inadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 21, 1979 13 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE Tues .,12 noon 623-3303 FRÉE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 6-if BOWMANVILLE - one bed- room basemeni aparimeni, $195. Phone 623-6606 or 263-2643. 8-1 ON E.bedroom apariments for rent, ai Dur ham Couniy Senior Cltizens Lodge, Orono. New appliances, water, heat, hydro and T.V. connection al Includied .ai $192.83 month. Il 983-9580 or 1-983-5404. 8-1 APARTMENT, central loca- ,tion in Bowmanville. Phone 623-5784. 8-1 ýBOWMANVILLE, one bedroom apartment, private C back yard, $250 monthly, al ,,tilities paid., Phone 623-7661. 8-1 N TWO bedroom home, Conces- sion St., Bowmanville. $395 mionth. Phone 623-7363. 8-1 ATTRACTIVE furnished bachelor a pariment with wood beams and stone fireplace in Orono. $225 per monih includ- ing heat and hydro. Phone 1-983-9171. Ask for Merle., 8-1 AVAILABLE immediately, one bedroom apartment on farm. Responsible young couple preferred. Phone 987-4507. 8-1 SMALL one bedroom apari- ment, central Bowmanvllle, available March lst. Phone 623-7438., 8-1 BACHELOR apartment in Bowmanvllle, upstairs in smalî quiet building. One bedroom, living room, dini ng- roomf, kitchenette and bath. $180 monthly, includes fridge, stove and, heat, pay- own .hydro. Centrally located, bus Jsops at door. Quiet tenants ,.-.-only need apply. Phone 623-4805 a fier 4 p.m. 8-1 NE bedroom apariment, fridge, stove and heat. Phone 987-020.8-1 COMMERCIAL, free parkiïn, main street Bowmanvil [ location, good exposure. One .room Il fi. by,. 12 fi., $30 -weekly. Onie room 16 fi. by 12 ft., $40 weekly. Rent one or boih. AIl utiliies paid. Air condltioned. Caîl 623-7661. 6-tf N HASTINGS - Aparimeni for 'rent ln town. Near water and f lshing. Four rooms and bath. $185 plus utilities. Phone -623-7523. 6-if N *BOWMANVILLE, two bed- ',room home, $240 monthly, pay own utilities. lmmed Iaie possession. Cal 623-7661. 6-tf N TWO bedroom aparimeni on Lamb's Lane, $214 includes heat and hydro. Phone 623-5888. 6-if N FOUR bedroom house in Bowmanville. Avalable im- mediately. Phone 623-3984. 7-TF N BOWMANVILLE, front of hoslarge two bedroom, carpetted, own parking. Phone 623-3645 afier 6 p.m. or weekends., 7-tf N ONE bedroom apariment, upper close to bus and sh ping. Suit business lady -orlike. Call evenings 7 to 9 only.2-234. -2 - GIVE away. Purebred Ilrsh -Setter. Phone 263-2700. 8-1 LaJoy's Poodle Clipping and Grooming <Aise Smail Beeds) BY PROF ESSIONALS Please cali: 623-6676 8-f N I'm One Year Old Feb. 23rd anlaAucio*Sae - o *a te AVON! If you I ike people, you'll like selllng Avon. Met new people ana make new frlends while you.seil quality producis. Earn good money and have flexible hours too. For details cail Mrs. Mowat 725-9696. 8-1 N VOLUNTEER drivers to take f cancer patients to Oshawa General Hospital for treai- ment. Remuneration available if necessary. Phone 623-3090. 8-1iN HAIRDRESSER - full urne or part-time, Bowmanville, $150 weekl or more, plus commis- sion. Phone 623-4191, evenings r 725-5806. 8-1 r Auto MeChanic Wanted Licensed mechanic urgently needed for fiat rate General Motors dealershlp ln Bowmanville. Excellent work- lng atmosphere and benefis. Experience in front end a:lignmeni preferred but not absoiutely essential. Please Phone or apply to Ron Mutton > ai COWAN PONTIAC-BUICK LTID., à166 Kin¶,St. E.,Bowmanvi île, 8-1 LOOKING ahead. Earn $450 for holdays ln your spare time. Choose own hours in Fashion Two Twenty. Cal 623-9302 between 4 and 6 p.m. 5-tf N HAIRDRESSER, full or part- urne, pleasant aimosphere and working conditions, many extra benefis for the right p erson. For furiher informa- tion caîl V.I.P. 623-6252. 8-tf RELIABLE, mature woman to do l1Ight housekeeping and babysit four-year-old, iemporarily. Own transporta- tion. Hours from 10 to 4, Monday through Friday. Phone 623-5538 afiter 7 p. m. 8-1 PART urne persons to cal on Fuller Brush customers, earn $6 - $7_per hour, ln Bowman. ville. Free training, flexible hours, no investment. Morn- i ngs, afiernoons, or evenings, For Information caîl 1-372-9969 afier 5 p. m. or beiween 8 and S a.m. or write Patrick Wiebe, 416 Wallon St., Cobourg. 