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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1979, p. 13

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. February 7. 1979 13 Tues., 12 noon ........ Phone 623-3 03 _ * -Want- CARRIERS wanted for morn- LOOKING-ahead. Earn $450 FREEtogood home, two year nigpaper. Good pay. Cal Mr. for holidays in your spare oid female, gray, spayod cat. Eiis between the hours 8 a.m. time. Choose owî, hours in Phone 623-4580. 6-1 -p.m., 723-8284. 6-1 Fashion Two Twenty. Cali 623-9302 between 4 andi6 p.m. LONG haired kittens, litter P ýAT ire persons to cali on 5-tf N trained. Free to good home. -%uier Brush customers, earn $6 - $7 per hour, in Bowman- ville.F ree training, flexible hours, no invostment. Morn- ings, aftornoons, or evenings. For information caîl 1-37-9969 after 5 p.m. or btwoen 8 and 9 a.m. or write Patrick Wiobe, 4165 Walton St., Cobourg. 6-3 SERVICE station attendant roquired, good opportunity for energetic reliable person. ApplY Imporial Oil1Service Centre. Hwy. 401 and Waver- ley Rd., Bowmanviloe. When applying please present school report forms. 5-2 -BECOME A BIG BROTHER Phone 623-6646 49-9 N BABYSITTER needed in the Waverloy - St. Stophon's School area, for two childron ages, 17 months and kinder- garten from March to end of June. Phone 623-4762. Wa rehouse Person required by land preparation distributor for preparing parts anid machinery orders in the receiving and shipping depart- ments. Theability to oprate a fork lift and trac tor essential Pleaso reply with resumo and current salary to: P.O. Box 174 -Bowmanville, Ont. LlC 3K9 Applications wiIl be rocoived by the undersigned until FRIDAY, FE B. 16,1979 for the position of Head Custodian 321/2 hours por week at Mitcheli's Corners Public School. Applicants must have practical knowledge of mechanical and electrical apparatus. Good working knowledge of caretaking, procedures. The ability to work harmoniousiy with others. The ability to organize own work and work of others. Please a pply in writing. Roply stating qualifications, address' and telephono nu m ber to: Mr. J. A. Bird, Business Administrator and Treasuror, The Northumberland and Newca-stle Board of Education, Box 470, Cobourg, K9A 4L2. 6-1 R E LIABL E person to care for infant and do light housokoep- ing in our home, Simpson Ave. area, 8:15 to 4:30 weokdays. March 26 to June 3Oth. Own transportation needed. Good salary. Write including references and tele- phone numbor to: Advertiser 802, c-o Canadian Statosman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontarlo, LiC 3K9. 6-1 FULL and part-time taxi drivers wanted. Phone 623-4422. 6-1 N GOODYEAR CANADA INC. LICENSED 2nd CLASS STATIONARY ENGINEER The Industrial Products Plant at Bowmanville requiros a .eýnsed 2nd Class Stationary Engineer ns of April 16, 1979. This position affers an attractive salary and company paid benef its. Apply in persan ta: Mr. C. E. Trim, Personnel Supervisor, Goodyear Canada Inc., 45 Raynes Ave., Bowmanville, Ont. KEN AL ILS EVERYTHING - new tack, HORSE CENTRE, or purchases of .horses, tack, 41679-224 tra ilers etc. arrangod. Open 416-79-2124 tili 10 p.m. and Sundays, Training, condîtionin g, sales, Gladwin and Comean, lessons - En g lshanWetr Durham Rond 23 out a an arding. Whitby. 668-1282. 6-4N STUD SERVICE Ontario Champion Halter Sta lion 2 "ETERNAL ROTU NDA" 11i cRTCP VISITORS WELCOME 1, ThC..d-m-hfo enaM- Wopuld the executive of ail Homnemaker Take-a-Break or morning Break groups in the Oshawa to Brig hton area and pe6pl e interested in staring one contact the following t arrange a district rneefing. Mrs. Susan Schisler, 84 Strachan St., Port Hope 885-8912 or Mrs. Jean Rudoîphi, 62 Crossley Dr., Port Hope 885-6885. 6-1I Cali 63-4834 after 4:.- ...