Statesman, Bowmanville, February 14, 1979 13 CLASSIFIED DEADLUNE Tues.,12 noon 623-3303 BOWMANVILLE, front of house, large two bedroom, carpetted, own parking. Phone 623-3645 after 6 p.m. or weekends. 7-tf N BOWMANVILLE, one bed- room apartment, private back y ard, $250 monthly, ail utili- ties paid. Phone 623-7661. '- FOUR bediroom home with attached garagein Bowman- ville. Available March 1. $350.00 month plus utilities. Caîl G. Van Dyk RItr. 623-4428, ask for Bob. 7-1 ATTRACTIVE, furnished bachelor apartment with wood beams and stone fireplace in Orono, $225 per month includ- ing heat and hydro. Phone 1-983-9171. Ask for Merle. 7-1 '.PARTMENT, central ocation in Bowmanville. Phone 623-5784. 7-1 FOUR -bedroom house 'in Bowmanville. Avalable îm- mnediately. Phone 623-3984. 7-TF N EXECUTIVE home, with swimming pool in Bowman- ville, $400 monthly plus utili- ties. Phone 723-0575 between 9 and 5. 7-1iN FURNISHED one bedroom apartment. $160 includes heat, hydro extra. First and last month rent. Aduts. Telephone 623-7264. 7-1 BACHELOR apartment in small quiet apartment build- ing. One bedroom, living room, diningroom, kitchenette and bath. Centrally located near schools and buses. Quiet tenants only need apply. References required. $180 monthiy includes fridge, stove! and heat. Pay own hydro. Phone 623-4805 after 4 p.m.- 7-1 M I Orono, large 3 bedroomn older home, treed one-third acre, 2 bathrooms, family room, garage, shed, available March lst or April lst. $325. Cali11-983-9707. 7-1 N SMALL one bedroom apart- ment, central Bowmanviile, available March lst. Phone 623-7438. 7-1 HASTINGS - Apartment for ~rent in towýn. Near water and fishing. Four rooms and bath. $185 plus utilities. Phone 623-7523. 6-tf N BOWMANVILLE, two bed- -room home, $240 monthly, pay' -own utilities. immediate ' possession. Cail 623-7661. 6-tf N TWO bedroom apartmnent on Lamb's Lane, $214 includes heat and hydro. Phone 623-5888. 6-tf N 500 sq. ft., SUITABLE for office. Private entrance, if desired, King St., central Bowmanville. Utilities inciud- ed. Write Advertiser 801, c-o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario, LIC 3K9. 6-2 BOWMANVILLE, central location, 500 sq. ft., suitable tailoring, seamstress, etc. Reasonable, utilities inciuded. Phone 623-n26. 6-2 COMMERCIAL, free parking, main street BowmanvillIe location, good exposure. One room il ft. by 12 ft., $30 weekly. One room 16 ft. by 12 ft., $40 weekly. Rent one or both. AIl utilities paid. Air conditioned. Cali 623-7661. 6-tf N REM THREE or four bedroom house in Bowmanvilîe for April lst. Will pay reasonabie rent. Phone 623-7722. 7-1 l6mm Projector Training Program After March lst a training certificate is required for anyone wishing ta borrow a pro jector. Make your appointment soon. For further details cail: BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 623-7322 eA U, ~ ~ u4[1R-71 ~~uction Sa les janitorial Contractors Tenders are invited for janitorial services at the Pine Ridge School, Concession Street East, Bowmanville, Ontario. This contract is for a 12 month period. Tender documents may be obtained from: Ministry of Government Services Public Tenders Office Room Mi1-43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1 N3 Telephone (416) 965-1152 Sealed tenders wiil be received until 3:00 pà.m., Friday, March 16, 1979, at whlch time they will be opened in public. Tenders wiii be opened in Toronto. Note: For further information please contact Mrs. L. Sidney, Public Tenders Office, Toronto. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. T.U. 365 Ministry of Government Services W a, 5.toB CASH for goid, silver, coins, guns, cdocks, leweliery, dishes, furniture, crocks, p aintings, sealers, appliances, Friendiy Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf CASH - hîghest prices pald for diamonds and gold. Annis Jewellery, 53 King St. E., Bowmanville. 6-tf N USED Fumniture ý iances. Paddy's a mpton 263-2241. and Ap Market, 26-tf ALL silver coins, 1966 before. Will pay 210 per over face value ori depending on condition.1 100 p er cent - 1968 - 50per Wil I also buy gold coins, sets, and jeweliery arq sterling silver. Friendly Market, 23 King St. Oshawa. Phone 725-9783. ANTIQUE furnit Canadian oul paintlngs lamps, etc. Canadiani coins: 1966 and prior 15 cent over face value; 1Ç percent over face value, 50 percent over face% Phone 623-4095, 9 a. m - -4 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobiles- For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Y ard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf WHYTE'S U PHOLSTERY Have your chesterfieîd and chair professionally uphoistered. For f ree esti mate caî11 