6-3 D.H.I. FIELD MAN-WOMAN DAIRY HERD IMPROVEMENT OFF ICE R Part time casual, 25,hours per week - $6.71 - $7.15 per heur The successful applicant will be responsible for the monthly weighlng and sampllng of milk from individual cows in the Dairy Herd Association Herds, keepin g records and statistIcal data, and promoting the Dalry Herd i mprovement Program. LOCATION: Durham Couniy QUALIFICATIONS: Preferably Grade XII education with several years experience ln dalry farming or diploma from Col lege of Ag ricultural Technology. Please forward application before March 7th, 1979, lndicating &phone number on ail applications to: .H. I. CoOrdinator Livestock Branch MinstryoftAgriculture and Food Leislative Buildings Queen's Park Toronto, Ont. M7A 1 B4 8-1 N USeD Furniture anid'Ap plances. Paddy's Market' CASH for gold, silver, coins, Hampion 263-2241. 26-tf guns, dlocks, jewellery, dishes, funiture, crocks, CASH - highest prices pald paintings, sealers, applilances, for diamonds and gold. Annis F riendly Flea Market, 23 King Jewellery, 53 King Si. E., West, 725-9783, 9f Bowmanville. 6-tfN Cars,,Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf CAT HOLIC PARENTS KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION If -you missed kindergarien e gistration ai St. Joseph's or St. Stephen's Schoois, Bowmanvi le, please arrange to regisier your child any Tuesday morning between now and J une. ht would be appreciated if you couid phone the scheol ahead for an appointment. St. Joseph's - 623-5151 St. Stephen's- 623-3202 J. WAINWRIGH LTD. Enniskillen, Ontario BILL HENDERSON LOB iHO' Have A Good Day ENGLISH Spminger Spaniel puppies. Liver and white. Reg!stered, taitooed, and needled. $150 also four month oldi temale pup. Phone 725-1794 or 725-3708. 8-1 N GOLD coîoured Lab mix. Free to good home. Female, friend- ly and approximaiely seven months old. AIl1 shots. 987-5441. 8-1 N CAT FOOD SPECIAL 4 kg Bag of Purina Cat Chow, Seanip or Dairy Dinner..................... $3.97 10 kg Bag Cat Chow or Seanip........ $8.60 VANSTONE FLOUR AND FEED MILL KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE 7-2 Owner (416) 263-8072 Ref rigeration and Apptl ance, Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days .............. 623-5774 Nights ........ .....623-3177' Lander H ardware and ELECTRIC 2-f Ron's F loor Ca re Commercial and household cleenina. rY foam ruu and carpel âhampeoing. Wax me- meval, wal washing. Ron Turcotte, S623-7966 6-3N REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and ee Antique.eiey Freepckupand eiey FReE E 'ESTMA TE S PHON E 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton 48-tfiN CAR PET CLEANING DRY IN 2 HOURS New Rotostatic Method Guaranteed no shrinkage and no sham Poo or oily residue io attraci diri. CAL 728-5554 anytime. :N to 8-2 Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Capentry, Renovating Ail General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repaims of ail types. PHONE 623-2263 JACK BURG ESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanvilie 30-f M. Brooks CARPE NTRY REMODELLING CUPBOARDS - VANITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 10-tf Ail kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bowmanvi île 623-2756 13-tf WATER Wells bored, 30 tule. Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- V hone 342-2030. Representa- ive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-tf CARL BRINK BuilIder Homes, additions, alterations 623-2365 6-tf OXFORD Mrcklayers and Stonemasons Lt. <Our fimrepaces do not smoke> CHIMNEYS CLEANED Orono 983-5606 51-tf INSTALL an Esso furnace, bolier, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. Combination wood and oil. Financing avail- able. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service policy. Cal Harvey Pantner, your Esso service dealer. F ree esti- maies. Orono 983-5206 or Bowmanviile 623-2301. 24 hour service. 