- 6-1 N FOR DOGS ONLY PUPPIES ON HAND Other Breeds Available Bishon Frise ýCockers West Highland Terrier Great Dano <Harlequi n Heintz Poodie - NEEDLES, WORMED - LOW PRICES - FREE TRIAL PERIOD - CERTIFIED GUARANTE E - EXCELLENT QUALITY 25 BOND ST. E. OSHAWA 723-6882. 6-1iN NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All daims against the Estate of CHARLES ERNEST REHDER, late of 264 King Street East, Bowmanville, Ontario, who died on or about September 3th, 1978, must be filod with the undersigned eorsonal representative on or before March Sth, 1979, there- after, the undersignod will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only ta the dlaims thon f!Ied. DATED January 3lst, 1979. CANADA PERMANENT TRUST COMPANY Canada Permanent Tower, Yonge- Eglinton Centre, 20 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario. M4R 2E2, Exocutor by their solicitors, Strike & Strike, Box 7, Bow- -manvilie, Ontario. LiC 3K8. 5-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS, IN THE MATTER 0F The Estate of Terence (Terry) Arthur Donoghue (also known as Terry Donaghue), late of the Town of Newcastle in the Regional Municipality of Durham, decoased; ALL -PERSONS hnving dlaims agninst the Estate of Terence (Terry) Arthur Donoghue (also known as Terry Donnaqhue), late of the Town of Newcastle in the Regional Municipaiity -of Durham, doceased, who died on or about the 25th day of November, 1978, are req uired ta file such dlaims wi th the undersigned on or before the 28th day of Februnry, 1979; thereafter the undersi gned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only ta the dlaims thon fIled. DATED at the Town of Newcastle this 23rd day of January, 1979. DOUGLAS J. BARBER- Barristor & Solicitor 22 King Street East P.O. Box 339 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LiC 3L1 Executor of the Estate of Terenco (Terry) Arthur Donoghue (also known as Torry Danaghue). CATHOLIC PARENTS KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATIOI If you missod kindergarten registrat ion at St. Jaseph'sc Stephen's Sch-ools, Bowmnnville, please arrange ta reg yaur chiid any Tuesday marning between now and June It would be appreciated if you could phono the schooli ahea an appointmerlt. St. Joseph's - 623-5151 St. Stephen',s - 623-3202 THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION ANNOUNCES 1979 Kindergarten Registration Sfor The Town of Newcastle Schools will be holding Kindergarten registrations as follows: SClOO L Central, Bowmanville Cojirtice Schaols atW'vest Çourtice Ennlskillen Hamp tan Jr. Kondal-Kirby at Kirby Cent. Lard Elgin Mr. T. Turner Mr. 1. Goldor 623-5614 725-4738 Mr. B. Lush 263-2970 Mr. E. Murdoch 263-2252 Mr. G. Gleibs 983-5802 Mn. J. Murray 623-3682 - ffle Grave Mn. J. Lewis 623-2221 SChilS. at Ma pi e Gr. West Mitchl's Cns. Mn. W. Pitt 576- 7222 Newcastle- ' Mn. E. Taylor 987-4262 Newtanvi le ai Newcastle Ontario Street Mn. W. Heinbuch 623-5437 Orono-Lackhart Mn. J. Reid 983-5006 4t Onono Vincent Mnssey Mn. S. Green 623-5502 DATE TIME Februaryls 9:00-11:30a.m. 1:30- 3:30p.m. February 13 9: 00 - 12: 00 noan Februaryi13 1:00- 3:30p.m. February 20 1:00- 3:30P.m. March 8 9: 00 - 3:30 p.m.- 3:30 p.m. , February 22 9:00- 11:30a.m. 1:30- 3:30p.m. Februaryl6 1:00- 3:30p.m Marchi1 9:00 -11:30 a.m. February 12 9: 00 - 12: 00 noon 1:30- 3:30p.m. February 20 9: 00 - 11: 30a. m. March 6 9:00 - 12: 00 moon Februnry 27 9: 00 -11: 30 a.m. 1: 30- 3: 30 p.m. Wa'ýerIey Mr R. Simser 6234323 Februaryl9 9:00 -12: 00noon 1: 30-3: 30 p. m. Parknts and Guardians are erninded of the following points:- 1. In mast instances the school nurse will be availabie at these registrations. 2. Childnen 5 years af age on or before Decomber 31, 1979, may be ne gistened, Children born in Jènunry and February, 1975, wili ho considered for admission to K<indengarten. For delails contact the school concerned. 