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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1979, p. 3

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St., Paul's Group Takes Off on Trip to Florida Early Monday morning, this group from St. Paul's United Church, led by the trip's organizer the Rev. N.E. Schamerhorn, left Bowmanville for a two-week trip to Florida. Considerable effort has gone into organizing the venture, with accommodation arranged ahead of tihfie and an extensive tour of Florida's attractions scheduled. Needless to say they were ail in a joyful mood, looking forward to the outing. Best wishes for a speedy recovery from recent opera- fions f0 Bill Sheen, Charlie Palmer and George Timms, also get well wishes f0, Bob Forrest, who refurned from Florida and has since been confined f0 bed. The Women Alive Conference will be held in Pet erborough on March 10, wifh Karen Mains as guesf spakr The Ladies' Com- muif hoir is being formed for this Conference, and practices will be held af the Salvat ion Army Citidel in Peterborough from 2 f0 4 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 28 and will continue each Sunday affer- noon f0 March 4th. The first meeting of the Cavan-Manvers Parish Execufive Commit tee will be held on Mon., Feb. 5fh af 7:30 VAN BELLE p.m. af St. Thomas, Millbrook. The officers of the Befhany U.C.W. for 1979 were installedl during the Sunday morning service and the Befbatiy Congregafional meeting was held affer the service. United Church Littfle masteries achieved, Little wanfs wifh care relieved, Littfle words in love expressed, Liftle wrongs af once confessed, Lifttle graces meekly worn, Littfle slighf s wifh patience borne, These are freasures thaf shal arise Far beyond the shining skies. Mr. Graham used "Frost - The Breafh of God" as his sermon subject. He said Jesus, in his feachings, took many every day subjecfs. Cold is acfually the "Breafh of God" said the book of John. If is used as an illustration. Frost can cause sorrows and trials, but if is good for the earth. Every day life f00 has ifs ups and downs, but good fhings f00. Frost shows us that under everyfhing God is there. In the ladies' bowling Gerfie Clark had the high single score wif h 246 and Joyce Edwards was runner-up single with 216. High double went f0 Joyce Edwards with a score of 426 and Hilda Cochrane wif h 391 was runner-up. Gef well wishes are exfend- ed f0 'Tiny" Kinsman, who was faken by ambulance f0 Civic Hospital last week, but undersfand she is able f0 be home again. St. Paul's, Anglican Ephesians 2: 8 was Rev. Wainwrighf's subjecf on Sunday. He said we all faîl into temptafions and faîl short when we do nof depend on God. Daily newspapers are full of sadness, ickness, death, disturbed governments, refugees who are seeking freedom. God made a covenant and He gave us laws f0 obey, but we in the Christian church faîl int o error due f0 being ignorant of God's presence and going fhrough the day withouf fhink- ing of God. Believe thaf the kingdom of God is af hand and if we keep our eyes on Hlm we can walk fhroughouf our day without fear of tribulation. Ivan Elliof f is not recuperaf- FLORAL SHOPPES We welcome you ta corne in, warm up, and aur 4 Floral Shoppes. A big 10" pot 24" - 30" H igh DIEFENBACHIA Reg. 1695 NOW 9.99 ~A Iovely colorful decorative plant. Green with white Scoloring. Excellent ~'for the home. Limit 2 to a customer. brome... in AFRICAN VIOLETS ASSORTED COLORS JUST ARRIVED FROM OUR GROWER 3" AND 4" SIZE REG. 2.50 NOW I1. WATCHFOROURRAN4DCOPENINO NEW ADDITION COURTICE ISTORE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 10 O'CLOCK RIRBON CUTTING BY HIS WORSHIP MAYOR GARNET RIOKARD MANY, MANY SPECIALS. WATCH NEXT WEEK'S PAPER. Due to the tremendous response to aur Carnation Special we ran oui, so we wilI carry it again this week. 12 Carnations$39 Cash and Carry OnIy. Offer good to Feb. 3, 1979. 623-14441O79-1N3-515 COURTICE Hlghway 2 Yes! Were open 1 officiai Opening of the new addit ion February Mt. Watch for many speclais OSHAWA WEST 292 King Street West Garden Centre and Floral Shoppe OSHAWA NORTH 1124 Slmcoe Street North Floral Shoppe 31 Kng Street NOW OPEN ing as we'had hoped, in fact. since his visif f0 Sf. Caftharines af Christmas time hie has been in Intensive Care unit in Toronto. Iven has had a lengfhy illness and our besf wishes and prayers are wifh hîm for improved health. His wife, Jessie, bas had an anxious time. Our fhoughf s are wifh lher f00. Margaret Jarvesf, Carolyn Port eous, Marie Kerr and Loraine McGill took a three day leaders' course f0 enable them f0 teach two groups of 4-H girls in this area. These leaders give much of their fime and talents f0 deliver these lessons f0 younig girls for this