5-if N B31i lls GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division Si., Bowmanvilie, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Mon. - Fri. 8:00 -5: 00 Sat. 9 - 12 noon Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 9t SNOW PLOWING RALPH FRY 623-7888 FREE ESTIMATES 6-4N Bowmanvie Glass 143 Well1ington St. 623-3410 S eclalizing In Cash & Carry g rass, mi rrors, alumInurr' producis <siding and doors) 28-tf N DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Ca rpentry, Remod'el Iing General Repairs Interior Exterî Phone for appoinimen f0 Anniversary 0. Weddingari Fammly Portraits In Our Studio, Your Home, 'or on Location, 78 King St. W. Bowmanvilf 623-2404 -2-tl Bsill's GLASS and MIRRORS LT 7 Division St., Bowmanvill Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Mod - Fri - * 00-5:00 Sheçiafd Float Glass Sealed Units -,Storrn Windo% Store Fronts - Float Mirror Patterned and Colored Gla! and CUIazin g. 9- WHYTE'S U PHOLSTE RY Have your chesterfieîd and chair professionaîhy upholstemed.* For free estimate caîl RALPH WHYTE 623-5252 Bill Sellers Ca rpentry General Contractc 30 Hunt St., Bowmanville ADDITIONS GARAC REC ROOMS KITCHI BATH ROOMS CERAMIC TILE PRIVACY FENCE WOOD DECKS PATIO DOORS Repairs of ail types FOR ,FRE-E.ESTIMATE CALL 623-4116 IF NO ANSWER CALI AFTER Sp.m. 6 Don Brooks & Soi General Contracti and Custom Buildi Phone 723-6176 or 623-6690 New homes, additions, alte tions, mec rooms, garag repairs of ail types, etc. D &R CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM CHAINSAWINC Phone Orono 983-5005 or 983-962, BYAM PLUMBING &HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONIN NEW WORK AND RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES Vil lage of Tyrone, R.R. 5, Bowmanville 263-2650 50-1 NEED a presure syste Waier Sofieners? Repairs ail makes. Harvey ParinE Orono, 983-5206, Bowmanvi 623-2301. 5-i Hutton & Wigç Insu lation BLOWN METHOI FREE ESTIMATE 623-2551 SAuction Sale Grist Miii Auction Ceî Newtonvi île, Sat., Feb. 241h, 12: 00 r Selling the partial cc from a home ln New lncluding harvestI od ,I and stove (30 ln.) , cesti suite, 5 pc. bedroomn dressers, chests of dri queen sîze cont. mattresses, platformi (patchwork), coffee1 sewlng machine, occc chairs, kitchen suite, k< needs, bath spacesaver y Lektro Mald Miracle and many other N Terms: cash. Auctig - Frank Sapleton. Auction Sale Thusday, Februamy 22nd et 6p.m. Modemn furniture and appliances, prIvate esiate fromn 33 Taunton Rd. E., Oshawa, plus community sale, to be held ai Stirtevant's Auction Hall, 33 Hall Si., Oshawa. Modemn chesterfield with two matchlng chairs, 5 piece Spanl1sh style bedroom ior sutie (les han a year old), 2 4-tf med velvet swivel rockers - new condition), 6 piece modemn diningroom suite, teak wall unit (approx. 8' long 61 hiah), ieak coffee table wihg nt 2 teak side tables, large quantilty of broadîoom, InaFPis Y," automatic washer (less tnan id one vear old), 4 filing cabinets, Bradford portable, black and white TV in red case, 54 box s pring maiiress e, with headoar (less ihan one year old), chest of drawers, le dressers, kitchen aýppiances, dishes, linen, chi1na, pots and f N pans. This is an excellent sale. -Plan to attend.. AIl furniture welcome. Terms cash. No reserve. Myles King, ro. auctioneer, 725-5751. 81 le8 Sat., Feb. 24 12 Noon ai Orval Mc Lean Auction Centre, Lindsay us )WS On Little Britain R s ir soiho Highway 7, estate of laie Gord, Davis, Lindsay. tfN Large sale of very old ,-tN furniture, antique dishes, pidture frames, cook stove, re fri9erator, automaiic * electr ic stove,, dryer, spin washer, setiee and chairs, high beds, hall stand, wash- stands, old dressers, rressback chairs, pîne bureaus, dining tables, dlocks, child's pressback, commode chair, fern stands, cedar chesis, office files, good 9 pc. mahogan ydinIng roomn suite, 6-tf Duncan Phyfe table and 4 - chairs, inlaîd leather table, bedroom suite etc. Noie ti me - 12 noon, no reserve. Orval ,McLean, auctioneer, 324-2791 or 324-2783 nights. 