RALPH WHYTE 623-5252 6-tf Bill Sellers Ca rpentry Genera I Contractoir 30 Hunt St., Bowmanville ADDITIONS GARAGES REC ROOMS KITCHENS BATH ROOMS CERAMIC TILE PRIVACY FENCE WOOD DECKS PATIO DOORS Repairs of a Il types FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL 623- 4116 IF NO ANSWER CALL APTER 5p.m. 6-26 052-ýý - Phone for 0 appointment Anniversary, Weddinq.and Famiy Portraits In Our Studio, Vour Home, or on Location 78 King St. W. Bowmanviîle 623-2404 2-ff N REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Tradifional and Antique. Fei cku p and deîivery. FRE E ESTIMATES PHONE A - 1 - 11-14 0 R. R. 1, Hampton CATHOLIC PARENTS KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION if you missed kindergarten reg istration at St. Joseph's or St. Stephen's Schools, Bowmanvile, please arrange ta register your chiid any Tuesday mornlng between now and June. If wouîd be appreciated if you couîd phone the school ahead for an appointment. St. Joseph's - 623-5151 St. Stephen's - 623-3202 6-3N Ref rigeration and Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - MiIk Cooîers PHONE BERT SYER Days-------------...623-5774 Nights .............623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf INSTALL an Esso furnace, boiler, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. Combinat ion wood and oul. Financing avail- able. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service policy. Cail Harvey Partner, your Esso service dealer. Free est!- mates. Orono 983-5206 or Bowmanville 623-2301. 24 hour service. 5-tf N SNOW PLOWING RALPH FRY 623-7888 FREE ESTIMATIES 6-4N Don Brooks & Son Genera I Contractor and Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 or 623-6690 New homes, additions, altera- tions, rec roomns, garages, repairs of ail types, etc. 5t William Vroom and Son Genera I Contra ctors For ail your carpentry wc additions, home impro- menis, new kitchens, ba rooms, and rec roor PQ-plac(r our oid windo w i h new ones. Phone 62.3-7363 Ron's F loor Ca rE Commercial and househ cleanin&L-Dry foam ruai carpeî àhampooing. Wax moval, wali washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 GORD SIM PSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Ca rpentry Remodelling General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-tf Bill's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanvilîe, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Mon. - Fri.8:00 -5: 00 Sat.9 - 12 noon Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patlerned and Colored Glass and Giazing. 9-tf N Peter Sutherland Aîuminum Prod. Bowmnanvi Ile Siding - Soff it Fascia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 7-1 for free estimate. Also Handling Vinyl Sid ing 3-tf N * CATHMAR WELL and DRILLING LTD rcent OTPO N. more PNTPLO. 1967 - 705-277-2504 rcent. ,mint FARMS - COTTAGES id ail Industrial and Commercial Flea PUMP INSTALLATION W. 51-tf 7-1 ture, ;s, oil siliver 150 per 967 80 ; 1968 value. 4p.m. 7-1 BYAM PLUMBING &HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING NEW WORK AND RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES Village of Tyrone, R.R. 5, Bowmanvilîe 263-2650 50-tf N Bowmanville Glass 143 Well1ington St. 623-3410 Specializing in Cash & Carry> glass, mirrors, aluminurr products- (siding and doors) 28-tf N M. Brooks CAR PENTRY R EMODE LL ING CUPBOARDS - VANITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 10-tf AIl kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bowmanvillie 623-2756 13-tf WATER Wells bored, 30 tule. Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531.-- 16-tf Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpenfry, Renovating Ail General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf D. Ber & ons New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repairsof ail types. P HON E 623-2263 20-ff JACK BURGESS 011 BURNERS - FURNACES CL EANE D PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf RELIABLE babysitter will babysit in my home. Want one preschooler (2-4) for my 2 yr. old ($45. per week). Also one child for lunch and after school ($30. per week). Martin Rd. S. Subdivision. Please phone 623-9382 and ask for Mrs. Carlson. 7-1 RELIABLE day care avaîlable in my home, 4 6 Monday ta Friday. 3 years oId and up. Waverley Road area. Phone 623-2715. 7-1 hoîd Hutton & Wiggans ami I nsuîation BLOWN METHOD FREE ESTIMATES 623-25 51 3-tf 33-tf N NEED a presure system? Water Softeners? Repairs to ail makes. H arvey Partner, Orono, 983-5206, Bownanville 623-2301. 