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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1979, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman Bomanville, Februarv 21, 1979 CLSImIE DEADLINE Tues.,12 noon 623-3303 BALSON - Kris and Jean are pleased to annaunce the birth of their daughter Andrea1 Elizabeth an February 11, 1979 at Oshawa General Hosp ital, weighlng 6 lbs. 1 oz. Proucl g randparents are Mrs. M i dred Bell, Gananoque and Mr. and Mrs. Geraid Biaison, Hampton. - 8-1 MURDOCH - Alan and Cindy Cralg are happy ta announce the arrivai of their son Sebastian James on February 7th, 1979. A -brother far Natasha. Speclal thanks to rs. Frimer and Ewert and nurses on maternity at Memarlal Hospital, Bawman- vil le. 8-1 RENTON - Stephen and Lois (nee Yea) are happy ta annaunce the arrivai of their f irst child Brandon George, weighing 7 lbs. 81/4 azs. Proud grandiparents are Mr. and Mrs. Willia m Yea and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Renton, both of Ham pton. Special thanks to Dr. Primer and Dr., Ewert and maternlty staff of Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville. 81 The famly of Mr. and Mrs. John Ham ilton, Biackstock wish ta invite ail their friends and relatives ta an Open House in honour of their Sth Wedding Anniversary, Satur- day, March 3 at 2 ta 5 p.m. at St. John's Anglican Church, Biackstock. Best wishes anly 8-2N Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wrght" Orno are happy to annou nce the engagement of their daughter Diànne ta Ron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mandy Connaghan, Bowmanvilie. 8-1 GAUD - Evaline. At Marn- mood Nursing Home on Monday, February 19, 1979. Evaline Simpson of Bowman- ville, in her 93rd year. Wife of the late Howýard C. Gaud. Mother of the late Rai ph Simpson. Restiri? ai tgte Norfthcutt Elliat Funerai Home. Funeral service wili be held on Thursday at 1:30 o'ciock. Interment Proaspect Cemetery. 8-1 N HOOEY - At Oshawa General Hspital, Saturda, Feb. loth, 1979, Harod W Hoaey, formerly of Orono, aged 75 years, beloved husband of Kathleen Allen, dear father of Wilda (Mrs. E. Middletan), Oshawa, Bil, Orono, and Earl, Pont ypool, brother of Lawrence Hooey Orona, and the late Orvilyi Haaey, laving grandfather of 8 grandchlldren and 5 great- grandchild ren . Service was eld in the Morris Funeral Chape", Bowmanville, on Monday atternoan. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. 8-1 LONSBERRY - Peacefully at the Part Hope Hospital Sunday, Feb. llth, 1979 in her 88th year, Ethel Rachel McNaught, beloved wife of the late Angus onsberry. Dear mother of Elva (Mrs. Percy Leach), Bowmanvilie and the late Elmer, Evylene, Milton and Fred. Rested at the Allison Puneral Home in Port Hope. Funeral and commit- ment was helid Tuesday, Feb. l3th.' Sprlng interment Port Hope Union Cemetery. 81 SCHEWCHUK - Nicholas. (Nick). Sudidenly as the result of an accident at Orona, Frlday, Feb. 16, 1979, Nick Shewchuk of Oshawa, in his 48th year. Beloved son of Annie and the late Victor Shewchuk, dear brother of Mrs. D. Turne (Mary), Mrs. R. Braugh (0 ga), Bi11, Mrs. G. Demara (Miargaret), Alice, Mrs. R. Andrews (Jean), Mac and Andy. Rested at the Morthcutt Elliatt Funeral Home, Bowmanvlle. Memorlal service was held Monday. Cremation. 8-iN WYBENGA - Minne. The L Ad-ca-4ed ho elddnivy a FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanviî1îe MaIl1 Phone 623-3365 PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE FR ALL YOUR IW FLORAL NEE DS FARROW- In loving mnemorv of a dear mnother and grandmother Leona who passed away Fcbruary 21, 1971 and a dear father and grandfather Victor who passed away Pebruary 20, 1958. Always a smiie, instead of a frown, Always a hand, when ane was down. Always true, thoughtful and kind Wonderful memaries yau bath Ieft behind. - Sadly missedi by Doreen, James and family and Bill and family. 