worthy cause. They are f0 be highly commended. A commiffee has been formed f0 lay the groundwork for Millbrook's Cent ennial plans. They are Jerrold Jacobs, president of the historical socief y, Doug Ferguson, chairman of the recreation commiffee, Mill- brook Reeve Ken Blair, Councillors Bilîl Thomas and Clayfon Blair, George Sheppard, Edith Heaton, Bob Simser, Terry DeMille and Shirley Allison. An' open-air rink is being constructed at the Millbrook Fairgrounds by the< Millbrook Recreation Commitfee 'and the local fire figh fers. Many activifies were can- celled due f0 the heavy storm we encounfered which consist- ed of rain, bail, thunder, lighfning and an abundance of snow. Snow-blocked roads meant the closing of many schools. Many large branches, laden wifh ice and snow, have been broken from the frunks of the trees. We wish a speedy recovery for Harold Green who under- went heart surgery this week. Cafhy Kloepfer, Oshawa, ont. and Chris Kloepfer, Cornwall, were home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kloepfer over the week- end. A Drug Information Pro- gram will be held at the Grandview School on Tues., Feb. l3th at 7:30 p.m. Mr. W. C. Capeling, princi- pal of Grandview, feels that parents should be better informed regarding this sub- ject. He said, "The school experienced several drug- related problems during the 1977-78 school year. Fortu- nately, with, the cooperation of the students, parents, and police officials, the problems were gradually cleared up. To the staff's knowledge, there are no problems of a similar nature in the school this year. This is no reason to become complacent, however. According f0 representa- tives of the law enforcement agencies serving our town- ship, as well as a number of' residents, drug problems out- side the context of the school continue to be. reason for concern. This should not be surprising because our com- munity is essentially no different from any other community in the province. The drug problem will not go away by itself. As responsible parents, we have an obligation to become as well informed on the subject as possible. Nofh- ing is ever achieved by turning one's back on a problem and pretending that it does not exist." Mr. Capeling has been approached by some parents and the police about arranging a drug information program for the community. Therefore, arrangements have been made for Constable R. Par- rington of the Ontario Provin- cial Police to put on this drug demonstration-presentation. Mrs. Capeling had the op- portunity to see and evaluate Colonel Parrîngton's presentation and he and all present went away with a much better understanding of the problems, so he highly recommends it to ahl parents. "Even if you do not yet have teenage children, prepare yourself now to face up to the problems when and if it ever arises." So- plan on atfending this Drug' Information Program on Tues., Feb. 13 at 7:30. M etrie Structure For Postal Rates On 21 December 1978 the Honourable J. Gilles Lamontagne, Postmasfer General, revealed the details of a new metric weight structure for Canadian postal rates. The weight steps for postal rates applicable next spring will be converted 1 July 1979 from, the imperial system f0 the metric system in accordance with the federal policy thaf Canada should become a perdominantly metric country by 1980. The mefric conversion process will not cause a general increase in postal rates . Size and weight limifs, wherever possible, have been rounded in such a manner as not f0 impose any hardship on customers. Because there will be adjustmenfs f0 weighf sfeps in the conversion pocess, Postal rates prevail- ing afthat. fime will undergo some minor alferations. Customers, however, should nof experience any significant change in their total postal expenditures. Upon examination of fhe new metric fariff if will be nofed thaf the majorify of basic (first weîght step) rates will remain unchanged. For example, for first-class domestic items befween 0 and 30 grams the 'cosf will be 17 cents; for fhird-class standard ifems (greeting cards) between O and 50' grams the cosf will be 15 cents; and the cost of letter rate internat ion- al items between 0 and 20 grams will be 35 cents. (If will be recalled thaf these are the rates thaf go info effect on 1 April 1979). Customers now using imeial postal scales are uredf make arrangements wifh the respective scale companies f0 coverf their scales f0 metric in fime for the i July 1979 conversion rate. As the postal conversion f0 the mefric sysfem has been scheduled f0 avoid conflicf wifli the conversion dates of Lowrey puts an entire A L owrey organ is so orchestra at your easy ta play it's 11ike fingerlips. Some of magie. Stop in and the most beautiful