3. Proof of aae in the form of a birth certificate or an officiai birth registration is required pnion to chiidren being admitted ta school, 4. IProperty taxes for famines wIIn cnildnen in public schools will go to support public schools. 5. P.recise information ne garding residence, location and postal code is important. Rural residonts require lot an d concession numbers. 6. For futhor information ploase contact any of the schoois listed above. 7. Information and application fonms for aur French Immersion classes will be available at the same tirno at the above schoois. 6-1 or St. gister FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK CA LL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 ý6-tf ONE bedroom apartments for rent, nt Durhýam County Senior Citizens' Lodge, Orono. New appliances, wator, heat, hydro and T.V. connection ail included at $192.83 month. 1-983-9580 or 1-983-5404. 6-1 N FOUR bedroom home with att. garage in Bowmanviile. Available Mnrch 1. $350 month Sl us utilities. Caîl G. Van Dyk ltr 623-4428, ask for Bob. 6-1 GENERAL BOWMANVILLE - 2 bedroom apt., spaciaus living room. Includes fridge, stove, heat, parking. $180 month. No pets. Couple or with 1 child' prof. Avail. Mar. 1. References. Caîl G. Van Dyk Rltr 623-4428. Ask for George or Ann. 6-1 ONE bedroom n pnrtment, ail utilities, stove, fri dge mnciud- ed, $230, one month- in advance. Write Advertisor 800, c-o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvilie, Ontario, Li C 3 K9. 6-1iN SHOP space, heavy wiring, furnace, near Orono. $150 month. Phono 1-983-9402. 6-1 N NEWTONVILLE, house 11/2 storey, on highwny 2 and cut-off40 1 wit h double garage or workshop. Want to have your own gardon? Rent with option ta buy. Phono 668-1611 afterl1p.m. 6-1 500 sq. ft., SUITABLE for office. Private entrance, if desired, King St., central Bowmanville. Utilities inciud- ed. Write Advertiser 801, c-o The' Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario, LI C 3 K9. 6-2 BOWMANVILLE, central location, 500 sq. ft., suitabie talloring, seamstress, etc. Reasonable, utilities inciuded. Phono 623-2826. 6-2 HASTINGS - Apartmont for ront in town. Near water and fishing., Four rooms and bath. $185 plus utilities. Phono 623-7523. 6-tf N ONE bedroom apartrnent, Orono, separate, ground floor. in home, utilities, appliances included. Available March lst, $155. 1-983-9707. 6-1iN BOWMANVILLE, front of houso, large two bedroorn, carpetted, own parking. Phono 623-3645 after 6 p.m. or weekends. 6-1 N NEWCASTLE. A dlean new bachelor apartment with stove and fridg e, near down- town. $159.00 p lus hydro. Cal Ed Vanhaverbeke, Edvan Realty Ltd., 987-4733. 6-1 N MAPLE Grove area, two bedroom a partment, heat, hydro, fridg o and stove inciuded. Phone 623-9253 *or 723-2952. 6-1iN d for main street Bowmanvile location, gaad exposure. One room il ft. by, 12 ft., $30 weekiy. One room 16 ft. by 12 6-3N ft., $40 weekly. Rent one or ___ bath. Ail ufilities paid. Air conditioned. Calu 623-7661. 6-tf N BOWMANVILLE, twa bed- room home, $240 manthly, pay awn utilities. Immediate possession. Cal[ 623-7661. 6t TWO bedraom apartment on Lamb's Lane, $214 includos hent and hydro. Phono 623-5888. 6-tf N WHYTE'S U PHOLSTERY Have your chesterfiolid and chair profossionally upholstered. For free estirnato cati RALPH WHYTE 623-5252 6-tf Bill Sellers Ca rpentry General Contractor 30 Hunt St., Bowmanvillo ADDITIONS GARAGES REC ROOMS KITCHENS BATH ROOMS CERAMIC TILE PRIVACY FENCE WOCD DECKS PATIO DOORS Reeais o aIltypes FOR REEST IMAT E CALL 623-4116 IF NO ANSWER CALL AFTER 5p.m. 6-26 SNOW PLOWING RALPH FRY 623-7888 FREE ESTIMATES CARL BRINK BuilIder Homos, additions, a ltorations 623-2365 6-tf BOOKKEEPER. Experienced in manual and mechanical systemrs to trial balance. Roquires part time work on hourly or daily basis. No employee benefits necessary Phono 986-5422. 