8-1 FARROW - ln loving memory of aur dear dad and grandpa Victor, who passed away, February 20, 1958 and aur dear mother and grandma, Leona, who passed away February 21, 1971. We'll always have aur memaries Yau'li1 neyer be forgatten Everyday we thlnkof you And the th ings yau did s0 often We miss yau more dear Mam and Dad Than words wil11 ever say if we couîd have a lfetime wish We'd wish yau home ta stay. - Deep l ved and rememb ee by Betty 'and Lloyd, Edna and Paul and grandchlidren. 8-1 KOEND ERMAN - JIII. In loving memory of a dear daughter. who passed away Feb. 26,,1976. We who lave yau sadiy miss you.' As it dawns anather year ln aur Ionely haurs of thinking Thoughts of you are ever near. - SadIy missed by Mam and Dad . 8-1 SAUNDERS - ln loving memary of my dearest hus- band, Harry, wha passed away February 24th, 1977. Gds reatest gift - -Your loving wife Jean. 1 8-1 SHACKLETON - In iovlng memory of a dean mother Et hel Shackleton who passed away Feb. 17, 1970. God s Golden Gates- stood open Nlne years With farewe Ils left unspake You quietly slipped away, You suffered much in silence Your spirit did nat bend You faced your pain with courage Until the very end You fought sa hard ta stay with us But youn fighting was in vain God took you ta His loveiy home And freed you from ail pain if you couId have spaken bef are you died These are the words yau wouId have repiied. This lfe for me has truly .passed I laved you aIl ta the very ast. Weef not for me but courage And love ane another for my sake. You neyer said goadbye ta us. For perhaps it's I ust as wel We neyer couldi have sald To onewe loved 50 well - Lavingly remembered and sadly missed Edna and Stewart, Fred and famiîy, Mary Russ and famiily. 81 C r s o ,e - k s l i We would like ta express our sincere appreciation f0 ail aur frlends, relatives and neigh- bours; for ail theg ifts, cards, best wishes and' donations received f rom the wishing welI; on the occasion of aur 25th wedding anniversary. A very speclal thanks ta Bob and Hazel Gilbank for ail their hard work and planning that made it al possible. Thanks to Mrs. Ernie Colliss for the lovely wedding cake. Also for the music supplied by Willie and Bob, Gord Baker and Joe Leavens. Thanks for ail who took part in preparing suich a wonderful lunch. Douglas and Rose Joice 8-1 The family of the late Arthur W. Cloug h wlsh ta express their sIncere thanks to their relatives, friends and neig hbors for their many acts of k idness, floral tri btes, and donations to the Ontario Heart Foundation in the loss of aur dear father. Special thanks to the doctor and nurses at Strathaven Nursing Home. A special thanksto Rev. Tom Smith and the Heather Rebekah Lodqe. Words cannot express aur appreciation for your klnd- ness. Mrs. Betty Maj or Arthur R. Clough 8-1 We would like ta thank the Base Line Community for the lovely Party held for us recentiy. Thanks for the gifts of radio, plant stand and money and to ail aur friends who contributed to this fund. Arthur and Jessie Gibson 8-1 The family of the late Robert G. Collacott wish ta express sincere thanks ta their neighbars, relatives and friends for their many acts of kindness, floral tributes and donations to the Ontario Heart Foundation. Wards cannat adaquately express aur appreciatian for your kind- ness. Norma, Joyce, Jim and Joan. 8-1 The family ofhthe late Ethel Lonfsberry wishta express their sincere thanks ta rela- tives, friends and neighbours, for their kind expressions of sympathy in the recent loss of a dear mother and grand- mather. BeehNve Rebekah Lodge for lunch and friends wha vlsited Alllson's Puneral Chapel in Port Hope. Elva, Percy Leach and family 8-1 The family of the late Edward (Ted) Clarke wish to express their sincere thanks ta their relatives, f rends and neighbars for their many acts of kindness, floral tributes and donations ta the Heart Fund, etc., in the recent ioss of aur beloved husband and father. Speciai thanks to Dr. Sieman and Dr. Long, nurses and staff of f irst and second f loor and Intensive Care Unit. A verj qnpcmal thank vou ta Rev. E - Schamerhorn and the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Audry Clarke, Karen and Bob Stephensand family. 