8-1 N 'or le Anti que Auction Sale SES Tues., Feb. 27 ENS and Thurs. Mar. 1 at 6p. m. Plus a private estate (name witheld at owner's requesi), to be held ai Stirtevant's Auction Hall1, 33 Hall1 St., Oshawa%, Ni ne piece, antique dining roomn suite; -antique bedroom Suite; centre tables; dressers, chesis' of drawers; teà'wagon; dining room table; secretary desk; three Brentwood chairs L (pressed seats); large mirror; oUl lamps; antique 6-26 pictures and frames; Cooey' single shot gun; Schoolmaster brass bell; flow blue biscuit n j ar; depression glass; 'or lmoge s, Roya lAIlbert; pine bianket box, antique bunks; ler bottle collection; historical poscards; copper boler; set of silver 1860; Viciorian braided cushion; antique era- violin; books; odd chairs; ges, wardrobe; treadle sewing machine; fern stand; set of 6 5-if wooden dining room chairs; bridge iamp s; china cabinet; chesterfield suite; f ireplace screen and tools; chrome suite; color TV. List not complete at lime of publica- tion. AIl good antique and IG modemn furniture welcome; G terms cash. Myles Kng, auctioneer, 725-5751. 7 8-1 1if if N ito ier, i île tfN Auction Sale Saturday Evening Febmuary 24th ai 7 p.m. At Pethick's Auction Barn, Haydon One mile east of Enniskil- len. Large quantity of furni- ture and small articles, iwo chesterfields, round oak table wiih claw feet, two kitchen suites, china cabinet, also nine piece dinfing room suite, dressers. Loads more. Terms cash or good cheque. Cliff Pethlck, auctioneer. 8-1 N Auction Sale Antiqes and Coletibles Monday evening, February 26th at 7 D.m. At Bannister's Auction Hall ia ns in Bewdley, consisting : chesis of drawers, tables, blanket box, chairs,ý dishes,, g lassw/are, oil lamps, crocks, ES fra mes, round b irunk, smali tables and otýer items stili being consigned. Roger 33-if N Bannister, auctioneer, 416-797-651. 8-1iN Auction Sale Saiurday, February 24th at 1: 15 p.m. litre At Bannistem's Auction Hall in Bewdiey nôon Conslstlng of: storage cup- ntents board, chest of drawers, icastie tables, chairs, dishes, glass- frldge ware, books, .V.'s, washlng erf lei d machine, smaîî applances, suite, and other Items stili beîng -awers, consi gned. Roger Bannister, bed, auct ioneer, 416-797-2651. rocker -iN tables, asional kltchen r, also Cooker Items, loneer: 8-1 N Auction Sale February 24 11 a.m. The estate of Mrs. Wes Lehman to be held ai' the Ciaremont Community Hall. Household fumniture, a large number of aniques, number of small tools. Terms cash. No reserve. Eari Gauslin, f auctioneer. 8-1 N PAPE RBOY-GIRL Route open in Lord Elgin School area, approximately 30 papers. If lnteested, please cal The Canadian Statesma n 623-3303 8-1 Birthday cake, candies and presents are the order of the day on Friday, February 23rd, 1979 when Tanya Lynn ColweIl wilI be one year old. She will be celebrating with her Mommy and Daddy, Bonnie and Irwin and her big sister Kim. Proud grandparents are Mrs. Hilda Colwell and Mr. George Polley and great grandmother, Mrs. Ida Foley, ail of Bowmanville. Bowmanville Couple Meet Hollywood Celebrity On a recent trip to southern California and Mexico, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Yurko, Bowmanville, are pictured with Hollywood actor, George)Mont- gomery, whom they met and dined with at the home of Mr. Yurko's sister in Los Angeles. Mr. Yurko is an employee of Delta Faucet, Baseline Road. Liberly Belles Bowling Legue February 13, 1979 Team Standings Roberts, 12294, 16; Mac- Donald, 1211, 15; B. Osborne, 12502, 14; Fice, 12035, 13; P. Forsey, 12279, il; Robinson, 12682, 10; Pearce, 12504, 9; Chant, 12337, 9; Brown, 12204, 9; Sleep, 12029, 9; Lunn, 12042, 8; Colville, 11526, 3. High single 314 M. Schamer- horn. High double 528 (294, 234) F. Sleep. 400 Doubles M'. Schamerhorn 479, M. Pearce 454, J. Harness 453, B. Osborne 441, S. Robinson 434, C. Harrison 425, 1. Davis 417, M. MacDonald 401. Top Averages F. Sleep 202, C. Roberts 200, M. Pearce 198, S. Robinson 194, H. Dunn 192, J. McMullen 191, M. Alldread 189, M. Schamerhorn 188, P. Forsey 186, S. Wilson 186, B. Osborne 183, E. Elliott 182. The St. John Ambulance Provincial First Aid Champ- ionship Competitions will be held at Moss Park Armoury, Toronto, on April 28, 1979. Sunday Special Onlyl OnIy ;$7.39carton on Sundays Only We're open 12 Noon until 4:00 p.m. on Sundays Bowmanville Mal . Phone 623-2546