool off the backing paper, press into position, grout 'and wipe clean. CTC 41/4 x 41 5 per carton Post'Form Cou ntertops As practical as they are beautiful! Compliment your kitchen decor with a new countertop, complets with blacksplash. Choose from Maple Block or any of our other decor.patterns in stock. Each top is 25" deep. 10, 'ngti 3950 Need a special size top? We can make one for you ln 7 - 10 days if you choose a stock pattern. Just bring your mreasuremenfs. COMMIE BkoorSt. E. of OSHAWA Mon. to Wed. ta .o l'hure. & Fr1. ta 9.00 eet 105:3 728-1611, PORT HOPE- h1i&Peter St. Mon, to Thurs. ta 5: 30 Friday 'tii 9:00 Saturday 'tii 4:00 885-2423 Wl LmÂLL S ' Ieng~ 31110 v 'l --ZA Only $l2e49.