8-1 Many thanks ta my brot Beverley Jaynes and Ve Jakeman for givinn subscription ta the anal Statesman for anc year, my birthday. Olive James 4 DIVISION ST A3&548 BOWMANVI LLE UL*5 8 TWO OFF STREET PARKINGAREAS TH-OUGHTFULNESS -CONCERN -SERVICE Concerned people often inquire about pre-arrangement of funeral details. Infor- mation can be simply and thoughtfully obtainedý upon request. ýThis is part of our service to the community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Estabîished)1846 PO. Box 176 eqr 73 Ontario Street - .. Port Hope, %ontacir ia WooKaNsHP .QuU Li A M WR3W3IP*QULT High Quality at Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 Home 88!1-5222L% I wanfta personally thank the firemen's wives and the ladies f rom St. John's Church for helping with saup, caffee and sandwiches during the bann fire. A speciai thanks to Mrs. Betties 0o aenlng her home for the use a f preparing the foad. Kay Forsey Emen ency Srvices Durham East Red Cross 8-1 We, the surviving sîsters and brother Nel, Lillian, May, Pranicis and Bill Clarke wish to thank most sincereîy aillaur wonderfuI friends of 50 years ago and the present who visitedaour brother Ted on visitation day at the funeral home of Narthcutt Eiliott. Thanks for the beautif ul floral tributes and donations ta the Heart Pund. So pleased to sec aur Harness and Alldread cousins of Orono, Newcastle, Bowmanvilie and Oshawa. To Reverend Edward Schamer- harn, i know Ted heard hlm, we wiIl remember Ed in aur a.rr o. To the ladies of aersfortheir wonderful lunch. Last but nat Ieast the care of Ted by Carson Elliott and Carry BihlClanke and famiiy. We would like ta thank the two familles wha stopped and heiped us keep the fire in aur home under contrai until the fire department was able ta arrive. Thanks aiso ta aur neighbors and f ire department fo saing aur home. Harold and Doreen Perrett 8-1 N The family of the late Viola Jane Evans wish ta express our sIncere thanks and a ppreciation for the kindness son during aur recent bereavement of a loving wlfe, daughter. Thanks to nurses and doctors of fourth floor, Oshawa Gen. Hospital for their fine care and attention and also ta Rev. R. Fellows and Morris Funeral Chapel, also tothe ladies of the Baptist Church who pravlded the lunch and ta those who donated to Diabetes, Cancer and Gideon Bible Fund and to those who gave floral tributes in her memor. .Your kindness and sympathy are more deeply a ppreciated than any wards of thanks can ever express. William J. Evans Mr. and Mrs. H. Armstrong and family. 8-1 Rgev's Florooal Cra fions "Flowers with Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Holidays 8ev. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 )ther, I 11 I ci ma ne a adian faor 8-1NF owers 8- À Say It va Best"ý 4 VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery ta ... Oshawa - BowmanvillecArea Phone 623-4441 43-ff CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St, Bowmanvîile 623-7141 HOSPITAL 9 and SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTS Flowening Plants 12t and Cut Flowers 2t FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Look fan this sea i. 1t's your guaranfee 0f permanence. CE STAFF-ORD B ROS.-LTD. Stafford Brothers M3n3ent LIMITED Box 1 33 318 Dundas Sf. E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 e sg v h f l SOLINA COMMUNITY HALL DANCE Sat., Feb. 24, 1979 Ray Avery's Orchestra Everyanie We camne e6.00 per couple 8-1 N OLD TYME DANCING in Tyrone, Old Hall1 Music by WILLIE and BOB on February 24, 1979 Dancing 9- 1 $2.50 per persan Spon 1sored by L.O.A.81 THE DARLINGTON PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION wili hold their Annual Meeting and election of off icers et "THE ACRES" restaurant Taunton Raadý on Friday, February 23 at 8p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME Guest speaker wiI11 be MR. J iM GILLIES M. P. for Don Valley 8-1 N Important meeting Durham Region Pederation of Agriculture, Tuesday, Feb. 27, 8:30 p.m., Hampton Municipal Hall. Guest speakers: Mayor Garnet Rickard on "Redistri- bution of Market Value Assessment", also Ronald Worbay, lawyer, speaking on, the FamiIy Law Reform Act - affectlng farm operations. Everyone welcome. 