make some Lowrey> instruments in the world. magie todaV. SAVE on demonstrator models during MIDTOWN MALLUS SIOEWAL: SALE! LOWREY'PIANOS with exclusive 75 year sound board warranty Montery-Walnut Reg. 2095.00 SALE 1799.00 Colonial Pine- Reg. 2695.00 SALÉ 2349.00 Tuscany-Peoan Reg. 2895.00 SALE 25 79.00 SMason & Rlsch. Reg. 895.00 SALE 699.00 Upright, re-conditioned guitars, cases, stands, etc. 20% OFF Durham's larges t selection of Music Books 10% oOFF Prices in effeci du ring sidewalk sale onIy ... Feb. 1,92, 3. ALL USIC eà MIDTOWN MALI OSHAWA 576-2414 other industries such as the retail food industry, which also uses a large number of scales, the manufacturers and suppliers of scales will be able to provide priority service f0 postal scale conversions at this time. Students Are Needed at F orest Centre An oiitdoor education centre north of Kendal may be forced to open its doors f0 students from as far away as Toronto. The Ganaraska Conserva- tion Authorif y has been operating outdoor education facilities at its foresf centre near Kendal and has. provided students from local boards with about il weeks of outdoor education. However, the Authority estimates that the centre must operate at full capacity to break even. As a result, the centre may be made available f0 students from as far away as Toronto.' Extending the range of the centre must still be approved by the executive of the Ganaraska Conservation Authority later this year. Strike Vote at Delta Faucet Unionized staff at Delta Faucet of Canada have decid- ed that they will go on strike if a strike is needed in order to obtain a new contract. The Canadian Stafesman, Bowmanville, January 31, 1979 3 E LIZ ABfmETrnH 1YV 1I LE Church services were held as usual with an average attendance. Rev. W. Kennedy had a message f6r the children on how the church plaque originated. It was a sign like a fish in Biblical times and is more or less the same shape now only we tip it to an up and down position. He also spoke to us on what his last sermon would be if he had only one left to give. On Jan: 31st the annual meeting of the Canadian Bible society will be held at Belle- ville in the form of a supper meeting àt 6:30 p.m. "God Show" C.F.R.B. Toronto on Radio with John Archibald who deals with On Saturday, 92.5 per cent of the employees at the Bowman- ville plant authorized strike action if necessary. The 70 members of United Auto Workers Local 222 are negotiating their second contract with Delta Faucet, They are employed at the plant's copper shop and faucet department. In negotiations last year, the union won a six per cent wage increase which represents a raise in base pay of 28 cents. Last year's negotiations involved a provincial conciliator. Union staff at Delta Faucet would be in a legal position to strike when their contract expires February 1. BE A + BLOOD DONOR matters of faith, social con- cerns, and church affairs, this program is on Sunday at 6:40 p.m. Concert of piano music - Philip Sehans at Trinity Unit- ed Church. Cobourg Sunday Feb. 4th at 8 p.m. Cobourg Presbytery annual meeting is Feb. 7th at Camp- beliford. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer had Mrs. R. Crombie and Joel, Bowmanville a day last week. Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer left on Sunday for Florida. Miss Edith Carruthers plans to leave on Wednesday for Florida to stay some time. The Golden Age Club met at Mrs. 'Andrews on Thursday and there were about fifteen attending. Next meeting on the lst of Feb. ini the hall when we will have a speaker concerning the Horizon Pro- ject. Our, W.I. will meet on Feb, the 6th. On Wednesday evening the Oyster supper was held with a very good turn ouf considering the bad night. Congratulations are extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Burton on the birth of a son, James Andrew, also a grand- son for Mr. and Mrs. Ross Beatty. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gunby, Scarborough spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Beatty. Mr. W. Lewko is in Hope Haven now. Mr. E. Fowler is much improved and hopes to return to work on the lst of Feb. Mrs. R. Westheuser and girls were with Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson on Sunday. BETHANY TUE IPTICAL INUQIUE 1IRE NE Mc ROB E RT, Dispensing Optician 30 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE PHON E 623-4477 VAN BELLE ALL STORES OPEN 9-6 FRIDAY 9-9. _________ A i Cater',« oft onb *tret Bond Towers Shopping N4M SH A 44 Bond St. W. Downtown Oshawa 576-7152& "A Special Shop for Special Women" SQUARE STURE HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 9:30.6:30, Frî..9:30.9 p.m. Sat. 9:30-5-30 p.m.

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