6-1 N BABYSITTING. Reliable mother will babysit one pro- schooler Monday to Friday in my home - Elgin area. Phone 623-4398. 16-1 REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique. Free picku p anadedlivery. F EESTIMATES PHONE 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton 48-f N NEED a presure systorn? Water Softeners? Repairs fo ail makes. Harvey Partner, Orono, 983-5206, Bowmanville 623-2301. 5-tf N SIGNS Cati Randy 623-3017 or 623-3909 3-4N OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemnasons Ltd. (Our firepiaces do not smoko) CHIMNEYS CLEANED Orono 983-5606 51 -tf INSTALL an Esso furnace, boiler, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. Combination wood and oul. Financing avail- able. Furnaces cleanedi. Parts and service policy. Cali Harvey Partner, y ur Esso service denier. F ree esti- mates. Orono 983-5206 or Bowmanvlle 623-2301. 24 hour service. 5-ffN Snowploughing Services 623-4265 5-2 Ron's Floor Car e Commercial and household cleanina. Dry foam rua and carpe. eharnpooing. Wax re- movai, wali washing. Ron Turcotte 411-70TOL d *o Ouy CASH for gold, silver, coins, guns, clocks, jewellery, dishes, furnitune, cnocks, Sa intings, sealers, appliances, riendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9 tf US ED Furnilune and Ap- pliances. Paddy's Market, Hamplon 263-2241. 26-tf SI EEL shed, approxir 10' x 15' or larger. condition. Phone 623-527 CASH - hlghest priae for dinrnonds and gold. Jewellery, 53 KngS Bowmanville. USED orchard spi Phone 416-885-4863. Cars, Trucks, Tractors, MotorcyclE Snowmobi les For WreCkîng Purposes SMALL SC RAPMETALS HIGH EST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Ya rd 623. ResîdenCe 623. Ref rigeration and Appliance Service Commrcial and Domestic Refrigeration -. Mik Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days ...... ........623-5774 Nights .............623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf Phono for appointmnent * Anniversary, * Woddinq.and j ý ý Fami ly IMVFWW Portraits - ln Our Studio, Your Home, or on Location 78 King St. W. Bowmanviie 623-2404 2-tf N GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario -Painting Paperhanging Ca rpentry Remodellitig General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-tf f Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Bowmanville Siding - Sof fit Fascia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 for free estimale. Aiso Handling Vinyl Siding 3-tf N B YAM zîve Harry L. waae. i oie- BLU MIG phone 987-4531. 16-tf &HEATING Bowmanville Glass AND, AIR , CON DIT ION [NG 143 Wel 1i ngton St -. NEW WORK AND 623-3410 RENOVAT'IONS FREE ESTIMATES Speciaiizing in Cash &CarrV Village of Tyrone, glass, mimrons, aluminun' R. R. 5i Bowmanville products (siding and doors) 28-tf N 263-2650 50-tf N DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY &FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone,623-2176 45-tf Lloyd Barnes Plumnbing, Carpontry, Ronovating AI i Gonoral Ropars REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homoes - Renovating Roc Roorns Repa irs of al types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43 Bowmanvillo 30-tf D&R CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM CHAINSAWING Phone Orono 983-5005 or 983-9627 1 -f 33-tf CATHMAR WELL DRILLING LTD M PONTYPOOL, ONT. 705-277-2504 FARMS - COTTAGES Industria land Com mercial1 mateiy PUMP INSTALLATION .Good 51-tf 74. 6-1 N ~s paidBill's A.nnis GLASS and MIR RSLD St. E., 7 Division St., Bowmanvillo, 6-tf N Ontario. Phono 623-5187. Mon. - Fri. 8:00 -5: 00 Sat. 9- 12 noon prayer. Shoot and Fiant Glass 5-2N Seaied Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mimrons Patterned and Colored Glass LIS and Giazing. 