8-1 DANCE Cou ntry Express featuring TED HALLMAN Februa ry 24, 1979 BROWNSDALE COMMUNITY CENTRE (Golf Course Rd., east of Newcastle) $7.00 Couple 9 - 1 aa. Couples Only Refreshments 8-1 N World Day of Prayer to beheidaet ST. JOSEPH'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Friday, Ma rch 2nd 2 P.M. Babysitting Provided YOUTH SERVICE Thurs., March 8th ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH 7 p.m. 8-2 BINGO N EWCASTLE COMMUN ITY HALL Tues., Feb. 27th Earîy Bird Games 7:30 Reaular Bingo 8:00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT NEWÊASTLE LIÇONS . 1 8-1 N House of Amber features du iIk llofFebruary and Marchsilkflower arrange- ments made, labor f ree of char ge, over 3000 silk flowers ta choose from. "Brides-ta- be" receive with aur best wishes a special glft an compietian of your bridai order. Let the specialists at House of Amber make your da the most beautiful ever. CalHampton 263-2981. 8-4 DANCING TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE Saturday, Feb. 24 8:30 - 1a. m. $5 per couple Tickets at door, D.J .1 Attention!I Bus trip ta Cake Show at Eastgate Mail in Hamilton on April 7. Seats will cast $6 each. Phone days 623-2133 or 987-5428 or even- ings 786-2473. 8-1 The Progressive <.nserva- tive Association for the Provincial Riding of Durham East will hold fheir Annual Meeting and election of off icers on Tuesday, February 27th at 8 p.m. in Eastdale Colle glate, Harmony Road Nort h, Oshawa. Guest speaker, the Honorable Larry rossman, Minister of lndustry and Touris. 72 THE ANNUAL MEETING 1of the SOLINA LIBRARY, BOARD wilI be heid at the hall February 23 8:30 p. M. Ail members and interested parties are cardialiy invited for a social evening. 7-2N Friday, Pebruary 23, 8 p.m. Enniskillen Card and Crokinole part y in Sunday Schaol Room. Refreshments. prizes. Admission $1. 81 Vic's Smoked Meats Delicatessen at the Talisman Emparium' Newcastle every Satuday and Sunday. Naturall cured, hardwood smoked coid cuts. We also cater. 7-tf N EAR PIERCING $8.00 (nio appointment necess Plus 10 per cent off purchase of earrings release slip. Hooper's Jewell Lt. 29 King St. E. Bawmrianville 623-5747 ýF first ;with lers 23-tf N TAROT Card Readings an matters of love, health and business. Two expenlenced readers. Just calI ahead. 725-6121. 8-3 BE A BIG SISTER! Volunteers are needcd in this area ta be a fniend ta girls aged 7- 17, who are in need of supportative relationships. CALL SIMCOE HALL SETTIEMENT HOUSE at 728-7525 26-tf N i yrurne Community Centre RENTALS AVAIL.ABLE FOR WEDDINGS, DANCES, MEETINGS, ETC. FOR INFORMATION CALL MRS. C. BOWERS 263-2086 8-2N B.M.H.A. Hockey Resu ts Jan. 27, '79 - seller of lst goal J. Sweet, seller of ast goal J. Houston. Feb. 3, '79 - seller of lst goal B. Munro, wlnner of ] ast oal Bowmanville Minor tom hockey team. Feb. 10, '79 - winner of lst goal M. Thorne, seller of last goal E. Kenneft. Feb. 117, '79 - winner of 1sf goal Russ Oke, seller of last goal J. Oliver. Ne o oI1F: b. 24, 1979 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ln the Estate of FEDDE WIND, alsa known as FRED Wl ND, deceased. ALL persans having dlaimns against the estate of FEDDE WIND, also known as FRED WIND, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regianal Municipality of Durham, who dled on or a bout the 8th day of February, 1979, are hereby natif ied ta send particulars of same ta the undersigned on or before the 2lst day of March, 1979, affer which date the Estate wiil be distributed with regard only ta the dailms of which the undersigned shahl then have notice and the undersigned wiIl not be hiable ta any persan of whose dlaim they shah nat then have notice. DATED at Newcastle, this l6th day of February, 1979. MART ENWIND, Adminstrator by his solicitors EWERT, FOR DHAM & MacGREGOR Barristers & Solicitors P.O. Box 9 Newcastle, Ontario LOA 1 Ho 8-3 M&M . M Western Canada Schooî of Auctioneering Ltd. Canada's firsf, and the oniy compIetely Canadian course offered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensing Acf, R.S.A. 1970, C.366. For particulars of the next course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Aberta or Phone 782-6215. 