5-tf N O XFORD Brick la vers and Stcnemnasons Ltd. (Our firepla ces do not smoke) CHIMNEYS CLEANED Orono 983-5606 CARL BRINK Bui Ider Homes, additions, alIterations 623-2365 6-tf D&R CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM CHAINSAWING, Phone Orono 983-5005 or 983-9627 il-tf DARLI NGTON MASONRY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone45-tf FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK CA LL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 6-tf Saturday, Feb. 17, 1979 1 P.m. Auction Sale Private Estate - Propertvof Mrs. Tramner, 994 King.St. E., Oshawa plus commun ity sale to be heid at Stirtevant's Auction Hall, 33 Hall St., Oshawa. Modern and antique furniture, chesterfield ;suite, kitchen suite, 9 pc. diningroom suite (good condi- tion), antique wicker plant stand, hall tree, 4 pc. bedroom suite, 3 pc. bedroom suite, .anti ue dressers, antique chesl of drawers, centre table (antique), washing machine, wooden magazine table (old, good condition), antique floor model radio, bridge lamp, large quantity of pictures and frames, 2 haif moon tables, antique round top trunk, pine cupboard, sideboard, treadie ;sewing machine, beds, wash- Sstand, pessed back chairs, koak planter, bridge lamps, kitchen cupboard, fireplace .tools and screens, antique .chairs, foot stools, large :quantity of bedding and .lnens', antique glass (depres- sion , carnival), oiî lamps, wooden tray iamps, r ugs, china cupboard (ol d), ga rden tools, wooden chests, this is a large interesting sale. Plan to attend. Ail furniture in good condition. Please note date and time of sale. Myles King, auctioneer, 725-5751 or :723-0501. 7-1 Auction Sale Grist Mil Auct ion Centre Newtonvi île Sat., Feb. l7th at 12: 00 noon Selling the partial contents from an Orono home including G.E. fridge and stove (Harvest Goid), Viking .clothes washer, 5 pc. kitchen set, 3 pc. bedroom suite, single beds, chesterfield and chair, coffee tables, occasionai chairs, steel file cabinet, sheiving, oak dining room suite, swag.i amp, dressers, chests of drawers, trunks, arden tools,- kitchen needs, F 8-14 snows, plus numerous other articles, including a, large variety of baked goods from the Newtonville Church women (proceeds toward new organ fund). Terms: cash. Auctioneer: Frank Stapieton 786-2244. 7-1 N SATURDAY, FEBRUARY24 12 noon ORVAL MCLEAN'S AUCTION CENTRE SauayFebrarle t Satur 1:15 p.m.y17t ABater': Aucion.Hal in Bewdlse, citingHaof ch e fdraeros, tbles an cichhestf raerfi besmand tales, dihes, gfilasae, tampes, drsefrigerato-frer an sh i ng rmachinre, ztrk, bedsbooksacnotruites stili bnosgnteRogters Bais er, aucsioneRoer 416-797-2651.- 7-1 N Auction Sale Saturday Evening February 17 at 7 p.m. At Pethick's Auction Barn, Haydon, one mile east of Enniskîlien. Large quantity of furniture and smali articles, dishes, TV's, day couch, bed- room suites, floor rug s. we have a real nice sel ction. Terms cash or good cheque. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer.7-N Auction Sale Thursday, Jan. 15th 11 a.m. Household furniture. A large number of antiques. Number of tools. Over 500 items. Two auction rings Ing at once. To be held at 67 Sdward Street, Stouffville in a heated building. Terms cash. No reserve. Earl Gauslin, auctioneer. - Plan to attend - 6-2N Enniskillen Margaret Ashton accom- panied her daughter Lois Worden last Sat. afternoon to fenjoy a gala performance of Romeo and Juliet by the National Ballet of Canada at O'Keefe Centre, Toronto and were joined by Maudie Traveil in the evening to attend the 3Oth Anniversary presentation by the Oshawa Chapter of Barbershop harmony sînging at Eastdale Collegiate, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Len Stainton accompanied Mrs. Linda Cry- derman to see a cousin Mabel Brown also had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. C. Carlson, Etobicoke on Wednesday. Mrs. Pauline Greer and Ernie, Hlemmingford, Quebec Mr. and Mrs.* Jeff Grills, Peterbiorough were weekend guests of M#. and Mrs. Allan Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb, Balle- boro. Mrs. Pauline Greer. Hemn- mingford, Quebec, Mrs. Har- ,vey McGill, Mrs. Allan Werry were Sunday afternoon callers of Miss Wilma Werry, Fair- view Lodge, Whitby. .Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and Donald were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Taylor cele- brating Ruby's upcoming birthday. "Many Happy Returns of the Day, Ruby". Sunday school pupils please remember to bring your pennies on Sunday for Tanya. Mrs. Pauline Greer and Ernie, Hemmingford, Quebec Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Grills, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ern Werry. Mr. and Mrs, Herman Haass and Gary, Bowmanville were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Keith MeGill and Cindy. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Piggott Bowmanville on Saturday- night. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker and family, Newcastle were, Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Billilender- son and family visited with Mrs. Olive Henderson on Sun- day, Beaverton. Mr' and Mrs. C. Avery attended a retirement party for Mr. Sam Geach and Mr. Melville Samis at Cobourg on Friday evening. Jay and Cory Sweet spent Sat. night with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sweet, Newcastle. Velma Griffin and Diane Werry wish to thank everyone for making their night of games such a success on Friday night. Many thanks to all who came. Mrs. Sandra Grills, Mrs. Diane Werry attended a Luncheon and Shower on Saturday at the home of Mrs. Boyd Ayre in honor of Wendy Ayre's forth coming marriage. On Friday, Feb. 23 at 8 p.m. the Youth Group invite one and all to card and crokinole party and will also entertain you with refreshments and prizes. Please bring card and crokinole tables. Watch Coming Events next week. The Heart Fund Canvas of our community is almost completed total collection will be reported later. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright accompanied by Mrs. Bill Axford enjoyed an evening of Barbershop and Sweet Adelines Concert at Eastdale Collegiate on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sweet attended the Women's Teachers' Federation Dance in Cobourg on Saturday night. Anyone interested in being a Brownie Leader, please con- tact Sandy Greensiade 263-2665. The enrolîment of new Brownies was held Feb. 12. On Sunday there will be a Thinking Day Parade for al Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and their leaders. Everyone welcome. Service to be held at the Enniskillen Church 9:45. Those in parade be at Church by 9:30 sharp in full uniform. The sunny wnter's da enticed 45 folks to the churc for Sunday a.m. worshipth The ten' voices ofth Intermediate Choir and director Ulah Chambers chose as their musical message, the anthem "When Israel was in Egypt's Land." In the childen's story «our mimister told about "The Best Tools" which are our hands etc. The sermon's topic. was "Christian Madness and the Unforgivable Sin" and in our minister's explanation hie stated clearly that Jesus' unusual choice of a career was not approved by many but was mistakenly understood. He also added that forgiveness is a two way act. The ushers were Edgar Wright and Keîth McGill. This week's event was - Tuesday 8 p.m. Dr. Jean Bridgeman, Returned missionary spoke in Ebenezer- United Church, Courtice. Advance Notices are -1. Mondav. Feb. 19 at 7:30 there will be a Sunday School meeting for ail teachers and interested parents at the home of Dianne Wollenberg. 2. Tuesday, Feb. 2th 8 p.m. the Town of Newcastle Social Planning Council invites you to recognize The International Year of the Child by joining us in welcoming Barbara Chis- holm to our town. Miss Chis- holm, well known in child welfare, family law and ed- ucational circles will speak in Trinity United Church Hall, Bowmanville on the subject - Children's Rights (or How to be a parent and survive the Children's Rights Movement.) Corne and hear an exceptional speaker and join wîth others who share a common coneern for children. 3. Wed., Feb. 2lst 1:30 p.m. Enniskillen U.C.W. will meet in the Manse. 4. Confirmation Classes (both youths and adult) will be held during Lent at times and places convenient for those involved. Ail interested in participating whether members or not, please con- tact the minister promptly. 5. Friday, Mar. 2nd, the World Day of Prayer meeting for this area will be held in Eldad United Church, Solina. 6. Wed., March 7, 8 p.m. Cub and Beaver Parents are urged to plan to meet in the home of Shirley and Clarence Stainton, to share common concerns for their boys involved in these fine programs. Mrs. Edgar Wright was a Wednesday night dinner guest of Mrs. Weir Swain while Mr. Wright and Mr. Swain were among the local men attend- ing Cýanadian Club. YOU GET MORE FOR YOUR PRINTINIG DOLLARS at JAMES. PUBLISHING! We understand that YOD want the best possible job for the Ieast possible amounit. That's why we see te il that your printing job is ALWAYS done îight. We don't fuel around ... we get right down ta business and HANOLE YOUR JOB PROFESSIONALLY. We are craftsmen who like te have a job DUNE ON lIME. And we charge a FAIR PRICE for a job well done. Remeber.. *. you get what you pay for ... that's why Il ADOS UP TO COME TG JAMES PUBLISHINGI the James Publishing Company Limited 66 King Street W. Bowmanville STelephone 623-3303 48-tf N