9-tf N Hutton & Wiggans Insulation -5756 BLOWN METHOD 1-7112 623-2551 45-tf Saturday, Feb. 1Oth 7 P.M At Pethick's Auction Barn, Haydon. A large quantity of furniture, bediroom suite, china cabinot, washing fmachine, eiectrlc stove, chesterfield - chair - love seat, coffee table and -two end tables. Several nice smaii tables. Loads of small articles. Terms cash or good cheque. Cliff Pethîck, auctioneer. 6-1 N Auction Sale Thursday, Jan. lSth 11 a.m. Household furniture. A large number of antiques. Number of tools. Over 500 items. Two auction rings f oing at once. To be held at 67 dward Street, Stouffviill ln a heated building. Terms cash. No reserve. Eari Gauslln, auctioneer. - Plan to attend - 6-2N Comnoil's Auction Barn Friday, Fob. 9th 7 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or seven miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay - Little Britain Road. A bow front china cabinet, wash stands, round pedestai table, quantity of oak chairs, press back rocker, oak buffets, nine piece dining room suite, throe piece bedroom suite, seven piece dinette suite, Moffatt washer and dryer, drop boaf table, oak iibrary tables, parlour tables, color T.V.s, wicker baby carrnage, quantity of wooden chairs plus rnany more antiques, furniture and house- hold items. ln case of inciornent weather sale to be heid the foilowing Fniday night. Don Corneil, auctioneer at R.R. 1, Little Britain 705-786-2183. 6-1 N Auction Sale Antiques and Collectibles Monday Evoning Fob. l2th - 7 p.m. f At Bannister's Auction Hall, Bewdiey. Consisting of: Duncan Phyfe drap leaf table, secretary desk, smaii oak tables, chests of drawers, side board, dishes, gîassware, wash stands, ail lamps, rock- ing chair, blanket box, cracks, and other items stili boina consigned. Rager Bannister, auctioneer, 416-797-2651. 6-1 N Saturday,- Feb. lOth At Bannister'sAuction Hall in Bewdiey. Consisting of: chest of drawers, c hairs, tables, chesterfieid, beds, dishes, glasswaro, lamps, refnigerator-freozer, stove, coiored and black and white T.V.'s, books, and other items stilî being consigned. Rager Bannister, auctioneer, 416-797-2651. 6-1 N Don Brooks & Son Genera I Contra ctor and Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 or 623-6690 New homes, additions, altera- tions, roc rooms, garages# ropa irs of ail1 types, etc.-5t William Vroom and Son Genera I Contractors For ail your carpontry work, additions, home improvo- ments, new kitchens, bath- rooms, and rec rooms. Replace yur old windows with new ones. Phone 623-7363 4-6 D)RY WALL FINISHING PLASTER REPAIRS Spray Stucco Coubngs Painting WALLY LUCYK Orono 983-5518 38-tf M. Brooks CARPE NTRY REMODELLING CUPBO0ARDS - VANITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 10-tf Alil kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bowmanville 623-2756 13-tf WATER Wells bored, 30 tile. Ward's Well Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- SPRING AUCTIONS We are now booking spring auction sales. If you are in the mnarket to buy, we have already listed several complote farm and estate sales. From March 29 to April 12 we wili be selling 25 tractors, aiso baiers, grain wagons, grain augers, til lage equiprnent, hay equipment, corn planters, combines, plus farm machinery and cattie. If you are in the market to seilI, we are ready to sorve you with complote auction service. If we can be of assistance ln any way, please cali Lloyd Wilson Auctions R. R. 2, Uxbridge 416-852-3524 6-1 Auction Sale Grist Mill Auction Centre Nowtonvilie, Sat., Feb. l7th, 1V 00 noon Sellln8rthe partial contents of an rono horne includi ng good fridge and stove, bed- roomn furniture 'etc. Full list next week. Frank Stapieton, auctioneer. 786-2244. 6-1 N Auction Sa le Privato Estate Thursday, February 8 f~ 6 p.m. Property of Mrs. A. McBrian, 51 Warren Ave., Oshawa ln care of J. P. Managan, Q.C. To be heid at Stirtevant's Auction Hall, 33 Hall St., Oshawa. 