4-9 BLACK and tan setter, biind, answers ta Tony. Phone 263-8447. 8-1 BLOND Cocker Spaniel. Answers ta the name Ding. Lost in Wavenley - Mentin, Rd. area. Any information cell 623-6562. 8-1 FIREPLACE FEBRUARY WOOD CRAFT SALE, 623-4550 8-tf N 4 x 8 POOL table, slate top with accessories. $300. Phone 623-7363. 8-1 WEEKEND SPECIAL "A TOUCH 0F SPRING" 5 Daffodils in Vase. $2.59 Cash and Carry CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St. Bowmanville 623-7141 or 623-5577 8-1 APPLE S- CIlDE R WILL DELIVER Ph. 623-3699 H. PEL No Sunday Sales 48-tf N lectons, iewellry, coins, hand knitting, cnafts, refinishing, caning, Minwax Products, home baking, Eunapean Smaked Meats, Snack Bar - ail at The Talisman Emporium, 11/2 miles north of No. 2 Highway et Newcastle, Ont . Open 10Oa. m. - 5 p.m. Sat., Sun. and holidays. 8-tf FRIDGE, like new, copper- fane. Asking $250. Phone 623-7851. 8-1iN SAWDUST - by the bag., Ideal for bedding. Dry f irewood. Phone 728-6852 after 4. 182 '73 MASSEY-FERGUSON snowmoblle in good running condition. $225. Phone 263-2081. 8-1 CZ175 cc ENDURO. Good condition, 1971. Asking $350, 623-6562. FOUR spoke wheel maSIs 15". Like new. Phone 623- 360 or 623-7116. 8-1 N REPOSSESSED 20" RCA XL100, $17 monthly, $4 weekiy rentai purchase startinig Jan. '79. KRAZY KELLY'S 350 Wentworth St. E . OSHAWA 571-1412 45-tf N PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereas and also used furniture and applianc§. Will accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Ha mpton, phone 263- 22À1. 33-tf FEBRUARY 20thto24th 10 Percent Off (any purchase over $3.00) CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St. Bowmanville 623-7141 or 623-5577 8-1 Camnsport Traiter Sa les HzJ115 and 35 416-987-5174 TRUCK CAP CALE FEB. 23-MAR. 3 $25 off any cap lsfe installation.pufe Choose any color or size. Buy Now and Save at Camrsport THE FR1 ENDLY PEOPLE 8-2 GOOD quality hay for sale. Willsona F arrm. Phone 263-8227. 8-1 HAY for sale, blg bales, f irst cut, no rain. Jim Philllps 723-3017. '8-1iN OAK davenport, original upholstery, good condition, antique. $50 or best offer. Cali 623-2887. 8-1 PONTY POOL FOODMASTE R Specializing in RED BRAND BEEF FREEZER ORDERS Best Quaility at the Lowest Price FREE DELIVERY CALL COLLECT 983-5846 or 705-277-2178 DOUG PINGLE KRAZY, KRAZY SUPER 26" Zenith- Spanish console, slashed ta $688, $6.50 weekly starting January. Phone tonight, one-hour delivery. KRAZY KELLY'S. 35ffWentwarth St. E., 571-1412. 45-tf N j and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf ELECTROLUX, recon- ditianed vacuums, with power nozzles, ail attachments from $85. and up. Phone 728-7668. 7-2N SPY apples, first and second grade, reasonable prices. Aiso wiii sharpen chain saws. Roy Orchards. 263-8430. 6-3N CoId Storage Apples Artificia I F owers SPYS, DELICIOUS, MACSONSL FRANK HIEMSTRAONSL Enniskillen "FOR HAIR OR WEAR" 263-2260 KUT 'N' KURL 6-tf N 71 King t E., Bowmenville ______________________ hoýne 623-5019 HORS bugy, howqualty,7-3N $500., Phone 705-277-2617. 8-2W REPOSSESSED 25" RCA Lowboy, $398. $4 weekly rentai 'purchase starting Jan. '79. KRAZY KELLY'S 350 Wentworth St. E. OSHAWA 571-1412 45-tf N Kinsmen 6th AnnUal Fertilizer Blitz TELEPHONE CANVAS FEBRUARY 6-19 FREE HOME DELIVERY SATU ,RDAY, MARCH 10 For orders ca Il DAV E.-SE BBEN.-623-4368 or B1L L B RYAN S 623-6982. 6-5 2000 BA L ES qua 1iy haorse hay. Phone 987-4865 after S p.m. 3-tf N Aill makes and models for FREE pickup and delivery in Osh- awa, Whitby, Bowmanville, Ajax and Pickering 571-1385 Bernina Sewing Centre Whitby Mail Whitby Complete tuneup $15., inci. cieun, ail, adjust tension anid timing. 8-tf REPAIRS made ta smail gas engines, 2 and 4 cycle alsa used furniture bought and sald on premises. Cali Elmer's Furniture and Appiances, Liberty and Scugag Streets, Hampton, 263-2294. 7-4N USED typewriters, addlng machines and capiers. Phone 1-786-2449. 