8 piece dining room suite, 3 piece chesterfield suite, ovni dining room table, rocking chairs, antique loveseat, antique brass bed, 4 antique dressers with bevelied glass mirrors, 5 antique chests of drawers, antique bed (headboard 6 ft. high and hand carved), antique washstand, single continental bed, antique contre tables, picture frames, wlcker basket, antique floor modol radio, highboy, vanity with mirror and stool, antique trunks, antique wooden diningroom chairs, hall tree, 2 haif moon tables, treadie sow- ing machine, oak wooden centre table, Coldspot refrigerator, eiectric stove, coffeo and end tables, bridge iamp, washlng machine, rugs, tools, bedding, linon, dishes, pots and pans. Termscash. No reserve. Ail furniture--wel-,ý corne. Myles King, auctioneer 725-5751. 6-1 Com ploto Holstoin Dispersai Wodnosday, February l4th Auction Salo of Holstein Cattie and Dairy Equipment The property of Leslie Wood, Lot 18 Con. 2, Otonabee Tw.12 miles oast of Peter-' borough on Hwy. 7 (2nd con.) and 3 miles south or 1/2 mile north of Viiiier's Corners off Keene - Hastings Rond. De Lavai pump and lino for 20 cows, 3 -Surge units, 20 steel stanchions, steel caif pen, other items. 31 head of Holstein cattie. 3 Registerod mature cows, due March and June - 1 Rogistorod open heifer. 17 Grade Holstein cows in ail1 stages of lactation. 3 due in Feb., 1 due March, 2 due April, 1 duo May, 3 due June, 3 bred Holstein heifers, 2 open Holstein heifers, 2 yrs. oid. 6 Holstein calves. Herd wlll be pregnancy checked before sale. Some NIP cards. Brucellosis tested January l9th. Torms cash. No reservo. Sale* at 1:00 p.rn. beginning wlth dairy equiprnent, cattie foliow immediatoly. Carl Hickson, Auctionoor, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. Please givo generously. We Can't Bring Back the Good OId But we stîli make thm the Good OId Way Hand Crafted Canadian Pine Furniture and Oshawa Monument Co. Family Memorials - Markers Ail Design and Lettering Dons by Us on Promises -NO SALESMEN INVOLVED - Please Telephone 728-31 11 for Full Details VALENTINE'S DAY WEDNESDAY FEB. 14 t N Something Special! *Collector's Items fromn Westmnoreland 0 Jewellery pins, pendants, chains SOME THING NEW! Window Vases - just the right size for a bud-sticks ta glass of any sort. HENRIEr'TTA 'S- 109 King St. E Newcastle 987-5366 Prop. Jsckie Cooper O0bituaries JOHN ABNER LANGLOIS The death of John Abner Langlois. aged 76 occurred on Tuesday, January 3th, 1979 in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. He had been ili two years. Born and educated in Gaspe, Quebec ho was the son of Abner Langlois and Desiree Refu. Ho was married Sep- tomber 15th, 1942 to Ruth Miller. A resident in Gaspe for 66 years, ho had resided in Bowmanville eight years, and two years in Hollywood, Florida returning ta Bowman- ville in January. He had been employed for 39 years as an engineer at the Cold Storage Plant, Sandy Beach, Gaspe, retiring 10 years ago. Ho was a member of the Anglican Church -and a member of the 1.0.O.F. Surviving are hîs wîfe, Ruth, a son John Jr., four brothers and a sister Derilla. He was predeceased by' a sister Mariar, and three brothers Albert, Ruben anld Jacob. Archdeacon Thomas Gracie officiated at the funeral ser- vices held at the Morris Funeral Chapel and St. John's Anglican Church on Friday. Mr. John Manuel presided at the organ. Pail-bearers were Messrs. Amos Langley, Cecil Langlais, Lionel Parker, Ken Nichols, Norman Hannan and Alfred Miller. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. THE MARCH is ON! mnny physicaily disabled mon and women need your heip ... please give as much as you can ta: Auc'tionn lSa l'es T lE OY.1-/YOO

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