7-2N USED furniture and ap- lIiances. PdysMarket. amtn 63-2241. 33-tf REPOSSESSED 26" RCA XL 100, full Spanish cabinet ta f bon. Take aven payments, $19 monthiy, $4 weekly rentaI' purchase starting January . Phone toni ght, ane hour deiivery. KR AZY KELLY'S. 350 Wentworth St. E. 571-1412. 45-tf N END 0F NEWSPAPER ROLLS Suitable for Wrapping China When Movig Lining Dresser Drawcrs, Making Patterns, Tablecloths for Banquets, etc. ALSO Aîuminum Sheets 24 x 36 for lnsuiating, Protecting Bushes, Trees, Making, Shutters, etc. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN 62 King St. W., Bawmanville '69 BI SCAYN-E, four door. $200 or best offer. Phone 1-786-2274. 8-1 N 1974 GRAND Torna Brougham, one owner. Phonc. 263-8312 Ennisklllen. 8-2N 1967 BUICK LaSabre, good mator, as is, $150. Phone 623-7172. 8-1 1975 METEOR, V8l, automatic, power steerlng and brakes, 48,000 miles, certif led, dlean, new licencie, asking $2650. Phone 1-983-5428. 8-1 '75 FORD LTD wagon. Certi- f ied $2995. Caîl Bey at 623-3377 or after 6. 579-5021. 8-1 N '69 CHEVROLET - V8, auto- matic, goad running condition. $250 or b est off er. 786-2424. 8l J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, yaur one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220.1 35-TF N 1970 BUICK Skylark, Iow mileage, power steering, od condition, wlll certlfy. Phanc 987-4883 after 6: 30. 8-1 1968 PONTIAC sedan, power steering and brakes, certlfied, $550. Phone 983-5522. 8l '71 FORD LTD, new motor and transmission, $600, as is or can be certlfied. Phone 263-2306. 8-11N TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Tenders wiIl be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. March 7, 1979 for the supply and Installation of fire retardant drapes ln the Police and Fire Buildings, 132 Church Street, Bowmanvllle, Ontario. Anyone interested ln sub- mitting a tender maycontact: Mr. H. DeWith, The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanvii1 le, Ontario. 623-3379 ta make arrangements ta inspect the site and take the necessary measurements ta ascertain the quýantity materiais reqýuired in order t6- subm ita tender. A sample of available materiais shahl alsa be sub- mitted for consideration with the tender. Lowest or any tender not necessa r i 1y a ccepted . A. C. Guiler, A.M.C.T.,' C.M.C., Town Manager. 8-1 N TENDER TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE, Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. March 7, 1979 for the steam cleanin g of appraxi- matel y 3,075 square feet of car pet located in the Pal ice and Pire Building, 132 Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Anyone interested in sub- mitti ng a tende r may contact Mr. Henry DeWlth, 40 Temperance Street, Bawman- ville, Ontario, 623-3379, ta make arrangements ta visit the site ta ascertain the correct footage invalved. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A.C. Guiler, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Town Manager.. 8i TENDER TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE Tenders wiil be received by the underslg ned until Ma rch 7th, 1979 for 'the interlor p ainting of the Police and Pire Building, 132 Church Street, Bowmanvllle, Ontario, untîl 5: 00 p.m. It shahl be the responslbillty of the person submitting the tender ta visit the site anud submlt a tender whlch includes the total cost of materials and labour. - For further information and site Inspection contact: Mr. H. DeWith, The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanvilîe, Ontario. 623-3379 Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A.C. Guller, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., TownManager. 8 EVERYTHING - new teck, used teck, tack repaîrs, sale or purchases of horses, tack, tra iers etc. a rranged. Open tili 10 p.m. and Sundays, 'Gladwîn and Compan Durham Raad 23 S02:i~ Whitby. 668-1282. 6-4N CHICKENS for sale, some laying, must seli immedlateîy. Phone 1-983-9486. 8-1 ~ROWN cgg layers. $2 eech. 5-ff-N 987-5441. 8-1 N rMorris Funeral Chapé lED 1881 ESTABLISH

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